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Pakistan asks US to mediate on Kashmir

Well, partition of India happened and it was told that whoever doesn't wanna live in India, can live in Pakistan. If they dont want to be part of India then they can live in Pakistan. there is no need of partitioning Kashmir just for their sake. We have 2 dumping grounds neighboring India. So those who don't wanna live in India can leave but no more partition will happen. :agree:

Kashmir is a disputed territory recognized by the United Nations as a disputed territory.

Even your first prime minister of india promised the people of Kashmir a referendum. No such referendum took place.

The world and the United Nations will always keep seeing Kashmir as a disputed territory until india allows a referendum to take place in Kashmir.
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The Indian posters here at the PDF spout the typical Indian line: Pakistanis go to hell! We will never let the Kashmiris choose their fate!

So sad. Indians, let go of your hatred of the Pakistanis. Give them their chance to prove that Kashmiris want to be Pakistanis. If they fail the issue is done. If India is such a great country, it can withstand a plebiscite. Have you no faith in your greatness and the attractiveness of your nation to the Kashmiris?

We are more than happy to let Kashmiris chose their destiny like millions did during partition. There is no restriction on moving between the 2 countries. One who like Pakistan can go there after selling their fixed assets etc here (or even retaining it considering the kind of realty boom India is going thru). Others who dont can continue.
Kashmir is a disputed territory recognized by the United Nations as a disputed territory.

Even your first prime minister of india promised the people of Kashmir a referendum. No such referendum took place.

Until india allows a referendum to take place in Kashmir, the world and the United Nations will always keep seeing Kashmir a disputed territory, not part of india.

Ya ya we all know that.

Seriously man, I'm getting bored now. :undecided: Come up with something new and interesting.:pop:
Pakistan fails to convince US on civilian n-deal and Kashmir

US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton did not respond to a question on Pakistan''s quest for a civil nuclear deal on the lines of India, thus clearly indicating that it is not on the radar of the Obama Administration, which has announced a series of civilian and military assistance to Pakistan during the US-Pak Strategic Dialogue.

Similarly, US State Department spokesman P J Crowley clarified for the second successive day that the US has no role to play in the Kashmir issue and both India and Pakistan has to resolve it bilaterally.

Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, however, asserted that he will not give up and continue to persist on these issues.

"Things we''ve tried in the past, it hasn''t worked.
That doesn''t mean we give up. We are persistent. And as they say: Perseverance commands success. So I am not giving up," Qureshi said at a joint-press conference with Clinton in the Foggy Bottom headquarters of the State Department.
Kashmir is a disputed territory recognized by the United Nations as a disputed territory.

The world and the United Nations will always keep seeing Kashmir as a disputed territory until india allows a referendum to take place in Kashmir.

to be in denial is merely the character flaw of the locusts who live in delusion and dreams
to be in denial is merely the character flaw of the locusts who live in delusion and dreams

You do know that apart from the 170 million people of Pakistan, rest of the world holds this view about Pakistan and Pakistanis. :azn:

Also I didnt know locusts could also suffer from psychological disorders and had dreams.. ;)
No harm trying for US mediation.

The bottom line is that even God cannot mediate in this issue.
No harm trying for US mediation.

The bottom line is that even God cannot mediate in this issue.

Allah SWT gave humans the aqal to solve such disputes

would you opine instead that (from your point of view), krishna kali maya or ganesha can?

on a more serious note, I wouldn't expect the U.S. to mediate on a conflict they themselves are not too familiar with.

Pakistan has a stated position, we have stood by it assiduously, and will continue to do so for the time to come. The clock is ticking, and meanwhile the Kashmiris in the disputed area are being denied a basic right --and to add insult to injury, when they resist brutal tactics against them, THEY are dubbed ''terrorists''
Allah SWT gave humans the aqal to solve such disputes

would you opine instead that (from your point of view), krishna kali maya or ganesha can?

on a more serious note, I wouldn't expect the U.S. to mediate on a conflict they themselves are not too familiar with.

Pakistan has a stated position, we have stood by it assiduously, and will continue to do so for the time to come. The clock is ticking, and meanwhile the Kashmiris in the disputed area are being denied a basic right --and to add insult to injury, when they resist brutal tactics against them, THEY are dubbed ''terrorists''

Read what I have written. I my opinion even if God were to descend on earth India's stated position would not change on this issue.

Therefore, mortals obviously cannot influence India.
Allah SWT gave humans the aqal to solve such disputes

would you opine instead that (from your point of view), krishna kali maya or ganesha can?

on a more serious note, I wouldn't expect the U.S. to mediate on a conflict they themselves are not too familiar with.

Pakistan has a stated position, we have stood by it assiduously, and will continue to do so for the time to come. The clock is ticking, and meanwhile the Kashmiris in the disputed area are being denied a basic right --and to add insult to injury, when they resist brutal tactics against them, THEY are dubbed ''terrorists''

Kindly tell me, what's so special about kashmiris that you are sooooo pained about their so-called oppression and suffereing and what not and do not give two hoots about the suffering of peoples elsewhere on earth?

Where was this love in 1971?

Where is this love when it comes to Uighurs?

Where is this love when it comes to afghans?

Please enlighten me.

The body language on both sides (more so on Clinton's side) was a little guarded. They seemed to be mostly defending how important Pakistan is for USA

U.S.-Pakistan Relations - C-SPAN Video Library

The chemistry of the 1st meeting seems like a distant memory.






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India is a gaint mess which is being artifically held together in a false national unity by a fake "economic miracle". Once the pundits of lok subha runs out of magic the only way to sustain india unitied would be to divert public attention towards war and bogeymen external threats. Kashmir and Pakistan will play a role here!

I think you just replaced 'Pakistan' with 'India' in an International report.:bunny:

And what the hell is 'Fake economic miracle'.:rofl:
Kindly tell me, what's so special about kashmiris that you are sooooo pained about their so-called oppression and suffereing and what not and do not give two hoots about the suffering of peoples elsewhere on earth?

Where was this love in 1971?

Where is this love when it comes to Uighurs?

Where is this love when it comes to afghans?

Please enlighten me.

Hellooooooo....Anyone there............Someone care to answer?????

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