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Pakistan: Armed attack targeting vehicles of Chinese company underway in Gwadar, Balochistan, Aug. 13

Sardars in their current shape and form are definitely not the natural order of things.

Each and every one of these sardars and their offspring sit all year long in Islamabad. The chief minister, the cabinet members, the MNA's, everyone. These people are infamous for being the party people of Islamabad.

They rule over Balochistan like viceroys, do you need me to recall that incident of a Baloch sardar who had prisoners in his dera a couple months back?

This impunity is enjoyed by these people only due to the protection by FC and the local army commander. Balochistan is a territory which is at the mercy of a person, not the law, and this is in no way a natural order of things.

Pretty much sums up the sad reality of a Pakistani army soldier/ FC stationed in Balochestan.
Not true at all.
Kashmir was never a part of India. India invaded Kashmir, murdered its citizens, and looted resources (still kept going).
Kashmiris have every right to defend themselves. They are resistant.
Indians, on the other hand, are occupiers and terrorists.
P.S. I am a Kashmiri and a son of my soil. So don't try to teach me lessons.

Ahh, what bs is that...

Kashmir belongs to kashmiri but occupied by india, Pakistan and china.

The same way, balochistan belongs to balochi people.

These places were never part of any mentioned country before 1947
Ahh, what bs is that...

Kashmir belongs to kashmiri but occupied by india, Pakistan and china.

The same way, balochistan belongs to balochi people.

These places were never part of any mentioned country before 1947
I wish you should have studied a little more. And yes Kashmir is occupied by India China and Pakistan but India is worse than them.... by miles.

Pakistan: Armed attack targeting vehicles of Chinese company underway in Gwadar, Balochistan, Aug. 13​

This should be read as, ARMY again fails to secure borders, in spite of it's budget.

The luxury sedans and life style of the generals was not interrupted.

Thank you.
by supporting genuine elected civilian governments and the judicial system (when asked) to root out warlords and terorrists.
you do realize that one set of sardars in the govt always try to put down the rest. so what you are saying is that the fouj should just support one set of sardars over another, exactly what they have been doing for past many years? now you are just going around in circles.

For example if some baloch comes to ur area and take away electricity gas and water of yours giving u nothing of it and giving small bribe to union leader of your area. Will u be of same opinion ?
you do realize that your example makes no sense? that gas and electricity has been paid for by me. the balochis havent paid for any natural resources, they just settled there a few centuries ago. but, they are getting a share in whatever is recovered from there. they did nothing to extract it. they did get paid for it though, their people are hired whether they work or not. their representatives are paid, and their sardars, who they so love, are. at least bring something up that makes sense.

as for gwadar, bought from oman and paid for by the pakistani govt.

Sardars in their current shape and form are definitely not the natural order of things.

Each and every one of these sardars and their offspring sit all year long in Islamabad. The chief minister, the cabinet members, the MNA's, everyone. These people are infamous for being the party people of Islamabad.

They rule over Balochistan like viceroys, do you need me to recall that incident of a Baloch sardar who had prisoners in his dera a couple months back?

This impunity is enjoyed by these people only due to the protection by FC and the local army commander. Balochistan is a territory which is at the mercy of a person, not the law, and this is in no way a natural order of things.
it has always been like this. before pakistan, it was the british court, or the court of khan of kalat. now what exactly is your solution for getting rid of them? kill them? imprison them? vote them out (lol)? let their people, who want to die for them, sort them out? build hospitals, schools, colleges that will remain empty, or get blown up? what?

or support people who are against the sardars? leading them to say that the paksitani establishment is destroying local culture and power-structures.
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you do realize that one set of sardars in the govt always try to put down the rest. so what you are saying is that the fouj should just support one set of sardars over another, exactly what they have been doing for past many years? now you are just going around in circles.
No, what I am saying is that the Sardar’s and waderas (whether Balochistan, Sindh or elsewhere), whether in government or fighting the State, are in power BECAUSE of the Fauj.

If the Fauj actually acted in aid of the judiciary or genuine political leadership to root out obvious crimes by these sardars, they wouldn’t be able to continue getting back into power.

Do you genuinely think the poor people treated like slaves by these sardars would vote for them if they had another choice?
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No, what I am saying is that the Sardar’s and waderas (whether Balochistan, Sindh or elsewhere), whether in government or fighting the State, are in power BECAUSE of the Fauj.

If the Fauj actually acted in aid of the judiciary or genuine political leadership to root out obvious crimes by these sardars, they wouldn’t be able to continue getting back into power.

Do you genuinely think the poor people treated like slaves by these sardars would vote for them if they had another choice?
Yes they would for your question at the end, these people literally willingly become slaves for their sardars. In Sindh, several generations of poor families become indentured slaves and still worship them.

Exactly my point. They operate exactly due to the protection afforded to them by the state.

FC ka bhatta ruk jaye ga if they start taking action against these people.

it has always been like this. before pakistan, it was the british court, or the court of khan of kalat. now what exactly is your solution for getting rid of them? kill them? imprison them? vote them out (lol)? let their people, who want to die for them, sort them out? build hospitals, schools, colleges that will remain empty, or get blown up? what?

or support people who are against the sardars? leading them to say that the paksitani establishment is destroying local culture and power-structures.

Imagine if the American Civil War happened in a different timeline, you would have been saying, slavery always existed in these states, let's keep it that way. What is your solution to this? War?

Are you serious man?

Also, I have traveled tthose regions a bit, not extensively and am not an expert in their culture, but from what I spoke too the drivers, security guards, cooks etc., no body loves sardars.

They don't want to die for them, un ki bas majboori hai. They don't have any other choice.
An armed attack targeting a vehicle convoy of a Chinese company is underway near Faqeer Colony Bridge, Gwadar, Balochistan Province, late morning of Aug. 13. Local reports indicate security forces have been engaged in gunfighting with unidentified assailants for over an hour. The official casualty count is not immediately clear. No group has claimed responsibility for the incident. Authorities have put the city on high alert and reportedly restricted entry and exit.

Heightened security is likely in the impact area in the coming hours. Investigations could result in additional ground travel delays and potentially cause shipping disruptions at the Gwadar Port.

In what looks like a targetted attack on Chinese nationals in Pakistan, explosions and gunfire hit the port city of Gwadar as a seven vehicle convoy of Chinese engineers came under intense attack near Faqeer Colony bridge by armed rebels. There are unconfirmed reports of casualties, however, specific details are awaited. Gwadar is a port city with located on the southwestern coast of Balochistan, Pakistan.

not sure if you are able to answer this but I will ask anyway. Is there a think tank in Generals Army that provides feedback to generals how this war is going no where? Why are they refusing to learn from USA mistakes in Afghanistan ? This insurgency will not go away until Balochi people feel it’s their people in power who are looking after their interest.

Foot soldiers are being sacrificed and thousands gave their life but the end result is same. I am not trying to turn this into political argument but it looks like generals are really living in their own world.

Any organization where feedback from people in lower ranks is ignored - it creates a lot of distrust and is not good for morale. I do pray majority in Generals Army realize they are soldiers of Pakistan.
This is the result of Pakistans pacifist approach. Instead of taking the fight yo the enemy’s land, Pakistan is stuck fighting a defensive hybrid war on all fronts including multiple insurgencies inside of it. These are high level attacks. But we see little to no retaliation against the real enemy and its enabler. Each such attack creates a new precedent and brings us back into the 2007 ish dark era. This is what happens when dollarkhor rulers only care about their dollars and sellout the country for dollars. Now even our “jugular vain” is increasingly becoming more anti Pakistan and pro independence.
But it’s all fine since Pakistan is “burying the past” and creating “100 years of peace”. Should send mithai with the cricket team as well.

“100 years peace” and “bury the past” playing out very nicely.

This is the result of the army dealing in dha properties instead of defending the motherland.
Balochistan has seen many insurgencies right since 1948. No Pakistani regime has been able to crush the freedom fighters despite employing the most brutal forms of repression.

Kashmir has not had an insurgency for as long as Balochistan and for the most part it has been crushed after the Pak fauj decided it was in Pakistan's best interests to abandon the mujahideen in Kashmir.
Indians are the most confidently incorrect people in the world.

Kashmir has been fighting Hindutva rule decades before India was even created by the British. Almost all of Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir was liberated by irregular "insurgents," mostly locals.

But like most Indians, you probably know that and are just shamelessly lifting the balls of anyone you think is remotely against Pakistan or Muslims, just like you have for the last thousand years.
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