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Departure of skilled professionals

Pakistan will pay a very hefty price. Economy is just one. Everyone pays for their sins one or the other way.

We are a second generation community in Europe. Our children third generation. I can already see that my children won't have much interest in Pakistan. We didn't buy property in Pakistan. My parents did. I don't see my children buying anything in Pakistan. It would be a wonder if they visit Pakistan by themselves.

I have many friends whose children born here HAVE ZERO INTEREST IN PAKISTAN. Because of their Children NOT interested, these friends have also almost ZERO interest in Pakistan. In fact, I have seen a lot of these Children look at this country with DISDAIN and as some sort of an inferior landscape. Now just imagine when these kids grow up and have their own kids, it will a generation who will probably won't even spell Pakistan properly and I would not be surprised if they are Anti-Pakistan.
I have many friends whose children born here HAVE ZERO INTEREST IN PAKISTAN. Because of their Children NOT interested, these friends have also almost ZERO interest in Pakistan. In fact, I have seen a lot of these Children look at this country with DISDAIN and as some sort of an inferior landscape. Now just imagine when these kids grow up and have their own kids, it will a generation who will probably won't even spell Pakistan properly and I would not be surprised if they are Anti-Pakistan.

Let's face it. Pakistan is inferior in many aspects.
The saddest part it, among these 800k people who left country in last 6 months - the most brightest and genius brain has also left the country. The guy is known as Ishaq Dar. Our Janta company had brought him in as our savior in an air force jet.

If they send money back home, then it's not entirely as bad as it looks, although the country is definitely getting worse with rising population.

Let's face it. Pakistan is inferior in many aspects.

No argument there.
Brain drain is better than brain in the drain.

People have lost hope, lost the hope for change, this is what the Mafias wanted.
Plan to destroy Pakistan in full swing, unless the people get rid of this Napak fauj, the country is doomed.
Actually Pakistanis only care about economic performance. Imran Khan's approval ratings were at a record low due to poor economic and national security performance till he was made into a political martyr
Cognitive dissonance
None will visit Pakistan I guarantee you of that. Recent events in a social media-run world didn't put the PDM or establishment in a good light; no matter how much “mo thor Kar jawab dai ga” useless slogans are raised.

Imran Khan whatever his faults acted as a bridge between the East and the West; if they think that fat body Bilawal would attract youth they are mistaken, hah, kusras he will attract but nothing more.

The khaki creatures aren't interested in anyone except themselves. They are now dreaming of getting money from Arabs. The good thing (which is bad for pak) is that Tangos will be f-ing them real good.
They buy real estate like plots coz it’s a safe investment.
For many it’s probably not even an investment, just keeping their connection to the country alive. If it were an investment, people wouldn’t look down on them or their kids when they come to sell it, and just completely settle abroad.
The times of real estate boom are GONE.

Best case scenario is property appreciates 5% but Rs devalues 10% YoY. Does the investment make sense?

The overseas Pakistanis, especially after Faujeets took over, have seen through the scam and the establishment can’t seem to milk them anymore.

As I’ve said earlier, overseas Pakistanis are not going to invest in Pakistan, and the Pakistanis in Pakistan are transferring their wealth en masse out of the country.

Roshan Digital Account is 0. Forex reserves barely cover few weeks of import. Currency keeps devaluing. Inflation through the roof. But whose going to knock sense into the Faujeets.
Reminds me of a time when the then PM Gilani said on an American news channal 'if they want to go, GO. We are not stopping them' referring to the large number of Pakistanis that were migrating to other countries under PPPs rule especially from Karachi. The business community were fleeing during to the political violence of shootings, kidnap, rapes and massacres between the MQM, PPP and ANP.
He buys property in Pakistan.
And gets his property occupied by the biggest land grabbers or asset values depleted due to political instability orchestrated by state institutions. No thanks.

No one would make that stupid mistake anymore. And even if one truly has a need, such as retirement, it should be close to tenure end when you actually can live in that house.
Owning property in a country whose currency depreciates 25% every year, and no easy option to withdraw assets back is a stupid decision.
Let's face it. Pakistan is inferior in many aspects.
Pakistani elite remind me of the elites of the American South. Not until new, outside, either diaspora or foreign managers come in, it will linger as it is now.

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