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Op-Ed: Is Covid-19 God's Wrath or a Biological Weapon?


Jul 15, 2015
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Topic: Is Covid-19 God's Wrath or a Biological Weapon?
By | Jawad Ali Khan | 01/05/2020

2020 is the year just like any other. On a happy and excited eve, we exchanged wishes, changed our bearings, planned our resolutions and set our sails forth with highly ambitious spirits. But as we were advancing into the new year, a doctor from Wuhan Central Hospital popped up on internet, warning us our year has been hijacked by a virus.


We could not help but continue to watch with curiosity and disbelief as the number of patients started multiplying all over the world. Hype, uncertainty and fear took us over. Although, WHO issued some precautions to observe, states inability to deal with the pandemic was quickly comprehended by the masses as ‘the ball is in your court.’ Everyone started picturing and reacting to it accordingly. A faction sought refuge in buying all the toilet papers they could find. Another group was triggered to buy everything they could lay their hands on, especially hand sanitizers, thus hoarding started. Movie goers, particularly enthusiasts of zombie movies thought it is some kind of apocalypse and were anxiously waiting for dead to march. Religious people cannot be missed out. They thought this pandemic is God`s wrath because men is ignorant of His commands. Then there are people who are antagonistic of this virus news in its complete entirety and think government is playing games with the World Bank and IMF so that they could get some economic relief and packages. Unbelievably, there is also a view that states are goofing around with their citizens because they actually want people to take out their money and put it into circulation instead of stashing it. Superstitious people are also not lagging behind. They shaved their heads to ward off the evil. Hence, whatever the inclinations and beliefs of people are, their passions and fears are directing them that way.


Being one of the homo sapiens, I also have my own view. And in my personal opinion, when the China is ascending the stairs of power, there is an apparent insecurity in the West. Economic sanctions against China, stirring uprisings in Hong Kong, blaming Chinese for cyber crimes, spreading propaganda about China as an authoritarian state targeting minorities, portraying Chinese to be committing animal abuse, expressing reservations over CPEC and meddling in the Chinese waters are some of the efforts that speak of continuous struggle to derail China before she becomes a Super Power.

In addition, with my little knowledge of weaponry, I cannot overlook the fact that biological weapons exist and have been used by states as an alternative alongside other pacific options to avoid war yet inflict damage.

With all this in hindsight, I am strongly convinced Covid-19 is another card out of the deck. Now I may sound as a conspiracy theorist, but how come US had conducted Crimson Contagion, an 8 months long simulation exercise dealing with severe influenza outbreak from China and taking over the world? This means they knew this already. This simulation started in January last year and ended in August 2019 with 12 US states participating in it, just 2 months prior to this real outbreak in China.


Please give it a reading if you have not read it already. It will open your eyes. It also seems the higher ups in US were divided over the use of this virus because the end results of this simulation were that US was not in position to bear the brunt.

Here are the key findings of the secret information titled “Crimson Contagion 2019 Exercise Draft After-Action Report”:

  • There are insufficient federal funds to respond to a severe respiratory disease
  • Stakeholders were confused about the roles of different federal departments/agencies and resultantly the information that was to be forwarded to them.
  • Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) faced problems in the dissemination of information to medical institutions.
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and HHS were confused as to who was to spearhead in case the pandemic breaks out.
  • Meeting the production demands of personal protective equipment (PPE) and ventilators imposed by the pandemic would be a challenge.
  • Lack of a standard modus operandi in the acquisition of resources undermined the efficiency of states.
Despite all this, they used this biological weapon because China's fall is more important than saving their own citizens.


Anyways, so what about the launching pad? Of course, Wuhan. Really? But why Wuhan? Because of the Wuhan Institute of Virology operational over there, which is also bank to 1500 different strains of viruses- the biggest virus bank in Asia. This specific parameter will set a perfect stage for later to peddle blame over China and lambast her over her negligence in handling viruses or deliberately spreading this out of those labs.

So it was all preplanned and yet US is playing dumb that China was not informing the world about this pandemic. But the propaganda campaign is in full swing right now and instigating everyone against Beijing.

It is also noteworthy that the US is continuously asking China to present herself for inspection, in other words appear before their accountability court. In my view, this is a diplomatic maneuver to coerce China and get the message across the board that US is still the leader of the world.
Update on thread: Shifted to PDM section.
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