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Excuse me....!

Mishal Khan was killed due to Jahiliyah and misunderstanding.Many people regretted,remorse and appropriate measures were taken.However, what about Dr.Afia Siddique who was imprisoned for 96 years?What about black and white injustice? Why do we label poor Indians as responsible for unequal caste system when so called justice league of America had such issues. Malcom's assassination, remember?
Americans worked hard and are still working hard to improve their deficiencies for sure.We are also trying our level best to circumvent various issues.
I laughed a lot when I was reading Raymond Davis book:"The contractor". It was really funny to read that a trained SERE contractor that was placed in Kot Lakhpat Jail like a guest was complaining about the size of his bath tub, water temperature to be little bit cold and a magazine where beach dress was censored with black marker :lol:

Aap hi iman layein in haq paraston per, hum tu munkir hi theray.

@fatman17 sir if you remember I promised you that I will write a review on that book but believe me it has nothing important to discuss.

Do you seriously have comprehension issues? I understand that working 24/7 in lab do makes scientists absent minded.However, don't you become depressed like Michael Faraday since Normal Pressure Hydrocephali are common issues with "senior citizens" that take too much stress.
Respected Sir, I only suggested but never claimed that this is working in Pakistan these days.Rather than that, I stressed that this is needed to be done. :lol:


Okay, let's take it one step at a time:

You said "appropriate measures were taken" in Mishal's death. Like what? Have the killers been punished or are the main instigators still at large? IS the university environment any better? Or the justice system?

Why was Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani citizen, abducted by Pakistani agencies in Karachi and handed over to foreigners in the first place? Her conviction for attempted murder came much later.

What do you mean by black and white injustice in context? Please clarify so I can respond. The US justice system is not perfect, but it works for the vast majority of its residents in a fair and impartial manner. Any exceptions to this rule are few and far between, and lead to further process improvements. The same cannot be said for Pakistan.

RD was indeed a guest of Pakistani agencies, the head of which personally escorted him to the airport while his name was on the ECL, after having engineered his release. So what is the real issue here?


And your last point is indeed valid: you never did claim that anything is working in Pakistan, and your OP was merely a light-hearted piece at pleading for something to be done. :D
Okay, let's take it one step at a time:

You said "appropriate measures were taken" in Mishal's death. Like what? Have the killers been punished or are the main instigators still at large? IS the university environment any better? Or the justice system?

Why was Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani citizen, abducted by Pakistani agencies in Karachi and handed over to foreigners in the first place? Her conviction for attempted murder came much later.

What do you mean by black and white injustice in context? Please clarify so I can respond. The US justice system is not perfect, but it works for the vast majority of its residents in a fair and impartial manner. Any exceptions to this rule are few and far between, and lead to further process improvements. The same cannot be said for Pakistan.

RD was indeed a guest of Pakistani agencies, the head of which personally escorted him to the airport while his name was on the ECL, after having engineered his release. So what is the real issue here?


And your last point is indeed valid: you never did claim that anything is working in Pakistan, and your OP was merely a light-hearted piece at pleading for something to be done. :D
Ah, NPH. Please read my post again.I never on earth deny that she was handed over but since she was in America's custody then some humanity was expected.About remaining content, I have clearly mentioned in my post 15.Read it again :D
Ah, NPH. Please read my post again.I never on earth deny that she was handed over but since she was in America's custody then some humanity was expected.About remaining content, I have clearly mentioned in my post 15.Read it again :D

Justice is blind. Attempted murder will get punished, for that is how humanity is served best. Aafia got what she deserved, and Pakistani agencies are to be thanked for apprehending her.

(And trying to pass complex diagnoses sounds cute, but erroneous online. :D )
Justice is blind. Attempted murder will get punished, for that is how humanity is served best. Aafia got what she deserved, and Pakistani agencies are to be thanked for apprehending her.

(And trying to pass complex diagnoses sounds cute, but erroneous online. :D )
Yes, if Americans do it then justice is blind and if someone else then it is terrorism, injustice and human right's violation. :D

Yes, if Americans do it then justice is blind and if someone else then it is terrorism, injustice and human right's violation. :D


One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. It is all about which side of the fence one sits on, and which side plays the game better than their opponents. It is as simple as that.
@Syed.Ali.Haider what is your opinion on the recent pardon from Trump to a Police officer who openly refused the court orders of arresting people based of racial profiling ?
and every now and than black's are shot dead on streets .. Injustice is everywhere , but some people get more attention than other's ..
To modify a song
Phir bhi Dil hai Pakistani....
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