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Calling All PDF Bangladesh Members - Mod Situation

It appears that there has been a spike in the BD section of abuse and trolling. That's not acceptable anywhere but it seems that this section has been hit harder than usual. Can everyone who browses the BD section the most, especially our Bangladeshi PDF members kindly tag me in any thread or post that falls off the rails here along with reporting it?

This is so it's high on the priority! We're revamping the Mod System here but naturally it takes some time until then, please, adopt this approach and I've been reviewing the thread here remarking the problem. We'll sort it out soon, IA.

Thank you for the patience!
I don't know if it is feasible but do you think it's better to assign a Mod for that section?

If yes I think @Avicenna will be perfect choice. He is bilingual in English and Bengali, and a very balanced, reasonable, logical and knowledgeable member.
Yes, that should be the ultimate solution but before that can happen; I'll be looking into it.
I don't know if it is feasible but do you think it's better to assign a Mod for that section?

If yes I think @Avicenna will be perfect choice. He is bilingual in English and Bengali, and a very balanced, reasonable, logical and knowledgeable member.

I remember the same PDF, brother; I am hopeful that with the new mods we'd be able to secure a better environment for our members. I'll definitely forward your recommendations but please ask them if they'd be up for it.
Thanks for mentioning this @jaibi

Me, along with couple of others such as @leonblack08, have been in PDF for more than a decade. Frankly speaking, its generally a very nice place and used to be much better. However, recent troll imports have made experiences bitter. And the hate is quite rampant. There are also increasing intentional flame-bait posts by 'Bangladeshis' that are simply meant to trigger members. Such particular cases would be identifiable by only a Bangladeshi.

I remember a BD member named Zabaniya used to be a moderator. Its been quite a while I've seen him here (probably not active anymore). So it's not that this section was not moderated by a 'local resident' before. Based on that and my experience here for many years, I propose training & appointing minimum two Bangladeshis (on a rotating basis) to moderate this section, who can be of course, supervised by senior Pakistani mods. After all, its teamwork. In that way, we can ensure impartiality and quality.

If I can recommend, @Avicenna and @Atlas, will get my votes. Two posters who are always calm, collected and respectful towards all members.

I agree; it has to be mutual but that's what trolling does, it makes it impossible to reconcile.
Agreed... But reconciliation refers to a condition of mutual respect .. Just yesterday you were unable to find anything wrong in a BD poster calling Pakistanis "Barbarian, cruel and stupid who had learnt nothing from the past".. As long as Bangladeshis (or Pakistanis for that matter) maintain this kind of attitude and hostile outlook, reconciliation is impossible

Of course, we would want to protect everyone. That's a good point.
Please employ a PAKISTANI with the knowledge of Bengali and Bangladesh as Mod. This is a strategically sensitive section and you have to be careful in selections. You do not want to undermine the safety of BD dissidents who are at odds with their government. It is still very dangerous to be PAKISTAN friendly in the eyes of BD authorities. @jaibi , @WebMaster
Relax, brother, I'm agreeing with his overall point that we need to have mutual respect and not make every little thing a war.
He's blaming Avicenna?

I assume even though some posts were deleted by mods, as a moderator you can still see those deleted messages?If yes, it's my request that you read through this whole thread top to bottom & make your own decision on who is at fault.


An immature brat who is actively looking for faults where there's none has no right
If I can recommend, @Avicenna and @Atlas, will get my votes. Two posters who are always calm, collected and respectful towards all members.
Only @Avicenna is suitable for the position brother , my name is not even worth mentioning for two major reason . Firstly my English communicative skill is very poor and secondly I live in Bangladesh , and this forum is blocked in Bangladesh, so you know that any common people (who is living in Bangladesh ) who just participate here to kill their free time would not be interested ,even if forum host choose them

And also I don't think I am as cool headed person as you said bro . But thank you for your appreciation @bd_4_ever .

So finally brother @Avicenna will perform the best job IMHO . Because not only he is one of the coolest person here, but also he is basically American citizen with Bangladeshi origin , so he will perform the job best . So @Avicenna should be the automatic choice .

My vote goes for Avicenna as well.
As for what @Old School said, that security issue shouldn't affect @Avicenna since he's actually Bangladeshi origin American living in America.He's the best choice hands down, if he agrees.
Exactly. So IMHO only @Avicenna can do this job perfectly , and he should consider it as almost all of us are proposing his name!

@Nilgiri's suggestion works for him because he's one of the biggest troll in this subsection & has no problem if the status quo continues.
I agree completely .All of us know , if we need a Bangladeshi moderator , then we need it to moderating his(Nilgiri) vicious trolling . So if there is no troll like him , we even do not need a moderator ( neither Bangladeshi nor Pakistani) We had another troll who used turkey flag but actually people believe him as false flaggar (hikmet) , but he thankfully never returned in this section for trolling purpose after @waz requested him ( I assume that waz requested him personally as after the post of waz in another thread, hikmet never returned here to troll, if I can remember correctly ) .

So For Bangladeshi subsection currently Nilgiri is the major problem . He most of time behave as drug addict street mob ( mentally unstable person ) , And Pakistani trolls are actually kids compare to him , and even not any problem if they do not have the back up/provocation of Nilgiri.

Nilgiri is a champion player when the case is only to divide and rule . When an Indian show his hate to Bangladesh and use 1971 card effectively against both Bangladesh and Pakistan , then it is clear that he is a fish (or shark? )of deep blue water . So remove such pathological troll from this subsection once and for all ( who used to declare himself as pro Bangladeshi!!!) , this section's problem will be solved 75% automatically.
If you choose a Pakistani moderator, I'd request you to ensure that he has no history of trolling in this subsection & has no problem with the bitter past Bangladesh & Pakistan shares, someone who'll be hard on any member who is trolling be it Bangladeshi or from other countries & someone mature who wants future cooperation & brotherhood between both countries.

Thank you for your efforts.
We already have some great Pakistani mods who are very friendly with Bangladesh . But if still it will be the only option , then yes I support your every word . Just want to add something and that is ,this mod should be able to counter Nilgiri effectively.

I remember the same PDF, brother; I am hopeful that with the new mods we'd be able to secure a better environment for our members. I'll definitely forward your recommendations but please ask them if they'd be up for it.
Brother @jaibi , I hope finally @Avicenna will be agree . Brother @Avicenna I think you should consider all of our appeal to accept the position if forum host decide to choose you . Because
Agree completely. @jaibi @WebMaster

I think this subforum should be moderated by a Pakistani given the concerns raised by @Old School.

Also, with that being said, I hope the behavior patterns/posting of certain individuals are scrutinized in light of the hope of fostering a closer relationship vis a vis Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

Since you are actually American citizen , so I do not think any Bangladeshi organization will be able to create pressure on you . So you are the best choice IMHO , as you have Bangladeshi origin so closer to our heart . So I do not know what is the supposed regional conspiracy as @Old School said , but if he fear any such case then I would humbly say that you are actually the citizen of USA . So I do not think the argument of @Old School is valid for you . So My 100% vote is for you !
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He's blaming Avicenna?

I assume even though some posts were deleted by mods, as a moderator you can still see those deleted messages?If yes, it's my request that you read through this whole thread top to bottom & make your own decision on who is at fault.


Relax, mate. Not 'blaming' anyone.. Just pointing out that we all have our biases and prejudices, we must be able to look beyond the shadows of popular nationalistic narratives, and that there can be no meaningful reconciliation unless it is based on mutual respect.

As for your thread, it could have been an excellent effort had you not resorted to using foul language against Pakistan and Pakistanis

And I do agree that mutual respect is needed from both sides for reconciliation.

Of course, we would want to protect everyone. That's a good point.

PDF is well monitored and effectively blocked in Bangladesh by National Telecommunication Monitoring Center (NTMC) . It is headed by infamous Brigadier Zia-ul- Ehsan who is an ardent pro- Indian army officer. He also has a deep military Intelligence background with numerous extra judicial killings.
The last thing one wants is to hand his/her IP and location ID to BD government agencies. I would like to emphasize that PDF is considered as a hostile site within BD intelligence community. Please don't do anything which will allow them to access PDF database. They usually use VPN to hide their government servers. @WebMaster
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Relax, mate. Not 'blaming' anyone.. Just pointing out that we all have our biases and prejudices, we must be able to look beyond the shadows of popular nationalistic narratives, and that there can be no meaningful reconciliation unless it is based on mutual respect.

As for your thread, it could have been an excellent effort had you not resorted to using foul language against Pakistan and Pakistanis


It's all good bro.

I really wasn't trying to disrespect anyone.

Ramadan is approaching.

I think we all need to take some time and think about the wisdom found in our religious tradition and how it amazingly pertains to the world around us.

“The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islam). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah,that you may receive mercy.” (Quran, 49:10)

Perhaps that is a good starting point going forward for all (most) of us on here.
Just pointing out that we all have our biases and prejudices, we must be able to look beyond the shadows of popular nationalistic narratives, and that there can be no meaningful reconciliation unless it is based on mutual respect.
As for your thread, it could have been an excellent effort had you not resorted to using foul language against Pakistan and Pakistanis
There you go again.You're mistaken.

I think this is what you objected to, yes? I couldn't quote it since the thread is locked.So copying it.
"Has the rulers of Pakistan learned nothing? This barbarism & frankly cruel & stupid policies of treating their own people like garbage need to change"

I have clearly questioned the Rulers.And I said the rulers treating the people like garbage needs to change.That goes not only for Pakistan, but also for Bangladesh & India as well.

I have said nothing offensive about Pakistan.Nor it's people. I have said countless times that I only have positive views towards Pakistan. And I consider Pakistanis brothers because of our shared faith in Islam.

And in that very thread, look at Post: 71 & Post: 82.

I have defended a Pakistani poster Taimur Khurram who was being called foul names by a Bangladeshi poster.
If my intention was to badmouth Pakistanis, why exactly did I defend him?

And why would I sabotage my own thread of reconciliation by badmouthing Pakistan & it's people?
There you go again.You're mistaken.

I think this is what you objected to, yes? I couldn't quote it since the thread is locked.So copying it.
"Has the rulers of Pakistan learned nothing? This barbarism & frankly cruel & stupid policies of treating their own people like garbage need to change"

I have clearly questioned the Rulers.And I said the rulers treating the people like garbage needs to change.That goes not only for Pakistan, but also for Bangladesh & India as well.

I have said nothing offensive about Pakistan.Nor it's people. I have said countless times that I only have positive views towards Pakistan. And I consider Pakistanis brothers because of our shared faith in Islam.

And in that very thread, look at Post: 71 & Post: 82.

I have defended a Pakistani poster Taimur Khurram who was being called foul names by a Bangladeshi poster.
If my intention was to badmouth Pakistanis, why exactly did I defend him?

And why would I sabotage my own thread of reconciliation by badmouthing Pakistan & it's people?

Okay, if you say that you meant no disrespect to Pakistan or its people, then there's no point discussing it any further. Peace out

However, I'd offer you one piece of advice... Try to avoid praising/sympathising with Pakistan's fringe separatist groups like India-backed PTM if you want reconciliation

the concerns regarding this by members should make pdf administration take back their decision of a BD Mod.

it will be a decision in good trajectory to respect the wishes of Bangladeshi government who banned pdf after users made racial comments about Hasina
As they should, I was not aware of this. It's quite disturbing.
PDF is well monitored and effectively blocked in Bangladesh by National Telecommunication Monitoring Center (NTMC) . It is headed by infamous Brigadier Zia-ul- Ehsan who is an ardent pro- Indian army officer. He also has a deep military Intelligence background with numerous extra judicial killings.
The last thing one wants is to hand his/her IP and location ID to BD government agencies. I would like to emphasize that PDF is considered as a hostile site within BD intelligence community. Please don't do anything which will allow them to access PDF database. They usually use VPN to hide their government servers. @WebMaster

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