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Aug 24, 2009
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'Needles' riots continue in China

There have been further protests in the far western Chinese city of Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang province.

A large crowd of Han Chinese confronted hundreds of riot police for a third day amid growing anger in the city over attacks with hypodermic needles.

Protesters have also been demanding quicker trials for people charged over deadly ethnic riots in July.

Almost 200 people, most of them Han Chinese, were killed in violence with ethnic Uighurs in Urumqi.

Chinese authorities blame Uighur separatists for July's violence, saying it was orchestrated by Uighur separatists in exile. Xinjiang's population is split between mainly-Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese - the country's majority ethnic group.


The BBC's Michael Bristow, in Urumqi, describes the situation as tense.

Police were guarding the central People's Square - scene of a large demonstration on Thursday - and waiting at roadblocks and in lorries parked on side streets.

Several hundred police in riot gear broke away to confront a crowd of protesters at a central intersection.

There were scuffles as police arrested several protesters, but the stand-off continued.

Large numbers of police were deployed overnight in the city after crowds of Han Chinese protested in central areas on Thursday.

A witness told the BBC that as many as 2,000 ethnic Han Chinese had been demonstrating in the capital Urumqi over the previous two days.

Safety fears

A series of unexplained stabbings using hypodermic syringes appears to be a trigger for the protests.

Chinese media said that nearly 500 people, almost all Han, have sought treatment for stabbings in the past few weeks. Reports said 89 people had "clear syringe marks" but that no-one had been infected or poisoned.

A businessman in Urumqi told the BBC on Thursday that many members of the Han community had joined the demonstrations.

Another Han resident said he was concerned for his safety.

"The local government is not doing enough to protect Han people there... I am really [worried about] my family and relatives there. [The] Chinese government should do more to prevent this," he told the BBC.

There is also anger over what many perceive as official slowness in punishing suspects charged for July's riots.

Protesters have accused the provincial government of being "useless", and some even called for the dismissal of regional Communist Party boss Wang Lequan, who is thought to be an ally of President Hu Jintao.

Ethnic tension

The tension between Xinjiang's Uighur and Han communities has been simmering for many years, but the ethnic unrest in July was the worst in China for decades.

The violence began on 5 July when an initially peaceful protest by Uighur youths, apparently prompted by an earlier riot in a factory in southern China, spiralled out of control - with shops and vehicles burned and passers-by attacked.

About 80 people have been charged over the violence but no date has been set for their trial.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Needles' riots continue in China

This is from BBC

Can any chinese throw light on the subject?Why were the Han so pissed off

Is Xianjiang such a powder keg?
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