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Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Let me get this straight and simple.

In the past few weeks or months, things have been going in the wrong way, but now there will be no more bullshit around.
  1. No need to argue with the moderators. They and i know what they are doing, and when they are doing it, lets not interfere. You will only end up getting banned. No need to go and continue with your bullshit. PFF is not a battle ground, but a place to discuss things maturely. Salim is an example of that.
  2. You have freedom of speech, but again everything has its limits. You will have freedom of speech on the PFF, but it will come with respect. When you criticize, you will do it with RESPECT. You will talk in a friendly manner, just as you would when you talk to your friends.
  3. Country! Yup, let me tell you this. I am a patriotic person, but not over patriotic. I love my country, and i hate and i mean, i hate when somebody says bullshit about it in a disrespectful childish manner. It wont be allowed. The PFF is created on the basis of mature discussion, for only mature people. This is no kiddy place!
  4. You will discuss with no flames or will post propaganda articles which will only have a bad end.
  5. There is no need for you to enforce rules, thats why we have the moderators.
This goes to all of you. We will come back on the track ones again, if not i will make it that way. These above things are not new, they are stated in the rules. We are just little off the track and we have to get back on it again. Lets do it.

Some playing with the domains today. It might have created problems with your cookies, so i suggest everyone to remove their cookies, and offline files and log back in. There will no more be a redirect page. It has been Search Engine Optimized.

The site is coming along good, and is still in development.

You forgot the part of not posting any anti-pakistani BS or any anti-american BS to.

No offense but ive seen that in the last few months this forum has been overrun by BS articles about Pakistan and its allies. The quality of this forum went real downhill in the past 2 months or it might be just me after I returned from my vacation :)
that's kind of covered under freedom of speech. You are free to dispute all of their arguments as well. If it's anti-Pakistan, I'd expect Pakistanis to go forth and counter it.

It's easy for me to just delete it off, but that won't be right and would give us Pakistanis a cowering image. That doesn't fit right with me.
that's kind of covered under freedom of speech. You are free to dispute all of their arguments as well. If it's anti-Pakistan, I'd expect Pakistanis to go forth and counter it.

It's easy for me to just delete it off, but that won't be right and would give us Pakistanis a cowering image. That doesn't fit right with me.

Yeah we would if the forum wherent flooded with BS articles. You see ive been to many forums on the net and I learned a few things about indians

1. Even on social forum no matter what they always try to hurt pakistans images

2. Indians register to pak forums in large numbers then later flood the forum at first acting nice then later they get out of control

3. No matter how nice you try to be towards them they bash you flooding with articles from hindoostan times and other BS sources

4. There strategy is plain and simple " flood the forum with indian members"

First you mods need to bann a large portion of this pakistani hate then we can counter agrue these indians
I'm not nice to anybody. Not am I asking you to be. You can criticize India all you want. Haha if you think I'm some sort of an Indian lover, just goto one of my favorite forums, WAB, and ask an Indian about me :D. Apparently according to them I'd be the next worst thing after Rawand.

But I WILL do the right thing and it has nothing to do with being nice.

They are welcome to flood the forum too, the more the merrier. I can take them all on. Join me if you want to.
Yeah we would if the forum wherent flooded with BS articles. You see ive been to many forums on the net and I learned a few things about indians

I will try minimize that. As i agree with you.
By the way what happened to the option, on the right side of quick reply section, that gave me the option of placing the formatted text as it is and saved a lot of re-work to make the article readable?
How can i get my Signiture. i tried in Profile but i cant see any opotion
Some updates to the forums today including integration of a flash header, welcome header, donation page, donation image near the welcome box, etc.

Donate page is located here: https://defence.pk/forums/billspaypal.php?

Please donate whatever you can.

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