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Featured India Forces Facebook to Delete Kashmir related posts by Pakistan Defence.

Everyone keeps claiming here that India is going down and is already discredited. India has no international standing. India is a fake news factory and has been exposed by disinfo labs and the entire world has already accepted this fact.

How come India is still able to exert this unfair influence?

I will tell how. Only people convinced by this anti India narrative and propaganda is a small section of people on few forums. India is as strong and is getting better at this game. Good luck to those who think otherwise.

This isn't about any influence. It's about Pakistani accounts and traffic on these platforms being moderated in India by Indians. It actually plays directly into "India is a fake news factory and has been exposed by disinfo labs and the entire world has already accepted this fact." Shows the extent of shamelessness and desperation Indians will go to to hide the truth.
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Shows the extent of shameless and desperation Indians will go to hide the truth.
This only shows exasperation and helplessness.
All countries work towards trying to get their narrative across. It has been so since time immemorial. Powerful decided what is the current narrative and what is written in the history books.
This is the very reason China doesn’t t allow any external social media platform at all. Does that make them shameless and desperate? I guess not.

Since, your interests conflict with that of Indians, they become bad boys for you. Same is the feeling this side. Any country worth its salt would try to get its own version of story to be narrated. Some do it exclusively like China and others do it to the extent possible. Wouldn’t Pakistan like to control it and isn’t it trying to do so?

It all depends on the side you are.

"India is a fake news factory and has been exposed by disinfo labs and the entire world has already accepted this fact."

The statement that entire world has accepted is accepted only on PDF. That’s my view. I will accept it if I see anything concrete happening on ground by the world other than China, Turkey and Malaysia.
We should appeal the removal. Asking them to specifically cite which part of these community standards were violated in that post and where.

It should be fairly easy to appeal and ask for a review. And also let them know that due to Indo-Pak tensions, politically motivated reporting and even social media teams may be targeting the page. Facebook should therefore exercise due caution in taking action against content, and only removing when there are clear violations of their standards.

Godspeed to you brothers who are running the social media pages. :tup:
They wouldn't give anti- western countries a fair playing field under their standard of high moral, righteous and freedom.
A beggar nation is what India is.

Credit where it's due, they have achieved the endeavour of being the biggest FAKE NEWS and PROPAGANDA factory in the world....... :azn: :

Everyone keeps claiming here that India is going down and is already discredited. India has no international standing. India is a fake news factory and has been exposed by disinfo labs and the entire world has already accepted this fact.

How come India is still able to exert this unfair influence?

I will tell how. Only people convinced by this anti India narrative and propaganda is a small section of people on few forums. India is as strong and is getting better at this game. Good luck to those who think otherwise.
Becos you wigger your tail and behave obediently under the western master.

Not becos you have greater influence or far bigger political clause.
We don't enjoy that luxury of Appeal & Review, we are banished folks..
Our verified twitter got suspended, another account got suspended, horus had 5 of his accounts suspended, i got my personal account suspended @ 2.5k & Eagle had 10k followers when suspended....appeal was rejected :)
Then why still using American hosting services for defence.pk?? Better move to German/Chinese cloud providers as a start.


As for the general social media part, you folks are giving too much importance to the so called "giants". They are just giant unsustainable bubbles. The fate of all of them (Facebook, google, twitter etc) is sealed. Mark my words and mark this date. It is destiny that the faster someone goes higher the steeper will be his fall.
Anybody who is not in western camp thinks these american social media offer a fair playground to express your fair and truthful opinion , need to get his head check.

If you're not in western camp, your opinion will be silent. India , who choose to be the lackey of western camp are protected by their master.
This is normal, my personal FB/Twitter accounts have been suspended and the stuff related to Kashmir i posted on PDF FB page also removed.
This is normal, my personal FB/Twitter accounts have been suspended and the stuff related to Kashmir i posted on PDF FB page also removed.
The west will never offer a fair playground for their enemies. The west will offer help to those who obey them.
Facebook is hardly going to let graveside photos of a terrorist who self-admittedly killed many. Its not going to let cyber proto terrorists and keyboard numpties sing hosannas to a terrorist.

And Pakistani's are amazed. Jeeez
Becos you wigger your tail and behave obediently under the western master.

Not becos you have greater influence or far bigger political clause.
Tail between the legs looks the case for China here that tried to launch an offensive and was sent back packing. It took 8 months to accept casualties due fear of backlash back home.
List is long but no point wasting it on a bot.
I think Imran is making Modi govt crazy over Kashmir, Hitler, RSS fundamentalist. Modi locks himself in some deep underground room as soon as he hear Imran speaking in some conference....then he pokes his head out of the hole and ask "is he finished".... God please give Imran few more years so Modi can die of heart attack or at least becomes a total nut case.
Facebook has selective policies while enforcing the so called community standards. Anything against Indian interests will face very difficult time in Facebook based on my experience. I myself operate two pages with multi thousand followers and I have to be very 'innovative' all the times to survive their wrath.

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