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Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

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Over 58 Million Iranians Screened for COVID-19 Symptoms

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – More than 58 million people have been screened for the new coronavirus symptoms as part of nation-wide efforts aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19 across Iran, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said.

Over 58 million people have so far beenscreened by Iranian specialists and under the supervision of the country’s headquarters tasked with battling the coronavirus, Major General Baqeri said during a meeting on Sunday.

He expressed hope that the entire Iranian nation will be screened in the coming days.

Noting that the Armed Forces have made all the necessary arrangements to stem the outbreak, the top general said more than 4,000 beds have been prepared across the country for patients if the need arises.

Iran’s Health Ministry said on Saturday that 35,408 individuals have been confirmed to be infected with the disease across the country, 2,517 of whom have lost their lives. As many as 11,679 individuals have also recovered from the virus.

In an edict to Major General Baqeri earlier this month, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei emphasized the need for the establishment of a “health and treatment base” to prevent further spread of the ongoing epidemic in the country.

“While commending the services that the Armed Forces have so far provided to the dear people (of Iran), and while emphasizing the need for those services to further expand and continue, it is necessary that these services be organized in the form of a health and treatment base,” the Leader wrote in his edict.

“In addition to establishing such treatment facilities as field hospitals and infirmaries, and so forth, you must focus on prevention of further spread of this disease through necessary means as well,” Ayatollah Khamenei added.

The coronavirus outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China, has infected over 672,000 people around the world. The global death toll from the pandemic is now more than 31,000.

Delivered to the Swiss Embassy. Iranian made Corona virus detection kits donated to the American people

If it's true then we could produce something around 300k kits every week:

Does it matter? Its the thought that counts. Should return the favor.
As far as I know around 10000 corona-virus diagnostic test kits besides devices for disinfection of people etc etc have been sent to the US interests section in Swiss embassy in Tehran hoping it could help the American people in hours of need but as it seems Swiss embassy has refused to receive these aids.
If it's true then we could produce something around 300k kits every week:
View attachment 619727

As far as I know around 10000 corona-virus diagnostic test kits besides devices for disinfection of people etc etc have been sent to the US interests section in Swiss embassy in Tehran hoping it could help the American people in hours of need but as it seems Swiss embassy has refused to receive these aids.

well , probably USA ordered them to not accept any ... we should give these test kits to Iraq , Afghanistan and Pakistan instead of wasting them on Americans ...
well , probably USA ordered them to not accept any ... we should give these test kits to Iraq , Afghanistan and Pakistan instead of wasting them on Americans ...
Well we didn't accept neither.
well , probably USA ordered them to not accept any ... we should give these test kits to Iraq , Afghanistan and Pakistan instead of wasting them on Americans ...
well to be honest in countries around us the one that need helps the most is Afghanistan ,their health system is nothing but a disaster . they neither have the facilities nor expertise nor equipment to fight such epidemic

this move was just jabbing at USA politician , they wanted to tell them if you want help you help not going to media. but let be honest , USA problem is not equipment its mismanagement . as long as they don't fix their act no matter how much help they sent there it won't be enough

If it's true then we could produce something around 300k kits every week:
View attachment 619727

As far as I know around 10000 corona-virus diagnostic test kits besides devices for disinfection of people etc etc have been sent to the US interests section in Swiss embassy in Tehran hoping it could help the American people in hours of need but as it seems Swiss embassy has refused to receive these aids.
10000 test kit is enough for 100000 people, we probably can produce 300000 test kit per week but that's a lot more than our needs and then we must find buyer for them somewhere or donate them to someone.
well to be honest in countries around us the one that need helps the most is Afghanistan ,their health system is nothing but a disaster . they neither have the facilities nor expertise nor equipment to fight such epidemic

this move was just jabbing at USA politician , they wanted to tell them if you want help you help not going to media. but let be honest , USA problem is not equipment its mismanagement . as long as they don't fix their act no matter how much help they sent there it won't be enough

10000 test kit is enough for 100000 people, we probably can produce 300000 test kit per week but that's a lot more than our needs and then we must find buyer for them somewhere or donate them to someone.
Isn't a kit per person? as you say each kit could be enough for 10 persons?
I think we should produce enough kit to test every suspected person and put them under quarantine .. as number of test increase we could find more cases and circle them ...
Beside probably the virus would comeback again next winter and till a valid vaccine is not produced we should keep an eye on it ..
Isn't a kit per person? as you say each kit could be enough for 10 persons?
I think we should produce enough kit to test every suspected person and put them under quarantine .. as number of test increase we could find more cases and circle them ...
Beside probably the virus would comeback again next winter and till a valid vaccine is not produced we should keep an eye on it ..
I saw a proposal by an Indian Doctor in the US that made a lots of sense...He said first flatten the infection curve and when that is done (I think Iran is close to this point) ..do a mass testing of every one...identify the infected and isolate them (enforceable self isolation) and then the rest of the people can come out and live normal....I thought that is a good end plan for this..!
If it's true then we could produce something around 300k kits every week:
View attachment 619727

As far as I know around 10000 corona-virus diagnostic test kits besides devices for disinfection of people etc etc have been sent to the US interests section in Swiss embassy in Tehran hoping it could help the American people in hours of need but as it seems Swiss embassy has refused to receive these aids.

Probably have to have approval before accepting such kits. With all the fake or unreliable kits going around, should understand. But thanks for the gesture. Iran could have used it on its own people instead of ours. Right now in our country people criticize Trump for sending medical equipment to China in January when it could have been for the U.S. But thats when cases were pretty low.
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