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Raisa Andriana vs Black Pink

Many local musicians brought by Dewa 19 to perform in Dewa 19 concert. This is in GBK Stadium with 170,000 capacity last August 2023. Dewa with Lyodra, female local singer.

Come on man this is gay

You post this nonsense on a pakistani military forum. I condemn it.

Talking about black pink and what not. Whats next after black pink black d??
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Dude, I never watch Blank Pink either. I only went to concert to watch Metal music and that when I was still at school. We are here talking creative industry. Big business and being able to defend from the assault of foreign singers/group should be appreciated. With the growing of economy, local market should be grabbed by local talent. I dont know why but there are still big segment in any country who want to watch music at live concert, particularly in any free country like Indonesia or other democratic countries.
Dude, I never watch Blank Pink either. We are here talking creative industry. Big business and being able to defend from the assault of foreign singers/group should be appreciated. With the growing of economy, local market should be grabbed by local talent.
F all those singers foreign or local all of them. In what way do they even benefit the people leave aside benefit they’re pushing their own agenda and only enriching themselves while they have sold their soul to the sheytaan.
F all those singers foreign or local all of them. In what way do they even benefit the people leave aside benefit they’re pushing their own agenda and only enriching themselves while they have sold their soul to the sheytaan.

Well you need to teach your own country first before teaching other countries. As long as we dont commit any big sin, I just see hearing and watching good music is still fine.
Well you need to teach your own country first before teaching other countries. As long as we dont commit any big sin, I just see hearing and watching good music is still fine.
Listen to me my friend. i am against this degrenacy in my own country as i am against it everywhere else in the world. This is not about countries this is about principles and faith you can’t have Ayat from the Quran as signature while proudly sharing contents as this. A muslim shouldnt be like that. Also how pathetic is your views on small sins and big sins. A sin is a sin you can’t support that. Be a man, a real man dont need this garbage.
Listen to me my friend. i am against this degrenacy in my own country as i am against it everywhere else in the world. This is not about countries this is about principals and faith you can’t have Ayat from the Quran as signature while proudly sharing contents as this. A muslim shouldnt be like that.

Dude, you live in Holland where prostitution is legal and free sex is wide spread. Why dont live in Turkey and do something benefit for Turkiye ?
You have spoken many times about issues concerning only Turkiye no one ever told you to mind your own business so why are you telling me i should teach my own country first? This is nonsense.

Dude, you live in Holland where prostitution is legal and free sex is wide spread. Why dont live in Turkey and do something benefit for Turkiye ?
What does that have to do with me. Did i bring prostitution in Holland or Turkiye? no i didnt. Will i be questioned in the grave about the country i lived in? no but i will be questioned about my own mistakes and actions only. I cant change anything in Holland or Turkey but i can believe and stand for whatever i want thats up to me.

I am not confused like you, i am not sharing ayat from Quran on my signature while sharing gay and prostitution contents like you do. Thats my point so instead of crying just recognize your mistake.

I am half Dutch btw. I was born and raised in Netherlands. I can live wherever i want thats not up to you.
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