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Indonesia defense acquisition program 2020-2024

Indonesia cleared to source foreign loans for AEW&C aircraft programme​

09 MARCH 2023

by Ridzwan Rahmat

The Indonesian Ministry of Finance (MoF) has approved plans for the country to acquire two new airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft, with loans sourced from a foreign lender.

The approval means that the Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) can now formally begin the process of evaluating suitable aircraft types and sources for a foreign lender to fund the programme.

The Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU) is currently not equipped with any form of AEW&C capabilities.

Documents provided to Janes indicate that the ceiling approved for the loan programme is USD800 million, and it should cover the delivery of two airframes, together with their associated components, service equipment, and training packages.

The AEW&C aircraft procurement is in addition to the list of 16 programmes for the year, for which permission to take on foreign loans has been granted by the MoF, provided the formal contracts are signed with the MoD by 31 December 2023.

Possible to use C 295 as platform so Indonesian Aerospace can manufacture the plane in the country and there will be less likely to find any difficulty to maintain the plane as Indonesian Aerospace has strong connection with Airbus, particularly for CN235 family that include C 295

C 295


Base on the credible source, Indonesia will order another 18 Rafale plane (most probably F3R or F4.1) from previous 2.9 billion USD foreign loan approval by Finance Ministry (I have already said it last year in my previous post in this thread).

As it is not yet budgeted (Indonesia defense budget for 2024 will be proposed in the first semester 2023), so I expect the contract is signed this year when Jokowi visits France but it only can become effective after 2024 budget is disbursed by Sri Mulyani in 2024.

I doubt next administration will complete all 42 Rafale fighters as I believe they will prefer KF21 as Indonesia main fighters backbone inshaAllah. Next administration I expect will buy another T50i around 16 planes, so Indonesia will likely have 36 T50i Golden Eagle. This advanced training and attack plane I believe is needed to prepare Indonesian Air Force who will likely have around 200 fighters in 2040.

So the expected fighters owned by Indonesian Air Force before the coming of KF21/IFX inshaAllah is :

24 Rafale F3R/F4
33 F 16 AM/BM and C/D
16 Sukhoi Su30/27 -upgraded
12 Mirage 2000-5


85 Fighters with BVR capabilities expected to become Indonesian Air Force backbone as 2029.


Beyond 2029 inshaAllah Indonesian Air Force will add another 48 KF21/IFX block 2
( Most likely will be at least 120 KF21/IFX Block2/3 planes until 2040 inshaAllah)

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Note that this is based on SIPRI. Some in here hasnt become contracted, but just plan. It still needs Finance Ministry approval, for example for Rafale only 6 become real contract where the next bactch is 18 planes approved for foreign loan, but not yet entering real contract
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Australian foreign minister explaining about their nuclear submarine order


1/ Confirmed! Some of the LRU avionics grafted onto the F-16 of the Falcon STAR-eMLU program have partially adopted the F-16 Viper avionics. Avionics I managed to identify: 1. CCMFD 2. Viper Memory..? 3. iPDG 4.MMC 7000A 5. CoRP radar APG-68 (V) 9 6. ADTE 7. LN-260 EGI

Defense Budget of IDR 134 Trillion, Legislators: Domestic Product Spending Must Be Optimized​

News from Faustinus Nua • 11 hours ago


Jakarta: Member of Commission I of the House of Representatives Dave Akbarshah Fikarno Laksono said that Indonesia's defense budget is very large. In fact, the budget managed by the Ministry of Defense is the largest compared to other ministry posts, reaching IDR 134 trillion.

With this budget, said Dave, it should be optimized to buy domestic products. In particular, regarding military needs, namely soldier equipment, ministry spending can be more in favor of domestic industry.

"It should be. The budget for defense is very large, it must be optimal for spending in the country," Dave said to Media Indonesia, Wednesday, March 15, 2023.

According to Dave, currently the domestic industry actually already has the ability to produce defense needs, let alone soldier equipment. So, it is very unfortunate that defense spending is still more for foreign products.

"Certain products can already be made entirely domestically," he said.

The Golkar politician encouraged the government to continue to support the domestic defense industry. Not only state-owned enterprises, but the private sector needs to get support in the form of tax incentives, capital and others.

"The government can provide support in the R&D sector, so that the private sector can immediately mass produce goods that meet the needs of the TNI. Or tax incentives, capital support, and protection in trade in local products," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo criticized the purchase of foreign products. He reminded that items such as shoes and weapons for soldiers can use domestically produced goods.

Indonesian Navy wants to buy RHAN 122 B rockets from Pindad. We need to wait to see how much the acquisition will be. Some large size of ammunitions like 60 mm mortar are also planned to be bought by Navy.

Both Pindad and Dahana are under SOE Defense Holding, Defend ID. It is not yet clear whether Navy only wants to order the rockets or it will include the MLRS vehicle which is developed by Dahana.


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