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Myanmar Military Junta is about to Collapse as all Separatist groups get united

Lincang County, Dali City, Yunnan Province, China, is overhauling its electrical and water systems, and the old streets of Kokang have been cut off from water, electricity and the internet for several days. A general attack by the Kokang alliance forces will take place soon.

The Tatmadaw Kyi has reached an agreement with the Chinese government that the Tatmadaw Kyi will attack Myawaddy, Karen State, to eliminate the Karen Border Defence Force (KBDF). Min Lay Aung will hand over his four officers of the Karen Border Defence Force (KBDF), including Sutu Kyi, and all the criminals and Chinese involved in the wire fraud to China for trial, and the Chinese government will discourage the Kokang allied forces from continuing their southward attack after the end of the war in northern Burma and will not continue to hold Min Lay Aung accountable for his role in the wire fraud case.

I'm afraid the Americans didn't think that the ultimate unlucky ones in this war in northern Burma would be the last American power in Burma, the Karen army. That's $220 million a year in CIA aid to the Karen Army. It was also Stallone's ally in <First Blood>. Now it's about to be wiped out for tens of millions in wire fraud revenue.

The Chinese government's liquidation of the criminals in the Burmese wire fraud case is coming to an end. Next will be the war between Min Lay Aung and Aung San Suu Kyi.
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this is for all those who think that somehow magically our bojh will return to its constitutional role. No one will give up their power without a fight.
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