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Dear Chinese and Turkish members

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Brother, no one on this forum can promise me any thread allowed for either of you (Chinese and Turks alike) wouldnt end up as a troll feast or as a means to insult the other...So, for now this is the way to go!

Sorry bro...this was long due! you guys have been at each other's throats for months now!
Sure it got out of hand lately yet i must say when the thread about the issue got opened first the Chinese flocked in and did what they usually do which got the situation go out of control.

Thats also a way of silencing unwanted topics, we know you dont care, just wanted to clarify.
- We wanted a single thread that we could speak Turkish, they didn't accept and we fought for it.
- We wanted a Turkish mod after Deno, they didn't accept and we fought for it.
- We wanted that Safriz troll to be stopped, to not be allowed to post in the Turkish thread, they didn't accept and we for it.

But this something else, they are telling you what you can talk or not like they are telling to their dog. How humiliating this is for Turks ?

Do what you gonna do, i'm not posting after this one.

I am well aware of the fact that They think as if Chinese members here will make the policies and diplomacy between Pakistan and China, anything even slightly crticism will detoriate the relation; therefore they go around and ignore everything on favour of China.

I know it is not logical, but the current reality has so far been like this.
My question is when you guys are burning/ angry...and respond to Chinese members with foul language or even retaliate by opening a BS tread just to show them in bad light...HOW IS THAT HELPING EAST TURKESTAN?
Honestly You cannot expect us Turks sit back and watch de-Islamization and Identification of Muslim Turks in East Turkestan, and say nothing. Would you stay silent and inaction for any family member of yours in de-islamization and identification camps?
Actually, that's exactly what you're expected to do. See, what happened here is a microcosm of what's happening geopolitically. China's rise is reorienting the world order, and the frustration you feel is one of the effects of that reorientation.

Everybody knows what's happening in Xinjiang (there's no such thing as "East Turkestan" and there never will be), but everybody knows better than to antagonize China. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia - the son of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques - just concluded the main event of his Asia tour - his visit to China - by reaffirming China's right to enact whatever policies it wishes to secure itself. He didn't have to say that, he could've just not commented on the matter - but he's a smart man, and he sees where the world is going.

Even Erdogan can't help but feel the power of China, however much he hates it. In 2009 he personally, publicly called what's happening in Xinjiang "genocide" and verbally assaulted China (when what was happening then doesn't hold a candle to what's happening now). Today, some Turkish foreign ministry spokesperson asks China, pretty please with a cherry on top, don't be so mean, maybe. All you do is underline that nothing can stop the Remaking of the Uighurs. As I said before, their culture is a result of foreign invaders forcing them to swear fealty to an alien god at the point of a sword. Well, today a new culture is being forced on them, and they will swear fealty to a new god:

Their children and grandchildren will love ^ exactly as much as their parents and grandparents love their old culture and fight bitterly to protect it.

@Dubious, as I mentioned previously, China's rise is reorienting the global order. Pakistan will have a fundamental choice to make in the coming decades: whether it wants to be a winner or it wants to be a loser. Winners associate with winners, losers with losers. A lot of Pakistan's old relations, attachments, and ways of seeing the world are going to have to be reexamined if a new, prosperous, secure, and strong Pakistan is to emerge. As an admirer and well-wisher of Pakistan, I hope it makes the right choice.
Oh I am calm and I am reading everything that is posted here!

Do you know over the past few weeks the most number of threads closed were those opened by Chinese and Turkish members!

The most number of reports was from Chinese members - members reporting Turkish members who replied them with bad words AFTER Chinese members provoked them! Yes we see everything that is why the most hurt are actually the Pakistani moderators!

Yet again, you hold us responsible for Chinese action despite you yourself said :

  • Oh and @WSHH @opruh saying something bad about China when Chinese members are saying worse things are not report-worthy! If you are true to yourself report BOTH!

As you see , you hold us Turk both for the actions of China and Chinese members; That is why causes chaos and unfairness.
But this something else, they are telling you what you can talk or not like they are telling to their dog. How humiliating this is for Turks ?
Are you insane? We are REQUESTING and issuing some TEMPORARY rules for a situation!

If you can not understand our situation, why are you expecting us to understand yours? You cant always enforce yourself on us and call it friendship! Friendship is a 2 way street brother! It doesnt mean take take take!
My question is when you guys are burning/ angry...and respond to Chinese members with foul language or even retaliate by opening a BS tread just to show them in bad light...HOW IS THAT HELPING EAST TURKESTAN?

If not heard of the rest of the world, then the agressor goes more violant as seen in the past.

So, I do every thing for them; that includes airing their conditions in an international forum for solidarity with the rest of the world as human beings and/or Muslims.

The point of the forum is to interchange the conditions of others in related sections so members of different countries can keep it up with the rest of the world, like social media.

So, Why does it bother you that we use the forum in its creation purpose?

A simple example, if it does not help, why you and Chinese members act like this?

I have never read more rubbish in my life than in this 1 post!

No one is favouring you an anonymous nobody on an international forum! THIS has nothing to do with Pakistan's relationship BUT EVERYTHING TO DO with your and Turkish members' behaviour!

Sure it got out of hand lately yet i must say when the thread about the issue got opened first the Chinese flocked in and did what they usually do which got the situation go out of control.

Thats also a way of silencing unwanted topics, we know you dont care, just wanted to clarify.
It is a temporary ban not silencing anything else ...If we didnt care, the Turkish section as whole would be in jeopardy not 1 topic!
If not heard of the rest of the world, then the agressor goes more violant as seen in the past.

So, I do every thing for them; that includes airing their conditions in an international forum for solidarity with the rest of the world as human beings and/or Muslims.

The point of the forum is to interchange the conditions of others in related sections so members of different countries can keep it up with the rest of the world, like social media.

So, Why does it bother you that we use the forum in its creation purpose?

A simple example, if it does not help, why you and Chinese members act like this?
Forum is used for debate. Badmouthing is not debate. It only means your emotion gets the best of you.
If not heard of the rest of the world, then the agressor goes more violant as seen in the past.

So, I do every thing for them; that includes airing their conditions in an international forum for solidarity with the rest of the world as human beings and/or Muslims.

The point of the forum is to interchange the conditions of others in related sections so members of different countries can keep it up with the rest of the world, like social media.

So, Why does it bother you that we use the forum in its creation purpose?

A simple example, if it does not help, why you and Chinese members act like this?
What are we acting like? Putting a ban on BOTH is not good?

Sure it got out of hand lately
Got out of hand is a simple word...It was like World War!

And that to between our favourite countries?! Asking us to choose sides and at the same time saying bad things to one another?! I have issued warnings and negative ratings to BOTH Chinese and Turks and mind you it gave me no pleasure! I rather a ban than having to do that again!

I have never read more rubbish in my life than in this 1 post!

No one is favouring you an anonymous nobody on an international forum! THIS has nothing to do with Pakistan's relationship BUT EVERYTHING TO DO with your and Turkish members' behaviour!
If only life were as easy as clicking a negative rating button, brother. As I said, what's happening in this forum is just a small microcosm of what China's rise is doing to the world around us. And it's only just beginning. The truth is bitter to some, but bitterness cannot change the truth.

As for me, I actually don't mind being barred from posting in the Turkish section. I couldn't care less about the Turkish section or those in it. To me, they and their opinions are beneath notice - but when they trespass on China, you'd better believe I'll verbally incinerate them.

I take the opportunity again to invite you to reflect on Pakistan's future, and whether some of the relationships and weltanschauung it has now serve its interests. I might be an e-nobody, but deep down you know that what I'm saying is true.

It's why you reached for the negative rating button before.
Forum is used for debate. Badmouthing is not debate. It only means your emotion gets the best of you.

That is the point.

We open a thread about the current and real situation; and the other side cannot defend it, instead go for retaliation. At this point, the forum moderation hold us responsible for the other side.

If the logic is like this, that means the forum has bowed down to the threats of the other side and held in custody by the ''other sides''. Does this sound logical and fair?
Are you insane? We are REQUESTING and issuing some TEMPORARY rules for a situation!

If you can not understand our situation, why are you expecting us to understand yours? You cant always enforce yourself on us and call it friendship! Friendship is a 2 way street brother! It doesnt mean take take take!

Someday in a Turkish forum, Turks will tell to you, "We forbid you to talk about Kashmir because you are offending our Indian friends" And you were only talking only in your corner, not even talking to Turks about this.

Yeah, friendship should have been a 2 way street.


Anyways, i'm saying this again. This site makes money from traffic, makes money out of your posts, if they are going to threat us like this, then don't play for them. Don't post stuff.
Forum is used for debate. Badmouthing is not debate. It only means your emotion gets the best of you.
Would you also write that in Chinese for your Chinese members please?!

Because we all know it takes 2 to tango! Even on this thread the lengthy post by a Chinese was equivalent to a chest beating chimp!
What are we acting like? Putting a ban on BOTH is not good?

It's Chinese favor since they are the ones who want to silence everybody about this issue. Do you thinks it's good? Why do you think they don't post anything now and we are arguing with you here ?
Another question is; I have seen much more threads you guys and Indians fought for weeks over issues like Kashmir etc. You guys insulted eachother, did you ban people to open threads about Kashmir after all?
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