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Mick in England


New Recruit

Oct 22, 2006
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Neo quote - Tell us more about this Group. Is it some kind of Church?
Asim Aquil quote - What's up with the "In England"?

The "in England" bit is simply to let people on the net know where I'm from, can't have them thinking I'm a Klingon or whatever..

The Christian Waymarkers Group is a loose collection of people all over Britain, some of us street-preach while others (like me) write stunning articles to be printed as leaflets and handed out to bewildered passersby.
We're non-denominational "Free Christians", preferring to think for ourselves rather than let Organised Religions do our thinking for us, some of us (like me) don't even bother going to church or bother getting baptised or any of that jazz..
Ah, a Star Trek analogy... Nice.

It's okay to preach as long as one is ready to listen to whom he preaches as well. We are never perfect, in faith or in practice, that title should be reserved for our creator - perfect.

You'd find cautious, controversial, hardline, softline, moderates while discussing religion over the net. It's a hot topic. So to quote the Vulcan proverb:

Challenge your preconceptions or your preconceptions will challenge you.
It's okay to preach as long as one is ready to listen to whom he preaches as well.

Yes, but only up to a point..

Jesus said - "If people won't listen to you,shake off the dust from your feet as you leave,as a testimony to them" (Matt 10:14/15)

"The Jews argued with him,so Paul said 'I'm clear of my responsibility' and left" (Acts 18:6)

"If you mix with losers, you become a loser" - Donald Trump
Paul was a fanatic. Fanatic is a dirty word these days but it worked for Paul in those days. A slight touch of arrogance could've worked in his favor. In todays competitive world it'd just be seen as running from the battle field of good vs evil.
Paul was a fanatic. Fanatic is a dirty word these days but it worked for Paul in those days. A slight touch of arrogance could've worked in his favor. In todays competitive world it'd just be seen as running from the battle field of good vs evil.

I don't think an arrogant fanatic would say what Paul said - "Follow Christ,not me, I wasn't crucified for you" (1 Corinthians 1:12/13)
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