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China’s border with Kashmir is not border with India

China’s border with Kashmir is not border with India

Friday, 24 December 2010 19:12


Just a couple of days after Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao‘s visit to India, China has created another controversy by adding a new twist to border disputes with India. A Xinhua, mouthpiece of the Chinese government, report has desribed the Sino-Indian border as 2,000 km long, ignoring nearly 1,600 km from its definition of China’s border with India. The border as per Indian account is 3,500 km.

China apparently no longer treats the line of nearly 1,600 km separating Jammu and Kashmir on one hand and Xinjiang and Tibet on the other as a border with India.

Xinuha’s reference to the border issue was based on an official briefing by Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue, ahead of Wen’s visit.

During his visit, Wen said China and India have agreed to set up a working mechanism for consultation and coordination on border affairs.

Terming the boundary issue between the two countries as an “historical legacy”, Wen had said that it would not be easy to completely resolve the matter.

Pak1stanFirst-China?s border with Kashmir is not border with India | Current Affairs


bla bla bla bla bla bla bla........reality check...........................
oops most of Kashmir still with India!! :chilli::chilli:
No wonder they give staple visas and no wonder they refuse high ranking officials of invader army in IoK
Actually there is an apt proverb in Tamil - Arpanakku Vazhvu vanda artha raathiriyila Kudai pidipan - the rough translation of which is a pauper who has just got rich will hold umbrella from the rain even inside his house to flaunt it.

Chinese seem to be going that way with their new found economic and military strength.

Tamilan da nee...:cheers::devil:

Well india china border in kashmir is more like a LOC or LAC than the the International border untill kashmir issue is settled.till then it will remain like that.

its ALoC (Actual Line of Control) not LoC or LAC:no:

No chance for or till the Next WW3...

Even we don't have border with china,we have only Indo-tibetian border..


Of course China is going to support Pakistan's claims, rather than India's claims.

India, the country that has hosted the "Tibetan government in exile" on her soil for over half a century.

Who is actually surprised here? :no:

:wave:don't care, that's what we need...
Great News.. Indians were jumping so up and down when they found a single passport was granted visa by Chinese Embassy.. now This is something you call "A Message" :china:
lol,,Who the **** Cares....:pop:

We hold most of kashmir and continue to do that...:coffee:

By the way its not China-India border..! It's Tibet-India Border...:agree:
lol,,Who the **** Cares....:pop:

We hold most of kashmir and continue to do that...:coffee:

By the way its not China-India border..! It's Tibet-India Border...:agree:

CHINA DOES! :bunny:
clearly you all do care given the amount of "i dont care" posts on here. also go convince you government to recognize Tibet, crying here is not gonna help. and yes china can be the guy waving his umbrella around indoors if only to show the Indian guy outside standing in the rain what he lacks. mean while keep hosting that tibetain government in exile relations will never get better till you stop hosting an illegal (by ur own standards) terrorist(by china's standards) group(and you cry about pakistan hosting terrorists, hypocrites).
tell me instead of u,who doesnt support our stand?
well whether support or not,india dont give **** to anybody.
it doesnt chnage any thing.

How many countries openly support India POV on Kashmir?

Belgium and?

Fact is that most countries are either neutral, don't care, or are on Pakistans side.
i don't really care what china thinks on that. seriously. :coffee:
long long before the British created india in 1947, Sikhs had annexed Ladakh with Jammu and further wanted to annex Tibet but got defeated by the Chinese in 1841. 1841 Sino-Sikh war and 1947 india creation and a gap of almost one hundred years. but you say your india shared border with Tibet.

Sino-Indian relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First of all discard the illusions that the British Created India .....India has existed for over 3000 years since the Vedic period albeit under Different rulers of different dynasties at different times.

The Tibetan expedition you are referring to is of General Zorawar Singh , of Hindu Rajput lineage , of the Dogras and part of the Sikh Kingdom . He defeated the combined Sino-Tibetan forces upto Mount Kailash and Mansarovar but because of the winter , logistical problems and overstretched supply lines was defeated by the enemy forces . Now emboldened by their success , the Sino-Tibetan forces advanced on Ladakh but was comprehensively defeated and forced to sign the treaty of Chushul .

General Zorawar Singh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

after that I am guessing you know the subsequent history of Chinese humiliation and subjugation at the hands of the British

Colonel Young Husband's expedition ..The Treaties signed by the British with Tibetan officials with a representative from the Chinese govt present as well and the consequent existance of Tibet for over 30 years as independant from the Chinese Mainland before being annexed by Chinese troops in 1950 .

So the entire presumption that historic claims somehow translates to a modern-day claim to occupy a territory is false [/B

hmmmm... seems IQ matters... I have started believing in the IQ theory these days.

and spare me the oft-repeated IQ lecture based on an obsolete survey of the 1950's and socio-economic factors like the wealth of nations etc. We all noticed your so called IQ in the " Chinese General" thread - talk of China nuking India without suffering a scratch in return

We have a name for those who talk big about IQ - Its called self - deluded.
clearly you all do care given the amount of "i dont care" posts on here. also go convince you government to recognize Tibet, crying here is not gonna help. and yes china can be the guy waving his umbrella around indoors if only to show the Indian guy outside standing in the rain what he lacks. mean while keep hosting that tibetain government in exile relations will never get better till you stop hosting an illegal (by ur own standards) terrorist(by china's standards) group(and you cry about pakistan hosting terrorists, hypocrites).

:lol: Do you even know the definition of a terrorist ? Neither the Dalai Lama nor any of his followers carry guns to get their point across.
But then to you any one expressing his opinion would classify as a terrorist.... even Liu Xiaobo .....
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