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How did the Houthis get such long range missiles? Comparable to that of Iran and Pakistan

So what is the impact?


Israel is considering a response against the Houthis after a medium range ballistic missiles (MRBM) and several drones launched from Yemen were intercepted yesterday, Rear Admiral. Daniel Hagari, an IDF spokesman, told reporters Wednesday.

“We are at a very high level of defense readiness,” he said in a press briefing. “We have added more Navy vessels that can provide significant protection in the maritime arena, and which also know how to deliver offensive capabilities.”

“We know how to attack where and when we decide, against any security interest of the State of Israel, wherever it is required,” Hagari added.

Balls shown but there can be consequences.
With what missiles will those corvettes strike Yemen?

Hint: none

They just brought Israeli targets closer to Yemen, perfect
no saleh tribe split , the army did not .
and don't forget south mat have more land under its control but north have 70-80 % of population
"The Yemeni army has been reinforced by thousands of volunteers under Tareq Saleh's national resistance forces. Elements of the republican guard and the Giants brigade have joined the Yemeni army against the Houthis."

Well...some did split. But that doesn't mean the Houthi-controlled part of Yemen doesn't have a big army.
We are waiting for American actions
First you were waiting for Israeli Ground Invasion and now for American actions?
Americans are involved in planning the ground invasion and its execution.
well , according to Israeli members here they already sabotaged and destroyed our missile and drone production facilities and launching capabilities . right now we only can build rocks so until our rock launch capabilities reach to the level we become able to launch rocks 1000km away we can't directly participate in war.
All Iran is capable of is to support the violent non state actors to achieve its little geostrategic interests destroying the political and economic systems of host countries in the way.
Iranians are no different to Zionists and Cruel Americans.Just different interests but same approach.Bloody opportunists.
First you were waiting for Israeli Ground Invasion and now for American actions?
Americans are involved in planning the ground invasion and its execution.

All Iran is capable of is to support the violent non state actors to achieve its little geostrategic interests destroying the political and economic systems of host countries in the way.
Iranians are no different to Zionists and Cruel Americans.Just different interests but same approach.Bloody opportunists.
This is said by someone whose country has not even condemned the crimes of Israhell.
God bless & protect the Shia , shows us Sunnis to be worthless & cowardly .

All the so called Sunnis who curse mock attack & kill Shias ( Pakistan ) sit in the corner and suck GCC coward Arabs balls .

And before all you come in ranting sectarian shit , I am Ahle -Hadith
Your parents raised you well.
Shia, mostly Iranians, are industrious, creative, resourceful, patriotic, and independent strategic thinkers.
On the other hand, most Sunnis are reactionary, have slave mentality to the west, Non-productive, self-destructive, dependent, and religious fanatics like Turkey, with a couple of exceptions like Pakistan.
-------------------------> Balls of Steel
Yemen by itself seems to have more balls than all the Sunni countries put together in this case. No offense to anyone.
However, Palis are Sunnis as far as I know, and so far, no Sunni seems to come to their aid. If anything, they are in bed with Israel with their Abraham Accord in Memory Motel.

While Jews are pounding Muslims, Muslims are either fighting among themselves, or helping Israel to kill more Muslims, such as Turkey killing Muslims in ME and Africa. So sad for you all!
The yemeni attack will drain US and Israeli anti missile arsenal when they need it most to counter hezbollah attack in the future. This is not just random emotinal shooting of missile but seem coordinated with other parties.
Does Yemen have S-136? That thing worth its weight in gold.

By the way,

Just one more thing, don't forget to make a Nukezilla (Nuke+ICBM), and lots of them like a garden of flowers.
-------------------------> LET THOUSANDS OF FLOWERS BLOOM.

It says so right there in your Koran. Prophet Mohammed himself was very fond of flowers especially the ones with very long range, I mean long stems, and big tips, I mean fluffy petals.
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