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Kashmiri Mujahids being hunted down in Pakistan

Maharaja Hari Singh was the ruler of Kashmir valley, Jammu Province, Ladakh( including Gilgit and Baltistan including some semi autonomous states) and not just Kashmir valley.

Maharaja Hari Singh ascended to the throne in 1925. His reign was marked by complex political events, conspiracies, and sweeping changes. Despite the inner turmoil, he stood tall and stoically behind his kingdom, while taking some of the toughest decisions that no other king had to take before him.

He appointed the best of administrators in his government. The state police had atleast 50% Muslims while the state Army had atleast 35% Muslims largely the Rajput and Sudhan muslim clans of Poonch, Mirpur and Muzzafarabad.

Khusrau Jung, who belonged to the royal family of Hyderabad in the Deccan, was in the Maharaja’s employment. Malik and Nur Muhammad Khan from Baluchistan were his ADCs. Maharaja Hari Singh’s head cook and head waiter were also Muslims.

His secretary was Abdul Qaiyyum Khan and one of his close friends was Sardar Abdul Rahman Effendi, an Afghan refugee related to King Amanullah. He was the first Maharaja of Jammu who went to the mosque, standing respectfully throughout the prayer. After the prayer, he offered the Imam who had led the prayers, Rs 500 and a pashmina robe.

Malika Pukhraj, the legendary songstress and one of the gems of Maharaja’s durbar was not only appointed as a court singer but it was an example of the Maharaja’s progressive views on religion that he had her, a Muslim girl singing bhajans in the Mandi Palace along with Pandits.

Maharaja Hari Singh was courageous and was a champion of women’s emancipation. Maharaja Hari Singh stopped the practice of child marriage and actively promoted widow remarriage. He was also successful in rooting out the practice of sati.

During his reign the number of primary schools went up from 706 to 20,728 in Jammu and Kashmir. Steps like free education till matriculation, scholarships and grants for backward classes, nominal fees in colleges, and Urdu being added as a medium of instruction were in keeping with his vision of promoting literacy and higher education across a wide section of the people.

The Maharaja paid special attention to tourism and handicrafts industry. Gulmarg and Pahalgam were developed in a planned manner and the number of tourists increased from 8,604 in 1931-32 to 24,659 in 1936-37. Local enterprises were greatly encouraged and many manufacturing units were setup.

Maharaja Hari Singh was much more progressive ruler compared to his contemporaries.
Gilgit has nothing to do with Kashmir, it was a bastard-union created by the British.

Every Kashmiri hates Hari Singh. Every historian has acknowledged Hari Singh was unpopular.

But leave it to a Bharti Bindu to shamelessly declare a genocidal tyrant to be "progressive"

And you people still don't see why even Bangladesh hates you?

They will be more motivated to kill each other before they think of crossing the border.
They would rather kill Bindus than kill people of the same ethnicity, tribe, and religion. Especially the Punjabis, and Pashtuns - in case you forgot about the events of partition.
If you were concerned about muslim brotherhood, you would not have left indian muslims in a precarious situation when you made Pakistan.
Indian Muslims chose to stay behind and become slaves of Bindus and support the occupation of Kashmir. They can enjoy liiving as second class dalit slaves being butchered by Modi, Yogi, veggie terrorists, and the endless list of hindu nationalist groups.
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The vast majority of the killing happened to you.

Its happening again. By the same people.

Whats happening now historically hasnt turned out well for you. Wars cost lots of money to fight. Your lenders are not happy. They sense the weakness. This is an existential fight for you guys.

Im genuinely concerned. You must accept who you are. you cant win with an identity crisis. In general i mean - not you of course, you are probably a full arab Syed or 100% turkish blood that killed 400 million of us.
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Pajeets kill hundreds of terrorists every year losing a few soldiers, most of whom were off-guard while you lose hundreds of soldiers to terrorists while killing only a few of them.

And there a lot of nasty NSFW pictures of your soldiers that one can share so lets not get there, of course killing a few guys camping might be an achievement for khusras, for us hunting each one of them down is normal routine. Ask your mujahids to help you against Taliban before it's too late.

As far as kafir munafiqeen are concerned, they're much more advanced than any momin can ever imagine.
It isn't Pakistan that banned western media but India did so in iok so obviously your actual losses are much higher then godi media tells to sanghis

For Pakistan side what numbers come losses of terrorist after a big sweep is totally more then our soldiers
It isn't Pakistan that banned western media but India did so in iok so obviously your actual losses are much higher then godi media tells to sanghis
These pajeets are either shameless or just brain dead stupid.

I have never seen a more despicable people who shamelessly peddle so many lies through their teeth.
Markhor reach is everywhere mashallah
I said this earlier too. It’s easier for RAW to buy mercenaries who are piss poor and struggling to make ends meet. At least these poverty ridden people aren’t begging on Arabian streets - which is a good thing - but are killing the terrorists to make this world a better place. Good job.
Whats the total numbers now?
I said this earlier too. It’s easier for RAW to buy mercenaries who are piss poor and struggling to make ends meet. At least these poverty ridden people aren’t begging on Arabian streets - which is a good thing - but are killing the terrorists to make this world a better place. Good job.
Raw should implement its own PLI scheme- more dead terrorists- more $- big bonus cheque for taking out bigger names like Hafiz Saeed or Dawood. The lads who took out his swine son..treat them well- set up swiss account for them and transfer $ directly there and buy them an apartment in geneva with lifestime supply guaranteed of whisky and cocaine— that will further encourage them and make them work harder
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