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Islamic Kingdom in Indonesia​


The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque built in 1292 by Sultan Alaidin Mahmudsyah has become an icon in the area.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022, 17:20 PM
Meilani Teniwut | Humanities

Islam in Indonesia is a religion adopted by the majority of its population. Data from the 2022 Population Census shows that there are around 231.06 million Muslims in Indonesia.

This percentage cannot be separated from the history that exists in the territory of Indonesia or the archipelago. As is known there are several large Islamic kingdoms spread in Indonesia.

These kingdoms then influenced the spread of Islam in Indonesia. Quoting from the Indonesian History High School Learning Module, here are some of the oldest Islamic kingdoms that have ever existed in Indonesia.

1. Samudra Pasai Kingdom

The Kingdom of Samudra Pasai was the first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia. This kingdom is located on the north coast of Aceh, precisely at the mouth of the Pasai river (Pasai). The estuary of the river is located in two cities named Samudra (away from the sea) and Pasai (coastal city).

Evidence of the kingdom's history can be seen in the inscriptions on the tombstone of Sultan Malik As-Saleh, news from Marcopolo, and Ibn Battuta, as well as the chronicle of the king of Pasai. This kingdom was built by Marah Silu who succeeded in uniting Samudra and Pasai.

After Marah Silu embraced Islam, he then obtained the title Sultan Malik As-Saleh and became the first king of the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai. Sultan Malik As-Saleh died then his throne fell to his son named Sultan Malik At Thahir.

The second king of Samudrai Pasai had two children, Mahmud and Malik Al Mansyur. His embassy inherited the throne and then moved the capital of the kingdom to Lhok Seumawe. After that, the power of Samudra Pasai was held by Sultan Ahmad Perumadat Perumal.

At that time, the first Islamic work in Indonesia established relations with the Delhi Sultanate (India). The location of this kingdom was very strategic, so it became the center of trade and the center of Islamic learning at that time. Many traders from Bengal, Gujarat, Arabia, and China came to transact buying and selling in the place.

Unfortunately, the existence of this kingdom is fading. This began with the Majapahit attack that wanted to unite the archipelago. Then there was the move of trade centers to Bintan Island and North Aceh. Finally, Samudra Pasai completely collapsed after being conquered by the Aceh Sultanate.

2. Kingdom of Malacca

The Kingdom of Malacca is also included in the list of the first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia because it stood at the beginning of the development of Islam. The kingdom is located on the Malay Peninsula with the capital Malacca. The first king of the Kingdom of Malacca was Iskandar Shah. During his reign, this kingdom grew rapidly and became the largest Islamic kingdom in Southeast Asia.

But according to historical records, the golden age of this Islamic kingdom was in the era of the leadership of Sultan Mansyur Shah. At that time, Malacca managed to become a center of trade as well as the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia. The economy of the people in the Kingdom of Malacca rested on trade and shipping.

During the Malacca Kingdom, there was already a system of laws that regulated the social life of its people. Despite having a fairly good life order, the Kingdom of Malacca could not last forever. Malacca weakened under Sultan Muhammad Shah and collapsed when the Portuguese conquered Malacca in 1511.

3. Kingdom of Aceh

Geographically, the kingdom of Aceh is located in North Sumatra with shipping lanes and international trade. Its strategic location makes this kingdom grow quite rapidly.

The first sultan of this kingdom was Sultan Ali Mughayat Shah and experienced a heyday during the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda. In its heyday, Aceh developed as a pepper producer. From here many countries trade in Aceh.

However, when Sultan Iskandar Muda stepped down, this kingdom experienced a decline. Sultan Iskandar Thani, who succeeded him, did not have the personality and prowess of previous sultans. Some of the factors that caused this kingdom to decline include:
a. The Kingdom of Aceh suffered a defeat against the Portuguese in Malacca.
b. There were no capable figures after Sultan Iskandar Muda died.
c. The conquered areas of this kingdom began to break away such as Johor, Perlak, Pahang, Minangkabau, and Siak.

4. Demak Kingdom

The Kingdom of Demak was led by Raden Patah and located in Central Java, precisely in an area called Bintoro, a subordinate area of Majapahit. The first king was Raden Patah who was a descendant of King Brawijaya V (king of Majapahit) and his mother was a Muslim from Jeumpa.

After Raden Patah, Demak Kingdom was led by Pati Unus. He led for short, but is quite famous for leading Demak troops to attack the Portuguese in Malacca. The first Islamic kingdom in Java experienced a heyday when it was led by Sultan Trenggono. His territory even reached Banten, Sunda Kelapa, and Cirebon.

Demak is a meeting area between spice producers from eastern Indonesia and Malacca as a market in western Indonesia. This kingdom is governed according to Islamic teachings but there are still people who carry out old traditions. In terms of economy, Demak developed in the field of trade and agriculture.

This kingdom also cooperated with regions on the north coast of Java to create alliances under the leadership of Demak. The Kingdom of Demak experienced a decline during the time of Sultan Prawoto due to the struggle for power.

5. Islamic Mataram Kingdom

Mataram Islam is located in Kotagede or currently Yogyakarta. The first king and founder of this kingdom was Sutawijaya. The heyday of Islamic Mataram was during the time of Raden Mas Rangsang or Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo. At that time, Islamic Mataram was able to maintain power throughout Java so that it could expel the Dutch from Batavia.

Other achievements made by Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo include:

a. Able to subdue regents who did not recognize the central power of Mataram.
b. Drafting the Surya Alam law book.
c. Sent a fleet and troops to attack Batavia which at that time was controlled by the VOC.

After the legacy of Sultan Agung, Islamic Mataram was then led by Amangkurat I then continued by Amangkurat II. After Sultan Amangkurat II died, Islamic Mataram was divided into two based on the Giyanti agreement. Mataram was then divided into the Jogjakarta Sultanate led by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I and the Surakarta Kasuhunan Region led by Susuhunan Pakubuwono I.

6. Banten Kingdom

This Islamic kingdom is located in northern West Java. The history of this kingdom began when Fatahilah succeeded in capturing Sunda Kelapa in 1527. Then Banten developed into a center of trade and spread of Islam. The foundation of this kingdom was laid by Hasanuddin, son of Fatahilah. Hasanuddin then became the first king and founder of the Banten Kingdom. The next king after Hasanuddin was Maulana Muhamad.

Banten was led by Abu Mufakir. But the news of Abu Mufakir's leadership is little known. You see, at that time the Dutch under the leadership of Cornelis de Houtman landed in Banten. The arrival of the Dutch became shocking news. The Kingdom of the Netherlands experienced its heyday during the reign of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.

At this time, Banten could become a trading center. In addition, Sultan Ageng also had a firm and courageous attitude towards the Dutch who were occupying Batavia. This firm attitude did not descend into the rotation of Sultan Haji. The son of Sultan Ageng tended to compromise with the VOC.

As a result, there was a war between Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa and Sultan Haji. At that time, Sultan Haji was assisted by the VOC. The victory of Sultan Haji foreshadowed the collapse of Banten.

7. Gowa Tallo Kingdom

This seventh part has two kingdoms and is located in South Sulawesi. The two are on good terms with each other. The Kingdom of Gowa Tallo was later known as the Kingdom of Makassar. This kingdom was once led by three kings, namely Sultan Aludin, Sultan Hasanuddin, and King Mapasoma.

The life of the people in the kingdom rests on the marine sector. Until finally Makassar developed into an international port visited by many foreign traders. The culture that developed in the Kingdom of Makassar was very close to the state of the maritime kingdom.

Cultural products that emerged at that time included fishing gear and phinisi boats. In addition, another form of culture that emerged during this kingdom was the development of literary art in the form of the Book of Lontar.

8. Kingdom of Ternate and Tidore

The Kingdom of Ternate and Tidore is located in the west of Halmahera Island (North Maluku). The land of Maluku is famous as a producer of spices so it is often referred to as The Spicy Island. From this natural wealth, the economic life of this kingdom relies on the trade sector.

The kingdoms of Ternate and Tidore have an important role in the land of Maluku.
Unfortunately, the two did not get along. Each wants to be in the highest position over the Maluku region. Disputes between the two are inevitable.

The Kingdom of Ternate was assisted by the Portuguese. Tidore was assisted by Spain. The dispute did not only occur between the two kingdoms in Maluku, but also between nations in Europe. This made the Pope intervene and enter into a peace treaty called the Treaty of Saragosa. The content of the agreement was that Spain had to leave Maluku and the Portuguese remained in Maluku.

The treaty signified Ternate's victory over Tidore. After that the kingdom of Ternate grew rapidly with several kings who had led among others:
a. Sultan Zainal Abidin
b. Sultan Tabariji Sultan c. Hairun Sultan

Those were some of the first Islamic works in Indonesia that stood at the beginning of the entry of Islam in the archipelago. The presence of the kingdom left some historical evidence in the form of objects and culture that are still preserved today. (OL-14)

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The results of Indonesia's forest monitoring in 2022 indicate that the total forestland across the country covers approximately 96 million hectares, which accounts for approximately 51.2 percent of the total land area.

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The figure who designed the Garuda Pancasila emblem at the end of his life was actually accused of being a traitor to the state​

News from Moh. Habib Ashhad • 6 hours ago


Sultan Hamid II was the designer of the Garuda Pancasila emblem. But his services were forgotten after being accused of involvement in the 1950 Westerling incident.© Kompas

Sultan Hamid II was the designer of the Garuda Pancasila emblem. But his services were forgotten after being accused of involvement in the 1950 Westerling incident.

Intisari-Online.com -
Since elementary school, we have often been asked questions about Pancasila: Who designed the Garuda Pancasila emblem?

And the figure behind the emblem is Sultan Syarif Hamid Alkadri aka Sultan Hamid II, a nobleman from the Pontianak Sultanate.

As a blue-blooded nobleman, Sultan Hamid was a brilliant and educational figure.

He was educated at Europeesche Lagere School (ELS) Sukabumi, Pontianak, Yogyakarta, and Bandung.

Then continue to Hogeere Burger School (HBS) in Bandung and HBS V in Malang.

He also briefly attended Technische Hooge School (THS) (now ITB), but dropped out and entered the Dutch Military Academy (Koninklijke Militaire Academie) in Breda, the Netherlands.

After graduating in 1938, he joined the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Indische Leger (KNIL) and served in Malang, Bandung, Balikpapan.

Sultan Hamid II was appointed as the 7th Sultan on 29 October 1945.

Then in 1946, Sultan Hamid II was appointed an aide to the Queen of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Wilhelmina.

As mentioned earlier, Sultan Hamid II was the designer of the Garuda Pancasila emblem, which was later perfected by Sukarno.

The history of the formation of the Garuda Pancasila national emblem does not necessarily appear out of thin air.

Previously, there were several national emblems that had been made by several figures.

After the Indonesian war of independence and the subsequent recognition of Indonesian sovereignty by the Dutch, several figures began to design the national emblem as one of the country's identities.

To facilitate this, the State Badge Committee was formed on January 10, 1950 under the coordinator of Minister Zonder Porto Folio Sultan Hamid II with the composition of the technical committee Muhammad Yamin as chairman, Ki Hajar Dewantara, M.A. Pellaupessy, Moh Natsir, and RM Ng Poerbatjaraka as members.

Referring to Hatta's statement in the book Hatta Answers, to implement the Cabinet Meeting Decision, Minister Priyono delivered a competition.

Then the two best national emblem designs were chosen.

The two designs belonged to Sultan Hamid II and M Yamin.

In the next process, the DPR chose the draft of Sultan Hamid II.

Yamin's work was not accepted because it still included elements of Japanese influence, such as sunlight.

After being selected as the design of the national emblem, Garuda Pancasila underwent three refinements.

That is:

- Changed the ribbon gripped by Garuda to white. Previously the ribbon was red.

- The Masyumi Party objected to the image of the Garuda bird with human hands and shoulders holding a prisai.

This is considered too mythological.

Sultan Hamid II then improved the image of the Garuda emblem so that the Rajawali Garuda Pancasila was formed.

- Originally, Garuda Pancasila's head was bald.

Then President Sukarno ordered Dullah, a court painter, to add a crest to the head of Garuda Pancasila.

In addition, it changes the position of the claws of the legs that were originally behind the ribbon to in front of the ribbon with a gripping shape.

For the last time, Sultan Hamid II perfected the final form by adding size scale and color layout to the image of the national emblem.

But unfortunately, the merits of Sultan Hamid II were forgotten so after being accused of involvement in the Westerling coup in 1950.

Sultan Hamid II was accused of killing a number of ministers although it was not proven.

Not only that, he was also accused of conspiring with Westerling in the 1950 APRA incident in Bandung.


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