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Forget Kashmir, worry about your own survival: Krishna to Pak

Mr Krisha need not get frustated at all.. he just spoke very calmly ... where as we can see your minister under pressure.. Pressure from your president i guess may be his appraisal was nearing...
Our Minister facts are right on nail..
we are conducting elections and 60% turn over rate is recorded.. very high compared to other states
All facilities like education is provided to people of JK.. People enjoy all rights ... they hold indian passports... If they dont want to be indian they can tear it give it to the district collector... i guess no such incidents are reported...
Issues are purely created by terrorist and geelani.. If youths are not brainwashed for sure peace will be there in JK.. I have some reports where youths of JK actively participate in Army recruitment...

Please post similar facts on P0K... what is the literacy rate ... what are the developments provided etc etc..

Secondly pakistan is in biggest mess.. since the begining of decade it is fighting war.. your economy is a war torn economy... please post any development your country is proposing apart from defence.. all your dealings are only w.r.t defence.. Any educational transaction with any country??.. any big infrastructure investment??? any country has invested there money in your country?? if so who what is the %... kindly compare that with india... what are the employment features your country is providing for outsiders??? what is the stake of pakistan in other countries...

Please answer some of the above questions you will understand which minister is making fun of whom???

The red part does not deserve an answer really. Its like total bs. Your own government has disagreed to what you have just typed, several times.

I agree with the green part. Of course US imposed the WOT on us and the past decade we have been dealing with it. You are right in what you have said in the green part on almost everything. Do you know that India would not develop by 1% if it was fighting a war like we have been. Anyhow the WOT is in its last chapter. Pakistan will be back on track once US leaves our *** for good.

As a Pakistani i always denounce US policy of forcing us into war, destroying our economy and then giving us aid. Better it leaves the region and let us build our country.

Just an eye opener for you, analyze our economy in the pats 6 decades. It has been, extremely good and extremely bad. Extremely bad only during war times. 71, 80s and the whole first decade of the 21st century.

Once in peaceful time conditions we have the ability to grow.

India enjoyed progress over Pak because of things Pakistan has veen dealing ever since 9/11. Let it end and you will see the progress.
Right Taimi but you have to understand that there is a big difference.. See india helped when lot of people came flooding towards indian borders.. so there is a situation there... lets take an example consider you are big man in your area and if people come to your gate for help will you keep quite??.. no you will intervene right and you wont be foolish to intervene on your own?? this is what india did.. it is absolutely your fault for 71..

Further my argument stays on this if Pakistan says it has liberated Azad kashmir from India it should not use them to attack India.. they are liberated let them grow on there own.. let them have there own infra,education,economy.... Instead ISI use these people for there own welfare... India didnt have any reason to intervene until we found a large number people come flooding to our gates... So when people of JK comes to your gate flooding for help... you can surely raise this to UN.. at that time the whole world will back you... but I guess there are no such incident where people are flooding to your borders right???...

So my argument still on brainwashing youths in P0K is still equal to killing of the people by sending them to Indian border...

Futher how can you say these are freedom fighters?? are you comparing them to your Father Mr Jinnah who was one of the greatest?? no way i dont accept that.. they are terrorist because they are not soldiers.. let ISI make them soldiers and fight against us directly by declaring war on us then we will accept them as soldiers... until then they are terrorist and the whole world will call them so...

:rofl: what total BS direct from NDTV or SUNNY DEOL MOVIE!

look the world recognizes kashmir to be a disputed territory end of story! man seriously go read what you wrote brain washing people sending them over! currently the uprising in kashmir is kashmiris who are tired of being oppressed by india! :sniper:
:rofl: what total BS direct from NDTV or SUNNY DEOL MOVIE!

look the world recognizes kashmir to be a disputed territory end of story! man seriously go read what you wrote brain washing people sending them over! currently the uprising in kashmir is kashmiris who are tired of being oppressed by india! :sniper:

There is nothing BS in that .... All are straight facts... Kashmir looks disputed for you... we have put our stance that it is our integral part ... how ever you argue we will not move away from it... And as far sending terrorist to india and getting killed by our army is equal to the act of killing them by your own ISI/Army..

As far as uprising is concerned it is an act of brainwashing the youth by getting themselves involved in violence and it is a very small group hardly some hundred... Uprising can be done on non violent ways which works better in India :agree:... If you call those youths and ask them what do you mean by independence?? then will not be able to utter the spelling of it... so they are not aware of the cause for there struggle... then what it is called??not brainwashing?? ...There are news out there to prove my argument
The red part does not deserve an answer really. Its like total bs. Your own government has disagreed to what you have just typed, several times.

I agree with the green part. Of course US imposed the WOT on us and the past decade we have been dealing with it. You are right in what you have said in the green part on almost everything. Do you know that India would not develop by 1% if it was fighting a war like we have been. Anyhow the WOT is in its last chapter. Pakistan will be back on track once US leaves our *** for good.

As a Pakistani i always denounce US policy of forcing us into war, destroying our economy and then giving us aid. Better it leaves the region and let us build our country.

Just an eye opener for you, analyze our economy in the pats 6 decades. It has been, extremely good and extremely bad. Extremely bad only during war times. 71, 80s and the whole first decade of the 21st century.

Once in peaceful time conditions we have the ability to grow.

India enjoyed progress over Pak because of things Pakistan has veen dealing ever since 9/11. Let it end and you will see the progress.

I dont think election result , education, employment in JK are something our government disagreed??.. am i missing some news?? can you post some fact on it??

secondly on growth part... let us assume the fact that india would not have grown even 1% if it had joined war... so as per your stats we were intelligent enough to stay away from war right? and we concentrated on the growth part.. which seems to be a fair one....
Dont you think it has to be on similar lines by your leaders who has to think on national interest??.. If you feel that your economy has been destroyed and the WoT has pushed your country into the list of failed state index dont you think you should have exited the War immediately?? Why your leaders havent exited still??? which proves that GoP/ISI/Army have coupled your country tightly to the revenue of war.. which means you have to continue fight for survival... And if you fight your economy will fall further.... so i guess your country is trapped in a bad situation.. :agree:

When you answer all these you will unearth more troubles waiting for you... :agree:.. US has played a nice game by roping you to the war.. Which will never end for you... :agree:
Pakistan has always needled India in this Kashmir issue, wars fought yet nothing came in hand. A secret agreement was close to being signed between the two countries to make the LOC permanent border, but didn't work.

Whenever Pakistan has gone beyond its boundaries to seize influence has only brought disaster to Pakistani people in the guise of Taliban. Not only is it a threat to India and global peace, its a threat to itself.Now it has 2 threats Taliban and India.

P.O.K is an important region of strategic impotance. It connects China to Pak. If Pak keeps on pushing their agenda, India would really be assertive in their stance then and would really take it to P.O.K .

All i wanna say is, Pak should be happy with P.O.K . If it goes from their hand, then they would be loosing big time and can forget about any links to China.
I dont think election result , education, employment in JK are something our government disagreed??.. am i missing some news?? can you post some fact on it??

secondly on growth part... let us assume the fact that india would not have grown even 1% if it had joined war... so as per your stats we were intelligent enough to stay away from war right? and we concentrated on the growth part.. which seems to be a fair one....
Dont you think it has to be on similar lines by your leaders who has to think on national interest??.. If you feel that your economy has been destroyed and the WoT has pushed your country into the list of failed state index dont you think you should have exited the War immediately?? Why your leaders havent exited still??? which proves that GoP/ISI/Army have coupled your country tightly to the revenue of war.. which means you have to continue fight for survival... And if you fight your economy will fall further.... so i guess your country is trapped in a bad situation.. :agree:

When you answer all these you will unearth more troubles waiting for you... :agree:.. US has played a nice game by roping you to the war.. Which will never end for you... :agree:

Your government accepts the fact that Kashmir is the most backward state with its people not getting equal economic and education opportunities. Lets go one step ahead and this is the state of Muslims all over India. Google yourself. International reports from several independent sources do not lie. Pakistan sending protesters across the border now?? You guys seriously need to RE-THINK.


If you want some Western or froeign sources then help yourself.

US did not landed in your backyard and forced you to join them. It was done to us. There so no intelligence on part of Indians. You were simply never forced to be a part of it. Yes our government could have made some tough decisions but when the Bush was yacking that "Every nation has a decision to make,. either they are with us or with the terrorists" what do you expect when they were threatening openly in the UN. Dude you can't take panga with the USA. If it ever happens to Indian you will see. But i do agree that masses were ready and had we not joined the stupid WOT nothing would have happened to Pak. However, India would have tried its best to make US invade Pak after that. I agree we had to show some balls in 2001.

No we are not strangulated by Army or ISI. An ordinary Pakistani loves both of them just to clarify.

We hate our corrupt government though and we hope to get rid of it soon and install a better government with the help of our votes.

Pakistan has always needled India in this Kashmir issue, wars fought yet nothing came in hand. A secret agreement was close to being signed between the two countries to make the LOC permanent border, but didn't work.

Whenever Pakistan has gone beyond its boundaries to seize influence has only brought disaster to Pakistani people in the guise of Taliban. Not only is it a threat to India and global peace, its a threat to itself.Now it has 2 threats Taliban and India.

P.O.K is an important region of strategic impotance. It connects China to Pak. If Pak keeps on pushing their agenda, India would really be assertive in their stance then and would really take it to P.O.K .

All i wanna say is, Pak should be happy with P.O.K . If it goes from their hand, then they would be loosing big time and can forget about any links to China.

What makes you think that Azad Kashmir is going out of Pak hands. Is it the latest wet dream i should add to the list?

WOW. So you are saying Pakistan should drop its claim on IOK? HA HA HA. Did it ever happen in 6 decades? Dude you need to get out of your arrogance. Its a disputed territory with no international border. Same goes for India. If Pak ever adventures into IOK it will not be seen as invasion of India because it never crossed the international border. So please get back into your senses if you have some. Its IOK that is clearly slipping. You are only holding it by force. If USSR could not hold itself then India is not even 50% of what USSR was.

Stick to your arrogance and over confidence until the reality bomb explodes in your face.

BTW Talibans are not a threat to us. The fake TTP was a threat that has been crushed. The real Taliban are in Afghanistan and North Waziristan fighting against foreign forces not the State of Pakistan and its army. It was a nice attempt on part of CIA and RAW to change the local opinion but why do you always forget that others have a mind too.

We dont care about Taliban and what they do in Afghanistan as long as they do not allow India to use Afghan land against us.

P.S ...Krishna should be really really worried about the ISI's and Haqqani's diwali in Afghanistan when US leaves. I think he is that's why he is giving such blunt senseless statements.
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The Reality is: There are very few takers of Kashmir cause in the world. Even Saud and China who are close friends of Pakistan remain neutral. Pakistan is slowly establishing themselves as a rouge nation. Most view Pakistan as Taliban supporters as well as the cause of violence in Kashmir. Because of this even the factual Indian military killings in Kashmir gets side tracked or not given importance in the news. Our support is more and more becoming tactical to Pakistan. More incidents like the recent one- closing of NATO shipment route will push us apart and isolate Pakistan. The worsst of all is the pak government which is highly ineffective. An Army rule will bring in much benefits
before i post i would like to appoligise in advance if it hurts any ones feelings

i see on this forum that a lot of people blame their goverment for the state pakistan is in , having said that do you really think that pakistan is better off with a demoracy then a military ruler? after all pakistan recorded its gretest forward growth under military rule . just a question for my pakistani friends
Indian-held Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah ruffled quite a few feathers when he said what must have appeared as heresy to New Delhi.

Speaking in the legislature of the disputed territory on Thursday, the chief minister scuttled the very basis of the Indian case in Kashmir when he emphasised two points: one, Jammu and Kashmir never merged with India and two, it was an international dispute. No wonder this earned him the immediate wrath of the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party, which accused him of being anti-national. Mr Abdullah said Kashmir was a dispute between two neighbours and the explosive situation in the valley needed a political solution. This extraordinarily blunt talk goes against New Delhi’s decades-old official line — that Kashmir is an ‘integral part’ of India. While the analogy he drew between Kashmir on the one side and Hyderabad and Junagadh on the other doesn’t concern us here, what deserves to be noted is the background against which Mr Abdullah seems to have been forced to utter words that under normal circumstances he would not have considered prudent to go public with. But such is the impact of the protests now rocking Indian-held Kashmir that the chief minister had no choice but to say something off the beaten track to serve as a sop to the valley’s angry youth.

One major concern for Mr Abdullah must be the realisation that men like him are in danger of being swept away if they do not appear to be sympathetic to the current sentiments in Kashmir, the people’s total disillusionment with Indian rule and the fatalities which have reached more than 100 since the current wave of protests began on June 11. That he was critical of the Indian authorities’ reliance on force to tackle the protests was obvious when he said the situation needed a political solution. Kashmir, he said, was a political issue, and “it cannot be addressed through development, employment and good governance”. This is the crux of the matter. The political issue Mr Abdullah spoke of revolves around a principle which cannot be denied to the Kashmiri people — their right to self-determination.

DAWN.COM | Editorial | Kashmir?s status
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