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Defence.pk forums disclaimers on religion

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Mar 24, 2006
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Since religion is a sensitive subject and PFF has a policy of respect towards all beliefs, we'd like to put our own position forward. These by no way reflect posting guidelines on the forum.

In light of recent arguments (and by large they have been civil and respectful) we would like to make our positions on Islam.

1. We endorse no particular line of faith. The Islamic section of the board is open for all lines of thought and the official position of the board is no particular belief is higher than the other.

2. We consider all sects of Islam as equal Muslims to one another. If you say you are a Muslim we will accept that you are. We can't force anyone else to say the same but that's what we would encourage.

3. We neither condone nor condemn any actions (whether historical or in the present) of a particular sect or a group and this position extends to their leaders. We also state that there are a few troublemakers in almost all groups and thats an individuals problem not the entire groups.

These disclaimers will be updated from time to time and more would be added on other facets of Islam and religion. We would encourage debate, for or against any topic but would advise being civil and mature about everything if you really want the debate to go anywhere.
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