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Bomb rocks India embassy in Kabul

We discuss all typical outcomes of this scenario. But non thought final IPI agreement is going to be sign next month. A mutlibillion dollar project. They why all of sudden mistrust ..?????????..who are on losing end?
Pakistani police are hunting for clues, a day after a suicide bombing in Islamabad that killed 18 policemen.

Sunday's blast came on the first anniversary of the ending of a siege at the city's Red Mosque, in which more than 100 people died during fighting.

The mosque was stormed by Pakistani troops to evict militants who had taken sanctuary within its complex.

Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani and President Pervez Musharraf both condemned the bombing.

The White House called it a "needless act of violence".

Meanwhile, police say at least 20 people have been injured in four small bomb explosions in the city of Karachi.

It is not yet clear who was behind the blasts. The city has a history of sectarian and political violence.

Fiery rhetoric

Interior secretary Kamal Shah told AFP news agency that a team of senior policemen and special investigators had been formed to investigate Sunday's attack.

"At this stage it is too early to say who is behind it," he said.

Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani and President Pervez Musharraf both condemned the bombing. The White House called it a "needless act of violence".

Three more police officers died on Monday, bringing the death toll to 18 in all, officials said.

Officials said that the blast happened 15 minutes after a meeting of several thousand Islamists near the mosque, which is also known as Lal Masjid, ended.

The meeting was held to mark the first anniversary of the ending of the siege.

A year ago, Pakistani army commandos stormed the mosque, which had been taken over by pro-Taleban clerics.

Islamist militants responded with a wave of suicide bombings around the country that killed around 1,000 people.

The anniversary demonstration itself was peaceful, but the rhetoric was fiery, with calls for revenge and a Muslim holy war.

No organisation has admitted carrying out the attack, but local media reports said the tone of the rally grew more heated after the arrival of banned militant groups suspected of being allied to or inspired by al-Qaeda, our correspondent adds.

Last year, al-Qaeda leaders had called on Pakistani Muslims to avenge the raid.

The bombing comes after a period of relative calm, with the country's newly elected government adopting a strategy of political negotiations and development to try to end Islamic militancy.

As i said some one is trying to create problems no one can possibly blame ISI to carry out suicide bombings in pakistan itself.
Thats a very loose motive. India is a major player in supporting the new GoA, which is considered America's puppet and an extension of the NA.

They are therefore highly likely to be targeted by either AQ or the Taliban.

While AQ is a possibility, it is unlikely as they would be more likely to target US or ISAF forces.

Taliban has a history of targeting Indian embassy. They did it when they attacked Kabul earlier, vandalized the building during their rule and are stringly opposed to Indian presence in Afghanistan. They do have a stronger motive than AQ.
Vinod take another shot, unstable Afghanistan help Saudies and rest of arab countries to dominate oil prices.
1.Oil pipeline from central asia ,through Afganistan. (who is on losing end)
2.Oil pipeline from Iran. (unstable Baluchistan ).
Imagine for while if AQ is getting govt support from Saudies and Co to create unstability in the region, just to keep their monopoly in the oil market.

An interesting point you raise.

They are clever chaps. Act as US puppets and then slit the throat!

What the British call the scheming slimy Arab market tout! And what they portray in the films where the background has a noisy oily Arab market!
If at all Pakistanis were involved then it definitely means that the Karachi/Pindi bombings were RAW inspired.

A little Tit for tat going on I guess.

It is no secret that Pakistan is dead convinced that 90% of attacks on Pakistan are conspired from this embassy in Kabul.
Afghan officials accuse Pakistan of Indian embassy attack
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

KABUL: Afghan officials accused Pakistan on Tuesday of being behind a suicide blast at the Indian embassy that left 41 people dead, saying the attack had the hallmarks of its intelligence agency.

"We believe firmly that there is a particular intelligence agency behind it," presidential spokesman Humayun Hamidzada told reporters. He would not name the outfit but said it was "very obvious" whom he meant.

A senior government official who did not want to be identified told AFP separately: "Pakistan was behind the attack on the Indian embassy." Hamidzada said the attack was "designed outside Afghanistan and it was exported to Afghanistan" with the help of local collaborators.

"The sophistication of this attack and the kind of materials used and the specific targeting, everything has the hallmark of a particular intelligence agency that has conducted similar terrorist acts in Afghanistan in the past," he said.

The Taliban again denied involvement and blamed rivalry among regional powers, including Pakistan. "We wish we had carried out this attack ... since India has been the enemy of the Islamic Emirate," spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told AFP.

India had assisted the Northern Alliance, an Afghan faction that fought the Taliban, and was now helping the US-backed government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Mujahid said. "They send secret military experts to Afghanistan and they train the Afghan army," he said. "Had we carried out the attack, we would have claimed responsibility for it with pride since we have good reasons for it."A Nato-led soldier and four Afghan police were killed on Tuesday in new attacks, officials said.

A bomb was found on a bus transporting 12 Indian road workers in Afghanistan on Tuesday, a governor said. The workers, including engineers, had noticed a "suspicious package" on the bus as they were travelling to work in the south western province of Nimroz, provincial governor Ghulam Dastagir Azad told AFP. They called the police who discovered it was a remote-controlled bomb, he said.

Afghan officials accuse Pakistan of Indian embassy attack
halfgans accusing Pak....what's new?

halfganistan is a country whose 40% of the population lives as refugees in neighboring countries mostly Pakistan. All Pak have to do is board all refugees and deport them to karzai immediately. What a beghariet individual.

A land lock country which relies on imports from Iran and Pakistan. Pak should ban all imports and exports to that ***** hole country.

then see how these halfgaans and karzai survives.:welcome:
Vinod take another shot, unstable Afghanistan help Saudies and rest of arab countries to dominate oil prices.
1.Oil pipeline from central asia ,through Afganistan. (who is on losing end)
2.Oil pipeline from Iran. (unstable Baluchistan ).
Imagine for while if AQ is getting govt support from Saudies and Co to create unstability in the region, just to keep their monopoly in the oil market.

An intriguing thought!

Possible? Yes.

Probabilty? Low, as it does seem a bit far fetched and I doubt Saudis have enough capability to keep such an operation a secret. AQ at least proclaims to be dead set against the Saudi government.
halfgans accusing Pak....what's new?

halfganistan is a country whose 40% of the population lives as refugees in neighboring countries mostly Pakistan. All Pak have to do is board all refugees and deport them to karzai immediately. What a beghariet individual.

A land lock country which relies on imports from Iran and Pakistan. Pak should ban all imports and exports to that ***** hole country.

then see how these halfgaans and karzai survives.:welcome:

Trollbait aside you realize that this type of knee jerk bullheaded thinking is what is driving Afghanistan away from our sphere of influence. The old playbook is gone and I hope to hell that the powers that be don't have any plans to resurrect it.

Threatening them with a blockade while India is building an alternative artery to Iran is just counter productive and stupid.
Sense is what you say, Niazi9

Stuffing in a finger in their posterior wont help!
Ah well! All in a day's work!
Of course no one is responsible for this. It was self combustion!

:) India is master in orchestrating such self-combustion whenever India sees some chance to get international attention.

Most of those killed were ordianry Afghans outside the embassy and sacrificing few officials for getting international attention and putting more pressure on Pakistan is not difficult for India.

India has been orchestrating bomb blasts in own cities in the past just to get international attention hence Kabul blast can be handiwork of India itself. the possibility is there.

I am glad that none has blamed climate change for the same.

No one in India even blams seasonal flue on cliamt change when ISI is the ultimate climat for them ;)
Thank you Jana.

Your journalistic skills must be making your newspaper's till overflow!

You sure pander to the plebs.
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