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'CIA notified Belgium of Ukraine’s role in Nord Stream sabotage'


Oct 2, 2015
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'CIA notified Belgium of Ukraine’s role in Nord Stream sabotage'

'CIA notified Belgium of Ukraine’s role in Nord Stream sabotage'
Tehran, IRNA - The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) notified the Belgian military intelligence unit of Ukraine’s possible role in a sabotage operation involving the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines in September 2022, according to a report.

The CIA shared the information about the undersea explosions with Belgian intelligence officials on a strictly confidential basis, the Belgian newspaper De Tijd reported on Saturday, citing well-informed sources.
The sharing of intelligence shows how Western intelligence services, including those in Belgium, have known for months that Ukraine was probably involved in the act of sabotage that crippled a key section of Europe’s energy infrastructure.
When asked by the newspaper about the matter, a spokesman for Belgian defense minister said, “We do not comment on the work of our intelligence service and the contacts that our intelligence service have with partner services.”
On September 26, 2022, a series of explosions occurred on both Nord Stream 1 and the newly built Nord Stream 2 pipelines, causing huge gas leaks. Both pipelines were built to transport natural gas from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea.
Brussels has refrained from publicly commenting about Ukraine’s alleged involvement in the sabotage, over concerns that it could cause tensions in the US-led alliance backing Ukraine amid the war with Russia, De Tijd said.
The Washington Post also reported on Tuesday that the CIA had learned in June 2022, through a European spy agency, that a Ukrainian Special Forces team had prepared to blow up the pipelines.
Ukraine has denied any involvement in the explosions.


German probe into Nord Stream attack turns to Poland – WSJ​

Investigators are reportedly looking into whether the EU country was used as a hub for suspected Ukrainian saboteurs
German probe into Nord Stream attack turns to Poland – WSJ

A gas leak as seen from a Danish F-16 fighter jet following the explosions at the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline off the island of Bornholm, Denmark on September 27, 2022 © AFP / AFP PHOTO/DANISH DEFENCE
German investigators are seeking to establish whether Poland played a role in the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines last September, the Wall Street Journal has claimed.
Officials in Berlin reportedly believe that suspected Ukrainian saboteurs used the neighboring country as an operational base in the run-up to the explosions.
The WSJ alleged in an article on Saturday that Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office had managed to retrace the entire route of the Andromeda yacht that was reportedly used in the operation.
The name of the vessel had cropped up in reports published earlier by several other media outlets.
According to the WSJ, German officials have now established that the yacht sailed around each of the locations where the explosions later occurred. The investigators reportedly reached the conclusion after studying data retrieved from Andromeda’s radio and navigation equipment, as well as satellite and mobile phones and Gmail accounts used by the suspects.
While the perpetrators are believed to have been Ukrainian, German authorities have also taken note of the fact that the yacht was chartered with the help of a Warsaw-based, Ukrainian-owned travel agency called Feeria Lwowa, the media outlet claimed.
German investigators reportedly suspect that the firm is a front for Ukrainian intelligence.
A van in which the suspects arrived at the German port before boarding Andromeda also had Polish license plates, the WSJ noted, citing the findings of the probe.
The outlet quoted anonymous German officials as saying that there is, however, no proof that the Polish government was involved in the plot itself.
A spokesperson for the prosecutors in Germany told reporters that the investigators were working to secure sufficient evidence to issue international arrest warrants.
Ukraine has strongly denied any involvement in the underwater blasts that ruptured the pipelines carrying natural gas from Russia to Germany across the Baltic Sea.
Earlier this week, independent US media outlet The Grayzone claimed that its reporters had found a diving boot similar to those used by US and Ukrainian military divers during an expedition to the site last month.
Meanwhile, in February, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a report alleging that the US had been involved in the plot.
While Washington was quick to deny the accusations, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in late March that he “fully agreed” with Hersh’s findings.
USA treats their "allies" as idiots, and they are right doing that, because it's what they are.

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