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Featured Joe Biden reaffirms he will seek return to Iran nuclear deal

Cheetos fan in Canada, c'mon ai... you're living on the wrong side of the border! See there were those who fancied Canada after cheetos took office but you, you missed the boat to the other side.
P.S. why be so triggered?

Canada is full of Americans and British, they both love moving here for some reason. If I could live in the US I certainly would. It's the best country on Earth.
I did live in the US in the early 2000s, first in Alexandria, VA then Erie, PA. I still remember those days fondly. America is the best
Canada is full of Americans and British, they both love moving here for some reason. If I could live in the US I certainly would. It's the best country on Earth.
I did live in the US in the early 2000s, first in Alexandria, VA then Erie, PA. I still remember those days fondly. America is the best

Northern VA and rust belt the contrast couldn't be starker... but here you are a red, white and blue bleeding, cheetos loving patriot! And the only thing keeping you away is your incapacity... if pumpkin in chief had an epiphany it would be now, let trumpets in now! Here you go...
Anyways, why pivot to sentimental love on a flip of a dime? I didn't quite question your patriotic instincts though Trudeau maybe a skeptic now...
Northern VA and rust belt the contrast couldn't be starker... but here you are a red, white and blue bleeding, cheetos loving patriot! And the only thing keeping you away is your incapacity... if pumpkin in chief had an epiphany it would be now, let trumpets in now! Here you go...
Anyways, why pivot to sentimental love on a flip of a dime? I didn't quite question your patriotic instincts though Trudeau maybe a skeptic now...

Northern Virginia is a very nice place. It's multicultural and cosmopolitan, and a very vibrant Muslim community. Erie is a small town but it's people are very friendly. Neighbors actually know and interact with each other there, unlike here in Canada, no one has a clue who their neighbor next door even is.

Trump is an amazing President, I mean with regard to his foreign policy achievements. He succeeded in Afghanistan where Obama utterly failed. He cancelled JCPOA which was another disaster of the Obama admin. He soundly defeated ISIS in the first year of his presidency, while the Obama admin. failed to do anything meaningful about ISIS since they emerged in 2014.
Trump has put China on the defensive and extracted concessions from NATO members that weren't paying their fair share of GDP to maintain the military alliance.
Trudeau is a weak leader. He can't even secure the release of two of our totally innocent citizens that are being held in the Chinese dungeon for the past two years.
Northern Virginia is a very nice place. It's multicultural and cosmopolitan, and a very vibrant Muslim community. Erie is a small town but it's people are very friendly. Neighbors actually know and interact with each other there, unlike here in Canada, no one has a clue who their neighbor next door even is.

Trump is an amazing President, I mean with regard to his foreign policy achievements. He succeeded in Afghanistan where Obama utterly failed. He cancelled JCPOA which was another disaster of the Obama admin. He soundly defeated ISIS in the first year of his presidency, while the Obama admin. failed to do anything meaningful about ISIS since they emerged in 2014.
Trump has put China on the defensive and extracted concessions from NATO members that weren't paying their fair share of GDP to maintain the military alliance.
Trudeau is a weak leader. He can't even secure the release of two of our totally innocent citizens that are being held in the Chinese dungeon for the past two years.
Further pivot to your comfort zone! My apologies ai... not my cup of joe!
I'm very familiar with both of your places... incidentally, Biden took Erie, PA ... I bet you'd have been to Cheetos rally had you still been there... he certainly missed few of yous there!
Anyways, enough from me... enjoy!
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There are two dimensions about Iran; government and national security.

There will be no missile JCPOA and even if, it will be one for Iranian benefit, like the first JCPOA.

For general public its ok to have this bi-partisan game of conservatives and reformists and it is real on government level but you feel the Supreme leaders presence in the details of the JCPOA: Reformist government can screw up on economy, social and public agendas but the red line is security.

Figures like Raefipour Omid Dana are good for rising public awareness (although Omid guy is hardly tolerable recently due to his silly character), they do this to rise alert level among people. Educate average people by being more alarmist and aware.

Reality is however the JCPOA where you see who has the last say when it comes to security.

Thanks for your reply. What you say seems logical in its own right and may well correspond to reality. Personally I tend to worry a bit more about the potential reach of the liberals and the danger posed by them, given their various levers of influence, as you noticed (on a sidenote, while I regularly post videos of them, I don't owe my thoughts on the issue exclusively to Raefipour and Dana, having also conducted research of my own, but this of course doesn't affect the utility of the point you made about the mentioned analysts).

However, I certainly hope and pray that you are right, and that there will be no "missile JCPOA", or at worst if there is one, that it shall be of no use to the enemy in advancing its sinister goals. Finally, I also hope and pray that the Iranian national security apparatus has taken all the necessary precautions to ensure that Seyyed Khamenei's successor will be someone who will not stray from the path of the Revolution. Liberals and infiltrators will doubtlessly attempt to exploit the transition window to their benefit, even if their chances are low. For now the composition of the Assembly of Experts is reassuring in this regard. In the meantime, may Seyyed Khamenei's shadow remain upon us for yet innumerable years, inshAllah Ta'ala.
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Now we have a new troll.
A half pakistani half indian living in Canada and in love with an orange baboon down south commenting on JCPOA who he does not know any thing about. Talk about confused identity....I would say get off this thread..express your opinion when you know the subject...better go south see how they treat you Mr . Canadian.
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JCPOA was a plot to take away Iran's capabilities and there will be a second and third and many other future JCPOA's waiting in line. As long there are people like Zarif and Rohani that do not mind swapping their wives with their western counterparts we will have the same story. IR's estabilishments like the Khobregan is also not what it was... even the khobregan is infiltrated, there are several members that heavily sympathize with Zarif&Rouhani. There is only one man right now who can guarantee its future and that man is the current supreme leader. He could in reality shift the power slowly to the IRGC and guarantee the country from getting in turmoil after his death. A IRGC ruled Iran is much better than a post Khamenei clerical Iran (aka reformist sellouts in abaa). Infact, i dare to say that Khamenei is the last leader of IR (or Iran in modern times) to be so fiercely anti-imperialist. The next supreme leader will be nowhere near Khomeini&Khamenei.
what a load of propaganda.

Is that why under JCPOA Iran’s currency plummeted?

And that “small” heavy water reactor, was THE MOST important part of the entire nuclear program.

If you talk to any Western person and ask them there 3 worst fears of Iranian nuclear program they would say




It was an easy pathway for Iran to get the bomb with little reprocessing Iran could have 4-5 nuclear bombs PER YEAR.

In 2013 Arak was ready to be online. 7 years later Arak is not anywhere close to be online. Arak will NEVER come online because West will continue to drag their feet. How long does it take to redesign and implement a new core? 5 years? 10 years? 100 years?

JCPOA was a disaster for Iran because they gave up so much and got back money that was frozen. After that the benefits never emerged. So I wouldn’t call getting back frozen funds a major win.

what nonesense. Arak was never EVER the IRanian/western red line. It was ALWAYS uraniaum enrichment and the domestic fuel cycle.

If the Iranian national nuclear programs entire plan revolved around tiny arak that everyone knew about, and could easily be taken out in the first 30 mins of conflict then we were in a lot of trouble..

its quite obvious that the arak plant was a leverage move by Iran. To force the west to make massive concessions in exchange for its disablement. Iran never EVER yeileded on any of its red lines. Uranium enrichment and the full fuel cycle. thats where a serious nuclear program comes from.

and the point last you are trying to make has no logical sense to it whatsoever. so your saying that Iran getting hundreds of billions of dollars back, and doubling government revenue has no benefits? Iran lifting UNSC sanctions on weapons has no benefits?

are you going to point to rials slide as evidence? a paper toilet sanctions ravaged currency vs. the worlds trade currency USD. do you have any clue how many billions upon billions of dollars in hard currency the government has to inject into the market to defend the rials value?

When IRan was sanctions ravaged, it actually made sense for the IRanian government to try and defend it to the best it can. as a rial slide in the midde of all out sanctions might have caused an unstoppable collapse with everyone trying to trade their rials for real estate, gold and foreign currency....?

After the deal, it actually made sense for the Iranian government to let it slide and let market forces dictate its real value. as the panic factor had been removed.

Iran gave up nothing in the JCPOA in terms of red lines, and vital national interests
what nonesense. Arak was never EVER the IRanian/western red line. It was ALWAYS uraniaum enrichment and the domestic fuel cycle.

If the Iranian national nuclear programs entire plan revolved around tiny arak that everyone knew about, and could easily be taken out in the first 30 mins of conflict then we were in a lot of trouble..

its quite obvious that the arak plant was a leverage move by Iran. To force the west to make massive concessions in exchange for its disablement. Iran never EVER yeileded on any of its red lines. Uranium enrichment and the full fuel cycle. thats where a serious nuclear program comes from.

and the point last you are trying to make has no logical sense to it whatsoever. so your saying that Iran getting hundreds of billions of dollars back, and doubling government revenue has no benefits? Iran lifting UNSC sanctions on weapons has no benefits?

are you going to point to rials slide as evidence? a paper toilet sanctions ravaged currency vs. the worlds trade currency USD. do you have any clue how many billions upon billions of dollars in hard currency the government has to inject into the market to defend the rials value?

When IRan was sanctions ravaged, it actually made sense for the IRanian government to try and defend it to the best it can. as a rial slide in the midde of all out sanctions might have caused an unstoppable collapse with everyone trying to trade their rials for real estate, gold and foreign currency....?

After the deal, it actually made sense for the Iranian government to let it slide and let market forces dictate its real value. as the panic factor had been removed.

Iran gave up nothing in the JCPOA in terms of red lines, and vital national interests
JCPOA content was balanced....JCPOA implementation flawed from the begining.

It is like a Spacification document and Statment Of Work (SOW) document for people who are familiar with military contracts.
Even the resident Chinese member has a better grasp of the situation than many on this board.

Thank god none of you are in charge of Iran. You would be taken out of some hole like Gaddafi and Saddam.

Appeasement never works.

Turks are watching this and taking notes for their own nuclear drive. Saudis too.

He’s not Iranian.

Speculations based on presumptions.

Everything depends on what Iran has right now.

I do not consider Turkey at point zero either. Leave a chance, although small, that Turkey has done a “cold” test.

Let me remind you of steps in nuclearization:
1. Research and manufacturing, can be clandestine
2. Test, can be cold test
3. Spreading and cementing the infrastructures and nuclear response
4. Threatening use
5. Use

Turkey is either at step 1 or step 2.

Let me also remind you:
1. Pakistan first clandestine cold test 1980s. Official 1998
2. NK first tests likely late 90s, Russia informed in early 2000s. Official 2006
Thanks for your reply. What you say seems logical in its own right and may well correspond to reality. Personally I tend to worry a bit more about the potential reach of the liberals and the danger posed by them, given their various levers of influence, as you noticed (on a sidenote, while I regularly post videos of them, I don't owe my thoughts on the issue exclusively to Raefipour and Dana, having also conducted research of my own, but this of course doesn't affect the utility of the point you made about the mentioned analysts).

However, I certainly hope and pray that you are right, and that there will be no "missile JCPOA", or at worst if there is one, that it shall be of no use to the enemy in advancing its sinister goals. Finally, I also hope and pray that the Iranian national security apparatus has taken all the necessary precautions to ensure that Seyyed Khamenei's successor will be someone who will not stray from the path of the Revolution. Liberals and infiltrators will doubtlessly attempt to exploit the transition window to their benefit, even if their chances are low. For now the composition of the Assembly of Experts is reassuring in this regard. In the meantime, may Seyyed Khamenei's shadow remain upon us for yet innumerable years, inshAllah Ta'ala.

JCPOA without missile force makes no sense for Irans latent capability, hence baradar at most there will be a missile JCPOA to restrict Irans BMs to 2000km. And as great coincidence: Iran has no missile that can reach beyond 2000km officially.
In return however Iran would need to get significant additional economic benefits, otherwise JCPOA 1 would remain the last one.

I have to worries about any liberal getting into the position to decide about Irans strategic security issues.
JCPOA without missile force makes no sense for Irans latent capability, hence baradar at most there will be a missile JCPOA to restrict Irans BMs to 2000km. And as great coincidence: Iran has no missile that can reach beyond 2000km officially.
In return however Iran would need to get significant additional economic benefits, otherwise JCPOA 1 would remain the last one.

I have to worries about any liberal getting into the position to decide about Irans strategic security issues.
So the reformists want Iran to declare an end to its space force and forbid any future missile capability that might extend beyond 2000km. In the old days they would execute traitors with such a mindset.
JCPOA without missile force makes no sense for Irans latent capability, hence baradar at most there will be a missile JCPOA to restrict Irans BMs to 2000km. And as great coincidence: Iran has no missile that can reach beyond 2000km officially.
In return however Iran would need to get significant additional economic benefits, otherwise JCPOA 1 would remain the last one.

I have to worries about any liberal getting into the position to decide about Irans strategic security issues.

This is what Fabian Hinz has requested along with some other experts in Iranian missile program.

They want to limit >2500 km and will likely be open to accept satellite launches as long as not ICBM. I would say they even accept solid fuel launchers.

An ICBM test by Iran makes Biden look even better when they get a deal.
So the reformists want Iran to declare an end to its space force and forbid any future missile capability that might extend beyond 2000km. In the old days they would execute traitors with such a mindset.

In reformist years with Trump Iran tested Khorramshahr-1 and -2 (and much more), launched Simorgh, Safir and Qased.
More civilian SLV launches were not made because of political reasons.

IRGC will always do whats necessary for national security and no government can interfere.

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