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India | A Democracy Soaked In Blood.

Because the hardcore corrupt Naxalites indulge in anti-people criminal activities that's why it never became a people's movement even in 50years and so will be another 100 years. So, I was laughing at your intelligence. :woot:

You can laugh all the way to Chattisgarh and meet the Naxals in their weapon testing labs. Or you may go to any of the 120 or more other districts where Naxals are killing Indian soldiers and dance tango with AK-47s hung on your shoulder. Laugh gigawatt as there is no bijli in chattisgarh these days :)
You can laugh all the way to Chattisgarh and meet the Naxals in their weapon testing labs. Or you may go to any of the 120 or more other districts where Naxals are killing Indian soldiers and dance tango with AK-47s hung on your shoulder. Laugh gigawatt as there is no bijli in chattisgarh these days :)

now, a keyboard warrior sitting in well fortified Islamabad who only believe in anti-India venom will tell me about Naxalites. :laugh:
now, a keyboard warrior sitting in well fortified Islamabad who only believe in anti-India venom will tell me about Naxalites. :laugh:

Nope. I am just quoting Indian media. I am not here to teach you anything. You need to learn about Naxals from your own media outlets and other Indians who have posted here. By what you have said so far - you don't seem to be an intellectual of any sort. I am not being personal, but just stating my opinion from what you have posted so far.
Nope. I am just quoting Indian media. I am not here to teach you anything. You need to learn about Naxals from your own media outlets and other Indians who have posted here. By what you have said so far - you don't seem to be an intellectual of any sort. I am not being personal, but just stating my opinion from what you have posted so far.

If I will tell you the true situation of Naxalism, you won't believe it. I know the general knowledge of your countrymen who even don't know difference between insurgency and separatist movement. :disagree:
I agree with what you are saying. There are pockets of prosperity in India and outside these pockets much of India has not seen the shining part of India. The Naxalite movement is apparently maturing into a well organized resistance group which is preparing to cross the red line, to become an insurgency.

Today’s Deccan Chronicle report that Naxals have now developed a fully hi-tech weapons testing laboratory similar to the ones used by the defence forces and the DRDO, is a clear indicator of this fact.

Naxals have labs to test weapons | Deccan Chronicle

By your own admission, they have developed a high tech lab. Is not it enough reason to believe that they are not friends of tribals but just a racket for extortion from mining firms. Otherwise the kind of money and technology they have got in the jungles, it could have been used for a better purpose. Now who says the area is backward. Even our Pak brothers know that a state-of-the-art lab is functioning there. What stops them to start an enterprise or a school there with that kind of money?
By your own admission, they have developed a high tech lab. Is not it enough reason to believe that they are not friends of tribals but just a racket for extortion from mining firms. Otherwise the kind of money and technology they have got in the jungles, it could have been used for a better purpose. Now who says the area is backward. Even our Pak brothers know that a state-of-the-art lab is functioning there. What stops them to start an enterprise or a school there with that kind of money?

Not by my admission - it is Deccan Chronicle which is an Indian Newspaper.

I agree with you. By the same token the Indian government has to provide her people equal political and economic opportunities. In the absence of such dispensation, these movements thrive and thriving they are. When the security forces kill and torture and rape, people revolt. It is this revolt which is taking place and instead of providing them their basic needs the torture and killings increase which forces the Naxals to seek additional protective measures, which apparently they are doing.

Same is the case with other oppressed people in different parts of India.
Why is such a thing happening in India. It is the world's biggest democracy. However, being a democratic country, big or small, is certainly not the mantra of solving the problems of good governance. After all US and Canada are big and democratic. They have multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural societies. Yet such problems do not exist in these countries.

The example of Quebec in Canada is in front of us. French speaking populace in Quebec want an independent Quebec. They have a civilized way to deal with it. They held referendum and those who wanted freedom lost the vote. This is democracy at its best. Why don’t we hear of an armed freedom movement in Canada. Do we see the Canadian security forces brutalizing those who seek freedom. NO. This is what civilized countries do.
What happened in Quebec in Canada were Plebiscites. And the people decided to remain united with Canada. This shows the confidence of the people in their country and the confidence of the country in its people.

Can it happen in India. It will not happen in India easily as force is needed to keep together the entity called India. If the force is removed, the people in almost half of India would secede within weeks.

But how long the so-called unity of India can it last. I believe not long enough.

Beginning of another such movement though in its infancy (politically active since some time) is Telengana. There will be many more.
What happened in Quebec in Canada were Plebiscites. And the people decided to remain united with Canada. This shows the confidence of the people in their country and the confidence of the country in its people.

Can it happen in India. It will not happen in India easily as force is needed to keep together the entity called India. If the force is removed, the people in almost half of India would secede within weeks.

But how long the so-called unity of India can it last. I believe not long enough.

Beginning of another such movement though in its infancy (politically active since some time) is Telengana. There will be many more.
Its quite amusing how cyber jehadis post things without knowing SHYTE bout anything.
Telengana movement is for a state out Andhra Pradesh mr Jehadi.
Hey JackAss, learn to read the thing carefully. I said politically active since some time. I know that the KangerAss party of India promised them a separate state since long which has not happened. Those who demand a separate state of Telengana have already started using violence - that is why I said in its infancy.

Jehad is sacred to Muslims. Learn to respect other religions. Don't use this word insultingly.

Now go and run to the admins and tell them I called you a Jacko
And still you deny that you know nothing bout telengana you moron?
You used it in relevance to the breaking up of India,dint you?
And call your dad what called me,it suits you cyber jehadis better.
And a racist b*stard as well you are.
When have no reply resort to trolling.
Worthless piece of Shyte you are actually.

When you call me a jehadi, that is racist. You are not worth a reply even.
Beginning of another such movement though in its infancy (politically active since some time) is Telengana. There will be many more.

Separatist movement in Telangana. Is it clown Zaid Hamid effect. :lol::lol:
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