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PMLN and the Amritsari Vote

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Bhuttos played a pivotal role in the 1971 breakup of Pakistan. If Zulfikar Ali Bhutto wasn't anti-Pakistan why was he hanged by the patriotic army?
No regrets. Bangladesh should have never been part of Pakistan. It doesn't make sense culturally, ethnically, linguistically etc. and neither geographically. I think of it as a brief colonial rule. Of course I agree with one thing. East Pakistan shouldn't have ended the way it did. Many lives would have been saved if politicians and establishment sorted it out peacefully.

It's like if Turkiye claims Pakistan to be its part. Wouldn't that be laughable? Because fact of the matter is just like the Bangladesh situation, we have nothing in common except religion.
Are you surprised?

PTI never mentions the names of opposition leaders, mocks and makes fun of everyone, their ministers make homosexual jokes, and they use Islamic touch.
every party in Pakistan uses Islamic touch cause its Islamic republic of Pakistan - only morons believe IK to be an Islamic ideologue
It’s a fascist Hitler style party with religion card mixed into it with elements of being a cult and the results are what you see.

Anyone who doesn’t support PTI is automatically “corrupt”, “patwari”, “bad evil person”, “traitor”,

people will not marry their kids” etc etc
I hope this happens one day .... dont marry into patwari families not because of their political leanings but because it show their low IQ levels
ever seen a smart patwari?
Is there any surprise the fascist party is now targeting Punjabis for racism? They were the only group of people left, even army was victimised recently.

As someone says here just watch and enjoy the drama. At least Punjabis are no longer special and get the racist treatment too
we ALWAYS faced racism dude,way more than any other pakee group cmon...
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If hypocrisy was a river, Niazi would worship it along with his horde of tamashbeens

Well, religious nutjobs like yourself should be the last ones to talk about "hypocrisy", troll :lol:
we ALWAYS faced racism dude,way more than any other pakee group cmon...

Yes, that's true... Punjabis have faced more racism than any other ethnic group in Pakistan .. It's just that it's deliberately ignored, or at least that had been the case until recently
people voted em for economic development over PPP, not for ethnic reasons
People switched and support IK for the same reason- economic development, if down the line PTI plays ethnic crap
people won't mind (but won't support em for this reason alone) as long as economic conditions for people are improving

its money at the end of the day
Yeah, we Punjabis mean bidness. Manu note wakha mera mood banay.
We are above that base and petty ethnic stuff :lol:

not our circus
No ghar wapsi for indian muhazirs who lost their way in '47?
No regrets. Bangladesh should have never been part of Pakistan. It doesn't make sense culturally, ethnically, linguistically etc. and neither geographically. I think of it as a brief colonial rule. Of course I agree with one thing. East Pakistan shouldn't have ended the way it did. Many lives would have been saved if politicians and establishment sorted it out peacefully.

It's like if Turkiye claims Pakistan to be its part. Wouldn't that be laughable? Because fact of the matter is just like the Bangladesh situation, we have nothing in common except religion.
And 1971 wasn't the only reason for hanging Bhutto. In fact it wasn't the main reason. It was because ZAB was screwing Pakistan's economy. The roots of Pakistan's current economic crises are in Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's policies.
What a cluster f-ck of a thread.

The Youthias turn on IK every now and then when he makes stupid statements and moves. Selecting moron of a CM Punjab, comments when US was exiting Afghanistan, going too soft on TTP, doing establishment’s bidding are some of his bloopers.

He is not a perfect guy, not by a long shot.

What he has done for Pakistan far outweighs what the opposition has done. Health card, billion tree Tsunami, handling Covid, decent economic indicators, booming textile and constitution industries, better foreign policy, stand against Islamophobia.

Far from ideal but in Pakistan’s context I will take that.

But what eclipses everything else is that he has exposed the establishment to the bone. He comes or does not, that’s his legacy. The hatred for establishment far outweighs the love for IK.
every party in Pakistan uses Islamic touch cause its Islamic republic of Pakistan - only morons believe IK to be an Islamic ideologue

Nope. PTI uses religion for its purpose unlike any other party in history. Examples

Riasat e Medina
Fighting for Imran Khan is Jihad
Joining PTI protests is Amr bil Maroof
Attacking opposition parties/doing dharnas is Jihad and nahi anil munkr

Brought Molana Tariq Jamil/American Hamza Yousef to show how Islamic he is and the whole nation is liar and dishonest

Etc etc etc

I hope this happens one day .... dont marry into patwari families not because of their political leanings but because it show their low IQ levels
ever seen a smart patwari?

Maybe in new religion of Imran Khan, it is a sin to marry into opposition parties but in Islam, there is no condition that you can’t marry into a family that doesn’t support PTI. There was news about some family rejecting the groom after finding out he was a PTI supporter by the way but I think people who do this are extremists.

And I know many smart and rich individuals who are PMLN supporters as well as PTI supporters as well as JUIF supporters. But I ONLY know many poor broken idiots who support PTI, why? Because PTI youthiyas are the only ones who love to talk about their cult leader so you get to know this loser is youthiya whereas other party supporters don’t volunteer this information.

When I was at the airport a few months back, I saw an idiot wearing this hideous “hum kya ghulam hai” pti coloured beanie, you don’t see any other party supporter making clowns of themselves like this.

I shudder to think someone rejecting a good marriage proposal because the girl or guy supports NS or IK. That’s beyond messed up.

But it’s like I said, didn’t I? PTI is a fascist party that creates divisions. Modi creates hatred against Muslims, Netanyahu against Palestinians and PTI against his opposition parties to the point that you’re preaching social boycott of PMLN supporters.
Beyond all political differences, I am writing that this is a very beautiful picture of father-daughter love in which the daughter is shading her father's head so that the straw does not catch fire somewhere in the sun.

Rana sanaullah also got Ahmad Ludhianvi on TV against IK. Are they a religious party now?

They are clutching at straws that's all. Pathetic tbh. The are throwing everything including the kitchen sink at IK and hoping for a hit.

If they are using religion then PMLN is similar to TTP, both are appealing to an ethnic and religious front.
If they are using religion then PMLN is similar to TTP, both are appealing to an ethnic and religious front.
Yeah but that does not change the core voter base of the party, which votes for biryani ( i.e. short term gain, gali mohalla ka kaam, development projects). That's also why it didn't work.

If Saad Rizvi starts talking about normal stuff like the economy (not like he did previously by threatening sweden with atum bumb), that won't change the core makeup of his ultra-religious voter base.

Even IK has used religious touch at times. :D
Nope. PTI uses religion for its purpose unlike any other party in history. Examples

Riasat e Medina
Fighting for Imran Khan is Jihad
Joining PTI protests is Amr bil Maroof
Attacking opposition parties/doing dharnas is Jihad and nahi anil munkr

Brought Molana Tariq Jamil/American Hamza Yousef to show how Islamic he is and the whole nation is liar and dishonest

He has promoted Pakistani Islamic values, positive and moral.

Now lets compare Sharifs and establishment who train and fund terrorists to act as their henchmen and intimidate the opposition. They give Islam a bad name and the reason why Pakistan was put on FATF greylist.

The Taliban al qaeda supporting terrorists were also the brainchild of the establishment which blew up in their faces when their prophet bin laden played a double game on them. How many terrorist groups have the Sharifs and establishment created?
Nope. PTI uses religion for its purpose unlike any other party in history. Examples

Riasat e Medina
Fighting for Imran Khan is Jihad
Joining PTI protests is Amr bil Maroof
Attacking opposition parties/doing dharnas is Jihad and nahi anil munkr

Brought Molana Tariq Jamil/American Hamza Yousef to show how Islamic he is and the whole nation is liar and dishonest
Only idiots buy this shit , guys literally had a baby daughter out of wedlock, known and celebrated playboy

His whole Islam thing is political shtick IMHO
Etc etc etc

Maybe in new religion of Imran Khan, it is a sin to marry into opposition parties but in Islam, there is no condition that you can’t marry into a family that doesn’t support PTI. There was news about some family rejecting the groom after finding out he was a PTI supporter by the way but I think people who do this are extremists.

And I know many smart and rich individuals who are PMLN supporters as well as PTI supporters as well as JUIF supporters. But I ONLY know many poor broken idiots who support PTI, why? Because PTI youthiyas are the only ones who love to talk about their cult leader so you get to know this loser is youthiya whereas other party supporters don’t volunteer this information.

When I was at the airport a few months back, I saw an idiot wearing this hideous “hum kya ghulam hai” pti coloured beanie, you don’t see any other party supporter making clowns of themselves like this.

I shudder to think someone rejecting a good marriage proposal because the girl or guy supports NS or IK. That’s beyond messed up.

But it’s like I said, didn’t I? PTI is a fascist party that creates divisions. Modi creates hatred against Muslims, Netanyahu against Palestinians and PTI against his opposition parties to the point that you’re preaching social boycott of PMLN supporters.
Marrying part was a joke from my end - my father is N-legue supporter
So I was just messing around lol
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