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PM Kishida Announces Japan Will Acquire 400 Tomahawk Missiles From US


Jun 19, 2014
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Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has announced plans to bulk-order 400 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the United States in fiscal year 2023, starting in April, as part of his government’s plan to bolster the counterstrike capability of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF).

The announcement came as a surprise to many because the Ministry of Defense (MoD) in Tokyo usually does not officially disclose the number of missiles held or acquired by the JSDF.

“The number of missiles and unit prices held by the SDF has not been published in order not to reveal the warfighting sustainability of the SDF,” Kishida said at a House of Representatives Budget Committee session in Tokyo on February 27.

“But we have decided to announce it this time because the public is very interested in Tomahawk [missiles], and the United States will also announce the maximum amount of [Tomahawk] missiles to be sold to Japan as part of [explanatory] process for the U.S. Congress,” Kishida explained.

Defense Minister Hamada Yasukazu said at a regular press conference on February 14 that the MoD will make a blanket contract with Raytheon Technologies Corp to acquire Tomahawks through the U.S. government’s foreign military sales program during the next financial year.

The MoD secured 211.3 billion yen ($1.55 billion) to procure U.S.-made long-range Tomahawk cruise missiles. The MoD said it will deploy the Tomahawks in fiscal year 2026-27. Tokyo is expected to acquire the latest model Tomahawk Block V to be equipped onto Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) Aegis-equipped destroyers.

According to Janes Weapons: Naval, the Tomahawk has a range of between 550 and 2,500 kilometers, depending on the variant. This gives Japan the range to strike adversaries in the region. The most recent versions of the missile – designated Block IV – are integrated with a datalink to enable the switching of targets while in flight and are capable of loitering for “prolonged duration,” according to Janes.

The Block V variant also provides the entry point for two additional sub-variants: the Block Va variant, which adds a seeker kit to enable the prosecution of moving maritime targets, and the Block Vb variant, which introduces a new multi-effects lethal package in place of the existing unitary warhead, according to Janes. It is still unclear which variant Japan will buy at this stage.

What have the Japanese following too? Once a proud race, now buys weapons from the Americans for their own defense who nuked and killed hundreds of thousands Japanese.
If max ranged over 300km, it broke restriction export rule.
It make precedent for another country to do same.
Japan has the technology and industry to develop and build their own missiles. It's a shame they are importing these.
The US should arm Japan to the teeth
400 tomahawk at exorbitant price that japan cant even pay because it is in severe economic problem and debt

400 tomahawk missile will only sustain bombardment on at most 20 targets as majority will be shotdown my enemy A2AD

useless coldwar missile that already obsolete even the syrian A2AD with upgraded old SAM shot all of them down
Kishida is called tax-increase shit glasses in Japan.
He raises tax to buy this crap.

He most likely will be voted out in the next election, but as long as the LDP is in charge, Japan will continue to be US's dog.
why are these neoliberal leaders so dumb? how do they get there
400 tomahawk at exorbitant price that japan cant even pay because it is in severe economic problem and debt

400 tomahawk missile will only sustain bombardment on at most 20 targets as majority will be shotdown my enemy A2AD

useless coldwar missile that already obsolete even the syrian A2AD with upgraded old SAM shot all of them down
Never seen Tomahawks being shot down in large numbers in any conflict thus far, but tall claims.

Tomahawk class have RCS reduction measures, onboard Electronic Warfare capabilities, and can be instructed to avoid A2/AD spots to reach designated target(s). Decoys can also be launched to divert attention of A2/AD systems while Tomahawks approach designated target(s).
Every conflict has been against civilians with aks. That's why. Kishida is an idiot.
Are you sure?

Iraq never had A2/AD systems?
Yugoslavia never had A2/AD systems?
Syria never had A2/AD systems?

Again: Tomahawk class have RCS reduction measures, onboard Electronic Warfare capabilities, and can be instructed to avoid A2/AD spots to reach designated target(s). Decoys can also be launched to divert attention of A2/AD systems while Tomahawks approach designated target(s). These are not cheap cruise missiles.

Ukraine has taken out Russian A2/AD systems with less capable cruise missiles. Imagine this.
Are you sure?

Iraq never had A2/AD systems?
Yugoslavia never had A2/AD systems?
Syria never had A2/AD systems?
Imo all are trash and old tech. Like saudis buying old tech, while usa moves into their 5th -6th gen.

Again: Tomahawk class have RCS reduction measures, onboard Electronic Warfare capabilities, and can be instructed to avoid A2/AD spots to reach designated target(s). Decoys can also be launched to divert attention of A2/AD systems while Tomahawks approach designated target(s). These are not cheap cruise missiles.

Ukraine has taken out Russian A2/AD systems with less capable cruise missiles. Imagine this.
A lot of it is theoretical marketing terms, where the launcher is sitting unmolested. That's why I indicated they will only bring tokyo to ruin as a retributive strike will make them irrelevant.

Nato likes to market all the capabilities of each piece of hardware they release to get sales. When you look at russia all that "armour" on the leopards, abrams and challengers that you see in marketing materials (like gorilla glass) with special names counted for nothing. These are all staged 1v1 capabilities for marketers. Russia became a victim of that with it's bragging about it's airforce.
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