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Pakistan won’t compromise with terrorists, says PM


Apr 2, 2008
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Pakistan won’t compromise with terrorists, says PM
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Tuesday assured the United States that Pakistan would never compromise with militants but it would keep the doors of dialogue open for those who have laid down arms and given up terrorism as an instrument of policy.

"Pakistan is strongly committed to fighting terrorism which is clearly in Pakistan's own interest," he told US Ambassador to Islamabad Anne W Patterson, who called on him here at the PM House to discuss the first official visit of the prime minister to the United States.

The premier said Pakistan had been steadfastly fighting terrorism and had sacrificed and suffered a great deal, including the assassination of Benazir Bhutto at the hands of terrorists. He said his coming visit to the US is very important and it will help further enhance the existing close ties between the two countries.

Appreciating Pakistan's efforts in curtailing extremism and terrorism, the US ambassador said her country's relations with Pakistan and its people are very important and expressed the US desire for developing a stable and multi-faceted relationship with Pakistan.

Patterson said the US is committed to extending all possible support to the broad-based elected coalition government of Pakistan and help it in overcoming the challenges posed by the rise in oil and food prices. National Security Adviser Mehmood Ali Durrani also attended the meeting.
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