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JF-17B - EW 'Growler'

India is a big market. US would love to sell. Anything else would be speculation but looks there are other potentially serious connotations attached. @Oscar


@Quwa @messiach @Hakikat ve Hikmet

What happened a few days ago---and the way it happened---no one anticipated it either in the enemy camps---or neutral camps or friendly camps as it happened---.

The question remains to be answered---did the US know about our current capabilities---if yes---then did they INTENTIONALLY permit the Indians to carry on the strike against us---knowing very well the indian air force would be smacked really hard---but it would allow the built up steam to escape and would bring the pressure down---and they would calm down for awhile moaning and groaning---.
@MastanKhan bhai I have noted a slight change in your comments, were you too surprised by the JF17s performance? Have the past few days changed your opinion about the PAF / JF17?
US was (and is) not bothered, what happens to India, even for a minute. Whatever the outcome, US would be winning.

They want to sell more hardware to India, because India has money. NYT today called majority of the India hardware worthy of junkyard.


The thing is that if the US equipment is smacked down by pakistan---the US fighter aircraft industry will take a big hit---.

And it looks like that is where it might be headed towards
@MastanKhan bhai I have noted a slight change in your comments, were you too surprised by the JF17s performance? Have the past few days changed your opinion about the PAF / JF17?


The change in the tone is for a job well done---.

But then letting them fly in on day one was a terrible terrible decision---. Just because the enemy missed the target does not mean it failed---.

It succeeded when it launched its load---. Its objective was completed---hit or missed the target---don't make a difference---.

So that showed---that Paf had a lackadaisical approach for a conflict even though they were warned ahead of time---.

It reminded of Salala check post strike---it reminded of multiple other issues---.

Now---war is not a ONE TRICK PONY kind of action---it requires sustained success over longer periods of time---.

Right at this time since the downing of the enemy aircraft---the heads from all the resources that enemy can find are being put together to make a definite and massive strike on pakistan's assets---.

The people in the fore front would definitely be the israelis---because their noses got rubbed the hardest---and israelis are not the ones taking things while laying down---.

This was not a 2nd round knock out---this is a 15 round match---.

What else has changed---the standoff weapons strike capability---.

The enemy needs to be warned ahead of time---in clear and a precise manner---LOC is not the boundary---your aircraft has to stay an X number of miles behind your lines otherwise it would be considered and offensive aircraft---.

Now as for the capability of the aircraft---a sustained action will prove its mettle---.

Remember---the enemy will get the best of the best air combat brains from the world over to down the JF17 and make it look bad---.

So---be ready for the fireworks---. Paf has humiliated and degraded Modi---like no one has ever done it to him in his lifetime---.

Saab J32B/E Lansen Fighter/Electronic Warfare Aircraft

NERO electronic warfare jammer on UAVs

Electronic attack J-16D


The thing is that if the US equipment is smacked down by pakistan---the US fighter aircraft industry will take a big hit---.

And it looks like that is where it might be headed towards


The change in the tone is for a job well done---.

But then letting them fly in on day one was a terrible terrible decision---. Just because the enemy missed the target does not mean it failed---.

It succeeded when it launched its load---. Its objective was completed---hit or missed the target---don't make a difference---.

So that showed---that Paf had a lackadaisical approach for a conflict even though they were warned ahead of time---.

It reminded of Salala check post strike---it reminded of multiple other issues---.

Now---war is not a ONE TRICK PONY kind of action---it requires sustained success over longer periods of time---.

Right at this time since the downing of the enemy aircraft---the heads from all the resources that enemy can find are being put together to make a definite and massive strike on pakistan's assets---.

The people in the fore front would definitely be the israelis---because their noses got rubbed the hardest---and israelis are not the ones taking things while laying down---.

This was not a 2nd round knock out---this is a 15 round match---.

What else has changed---the standoff weapons strike capability---.

The enemy needs to be warned ahead of time---in clear and a precise manner---LOC is not the boundary---your aircraft has to stay an X number of miles behind your lines otherwise it would be considered and offensive aircraft---.

Now as for the capability of the aircraft---a sustained action will prove its mettle---.

Remember---the enemy will get the best of the best air combat brains from the world over to down the JF17 and make it look bad---.

So---be ready for the fireworks---. Paf has humiliated and degraded Modi---like no one has ever done it to him in his lifetime---.

A fair analysis, and unfortunately very true. One off skirmishes can not be hyped up too much for fear of letting our guard down. You have stated before you believe the Air force brass play fast and loose with war planning, and that they need to plan a sustain and nuanced campaign, vis a vi the severity of the current threat we face. Where specifically can the air force, and for that matter, the rest of the armed forces, improve in repulsing if not carry our offensive actions (non-nessecarily kinetic action) and bringing about some kind of stalemate on our eastern front?

Also without substantial political and economic reforms, there is no way the economy can grow fast enough to all a large enough increase in defense spending to procure modern equipment. The brave men and women in the front lines are making due with what they have.
I think it was a surprise for everyone but now thwy know so they are humiliating india so that india gets engaged in procurement deals with india

@Quwa @messiach @Hakikat ve Hikmet

What happened a few days ago---and the way it happened---no one anticipated it either in the enemy camps---or neutral camps or friendly camps as it happened---.

The question remains to be answered---did the US know about our current capabilities---if yes---then did they INTENTIONALLY permit the Indians to carry on the strike against us---knowing very well the indian air force would be smacked really hard---but it would allow the built up steam to escape and would bring the pressure down---and they would calm down for awhile moaning and groaning---.
Why would that be? Some details or explanation would be appreciated.
Lockheed Martin recently pitched the F-16V to India and even tried to disguise it as the F-21 to avoid trying to refer to having the same equipment as Pakistan.

Now that the F-16 is both claiming a kill and is claimed as shot down by the Indians it is a problem.
If they say the F-16 killed their fighter, the possibility of selling a “newer” version of the F-16 when the older one has Indian blood on its hands will change opinions on it.

If they say the F-16 was shot down, then their newer version is also not good enough.


The thing is that if the US equipment is smacked down by pakistan---the US fighter aircraft industry will take a big hit---.

And it looks like that is where it might be headed towards


The change in the tone is for a job well done---.

But then letting them fly in on day one was a terrible terrible decision---. Just because the enemy missed the target does not mean it failed---.

It succeeded when it launched its load---. Its objective was completed---hit or missed the target---don't make a difference---.

So that showed---that Paf had a lackadaisical approach for a conflict even though they were warned ahead of time---.

It reminded of Salala check post strike---it reminded of multiple other issues---.

Now---war is not a ONE TRICK PONY kind of action---it requires sustained success over longer periods of time---.

Right at this time since the downing of the enemy aircraft---the heads from all the resources that enemy can find are being put together to make a definite and massive strike on pakistan's assets---.

The people in the fore front would definitely be the israelis---because their noses got rubbed the hardest---and israelis are not the ones taking things while laying down---.

This was not a 2nd round knock out---this is a 15 round match---.

What else has changed---the standoff weapons strike capability---.

The enemy needs to be warned ahead of time---in clear and a precise manner---LOC is not the boundary---your aircraft has to stay an X number of miles behind your lines otherwise it would be considered and offensive aircraft---.

Now as for the capability of the aircraft---a sustained action will prove its mettle---.

Remember---the enemy will get the best of the best air combat brains from the world over to down the JF17 and make it look bad---.

So---be ready for the fireworks---. Paf has humiliated and degraded Modi---like no one has ever done it to him in his lifetime---.

For the strike to stop---Modi needs to be ousted---.

Please understand---Modi has no family---no children---so he lacks compassion---he does not have to worry if his children would live or if they would die---.

So---basically---he is the most dangerous enemy that pakistan has---because he has no fear of losing anything on PERSONAL grounds---like immediate family members.

He is basically the Hitler of India---or more like Slobodan Milesovic of Sebia---.

I would rather compare him to Milesovic---.

He will strike and there is no doubt about that---it will be sooner---rather than later---because he needs to win an election---.
Yes sir, even pakistan military leadership shares same ideas as what you were explaning but there a new twist in ugly game , tht modi has lost his trust in his military specially its airforce and is been scretly trying to bring in israeli defence experts to plan and see over a new striking strategy over pakistan and tht includes jamming of radars and other air assests of pakistan , but thy also are facing some kind of probelm tht most of the systems pakistan is using now a days is bassed upon a software which pakistan decoded into its own choice language its nearly imposible to get into those softwares without decoding those softwares but still there is a plan of striking pakistan with 6 differnt sorties at the same time with full coopreation of israeli AWACS and other systems .
Pakistan needs a long range fighter jet and high range air defence misiles , thats what we were arguing since ages ppls are happy today in pakistan rightly but still pakistan needs to chcek how come 12 IAF jets came through its defence lines
Yes sir, even pakistan military leadership shares same ideas as what you were explaning but there a new twist in ugly game , tht modi has lost his trust in his military specially its airforce and is been scretly trying to bring in israeli defence experts to plan and see over a new striking strategy over pakistan and tht includes jamming of radars and other air assests of pakistan , but thy also are facing some kind of probelm tht most of the systems pakistan is using now a days is bassed upon a software which pakistan decoded into its own choice language its nearly imposible to get into those softwares without decoding those softwares but still there is a plan of striking pakistan with 6 differnt sorties at the same time with full coopreation of israeli AWACS and other systems .
Pakistan needs a long range fighter jet and high range air defence misiles , thats what we were arguing since ages ppls are happy today in pakistan rightly but still pakistan needs to chcek how come 12 IAF jets came through its defence lines

If indeed the Indians are outsourcing their mission planning, and bringing in foreign assets to help them against Pakistan, then Pakistan too should seek foreign help, not in mission planning but bringing the latest modern equipment. The Turks have great EW equipment they can loan to us alongside their operators, They can also rush defensive systems for our naval vessels so our ships can better detect and void getting hit by enemy torpedos and anti-ship cruise missiles. The Turks also have long endurance drones they could use (within our airspace to avoid losing it to the enemy) and equip it with EW pods. They can also give our F-16s EW pods for self protection if they are compatible. We also need their help protecting our computer networks and creating an ever more robust C4ISR redundancy, so if massively attack we can still keep going. Most importantly they can rush in Air Defense missiles to our bases and areas of high importance, such as the Hisar-A and Hisar-O. The Turks may also have equipment to get into Enemy Comms, and that can be useful as well.

None of this will require Turks troops or products getting in or even too close to enemy forces, but will enhance our ability to detect and jam enemy threats, while giving out our forces time to engage the enemy.

Pakistan can also look to China to see what defense equipment Pakistan can borrow or buy to bridge itself over during these hostilities. Hopefully Saudi Arabia can foot some of the bill, and afterwards get access to PAF results to boost its own experience.

If the equipment works out, Pakistan can look to "buy" it from the Turks on a friendship basis. The Turks will have gained valuable real world experience with the system in combat.

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