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public deportations in Italy start

Remembrance of Nazi Germany!
It is vice versa Nazism. Some kind of anti-Nazism. European governments quietly allow millions of immigrants to come to their countries. This is complete nonsense. Idiocy of the highest standard.
Explain why african americans, who have lived in America for centuries, IQs similar to their african counterparts?
They do not.

African IQ in Africa varies from as low as 60 to 70 maybe 80.

Average African American IQ is 85 and increasing with every generation. Their current IQ is the same as white European average IQ of the 18th century.

Please remember that schools were desegregated in the US only as recently as 1954. before that African Americans lived much worse than their African ancestors. Toiling all day in the fields with no access to any kind of mental stimulus.

Look I am not saying their is NO genetic component - of course there is - but the environmental component is very large maybe the majority of the effect.
@Nilgiri @flamer84 @ValerioAurelius

Meanwhile in a parallel universe.... or just at the Franco-Italian border....

A group of 170 migrants, mostly Sudanese, were arrested on a mountain trail near the Italian border and the city of Menton by soldiers last night, police sources said.

The arrests took place around 9.30 pm near the village of Castellar in the Alpes-Maritimes. The group was seen by shepherds, according to the same source.

The men were to be taken back by bus to Italy, a country responsible,in principle for handling asylum applications, but where migrants arrivals are unceasing (more than 73,000 since January).

Since 2015,the Franco-Italian border was re-established.

In practice, these checks lead to the returning to Italy of migrants who pass or try to pass despite the dangers (more than one death per month since September). Gendarmes and soldiers are patrolling the roads. checkpoints,trains control : On average,110 arrests are made everydays since the begining of the year.

Source : Lefigaro

An everyday scene.

View attachment 406692

Thats ok.

Migrants get no big help in Italy. Thats done on purpose, create harsh conditions so they leave.

170 got stopped. 900 make it to France. So its a sucess.


Which country will they be deported, who will accept them?

Libya, Sudan, Morocco ect.

We have deals with Sudan who take anyone. For example Eritreans got deported there
Thats ok.

Migrants get no big help in Italy. Thats done on purpose, create harsh conditions so they leave.

170 got stopped. 900 make it to France. So its a sucess.

Libya, Sudan, Morocco ect.

We have deals with Sudan who take anyone. For example Eritreans got deported there

The French,the Austrians,the Swiss are all sending them back to you.
8K migrants were rescued in the last 48 hours amigo. Boasting about some being put in a bus and taken to only God knows where or hundreds at most deported when thousands are coming every days.
WEll That' a big lol...

So you think that ppl who are fleeing poverty/death/rape/war/famine and so on.. will be shocked or have second thought about migrating bc of that type of behavior or vids???

Lol that's f*cking heaven to them in comparison of what awaits them in their countries...
They saw Hell in their road to Europe already... try to unlock the next lvl..; like the Head chopping...maybe you gonna get better results... and if you are afraid about values...don't worry it's already long lost...

Big Loli Lol... :rofl::rofl:

Ps: Ppl are letting them die in the street like dogs...and they are still coming... Try Again :)

The French,the Austrians,the Swiss are all sending them back to you.
8K migrants were rescued in the last 48 hours amigo. Boasting about some being put in a bus and taken to only God knows where or hundreds at most deported when thousands are coming every days.

More will come... Subsaharienne Africa is not gonna be turned into heaven anytime soon...


Which country will they be deported, who will accept them?
None Will... EVery N-African country Refused... even with Billions...THey said to Merkel " F*ck Off!" last year...

They do not.

African IQ in Africa varies from as low as 60 to 70 maybe 80.

Average African American IQ is 85 and increasing with every generation. Their current IQ is the same as white European average IQ of the 18th century.

Please remember that schools were desegregated in the US only as recently as 1954. before that African Americans lived much worse than their African ancestors. Toiling all day in the fields with no access to any kind of mental stimulus.

Look I am not saying their is NO genetic component - of course there is - but the environmental component is very large maybe the majority of the effect.
IQ and genetics has nothing in common..;since IQ is not based neither used on a Full Intel evaluation spectrum but a Cognitive one... a Thread exist on PDF already about it,

IQ tests are 'fundamentally flawed' and using them alone to measure intelligence is a 'fallacy', study finds
Results cast into doubt tests that have been used to link cognitive ability to race, gender and class
The idea that intelligence can be measured by IQ tests alone is a fallacy according to the largest single study into human cognition which found that it comprises of at least three distinct mental traits.

IQ tests have been used for decades to assess intelligence but they are fundamentally flawed because they do not take into account the complex nature of the human intellect and its different components, the study found.

The results question the validity of controversial studies of intelligence based on IQ tests which have drawn links between intellectual ability race, gender and social class and led to highly contentious claims that some groups of people are inherently less intelligent that other groups.

Instead of a general measure of intelligence epitomised by the intelligence quotient (IQ), intellectual ability consists of short-term memory, reasoning and verbal agility. Although these interact with one another they are handled by three distinct nerve “circuits” in the brain, the scientists found.

“The results disprove once and for all the idea that a single measure of intelligence, such as IQ, is enough to capture all of the differences in cognitive ability that we see between people,” said Roger Highfield, director of external affairs at the Science Museum in London.

“Instead, several different circuits contribute to intelligence, each with its own unique capacity. A person may well be good in one of these areas, but they are just as likely to be bad in the other two,” said Dr Highfield, a co-author of the study published in the journal Neuron.

The research involved an on-line survey of more than 100,000 people from around the world who were asked to complete 12 mental tests for measuring different aspects of cognitive ability, such as memory, reasoning, attention and planning.

The researchers took a representative sample of 46,000 people and analysed how they performed. They found there were three distinct components to cognitive ability: short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component.

Professor Adrian Owen of the University of Western Ontario in Canada said that the uptake for the tests was astonishing. The scientists expected a few hundred volunteers to spend the half hour it took to complete the on-line tests, but in the end they got thousands from every corner of the world, Professor Owen said.

The scientists found that no single component, or IQ, could explain all the variations revealed by the tests. The researcher then analysed the brain circuitry of 16 participants with a hospital MRI scanner and found that the three separate components corresponded to three distinct patterns of neural activity in the brain.

“It has always seemed to be odd that we like to call the human brain the most complex known object in the Universe, yet many of us are still prepared to accept that we can measure brain function by doing a few so-called IQ tests,” Dr Highfield said.

“For a century or more many people have thought that we can distinguish between people, or indeed populations, based on the idea of general intelligence which is often talked about in terms of a single number: IQ. We have shown here that’s just wrong,” he said.

Studies over the past 50 years based on IQ tests have suggested that there could be inherent differences in intelligence between racial groups, social classes and between men and women, but these conclusions are undermined by the latest findings, Dr Highfield said.

“We already know that, from a scientific point of view, the notion of race is meaningless. Genetic differences do not map on to traditional measurements of skin colour, hair type, body proportions and skull measurements. Now we have shown that IQ is meaningless too,” Dr Highfield said.



The EU will ignite into civil war soon.
The French,the Austrians,the Swiss are all sending them back to you.
8K migrants were rescued in the last 48 hours amigo. Boasting about some being put in a bus and taken to only God knows where or hundreds at most deported when thousands are coming every days.

You only Catch small part of them. Most com through forests. They get no help here anyways. We are a Transit country. They Go France to homo macron.
Every country has their right to do so. I hope we deport Afghan scums in the same way.
WEll That' a big lol...

So you think that ppl who are fleeing poverty/death/rape/war/famine and so on.. will be shocked or have second thought about migrating bc of that type of behavior or vids???

Lol that's f*cking heaven to them in comparison of what awaits them in their countries...
They saw Hell in their road to Europe already... try to unlock the next lvl..; like the Head chopping...maybe you gonna get better results... and if you are afraid about values...don't worry it's already long lost...

Big Loli Lol... :rofl::rofl:

Ps: Ppl are letting them die in the street like dogs...and they are still coming... Try Again :)

More will come... Subsaharienne Africa is not gonna be turned into heaven anytime soon...

None Will... EVery N-African country Refused... even with Billions...THey said to Merkel " F*ck Off!" last year...

IQ and genetics has nothing in common..;since IQ is not based neither used on a Full Intel evaluation spectrum but a Cognitive one... a Thread exist on PDF already about it, try to read it.


I dont Care. Majority ends in Mafia tomato fields as Slave workers and what Mafia does with them is None of my business.

You actually get them for free to do Work. My rather ordered some to build our new Pool for example Last year. Some Guy bring's them at morning and when Work is done He takes them.
More will come... Subsaharienne Africa is not gonna be turned into heaven anytime soon...

Je sais. Tôt ou tard il faudra bien trouver une solution à ce problème,sinon ça va continuer ad vitam æternam...
L'Europe ne peut pas accueillir tout le bordel et la misère du monde. Et là,ce n'est rien comparé à ce qui va venir. (ou essayer de venir)

Mais pour le moment,que les Italiens se démerdent avec ceux qu'ils repêchent à la limite des eaux Libyennes. :disagree:
I dont Care. Majority ends in Mafia tomato fields as Slave workers and what Mafia does with them is None of my business.

You actually get them for free to do Work. My rather ordered some to build our new Pool for example Last year. Some Guy bring's them at morning and when Work is done He takes them.

Do you know why I still believe that migrant will still go to italy and that for a long time to ahead??
THe answer is you...

Re-read your post and you will see why :)
But here a hint for you... Paradox
Now Enjoy Them :)

Je sais. Tôt ou tard il faudra bien trouver une solution à ce problème,sinon ça va continuer ad vitam æternam...
L'Europe ne peut pas accueillir tout le bordel et la misère du monde. Et là,ce n'est rien comparé à ce qui va venir. (ou essayer de venir)

Mais pour le moment,que les Italiens se démerdent avec ceux qu'ils repêchent à la limite des eaux Libyennes. :disagree:

Il faudra commencer par déjà limiter les ventes D'armes aux dictateurs et sys corrompu de la région... qui sont la source de la misère de leur pays. C'est beau de vouloir trouver une solution, mais lorsqu'il faut faire des sacrifices lors des ventes...alors là, pas un pays d'Europe n'ose dire Non...

C'est un puit sans fond... Ceux qui arrive en Europe, est en grande partie dû aux décisions PASSE et PRESENT de nos gouvernements.

Le Dossier de L’Afrique et de sa misère remonte aux colonies, lorsque la France, par exemple a décider d'envahir et de Quitter ces pays en laissant un vide de pouvoir derrière elle, laissant les pourries de l'ancien système prendre le dessus, ce qui engendra, une militarisation, tuerie, génocide ( pour certain), guerre civil, corruption... jusqu’à aujourd'hui. Le mal de ces pays d’Afrique, sont dû à ces systèmes qui trouve encore du support auprès de La France ( ou ex-colonisateur). Regarde la visite au Tchad de la France, en disant que Mr le Dictateur est gentil avec son peuple... qu'est ce que tu veux qu'un truc change dans la région, ou encore avec le Niger, où le pouvoir à tout les droit, car c'est la réserve d'Uranium de La France...

Ou Encore plus récemment avec la Syrie... Les 1 Millions de syriens en Europe pouvaient être évité si L'EU avait pris ses responsabilités il y a de cela 6 ans... lorsque Assad n'avait aucun support, ni de la Russie ni de personne... Alors que Maintenant, en plein milieu du conflit avec chacun doté de leur Monsieur Muscle à leur coté, L'EU et US veut "Intervenir"... Ils n'attendent que l’excuse parfaite... (Même chose avec la Libye sous SArko..., je Bombarde sans plan d'avenir, et hop je laiss ele vide et le chaos se remplir par la merde..; en contre partie, Bouygues à pris Un contract pour reconstruire la capitale, sans parler des italiensqui viennent de finaliser, des Milliards en Infrastructures et petrole...)

Voila, en Conclusion, L'EU n'est pas fait pour accepter tout le monde, c'est légitime.. mais Elle en ai responsable pour 80% des cas par sa politique de m*rde.

C'est de la poudre de Perlimpinpin :)

" Tant que la merde continuera à être couverte, L'odeur restera"
Do you know why I still believe that migrant will still go to italy and that for a long time to ahead??
THe answer is you...

Re-read your post and you will see why :)
But here a hint for you... Paradox
Now Enjoy Them :)

Il faudra commencer par déjà limiter les ventes D'armes aux dictateurs et sys corrompu de la région... qui sont la source de la misère de leur pays. C'est beau de vouloir trouver une solution, mais lorsqu'il faut faire des sacrifices lors des ventes...alors là, pas un pays d'Europe n'ose dire Non...

C'est un puit sans fond... Ceux qui arrive en Europe, est en grande partie dû aux décisions PASSE et PRESENT de nos gouvernements.

Le Dossier de L’Afrique et de sa misère remonte aux colonies, lorsque la France, par exemple a décider d'envahir et de Quitter ces pays en laissant un vide de pouvoir derrière elle, laissant les pourries de l'ancien système prendre le dessus, ce qui engendra, une militarisation, tuerie, génocide ( pour certain), guerre civil, corruption... jusqu’à aujourd'hui. Le mal de ces pays d’Afrique, sont dû à ces systèmes qui trouve encore du support auprès de La France ( ou ex-colonisateur). Regarde la visite au Tchad de la France, en disant que Mr le Dictateur est gentil avec son peuple... qu'est ce que tu veux qu'un truc change dans la région, ou encore avec le Niger, où le pouvoir à tout les droit, car c'est la réserve d'Uranium de La France...

Ou Encore plus récemment avec la Syrie... Les 1 Millions de syriens en Europe pouvaient être évité si L'EU avait pris ses responsabilités il y a de cela 6 ans... lorsque Assad n'avait aucun support, ni de la Russie ni de personne... Alors que Maintenant, en plein milieu du conflit avec chacun doté de leur Monsieur Muscle à leur coté, L'EU et US veut "Intervenir"... Ils n'attendent que l’excuse parfaite... (Même chose avec la Libye sous SArko..., je Bombarde sans plan d'avenir, et hop je laiss ele vide et le chaos se remplir par la merde..; en contre partie, Bouygues à pris Un contract pour reconstruire la capitale, sans parler des italiensqui viennent de finaliser, des Milliards en Infrastructures et petrole...)

Voila, en Conclusion, L'EU n'est pas fait pour accepter tout le monde, c'est légitime.. mais Elle en ai responsable pour 80% des cas par sa politique de m*rde.

C'est de la poudre de Perlimpinpin :)

" Tant que la merde continuera à être couverte, L'odeur restera"

They dont want stay in Italy. They want go France or Germany. They are trapped here and we use them as a rescource. Why let them rot away when they can work?

They dont get paid. They work 14h a day. They sleep in tents. Some die while working. They get no food nor water

The Mafia and the Governmetn work hand in hand regarding that.

There is a law that forces migrants in the camps to do community work. When you are friends with the politician he send them to you and they do as ordered. As i said my father asked our mayor for some to build our Pool. And thats for free.

Mafia in agriculture sector is even more ruthless.

They come for a better life in France, Germany and UK and end as slaves on italian tomato fields


""I never thought it would be like this in Italy. Even dogs are better off than us," said Bailo, a 24-year-old from Guinea struggling to survive in an area of Puglia known as the "Red Gold Triangle" which produces 35 percent of Italy's tomatoes.

"It's better to die than to live like this, because at least when you die your problems are over."

"It's a feudal system like in the Middle Ages. These modern slaves are handy for the economy: you can exploit them and then get rid of them when you don't need them anymore," said Father Arcangelo Maira, a local priest trying to help the immigrants.

The shanty town where Bailo lives in the countryside along with 600 fellow immigrants is known as "the Ghetto." From afar, it resembles a refugee camp in any war-ravaged African country, but the reality is possibly worse.

"They left their country and came here hoping to find an El Dorado, but they end up living in conditions that are often worse than what they had at home," said Benelli.

"You see it most when they are forced to stay indoors, they sleep for much of the day and don't answer when we speak to them. Sometimes I have seen them cry."

Bella Italia always is shown as beautiful women. But she is rather harsh, calculating and merciless :D

I think thats ok. As long they are here they can work hard.
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