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Iranophobia Main Drive behind US Terror Claims against Iran


Mar 15, 2011
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Fars News Agency :: Lawmaker Terms Iranophobia Main Drive behind US Terror Claims against Iran

"The US drive to promote Islamophobia and Iranophobia is the root cause of its accusation against Iran regarding the alleged terrorist plot on the US soil," Mehdi Mahdizadeh told FNA in Iran's Northeastern holy city of Mashhad today.

He pointed to the plots hatched by the US since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 to undermine the Islamic Republic, and cautioned that Washington is using different tactics, including raising frequent accusations, to demonize Tehran in the international community.
You should read the article of Asia times published in the other thread.
Interesting .
It shows both the corruption in sepah and the will of USA to invente a story.

They want to find some country to accept to attack us.
I guess now that was the will of the diplomatic cheat from wikileaks...
Which country ? There is only 1 country in this world that can attack Iran and that is USA
americans are anti to everything that have different culture then them


Also there is no Iranophobia, there is ahmadinejad-phobia and Khomenei-phobia

People still remember the green movement.

they nuked two of their cities xD
they killed thousands of their citizens

america is not just anti- any thing that is different from them
america is anti humanity, anti progress and anti dignity of others

your country my friend is a land of rapists and killers

do not try to make your country look like an angel coz you can't and u would not deceive any one by this claim
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The Young Turks CANT wait for ANY chance to attack Saudi Arabia with ANYTHING even making stories up. But I have to say he does raise an argument. But I still hate their guts.
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The Young Turks CANT wait for ANY chance to attack Saudi Arabia with ANYTHING even making stories up. But I have to say he does raise an argument. But I still hate their guts.
so the hijackers weren't saudi? All he's saying is that Saudi citizens are blowing **** up in Iraq and the rest of the world but they are focusing on Iran and this makes no sense. The one million suicide bombers in Iraq, where did most of them come from? Where was laden from? Where were the hijackers from? Where are the one million other terrorists around the world from again?

The only reason you guys are being kept out of the spot light is that your govt is licking American balls.

Mosa, you really are in a world of your own aren't you?
lol Mosamania is very delusional, he thinks Saudi Arabia is a wonderful fairyland.
NO. Iranophobia means "fear" of Iran. Americans don't "fear" Iran. They hate Iran. I hate Iran. The only thing that protects Iran from a massive attack is their willingness to commit suicide. Some day, we will have our revenge for the hundreds of Americans that the Iranians have killed and the taking of our embassy. We will never forget. We will never forgive.
so the hijackers weren't saudi? All he's saying is that Saudi citizens are blowing **** up in Iraq and the rest of the world but they are focusing on Iran and this makes no sense. The one million suicide bombers in Iraq, where did most of them come from? Where was laden from? Where were the hijackers from? Where are the one million other terrorists around the world from again?

The only reason you guys are being kept out of the spot light is that your govt is licking American balls.

Mosa, you really are in a world of your own aren't you?

"Millions of suicide bombers"??? Are you serious??? We are 23 Million people I think I wold notice if it was Millions instead of a very few thousands if not hundreds at most. What do you think KSA is like??? One kid grows up to be a doctor the other blows himself up?? LoL you are the one who is delusional. LoL Millions LMAO. Abii....Grow a brain already.

---------- Post added at 07:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 AM ----------

lol Mosamania is very delusional, he thinks Saudi Arabia is a wonderful fairyland.

It is the best land in the world. And I wouldn't trade it fro any place else.
NO. Iranophobia means "fear" of Iran. Americans don't "fear" Iran. They hate Iran. I hate Iran. The only thing that protects Iran from a massive attack is their willingness to commit suicide. Some day, we will have our revenge for the hundreds of Americans that the Iranians have killed and the taking of our embassy. We will never forget. We will never forgive.

What a moron, do you think Iranians have forgot the thousands of people killed by American-made chemical weapons? Do you think Iran forgot the shooting of their civilian planes or the thousands of people tortured by the CIA and SAVAK? Either your just a brainwashed retard or your a Zionist idiot. you must be a zionist.

And Iranaphobia does not mean "fear" of Iran. It means "irrational fear".
NO. Iranophobia means "fear" of Iran. Americans don't "fear" Iran. They hate Iran. I hate Iran. The only thing that protects Iran from a massive attack is their willingness to commit suicide. Some day, we will have our revenge for the hundreds of Americans that the Iranians have killed and the taking of our embassy. We will never forget. We will never forgive.

You become shocked when only a few hundred of you become victims but when millions become the victim of your tyranny and injustice it does not touch your conscience.

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