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Historical evidences for the arguments as to what sort of Pakistan the founding fathers wanted


Mar 5, 2022
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I wanted to open up a thread where we could present historical evidence for the arguments related to what sort of Pakistan the founding fathers (primarily Jinnah and Iqbal for now) wanted. Clearly, we do have disagreements on this topic. So I wanted to create a thread where we could discuss this seriously with primary source evidences.

So for this thread, I suggest we can open up a couple of different streams/ threads where we present primary source evidences on the particular topics. Feel free to open up separate threads if you want to explore other themes in this topic but link them to this thread so that we know that it should follow the rules we set up here.

1) we want to quote only primary sources. If the primary source doesn’t exist publicly, we want to quote the closest secondary source that talks about the primary source you are referring to. If possible, link the primary source web link, if available. The goal is to remain as close to the source as possible that can be easily verified publicly. You can ofc however link context around sources or events however.

2) feel free to use studies but do not post the studies as primary sources. You can quote the primary source reference in the study and then say that you find the reference for this in said secondary source study.

3) feel free to posit an opinion and question a source or say why you think that said source is unreliable. Please keep said opinions polite however. Ultimately reader will judge based on evidence provided.

4) please link the above three rules and this main thread in separate threads that we open to explore these themes.
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The first stream I wanted to open up was with regards to after the creation of Pakistan and their engagement in advising on the Islamic nature of the state.

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Iqbal wanted a united muslim state within Indian confederation
Source: Now or Never by Ch.Rehmat Ali

While MA Jinnah and co wanted a progressive somewhat secular state.To put simply, Muslim League envisioned a functional Aligarh ideological Enterprise.
But due to weakened ML after the death of MA Jinnah,there was huge space left in political sphere of which military took advantage and moved in to directly and indirectly rule the state of Pakistan and this continues to this day .During this period, Pakistani party politics was never institutionalized and runs on the charisma of some popular leader instead of any sound ideology
Source: Pakistan:The Modern History
Iqbal wanted a united muslim state within Indian confederation
Source: Now or Never by Ch.Rehmat Ali

While MA Jinnah and co wanted a progressive somewhat secular state.To put simply, Muslim League envisioned a functional Aligarh ideological Enterprise.
But due to weakened ML after the death of MA Jinnah,there was huge space left in political sphere of which military took advantage and moved in to directly and indirectly rule the state of Pakistan and this continues to this day .During this period, Pakistani party politics was never institutionalized and runs on the charisma of some popular leader instead of any sound ideology
Source: Pakistan:The Modern History

Do you mind opening up a seperate thread to explore this theme and link it here. I.e. what Iqbal wanted

Also we are going to discuss what Jinnah wanted as well in the other thread, but I felt it might make sense to break up what he wanted based on his actions in different periods of his life, pre partition and post partition.

Also brother, don’t quote secondary sources - quote directly from Iqbal and Jinnah. You can use the studies above to farm for primary original references or sources but we need the original pronouncements if possible. For every one opinion you quote of an academic, you will find another from the other side of the aisle.
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I wanted to open up a thread where we could present historical evidence for the arguments related to what sort of Pakistan the founding fathers (primarily Jinnah and Iqbal for now) wanted. Clearly, we do have disagreements on this topic. So I wanted to create a thread where we could discuss this seriously with primary source evidences.

So for this thread, I suggest we can open up a couple of different streams/ threads where we present primary source evidences on the particular topics. Feel free to open up separate threads if you want to explore other themes in this topic but link them to this thread so that we know that it should follow the rules we set up here.

1) we want to quote only primary sources. If the primary source doesn’t exist publicly, we want to quote the closest secondary source that talks about the primary source you are referring to. If possible, link the primary source web link, if available. The goal is to remain as close to the source as possible that can be easily verified publicly. You can ofc however link context around sources or events however.

2) feel free to use studies but do not post the studies as primary sources. You can quote the primary source reference in the study and then say that you find the reference for this in said secondary source study.

3) feel free to posit an opinion and question a source or say why you think that said source is unreliable. Please keep said opinions polite however. Ultimately reader will judge based on evidence provided.

4) please link the above three rules and this main thread in separate threads that we open to explore these themes.
From extensive readings, as well as my constant observations of Pakistani state, the idea of Pakistan "Land of the Pure" looks rather spacy and highly impractical since Pakistan is one of the most corrupt governments on God's green earth. The original pioneers were great people with Platonic intentions, but according to the idiom, and I quote: The path to hell is paved with good intentions", and that's what Pakistan looks like currently.

Unfortunately for the Pakistani people, Pakistan is neither Pak, nor Islamic but has been an outpost for the US since its inception, a colony for the "KOFAR/KAFER". Frankly, Pakistan is a failed state and there is no prospect for the future due to the widespread chronic corruption in the armed forces, political class, and the fragmentation of its society, as well as, lack of leadership that could reform the crumbled system.

For the past seven decades Pakistanis put up with consecutive regimes all of which failed to deliver any good to the nation. I guess Pakistanis just given up hope to reform the system since the Army doesn't allow any real leader to take charge or establish a true representative government from the people for the people. Army leaders resemble Sicilian Mafia bosses, as they are all super rich with unlimited power capable of quashing anyone challenging their perpetual iron-clad rule over Pakistan.

Compare to Hindustan "not so pure", Pakistan looks rather hopeless due to widespread poverty, cronyism, tribal loyalties, and its dependance on two contrasting regimes, the communist China, and the rotten regime of S. Arabia both of which use Pakistan as a proxy for their own geopolitical plans which facilitated by the Pakistani Armed forces, thus, either Pakistan dethrones the army commanders who are on Saudi, US, and Chines payroll or Pakistan stays as a failed state.
From extensive readings, as well as my constant observations of Pakistani state, the idea of Pakistan "Land of the Pure" looks rather spacy and highly impractical since Pakistan is one of the most corrupt governments on God's green earth. The original pioneers were great people with Platonic intentions, but according to the idiom, and I quote: The path to hell is paved with good intentions", and that's what Pakistan looks like currently.

Unfortunately for the Pakistani people, Pakistan is neither Pak, nor Islamic but has been an outpost for the US since its inception, a colony for the "KOFAR/KAFER". Frankly, Pakistan is a failed state and there is no prospect for the future due to the widespread chronic corruption in the armed forces, political class, and the fragmentation of its society, as well as, lack of leadership that could reform the crumbled system.

For the past seven decades Pakistanis put up with consecutive regimes all of which failed to deliver any good to the nation. I guess Pakistanis just given up hope to reform the system since the Army doesn't allow any real leader to take charge or establish a true representative government from the people for the people. Army leaders resemble Sicilian Mafia bosses, as they are all super rich with unlimited power capable of quashing anyone challenging their perpetual iron-clad rule over Pakistan.

Compare to Hindustan "not so pure", Pakistan looks rather hopeless due to widespread poverty, cronyism, tribal loyalties, and its dependance on two contrasting regimes, the communist China, and the rotten regime of S. Arabia both of which use Pakistan as a proxy for their own geopolitical plans which facilitated by the Pakistani Armed forces, thus, either Pakistan dethrones the army commanders who are on Saudi, US, and Chines payroll or Pakistan stays as a failed state.

When wishful thinking and conspiracy theories is viewed as somewhat ground reality.. Is what this posted is based on couple that with couple of irrelevant hyperbolism.

Let me give it to you raw without lope.

First of all you are some kind of Hindu trash who is bitter now that being said.. I will proceed.

You compared us to India lmao??? India is hell on earth! It has the worldest largest poverty more then the whole world combined and their civilians are the once suffering not these in pakistan.. Our government is in dept not our civilians for them everyday life is everyday. Poverty is over in India and it's ugly face and this is the biggest misconception most people get wrong.. Poverty and slums and all that is over in India don't get it mixed.

Besides Pakistan is the most resilient country and Pakistan has two economies one off grid and one within the grid.

85% of Pakistan's economy is off grid? Don't you think the Americans have tried before to gate-crash our economy:lol: We were sanctioned for more then 20 years but guess what we grew from strength to strength.. Anyone who thinks Pakistan is hopeless is retarded we are the only gov't who successfully caged zombies on the Indian side of the border and From the Americans own mouth Pakistan is immune to any economy hassle and most resilient country on earth..

All this PTI, PPP, PML etc etc little side show will vanish and it will just come and go as usual and Pakistan will keep growing from strength to strength..

The dice will keep rolling as usual weeks will turn to years and years to decades...
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When wishful thinking and conspiracy theories is viewed as somewhat ground reality.. Is what this posted is based on couple that with couple of irrelevant hyperbolism.

Let me give it to you raw without lope.

First of all you are some kind of Hindu trash who is bitter now that being said.. I will proceed.

You compared us to India lmao??? India is hell on earth! It has the worldest largest poverty more then the whole world combined and their civilians are the once suffering not these in pakistan.. Our government is in dept not our civilians for them everyday life is everyday. Poverty is over in India and it's ugly face and this is the biggest misconception most people get wrong.. Poverty and slums and all that is over in India don't get it mixed.

Besides Pakistan is the most resilient country and Pakistan has two economies one off grid and one within the grid.

85% of Pakistan's economy is off grid? Don't you think the Americans have tried before to gate-crash our economy:lol: We were sanctioned for more then 20 years but guess what we grew from strength to strength.. Anyone who thinks Pakistan is hopeless is retarded we are the only gov't who successfully caged zombies on the Indian side of the border and From the Americans own mouth Pakistan is immune to any economy hassle and most resilient country on earth..

All this PTI, PPP, PML etc etc little side show will vanish and it will just come and go as usual and Pakistan will keep growing from strength to strength..

The dice will keep rolling as usual weeks will turn to years and years to decades...
Very funny. How old are you?
most resilient country on earth?
Enjoy the strength and the great economy.

"First of all you are some kind of Hindu trash who is bitter now that being said.. I will proceed."

May God help you and guide you to learn how to talk to others especially someone you don't know.

The only Hindu trash would be yourself since you are a genuine Hindi "ethnically" despite your claim of Islamic faith. Indian and Pakistani are the same people and they look exactly the same, because they are genetically the same. Hindi means anyone who is from the Indian subcontinent which includes India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. The term Pakistan is not a geographical area nor a race, its a political entity created in late 1940s as there was no such thing as Pakistan then. Also, the TERM "PAK" meant to distinguish between Hindu, Budi, and Sikh vs Muslims. However, just calling someone PAK "CLEAN/PURE" doesn't make it so since PAK means purity and piousness, and virtuosity all of which must be earned by faith, and godly deeds by imitating his character and surely no Pakistani leader could claim or have such qualities. It includes avoidance of all sins, evil deeds, adherence to a long list of instruction sets revealed by God almighty by heart and mind. Only God almighty knows who is righteous and upright, we cannot make the claim to be one as we are imperfect, short sighted, lack wisdom, and short in brains. Hence, trashing others is a bad idea defying what "Allah / God" commanded all to avoid.

I was trying to express an opinion based on facts, and yet, you came out calling me a Hindu, which is very funny since I consider India and Indians as maggots, period. Simply put, if my Dog is Indian I will be cutting its tail albeit that seems cruel and inhumane.

I am a US national with no connection to any Hindus as I despise them along with anything related to India. However, I don't go out of my way to cause them harm and pain as that defies the meaning of MERCY "RAHMA".

From contact and close observation of Indians and Pakistanis in USA and other locations, it seems a healthy percentage of you are the jack of all trades and master of none. Lots of big talk, and nothing to show for it. The Arabs and Turks have the same exact problems too. I guess it mostly has to do with ethnicity and none is related to Islam. Pride, Prejudes, and Arrogance all three are Satanic attributes that guarantee hell "Jaheem, Saqr, Jahannam" for any human who posses such traits.

By the way, what part of my post portrayed or showed anything that made you flipout and call me names? Read first, understand it, and then tell me your reply. Frankly you made me feel sorry for indulging in anything related to south Asia, as I have no good opinion about any part of that region. Your reply proved me correct. I hope that makes you feel better.

The comparison I was making had to do with political systems, governance, and corruption. It was not related whether you're a muslim and they are Hindus or Kefir . . . .

Lastly, a believer "a Muslim" doesn't curse people nor denegrades them whether they were Hindu, Hindi, or any other humans. You must read and learn what Faith is all about, and then you could understand whether you qualify to be a Muslim. Just claiming to be a Muslim does not make you one. Unfortunately the further away "distance wise" people from the center of the origin of Quran, the further away people are from true faith as they lack the proper understanding of "IMAN/Faith".

Inshallah you manage to understand something this time.
Have a nice day . . .
Very funny. How old are you?

Enjoy the strength and the great economy.

"First of all you are some kind of Hindu trash who is bitter now that being said.. I will proceed."

May God help you and guide you to learn how to talk to others especially someone you don't know.

The only Hindu trash would be yourself since you are a genuine Hindi "ethnically" despite your claim of Islamic faith. Indian and Pakistani are the same people and they look exactly the same, because they are genetically the same. Hindi means anyone who is from the Indian subcontinent which includes India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. The term Pakistan is not a geographical area nor a race, its a political entity created in late 1940s as there was no such thing as Pakistan then. Also, the TERM "PAK" meant to distinguish between Hindu, Budi, and Sikh vs Muslims. However, just calling someone PAK "CLEAN/PURE" doesn't make it so since PAK means purity and piousness, and virtuosity all of which must be earned by faith, and godly deeds by imitating his character and surely no Pakistani leader could claim or have such qualities. It includes avoidance of all sins, evil deeds, adherence to a long list of instruction sets revealed by God almighty by heart and mind. Only God almighty knows who is righteous and upright, we cannot make the claim to be one as we are imperfect, short sighted, lack wisdom, and short in brains. Hence, trashing others is a bad idea defying what "Allah / God" commanded all to avoid.

I was trying to express an opinion based on facts, and yet, you came out calling me a Hindu, which is very funny since I consider India and Indians as maggots, period. Simply put, if my Dog is Indian I will be cutting its tail albeit that seems cruel and inhumane.

I am a US national with no connection to any Hindus as I despise them along with anything related to India. However, I don't go out of my way to cause them harm and pain as that defies the meaning of MERCY "RAHMA".

From contact and close observation of Indians and Pakistanis in USA and other locations, it seems a healthy percentage of you are the jack of all trades and master of none. Lots of big talk, and nothing to show for it. The Arabs and Turks have the same exact problems too. I guess it mostly has to do with ethnicity and none is related to Islam. Pride, Prejudes, and Arrogance all three are Satanic attributes that guarantee hell "Jaheem, Saqr, Jahannam" for any human who posses such traits.

By the way, what part of my post portrayed or showed anything that made you flipout and call me names? Read first, understand it, and then tell me your reply. Frankly you made me feel sorry for indulging in anything related to south Asia, as I have no good opinion about any part of that region. Your reply proved me correct. I hope that makes you feel better.

The comparison I was making had to do with political systems, governance, and corruption. It was not related whether you're a muslim and they are Hindus or Kefir . . . .

Lastly, a believer "a Muslim" doesn't curse people nor denegrades them whether they were Hindu, Hindi, or any other humans. You must read and learn what Faith is all about, and then you could understand whether you qualify to be a Muslim. Just claiming to be a Muslim does not make you one. Unfortunately the further away "distance wise" people from the center of the origin of Quran, the further away people are from true faith as they lack the proper understanding of "IMAN/Faith".

Inshallah you manage to understand something this time.
Have a nice day . . .

Lmao.. who the fuk are you some kind of Sassinds majoos..

Who thinks he is actully something. We keep your civilization intact and safe not you. Learn this otherwise these same filth would have raped your women like flies and you won't be able to do anything to stop them.

You think you are some kind of unique element but your are not since the Arabs and Turks have been gang raping your little shxthole in Iran for centuries to almost 1000 years.

Whether you like it or not they fathered you and which makes us same civilization do never come in between me and Indians. Who dislikes your kind more then you can imagine because you are ignorant and don't understand what they did to the shia like your kinds.

The Indian feels great deal of inferiority. but the Iranians don't have inferiority atleast the Majority hence don't become Indians. In our region empires come and go and every dog has a day and people don't hang onto that but the Indians do hang onto that.

We have fuking nothing to do with India and we aren't even from the Subcontinent because it starts at proper India everything else is outside of the subcontinent. We just happen to be the once mining India for long time but we aren't part of them.

Don't act dumb with me you aren't exactly foreign to me just that random hoe I have been banging for centuries so just don't and stop it.

A Hindu is an animal and by Allah he would lynch your sorry azz allover Tehren and you wouldn't be able to stop him and he hates your kind and blames every misfortunate that happens to them on anyone who he assumes is Muslim. Don't be naive and ignorant As long as I am here you can sleep save because I am the one with the BIG DICK Energy..

I am he who knocks..

The only reason you don't see the animal is because I am trying to catch and ride it
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Lmao.. How the fuk are you some kind of Sassinds majoos..

Who thinks he is actully something. We keep your civilization intact not you. Learn this outside these same filth would have raped your women like flies and you won't be able to do anything to stop them.

You think you are some kind of unique element but your are not since the Arabs and Turks have been gang raping your little shxthole in Iran.

Whether you like it or not they fathered you and which makes us same civilization do never come in between me and Indian. Who dislikes you kind more then you can imagine because you ignorant and don't understand what they did to the shia like your kinds.

The Indian feels great deal of inferiority. but the Iranians don't have inferiority atleast the Majority hence don't become an Indian. In our region empires come and go and every dog has a day and people don't hang into that but the Indians do hang onto that.

We have fuk nothing to do with India and we aren't even from the Subcontinent starts at proper India everything else is outside of the subcontinent. We just happen to be the once mining India for long time but we aren't part of them.

Don't act dumb with me you aren't exactly foreign to me but I pussy I have been banging for centuries so just don't
You cannot out urinate a Hindi skunk.
You said:
How the fuk are you some kind of Sassinds majoos..
DumbA$$, go to school, "that word should be who" first learn basic Hinglish reading before you write. Also, you're like Mexican illegal immigrants who cross the border to USA, they learn nothing, but, they surely know how to say f-u-ck just like you, they are retards who fail to learn good things, they only memorize cursing words, thus, they end up as losers like you.

Hindi said: "Don't act dumb with me you aren't exactly foreign to me but I pussy I have been banging for centuries so just don't"

Wow . . . !

Imagine an ugly Hindi uttering such big words, its comical and hilarious . . ? Typical Indian/Hindi/speaking Hinglish. Typically, it has been the norm that all comers banged you and your ancestors but never heard of a Hindi-sissy boy banging anyone since you would be squashed like a bug.

seems to be the revolving theme in your empty skull, which confirms the fact that you were a constant victim of banging by child-molesters and street thugs and maybe to this day. You are lashing out like a sissy-boy frustrated as you cannot protect yourself, well, Hindis are cowards, so that's typical too. Talk to your mom who might help you overcome the pain. In phycology, people usually utter and constantly repeat what is causing them pain and fear. You proved that by your Banging bravado showing your rotten childhood and your false religion, as well. Frankly, Hindis do not have any religion especially the molested ones like you.

I don't wanna give you a heart attack since you look sick already as your rotten head is wiped out. Get up, take a shower, wash that cow dung off your stinky head and try to brush your filthy teeth as your breath smells like Hindi $hit . . . .

Old timers in our area had an idiom if someone uttered a stupid thing, they would shout at him; what are you, an Indian . . . .

Now I know why, speaking to a genuine Hindi proved the old timers were correct.
You cannot out urinate a Hindi skunk.
You said:

DumbA$$, go to school, "that word should be who" first learn basic Hinglish reading before you write. Also, you're like Mexican illegal immigrants who cross the border to USA, they learn nothing, but, they surely know how to say f-u-ck just like you, they are retards who fail to learn good things, they only memorize cursing words, thus, they end up as losers like you.

Hindi said: "Don't act dumb with me you aren't exactly foreign to me but I pussy I have been banging for centuries so just don't"

Wow . . . !

Imagine an ugly Hindi uttering such big words, its comical and hilarious . . ? Typical Indian/Hindi/speaking Hinglish. Typically, it has been the norm that all comers banged you and your ancestors but never heard of a Hindi-sissy boy banging anyone since you would be squashed like a bug.

seems to be the revolving theme in your empty skull, which confirms the fact that you were a constant victim of banging by child-molesters and street thugs and maybe to this day. You are lashing out like a sissy-boy frustrated as you cannot protect yourself, well, Hindis are cowards, so that's typical too. Talk to your mom who might help you overcome the pain. In phycology, people usually utter and constantly repeat what is causing them pain and fear. You proved that by your Banging bravado showing your rotten childhood and your false religion, as well. Frankly, Hindis do not have any religion especially the molested ones like you.

I don't wanna give you a heart attack since you look sick already as your rotten head is wiped out. Get up, take a shower, wash that cow dung off your stinky head and try to brush your filthy teeth as your breath smells like Hindi $hit . . . .

Old timers in our area had an idiom if someone uttered a stupid thing, they would shout at him; what are you, an Indian . . . .

Now I know why, speaking to a genuine Hindi proved the old timers were correct.

You don't even know how to counter this.. Just coming with alot of fallacies and nothing else. You are a nobody.. Hindi is the one across the border and Sind is Pakistan if you were following historical facts. Hind and Sind ain't the same thing.

The same arabs who raped you ugly azz majoos and guided you to Islam coined these words besides and put the two in different categorize and not one.. I am a 2nd generation arab mixed with nooristani.

These who brought you Islam while you were worshipping fire like bunch of animals besides the Arabs and Turks raped your country nearly for 1000 years.

You are literally nobody in my sight to be beating your chest for me. You are just like an ant. Who doesn't understand anything assuming things.

I hate to pop your cherries but you are a nobody in this contest my friend.

I hate to do this to you but avoid raising your voice next time where it doesn't belong.

What do you mean by your false religion? Are you one of these apostates in Europe. In reality you are just a sissy-Persian cat that is smooth and cuddly don't look beyond your gaze little man.

You fuking irrelevant Sassind majoos. Do not put yourself in the line of fire when it is not intended for you. learn from it Majoos faggot
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You don't even know how to counter this.. Just coming with alot of fallacies and nothing else. You are a nobody.. Hindi is the one across the border and Sind is Pakistan if you were following historical facts. Hind and Sind ain't the same thing.
They are the same exact genes according to all human studies all over the world. You are a Mohager and only God knows where you came from. Sind/Hind is the same land albeit with two geographical names.
The same arabs who raped you ugly azz majoos and guided you to Islam coined these words besides and put the two in different categorize and not one.. I am a 2nd generation arab mixed with nooristani.
Wow, now you are an Arab, and yet, you just said they raped people. Truely a nasty person, and a certified liar. No ethnic Arabs live in your area and they never did since their own region is rich and vibrant and they have a much higher living standard. If you say that to an Arab, they will ridicule you and call you a liar, because you are not an Arab but a Hindi.

I read a lot of history, and yet, never found any source or reference that they raped people. I think you are full of $hit. Arabs don't rape people, they're very ethical people, they are polite, they have modesty, they are kind and friendly folks which is exactly your opposite. it's Hindi people who have Bacha-Bazi as they have been raping their own kind "children" (Check YouTube and you might see yourself in the videos among those boys) for centuries. Just ask Mr. Imran Khan who told an English reporter few years ago that Pakistan has over one million Bacha "sexually molested kids" by his own statistics, I am sure the number is five fold greater. (look for it on YouTube). An eye opener albeit shocking and tragic.
These who brought you Islam while you were worshipping fire like bunch of animals besides the Arabs and Turks raped your country nearly for 1000 years.
What are you, an animal of sort? What Islam, and when did they brought Islam to me in Boston, Massachusetts. My great grandfather who was a sailor migrated to Lexington in New England in the 18th century, thus, we have been in that region since 1819. We are not Muslims, and thanks, We don't want to be one since you folks seem like the lowest type of subhumans on God's green earth. You're disgusting characters. Just record your own vulgar words and then listen to your recording to realize how Satanic you really are. As you brag about raping you own kind, you trash your own type and make Islam look like a hellish nightmare.

If you think other Muslims are bad, then go fight them you expired coward bacha and stop cussing left and right without even knowing who is the reader. That's why Hindi people are so backward and so despised by the whole world, you are literally braindead.
You are literally nobody in my sight to be beating your chest for me. You are just like an ant. Who doesn't understand anything assuming things.
I am don't beat my chest at you Bacha boy. You're just an illiterate brown Hindi who looks like horse's A$$, so why would I even give a damn about you since you are a smelly Hindi rubbish from an illiterate God forsaken land that I give no $hit about.
I hate to pop your cherries but you are a nobody in this contest my friend.
I am not your friend you lowly punk. You're a swine and I wouldn't let me dog come near a stinky pig such as you.
I hate to do this to you but avoid raising your voice next time where it doesn't belong.

What do you mean by your false religion? Are you one of these apostates in Europe. In reality you are just a sissy-Persian cat that is smooth and cuddly don't look beyond your gaze little man.

You fuking irrelevant Sassind majoos. Do not put yourself in the line of fire when it is not intended for you. learn from it Majoos faggot
Who are those
Sassind majoos
Once again, little Hindi brown boy, I am neither Persian nor a muslim, why are you so empty headed that I must be repeating myself countless times? Did the
Sassind majoos
F-u- ck your mamma or your grandmother? What's the issue with those bastards, and who the hell are they?

If you think Persian are sissies, then how come they ruled your nation's Hindi A$$ for 500 years to be exact "again, see Google search, punk", and now they are the only nation challenging the West? Strange conclusion from a fella who could barely write two correct phrases in Hinglish .
You seem like a filthy BACHA. Apparently when you were at age 10-11 your stupid parent sold you to Bacha-Bazi groups who raped you for as long they have, but then when you got old they dumped you in the street to fend for yourself. Frankly, the telling signs are so obviously dripping from your filthy mouth. You sound like an expired old male-prostitute who got f- - u-cked by hundreds of Bacha-Bazi thugs in your shanty town otherwise you wouldn't be uttering such vulgar terms such as RAPE, F-u-ck constantly as if you were raised in a whore-house.

I am neither a bloody Shieh, not a sunni nor a muslim. However, I find you to be a much lower trash than filthy Hindus who apparently make you feel so inadequate.

Get a gun and go hunt the guys who molested you, you coward Bacha, and the first ones to shoot are your lowly parents who sold you to be a sexual slave for few bucks.

That is my last statement to you since you're a worthless hindi who deserves death by Rat Poison as you're the most stupid and completely corrupt piece of $hit I ever came across. Gladly for the people of this world, you live in a $hit hole and you would die like a ZERO on the left, a loser for the rest of your life afflicted by sexually transmitted diseases as you deserve that punishment from God due to your nasty past and your corrupt soul.

God damn you and hell is surely your destination.
I’m opening up three more streams here :-

Opening up another thread on what the British thought in top secret confidential documents at the highest levels of govt regarding Jinnahs ambitions in early Pakistan.

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