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Paranormal Experiences - Post yours

my friend experienced the same demonic laugh as #1.
From the bedroom window. but the laugh he heard was of like witch cackling.
okay i got a story its about these guys older pakistani punjabi men. I knew the owner of the house he let us in the house and there were two men drinking alcohol and playing cards.
it was me and my friend in the house with 3 of the men. They playing card, drinking, smoking, the subject of kaala jadoo is brought up, one of the punjabi older man says i can find out your name, kismat. i go okay he says to me in your mind repeat your full name but dont say it out.
he read something as i can see his lips move, he grabs the ashtray tips it over to collect the cig ash into his hands, then rubs his both hands together and shows it to me, i see my name written in ashes across his hand. Later on the owner tells me i dont want you to come over when my two friends are over they are not good you will be harmed.
The human mind can play cruel tricks but this does not mean paranormal stuff does not happen. I grew up in a mountainous jungle area and the number of times ive experienced weird stuff throughout my life is alot. Some can be explained but others freak u out.
I was around 12 yrs old and in my village our house had no neighbors for miles and the main gate of the house was atleast 100 meters from the rooms. One night while my dad was away, i heard someone knocking the metal gate with a stone, usually thats how we would knock so its heard in the rooms faraway. The knocking woke me up and i thought its around 11pm and my dad is here, i went quickly, but as usual id ask who is it, i heard my dad talking with someone, so i went ahead n opened the gate. There was no one there but i could still hear my dad talking in a distance, so i went ahead confidently to greet him n whoever he is with. After walking a good 200 meters i realized the more i followed the voice the further it got, i got scared and stopped and thats when the distance talking voice of my dad turned into bit higher pitch laughing. Shit scared I kind of got stuck and couldnt move and saw a tall person at a distance infront of me. Thats when i started reciting ayat ul kursi and i could turn around and i ran like fukin flash. When i reached the rooms i shouted n everyone woke up and i realized my dad had already came home and it was actually 2 am. Thats one of scariest memory of my life n still gives me chills. I remember i was in fever for couple of days after that incident.
Growing up in such area eventually made me realize jinns exist and some of them are good and others bad, just like us. What scares/angers me now is that fucker baited me out of my house and fooled me to go hundreds of meters into a jungle area at 2 am. Wtf was it planning to do? Maybe just laughed their *** off at my reaction. Now am pretty much used to it, gets easier once u accept they exist n share this world with us. Once u r not scared anymore, they cant do much, infact now id run after them n scare them away lolz.
My Supernatural occurrence happened when I was convinced that an Apparition handed me a bottle of Xanax and a bag of Doritos
A paranormal experience many have noted around the world that many report happens around 2-4 am is a Humming sound; in the last third of the night? At Tahajud time?

Allah comes down to the lower heavens to see who is praying. 1:00-2:45.
I don’t understand why people never try to use their brains when they quote this so called hadith that Allah comes down to first heaven at night. There are so many illogicalities and even Insult to Allah in this.

- It portrays Allah as being confined in a physical body who is definitely smaller than his created universe so he has to descend down to first heaven.

- There are billions of galaxies with gazillions of stars with 100x planets and yet Allah comes down when the star of the solar system residing the Milky Way Galaxy faces the other half of earth. Doesn’t that sound soo illogical and implanted idea by some random so called narrator who didn’t knew science 1300 years ago (I don’t believe that Prophet SA said any such thing, I believe this was invented later).

Definitely, Prophet of Allah couldn’t say such thing, As evident from Quran, Quran doesn’t defy logic or science. A further proof that everything other than Quran isn’t reliable enough.

By further quoting, promoting and believing such ahadith that contradict reasoning, Logic and especially science, Muslims themselves are making fun of Islam on the international level, Because atheists usually cherry pick such illogical things to degrade Islam.

FFS, Allah’s words are the Quran only ! Everything in Quran should be the only thing we must base our judgements on. Most of the ahadith are questionable, As sad as it sounds, Coming from my mouth, But this is an unfortunate reality.

We gotta level up our game to protect people who are leaving islam and becoming atheist just because the Islam they always got to hear was the fiqh or hadith Islam, Never the Quranic Islam and as a result, They get such questions all the time and just leave Islam without understanding what I am saying.
Damn, that's interesting.
Also, a thirty mile drive home? Hory shet, you need a prius.

You could say it is an on-going nightmare :cheesy:

Some people in LA do hundred mile commutes (each way). Every day. Nowadays most of this same people have TESLAS more or less (Or Prius). Of course it helps that the freeways are in OK condition.
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