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Bengali US Marine/US Citizen AMA

Chris Logan

Jul 12, 2014
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United States
I come from a Hindu Family from Bangladesh, My father was a Mukti Bahini cadre in 1971. We came to the USA and became citizens. I have family in India. I also served in the Marines and I deployed to Afghan in 2011-2012. feel free to AMA.
I come from a Hindu Family from Bangladesh, My father was a Mukti Bahini cadre in 1971. We came to the USA and became citizens. I have family in India. I also served in the Marines and I deployed to Afghan in 2011-2012. feel free to AMA.
Why y'all so İslamophobic man??
I come from a Hindu Family from Bangladesh, My father was a Mukti Bahini cadre in 1971. We came to the USA and became citizens. I have family in India. I also served in the Marines and I deployed to Afghan in 2011-2012. feel free to AMA.
How does it feel being son of a traitor and a terrorist?
I come from a Hindu Family from Bangladesh, My father was a Mukti Bahini cadre in 1971. We came to the USA and became citizens. I have family in India. I also served in the Marines and I deployed to Afghan in 2011-2012. feel free to AMA.
Ignore the other two.

I have a serious question, what was your deployment like in Afghanistan? Did you see any combat? If yes, what was it like? If no, what was it that you did?
Spent 9 months in and out of Bagram. I was a tech and made sure all the radios were connected. I was mostly on base fixing broken radios, most cool thing I did in afghan was working at a remote retrans site, we got fired on a couple of times fired back (mostly on convoys). fortunately I never got hit with an IED. Not sure if I ever personally killed anyone.
Feels Amazing man.
as far as drop weapons, they are technically against the UCMJ. But I never saw anyone use it or saw any drop weapons in general.
Unfortunately the only thing I got back was some clothes and DVDs.
If we did have drop weapons they were well hidden.
Why y'all so İslamophobic man??
I'm not, I have Muslim friends. Just dont be a dick imo. My best friend is a Bangladeshi Muslim. I walk past a mosque omw to the GYM and they always think that I'm Muslim cause I let my beard grow. not a big fan of bigotry or prejudice.
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Ignore the other two.

I have a serious question, what was your deployment like in Afghanistan? Did you see any combat? If yes, what was it like? If no, what was it that you did?
combat in Afghan is a joke. spiritic firefight here and there. only guys who was there hunting down the taliban that were on base with me were spec ops guys and certain grunt units.
I come from a Hindu Family from Bangladesh, My father was a Mukti Bahini cadre in 1971. We came to the USA and became citizens. I have family in India. I also served in the Marines and I deployed to Afghan in 2011-2012. feel free to AMA.
Do you see many bengalis in the US armed forces?
combat in Afghan is a joke. spiritic firefight here and there. only guys who was there hunting down the taliban that were on base with me were spec ops guys and certain grunt units.

How was your treatment? You're very obviously a brown guy, and I've heard horror stories from some guys former US army guys I know who said they experienced racist attitudes, among a number of other unsavory situations.

To be clear, I've heard similar stuff from my friends in the Canadian armed forces.

Speaking of which, did you interact with army guys from other nations? How was the military culture different?
I never experienced racism in my career, cant speak for your friends. I'm sure it exists and its wrong.
I got treated pretty well.
there are a few. Know like 3 other Bengalis in the Marines, I met a Bengali Navy guy, but not much.
Any problem you faced regarding your food? I would assume you are hindu, so did you have to stick to the vegetarian menu most of the times?
I come from a Hindu Family from Bangladesh, My father was a Mukti Bahini cadre in 1971. We came to the USA and became citizens. I have family in India. I also served in the Marines and I deployed to Afghan in 2011-2012. feel free to AMA.

Welcome Brother.
nominally Hindu, just like my Muslim friend is nominally Muslim. I eat Beef and Pork and drink wiskey with my friends. all good things in moderation, our family doesnt like it, but idc.

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