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China's COVID vaccines: Do the jabs do the job?


Nov 4, 2011
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China's COVID vaccines: Do the jabs do the job?​

December 30, 20221:51 PM ET

China is in the midst of its first major COVID surge, and it's one of the world's largest.

China rolled back COVID restrictions in early December, and now scientists estimate that the country could be facing more than 10 million new cases each day. Over the next several months, several hundred thousand people could die, perhaps more, several teams predict.

There's also concern that widespread COVID in China could lead to new variants, but variants can emerge anywhere in the world right now as COVID continues to circulate.

The actual death toll – and the total impact of this surge – depends largely on one key factor: How well China's vaccines work.

The two main shots deployed in the country are CoronaVac and Sinopharm, both developed and manufactured in China.

About 90% of the population has received at least two doses of one of these vaccines.

Rumors and misinformation run rampant about COVID vaccines no matter where they're manufactured. But, as NPR has reported, such myths and misconceptions are especially problematic for vaccines made in China. Issues with past vaccines have made segments of the population leery about the made-in-China COVID vaccines. But the misinformation about these vaccines doesn't arise only from inside China or on social media, says global health researcher Xi Chen at Yale University.

"The American media has shared a lot of misinformation about the Chinese vaccines," Chen says. "I read both Chinese and English media stories, and I see some news stories, like from Fox News and others, translated into Chinese." New stories in the U.S. have even questioned the efficacy of these vaccines, despite the fact that both have been approved by the World Health Organization.

Given that more than 700 million people will likely catch COVID in China over the next few months, we thought it would be a good time to dig deep into the science of the Chinese vaccines and analyze what the data show, especially when it comes to two major aspects of the vaccines: efficacy and safety.

Rumor #1: I've heard the Chinese vaccines don't work very well? Is that true?

"No, that's not true," says epidemiologist Ben Cowling at the University of Hong Kong. "Our research in Hong Kong has shown that's not true. I don't have a concern about the effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine."

The Chinese vaccines are not "mRNA vaccines," like the ones Pfizer and Moderna manufacture. Instead both CoronaVac and Sinopharm use an older, but well-proven, technology: they contain an inactivated – or killed – form of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

But – and this is key – in a study by Cowling and his team, the Chinese vaccines offered just as much protection against severe disease as the mRNA vaccines for adults under age 60.

Last winter, Hong Kong suffered a massive omicron surge. And this outbreak allowed Cowling and his colleagues to test how well the Chinese vaccine CoronaVac fared compared to the Pfizer vaccine in a faced-to-face match. About half the population in Hong Kong had received CoronaVac and the other half had received the Pfizer vaccine. Altogether, more than 13 million doses had been administered to Hong Kong's 7.4-million people.

And guess what happened?

"We showed very clearly that both vaccines provide a high level of protection against severe COVID," Cowling says.

In the study, Cowling and his team analyzed data from about 20,000 COVID cases, ranging from mild to fatal. They found that two doses of either vaccine offered a high level of protection against severe disease for adults under age 60. Specifically, two doses of the Pfizer vaccine offered 95 to 97% protection, while two doses of CoronaVac offered between 89 and 94% efficacy, the team reported in the Lancet Infectious Disease this past October.

For older adults, the Pfizer vaccine proved significantly more effective after only two doses. Specifically, the Pfizer vaccine offered about 87-to-92% protection for this group while CoronaVac offered only 64-to-75% protection. But, Cowling points out, an extra booster – or third dose – of CoronaVac lifts the protection to about 98%, the same protection observed with three doses of Pfizer.

"There's a very good level of protection for three doses of either vaccine," Cowling says. And remember, health experts in the U.S. also recommend people over age 60 receive at least three doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine as well.

Cowling thinks the misinformation about CoronaVac or Sinopharm may stem from early data, looking at the vaccines effectiveness against infection (not severe disease).

Initial data found the Chinese vaccines have a lower level of protection against infection than the mRNA vaccines. "Something around 50 or 60% effective,' Cowling says. By contrast, at first, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines showed extremely high levels of protection against symptomatic infections against the original strains of the virus.

But with the emergence of the immune-evading variants, such as delta and omicron, eventually all vaccines wound up being basically ineffective against infection, especially more than three to four months after the inoculation.

Meanwhile, there is some uncertainty around the longevity of this protection against severe disease. One study in Brazil, which analyzed COVID cases for more than 3 million people, found evidence that the protection against severe disease waned more quickly for CoronaVac than for the Pfizer vaccine. But that study didn't separate the data by age, and other studies have shown that protection, across the board, declines more quickly for older people. Nevertheless, the Chinese health officials recommend older adults and those with weakened immune systems receive a fourth shot, or second booster, the Global Times reported earlier this month.

Myth #2: I've heard the Chinese vaccines aren't safe or haven't been tested very well. Is that true?

In the initial clinical trials for CoronaVac and Sinopharm, scientists tested the vaccines only on adults under age 60, says epidemiologist Jennifer Bouey at Georgetown University and the nonprofit RAND corporation. On top of that the first two vaccination campaigns in China didn't focus on elders.

That exclusion from both the trials and vaccination campaigns has led to the relatively low vaccination rate among elders in China. "And it has also led to concerns about whether the vaccines were safe and effective among the elders," Bouey explains.

However, since then, both CoronaVac and Sinopharm have each been tested in more than a dozen international studies including one in Turkey with about 12,000 participants, one in Brazil with more than 3 million participants and one in Chile that surveyed more than 10 million vaccinations. In one study, looking specifically at the safety of CoronaVac, researchers at the University of São Paulo oversaw the immunization of about 12,000 people. They documented "67 serious adverse events ... and all were determined to be unrelated to vaccination," the team reported. Given these results, "the data available to date indicate that Sinovac-CoronaVac is generally well tolerated and consistent with the safety profile of other licensed, alum-adjuvanted inactivated vaccines," WHO wrote in May 2021.

CoronaVac and Sinopharm have been administered to several billion people in over a 100 countries. They made up about half of all shots administered worldwide in 2021. "I've never seen any reports of severe side effects with these vaccines," Bouey says.

Nevertheless, the initial concerns about the safety, especially for elders, has continued. "Physicians in China aren't sure if the vaccines are safe for the elders," Bouey says. "So there's altogether some distrust and confusion about these vaccines – which the government has pushed so heavily. I read quite a lot of misinformation about the vaccine's side effects on Chinese social media."

The Chinese government has done very little to counter the narrative, she adds. "The government should probably do more to convince people that these vaccines are safe for elders and more vulnerable groups. Because these people not only need the most protection, she says, they need the most shots. "The elders and the more vulnerable need more frequent boosters," she says.

Because once this massive COVID surge ends, China won't be out of the woods, Another surge will surely follow.

The actual death toll – and the total impact of this surge – depends largely on one key factor: How well China's vaccines work.

Easiest way to get the answer to the question is by counting the death toll. The answer should be available in a few months.
The actual death toll – and the total impact of this surge – depends largely on one key factor: How well China's vaccines work.

Easiest way to get the answer to the question is by counting the death toll. The answer should be available in a few months.
Not really, the biggest factor for the death toll is how severe the virus is, omnicron becomes very mild comparing to its predecessors , with the mortality rate similar to a cold or the flu. but it spreads much much faster than cold or flu, it puts a lot of stress to the local medical service with a sudden massive surge of infections.
Western media spins lots of lies about the Chinese vaccines like they always do about the Chinese economy.
10 million cases a day and growing.

It's a "concern", while at the same time China government hopes for it to achieve herd immunity.
U cannot make this s*** up !

In places where both Chinese vax & usa mrna are available, u may have heard of anecdotes where those on mrna were more infected & worse off than those on China vax.

Turns out it may not be just insignificant anecdotes. lol

Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine​

Background The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine protects against COVID-19.
Methods Employees of Cleveland Clinic in employment on the day the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine first became available to employees, were included...............................

By the end of the study, 10804 (21%) were bivalent vaccine boosted. The bivalent vaccine was the Pfizer vaccine in 9595 (89%) and the Moderna vaccine in the remaining 1178..................


This study found that the current bivalent vaccines were about 30% effective overall in protecting against infection with SARS-CoV-2,.......................

.......The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected. ..................
Despite this, their risk of acquiring COVID-19 was lower than those who received a larger number of prior vaccine doses. This is not the only study to find a possible association with more prior vaccine doses and higher risk of COVID-19. A large study found that those who had an Omicron variant infection after previously receiving three doses of vaccine had a higher risk of reinfection than those who had an Omicron variant infection after previously receiving two doses of vaccine [21]. Another study found that receipt of two or three doses of a mRNA vaccine following prior COVID-19 was associated with a higher risk of reinfection than receipt of a single dose [7].
the Chinese vaccines offered just as much protection against severe disease as the mRNA vaccines for adults under age 60.

That's because the death rate for those under age 60 is close to zero.

In HK, latest stats as of 28 Dec 2022 show that the death rate of those inoculated with Sinovac is around twice of those inoculated with Pfizer for those above 60 age groups.




I do not understood this point - China had 2 years, why have they allowed the older population with low vaccination rate? As per the article itself, with a booster dose, your chances of survival increases a lot. Govt should have been little more strict.
I do not understood this point - China had 2 years, why have they allowed the older population with low vaccination rate? As per the article itself, with a booster dose, your chances of survival increases a lot. Govt should have been little more strict.
Becos many of those oldies dont want to be vaccinated fearing of possible serious complications and they see no need to take the risky shots since China controlled the virus so well before, they just want to live their peaceful lives. Chinese gov cant force them to take the shots, unlike some mindless PDFers say that China is a dictatorship and can do whatever it wants to its people, if thats the case, all these old folks should have been forced to take vaccinations since they are the most powerless group to resist gov enforcement. Now, the gov is making a good effort try to convince hard the old people to take the shots.
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That's because the death rate for those under age 60 is close to zero.

In HK, latest stats as of 28 Dec 2022 show that the death rate of those inoculated with Sinovac is around twice of those inoculated with Pfizer for those above 60 age groups.
HongKong's sample pool is too small, and it also depends on when and how long they have been vaccinated, vaccines gradual lose effectiveness over time.

America Won't Like What's Really Happening In China | Foreigner in China​

8 waves, 3 yrs, about 80% vaxed later, jp see record deaths of 420.
What vax do they use ?
I hope this is not a case of above study which suggest the more u boost, the more u get infected.

Japan reports 420 Covid deaths in single day, another record high​

Tokyo, Dec 29: Japan on Thursday reported 420 Covid-19 deaths, another high for a country that is going through the eighth wave of the pandemic.
The country reported 192,063 new coronavirus cases, down 24,146 from Wednesday, according to Japan Today.

Tokyo reported 18,372 new cases, down 1,871 from Wednesday.

The number of infected people hospitalised with severe symptoms in Tokyo was 47, down two from Wednesday, health officials said.......................
I do not understood this point - China had 2 years, why have they allowed the older population with low vaccination rate? As per the article itself, with a booster dose, your chances of survival increases a lot. Govt should have been little more strict.

China cannot impose vaccine mandate like the West can. People would revolt.
That's because the death rate for those under age 60 is close to zero.

In HK, latest stats as of 28 Dec 2022 show that the death rate of those inoculated with Sinovac is around twice of those inoculated with Pfizer for those above 60 age groups.

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It's well known now people with ill heath, older people are pushed to Sinovac even in SG etc. And even then the difference in outcome is only in 0.*%.
Not to mention those who died from mrna b4 even having the chance to get infected.

Instead of keep trying, and failing, to understand rudimentary studies with limited info, just listen to experts who have done proper studies that inactivated vax are better at preventing serious cases.


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