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Surface To Air Missiles operated by Pakistan


Jan 18, 2009
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The Spada 2000 Plus system and the Pakistani air defense
Written by Francesco Tosato

By 2013, MBDA Italy will complete deliveries of the top ten batteries of air defense systems SPADA 2000 Plus for the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), while negotiations are underway for additional batteries to be used not only for the Air Force, but probably also to 'Army and Navy of the Asian country.

The contract for the acquisition of the top ten batteries for the PAF was signed in 2007 for a total of about 415 million euro, and also provides for the procurement of 750 missiles Aspide 2000 and the construction of two support sites (opened in 2009) area of Karachi, for the maintenance of weapon systems and the conduct of the test missile guidance.

The first battery was delivered to the Pakistan Air Force in February 2010 and in July of the same year, he performed the first tests positive operating fully with the demolition of three radiobersagli (confirming the reliability of the system that has a success rate of 97%). This result was made possible by the close collaboration of Italian Air Force who, since 2009, has supported Pakistani colleagues in training on the new SAM system.

The 2000 Plus is an evolution of the original SWORD SWORD (supplied to our Air Force since the early 80s) which is characterized as an all-weather medium range SAM system, the reaction times of extremely small, resistant to ECM, capable of protecting an area of 2000 sq km from airborne threats, and even UAVs from missiles aviolanciati.

Tested 8 times Italian Air Force, beginning in 2005, the configuration of the batteries SPADA 2000 Plus includes:

  • a Detection Centre focuses on RAC-3D radar, three-dimensional (radius of the discovery of 60 km, capable of simultaneously tracking up to 100 targets simultaneously and ingaggiarne 4), which brings together in one shelter also the tactical operations center responsible for the management of targets and their classification according to the level of threat and possibly also able to coordinate the fire, within a radius of 10 km, up to 10 units of anti-aircraft artillery radar Lead (systems such as Oerlikon GDF-005 35mm Bofors 40mm already supplied to the Armed Forces Pakistan or any modern unit C-Ram type the Porcupine, to remain in system concepts Italian).

  • 2 sections of fire (possibly expandable to four) made from radar tracking and illumination of the target, from the fire control and two pitchers with six Aspide 2000 missiles ready to fire.

  • The missile Asp 2000, Asp improved version of the previous (in turn national project developed from the air-to-air missile American AIM-7 Sparrow), characterized by a single-stage rocket motor, powered by solid fuel, which ensures supersonic speeds , high maneuverability and the capability to engage targets at distances greater than 25 km thanks to the semi-active homing guidance that activates the head preframmentata containing 35 kg of high explosives.

New batteries SPADA 2000 Plus, compatibly with the delivery schedule, go to replace the earlier and less accurate systems for point defense Crotale (introduced in 1976 and updated locally to the standard in the Years 4000, 2000) and are integrated into the modern network of defense national airline that is part of the Air Defense Command of the Pakistan Air Force. In this command, located in an underground bunker at the Chaklala Air Base near Rawalpindi, is managed in real time by a score of dedicated workstations, the situation of the national airspace under the four sub-sectors of operation in which the country is divided Peshawar ( North), Quetta (West), Sarghoda (Center), Karachi (South).

SPADA 2000 Plus systems are already deployed in the military part of the International Airport of Islamabad (Chaklala Air Base) and will soon be deployed to protect all other major national air bases (Jacobabad, Kahuta, Kamra, Karachi, Sargodha) as well as Site Nuclear Kushab. In any case, the full compatibility of the shelter with the C-130 Hercules of the PAF, enables the rapid deployment of the batteries in any part of the country.

With this acquisition (and the exercise of the options for an additional 5 batteries), the Pakistan Air Force fully meets the operational requirements for a medium-range SAM systems arising from the particular topography of the country. There still remains a clear need to find soon a modern long-range SAM system that replaces the few old-fashioned HQ-2 (Chinese copy of the Russian SA-2 Guideline characterized by a range of about 35km) who still defend Islamabad and enabling set up a modern multi-layered air defense at least around the capital, the city of Karachi and the nuclear site Kushab.

The system in question, you want the Pakistani military should have a capacity around 100 km, and then in the class of systems S-300 Russian, Chinese HQ-9 or SAMP / T Franco-Italian (currently being delivered to ' Italian Army) and the ability to intercept ballistic missiles at short and medium range as those found in the arsenal of historic rival India (mainly series of Prithvi SRBM and IRBM Agni series). The major stumbling block to the acquisition of such systems is still represented by their high cost, but a decision, perhaps related to the purchase of only 3 batteries for the protection of the above objectives, it is likely to be taken from here a few years in front of the impressive modernization program that is affecting the Indian Air Force and the need to balance the possible deployment by the Indian systems ATBM.

Overall, the acquisition system SPADA 2000 Plus consolidates the existing good relations between Pakistan and our defense industry (already a supplier of Grifo-7PG radar for F-7 and Falco UAV assembled locally) and, thanks to the two maintenance units created on the spot, sets the stage for further profitable future developments.


Spada 2000 - Wikipedia
The first systems Sword began to be delivered to ' Italian Air Force in 1983. The batteries were acquired with subsequent contracts: the first contract for 4 batteries followed definitely a contract for 5 and not more detailed.The total number of batteries purchased should amount to 12. Subsequent work to update the technical reconfiguration of the batteries and reorganization of armed force leading, in 2012, for a formal allocation of 7 batteries, including 4 high and 1 rischierabilità addestrativa. The first phase of improvements began in 1996 and ended in 1999, culminating in the Spada 2000 was delivered to ' the Spanish Air Force . In 2003 he came to the second phase of improvements, the Spada 2000 Plus In September 2007 also the Pakistan Air Force has ordered 10 Spada 2000 Plus system version at a cost of Euro 415 million, which also include the construction of local infrastructure for the maintenance of systems.

Spada 2000 Ground based air defence missile system. (Photo: MBDA)

10:17 GMT, February 19, 2009 The Aspide 2000 missile has set yet another exceptional record in its long career. During an air defence exercise that took place at the end of January 2009, the Amoun battery of Kuwait’s Air Defence Brigade carried out five Aspide 2000 missile launches against a series of air targets simulating different types of attack scenarios. All of the launches were successful and all five targets were destroyed, either by direct impact or as a result of the warhead exploding within a miss distance of well below one meter. The launches were performed in different weather conditions (day and night) and showed once again the absolute reliability of MBDA’s Aspide 2000 missile.

As a result of this exercise, the Aspide 2000 was able to establish an absolute record in terms of percentage launch success, establishing a success rate exceeding 97% from over 600 missiles launched around the world. With over 5,000 missiles having already been produced, Aspide is now experiencing a new dawn in its latest “2000” version.

Ing. Fabrizio Giulianini, MBDA’s Executive Group Sales and Business Development Director and MBDA Italy Managing Director, said “This latest achievement of the Aspide 2000 missile has confirmed its operating effectiveness and its design strength which has allowed us to renovate the system without any issues of note. Furthermore, this success also confirms that good system and technological choices were made from the very beginning. This exceptional result will give further impetus to the export activities involving this missile, which, as well as being deployed on the Skyguard/Amoun system, is also used on many other systems such as Skyguard El, the naval Albatros variant and the Spada AMI. Aspide 2000, the latest version of the Aspide missile, as well as being deployed in the Skyguard Amoun, is also used in the Spada 2000 Plus system”.

The Spada 2000 Plus system is a ground based air defence missile system designed to protect vital assets from different types of threat such as fighter and bomber aircraft,cruise missiles, helicopters and UAVs.

The Spada 2000 Plus is characterized by a high degree of modularity and flexibility, based on ISO standard modules.

Each system section comprises a Detection Center and up to four Firing Sections, each one comprising a Fire Control Center and two Missile Launchers each equipped with six missiles. The Spada 2000 Plus system is also capable of integrating V-SHORAD weapon systems and can operate autonomously or can be integrated within a higher level defence network or architecture.

Spada 2000 plus complex inauguration in Karachi
Spada 2000 plus complex inauguration in Karachi ~ ASIAN DEFENCE

Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force, inaugurated the `Missile Maintenance Complex' at a PAF Base in Karachi. PAF statement said that the Complex is a significant enhancement of PAF's engineering capability to support various missile systems. During the inaugural address, the CAS appreciated the personnel involved in the project for their professionalism and hard work to complete it within short time. The CAS hoped the complex would further strengthen PAF's defence capabilities.

The Spada 2000 is produced by the Italian-controlled part of the firm, MBDA Italia, and used by Italy and Spain. The system provides air defence missile coverage of 2,000km². The Aspide 2000 missiles can intercept crossing and approaching targets to a range of 25km. The kill probability is high, even against highly agile crossing targets. The system can engage up to four targets simultaneously with Aspide missiles.Spada 2000 Plus will replace the old French Crotale air defence systems.Up to 10 light anti-air weapons can be managed by the system in addition to its Firing Sections by SPADA 2000 system . Aspide 2000's radar is the Selex Sistemi Integrati (formerly Alenia Marconi Systems) RAC-3D, which gives three-dimensional volumetric air surveillance, detection and tracking. The system has the capacity to track 100 targets simultaneously within a range of 60km.

Spada 2000 was evaluated by the PAF officials in 2006 and was selected for acquisition defeating Raytheon SL-AMRAAM and German Diehl BGT IRIS-t SL air defence systems. Ten batteries of Spada 2000 air defense system worth $656.56 million will be delivered to Pakistan Air Force before August 2012.



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The Spada 2000 is an all-weather, day and night, highly automated, air defence system developed by MBDA (formerly Alenia Marconi Systems). The system has quick reaction time and requires very few operators to man the system. The unit can operate independently or can be integrated with national air defence centres. Spada 2000 is in production and in service with Spanish Air Forces.

The Spada 2000 is an upgraded version of the Spada air defence system providing significant operational and technological improvements, including increased firepower and range, and the capability of coordinating additional anti-air weapons.

In March 2007, Kuwait ordered the upgrade of its Aspide missile systems to Aspide 2000 / Spada 2000 configuration.

"The Spada 2000 is an all-weather, day and night, highly automated, advanced air defence system."
The system provides air defence missile coverage of 2,000km². Target detection and tracking range is up to 60km and the missiles can intercept crossing and approaching targets to a range of 25km. The kill probability is high, even against highly agile crossing targets. The system can engage up to four targets simultaneously with Aspide missiles.

Spada 2000 is modularised and integrated into sheltered units, which provides a high tactical and strategic mobility. The system consists of a detection centre and either two or four firing sections, each section equipped with two missile launchers. Each missile launcher has six ready-to-fire Aspide 2000 missiles.

Aspide 2000 missile
The Aspide 2000 missile is an upgraded version of the Aspide surface-to-air missile. The missile is capable of engaging hostile attack aircraft before the aircraft can release airborne standoff weapons. The Aspide 2000 is also capable of intercepting air-launched missiles once launched. The upgraded missile uses an enhanced single-stage rocket motor which provides increased missile speed, higher lateral acceleration and effective range.

The missile is also in service with the Italian Air Force and the Royal Thai Air Force as part of the Oerlikon Contraves Skyguard air defence system.

The high-thrust single-stage solid-propellant rocket motor provides high supersonic speed and high agility to intercept manoeuvring targets. The guidance system is semi-active radar homing.

Spada 2000 missile detection centre
The detection centre contains mission planning capability allowing fast and precise effective deployment of the weapons. The centre is fitted in a hardened shelter with an RAC-3D radar installed on a hydraulically operated mast on the roof of the shelter. The shelter houses the system's operating centre, including the voice and data communications suite.

Auxiliary equipment in the centre includes a global positioning system, a north finder, air conditioning and power supplies.

RAC-3D radar
Aspide 2000's radar is the Selex Sistemi Integrati (formerly Alenia Marconi Systems) RAC-3D, which gives three-dimensional volumetric air surveillance, detection and tracking. The system has the capacity to track 100 targets simultaneously within a range of 60km.

The radar is capable of operating in hostile electronic warfare environments and is robust against clutter interference and electronic countermeasures. The radar features emission control, jamming location, random frequency agility and coded waveforms. The radar's erectable antenna is up to 13m in height.

Operations centre
The operations centre is manned by two operators for mission planning, system deployment and management during combat operations. The computer displays the air threat data in 3D coordinates.

The system tracks, identifies and prioritises the targets and assigns the firing sections to the priority targets. The targets can also be assigned to other anti-air weapon systems. The system is able to coordinate up to ten small anti-air weapons deployed within a 10km radius.

The operations centre can be connected to a remote upper level air defence command centre.

"Spada 2000 is modularised and integrated into sheltered units, which provides a high tactical and strategic mobility."
Firing section
The firing section consists of the tracking and illumination radar, the control unit and the missile launchers each with six ready-to-fire missiles. The radar carries out target acquisition, tracking and illumination functions for missile guidance.

The control unit is managed by a single operator. The unit controls all the functions from target designation to missile launch and target intercept and operates in manual or automatic mode.

The communications suite includes the data links between the detection centre and the firing sections and also internal and external secure voice communications.

Spada 2000 Air Defence Missile System - Army Technology

Spada 2000 is an upgraded version of the Spada air defence system with increased firepower and range.
The Aspide 2000 missile uses semi-active radar homing and has a range of 25km.
The Spada 2000 system can engage up to four targets simultaneously with Aspide 2000 missiles.
The system tracks and prioritises targets, assigns the firing sections to the targets and can also assign targets to other air defence systems.
The Spada 2000 air defence missile system shortly after being fired.
Artist's impression of the Spada 2000 air defence missile system.
Artist's montage of the Spada 2000 system

Pakistan has more than adequate coverage for low level air defence due to large number of MANPADs available to the units Anza MK1, MK2, MK3 which Pakistan produces locally.

Former Air Chief Kaleem Sadaat did mention Pakistan Air Force interest in the Spada 2000 air defence system in the past, however it was up until now limited to it.

The Spada 2000 is an all-weather, day and night, highly automated, air defence system which has quick reaction time and requires very few operators to man the system. The system can engage up to 4 targets simultaneously, and has the track range of 60KM while it can intercept a target at 25KM accurately.

Background Information about SPADA 2000
(Courtesy: MBDA)
Operational requirement
A system capable of protecting of vital assets from air attacks conducted in a dense ECM and clutter environment, including precision guided munitions and tactical missiles.

The MBDA solution
SPADA 2000 is a unique all weather solution for that mission. Its design comprises the following:

1. modular, flexible and open architecture for dispersed deployment of constituent units

2. high tactical mobility and aero-transportability, through extensive use of ISO Standard modules and special built-in devices for lifting and levelling

3. fast deployment and set-to-operate, thanks to the embedded mission planning, digital map loading and processing, automatic navigation and automatic system initialisation

4. enhanced firing power and engagement envelope to counter simultaneous attacks of targets in close formation

5. capable of integrating and of tactically co-ordinating existing light anti-air weapons, such as guns.

The basic SPADA 2000 configuration consists of a Detection Centre and of 2 Firing Sections (expandable to 4). Up to 10 light anti-air weapons can be managed by the system in addition to its Firing Sections.

The Detection Centre is composed of a 3D volumetric air surveillance radar having a TWS capability of up to 100 air tracks, within its 60 km range, and of an Operation Centre

The Firing Section is composed of a tracking and illumination radar with its control unit and of two Missile Launchers, with 6 ready-to-fire ASPIDE 2000 missiles each.

The tracking and Illumination radar has an effective range of 40 km, while the ASPIDE 2000 missile has an intercept envelope of over 20 km.

Status of programme
The system is in service in Spain and Italy

Read more: MBDA Spada 2000 Air Defence System for Pakistan Air Force | Aviation & Air Force News at DefenceTalk

Missile systems, defence systems - MBDA missiles



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  • Powerful upgraded version of the ASPIDE multi-role missile for use in surface-to-air systems
  • Capable of engaging attacking aircraft before they can release their airborne stand-off rocket propelled missiles
  • Equipped with an enhanced single stage rocket motor to increase the missile speed, lateral acceleration and effective range by as much as 40% compared to the ASPIDE baseline missile
  • Compatible with all systems currently using the ASPIDE baseline missile (ALBATROS/ASPIDE, SPADA/ASPIDE and SKYGUARD/ASPIDE, AMOUN)
Missile systems, defence systems - MBDA missiles
The missile Aspide 2000 marks another record in his long career. Amoun battery of Kuwait Air Defence Brigade carried out in an air defense exercise in focus, 5 missions Aspide 2000 missile launch on targets with different types of radio controlled attack missions. All launches have been a complete success and all five targets were destroyed, either by direct impact or explosion of the warhead miss distance of well below one meter. The launches were performed in different weather conditions (day and night), have demonstrated once again the absolute reliability of the missile MBDA. With this exercise, the Aspide 2000 was able to record in terms of successfully cast that rises to over 97% over 600 missiles launched around the world. Produced in over 5000 specimens, the Aspide knows a second life in the new version of "2000" that is competing successfully in the fierce global competition in the segment of medium-range air missiles. Engineer. Fabrizio Giulianini Executive Group Sales and Business Development Director and Managing Director of MBDA Italy commented: "The Aspide 2000 missile with this latest performance has further attested to its validity and robustness of operational design that allowed us to modernize the system without problems relief to the validity of the systems engineering and technological choices taken at the time. This exceptional result - continued Giulianini - gives further impetus to the export activities for this missile, which besides being installed on your system Skyguard / Amoun, is used on many other systems EI as the Skyguard, Albatros in naval version and the Sword AMI. Aspide The 2000 latest version of the Aspide missile, as well as the Skyguard / Amoun system is used in the Spada 2000 Plus ". Spada 2000 Plus system is a surface-to-air system for local defense of the vital structures of the air against different types of threats made by hunting and fighter-bombers, cruise missiles, helicopters and UAVs . SWORD The 2000 PLUS is characterized by a flexible and modular forms-based ISO Standard:Each section of the system consists of Detection Center and up to 4 Firing Section each consisting of a Fire Control Center and 2 launchers with 6 missiles each. Spada 2000 PLUS The system is able to handle on the inside also weapon systems V-Shorad and can operate autonomously or integrated into a network of air defense level. With industrial facilities in four European countries and within the USA, MBDA has an annual turnover of more than € 3 billion and has a backlog of more than 13 billion euro. With more than 90 armed forces customers in all over the world, MBDA is a world leader in missiles and missile systems.MBDA is the only group capable of designing and producing missiles and missile systems that correspond to various operational needs , present and future of the armed forces. In total, the group offers a range of 45 missile systems and countermeasures products already in operational service and more than 15 new projects under development. MBDA is controlled by the same rules of corporate governance by BAE SYSTEMS (37.5%) , EADS (37.5%) and Finmeccanica (25%). (MBDA)


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This type of system should be last line of defense for PA as it can engage air and ground (including armor) target in NCW environment.


RAPIDFire combines the CONTROLMaster 60 surveillance radar with the CONTROLViewcommand and control module.

RAPIDFire is adapted to both vital assets and fixed points defence, as well as mobile troops or convoys protection missions.

This mobile, multi-role weapon system is designed to respond to the new threats being encountered by armed forces today and in particular the low cost targets which can attack in swarms and can saturate conventional missile defences.

RAPIDFire benefits from 40 years of Thales’ background experience in field proven Weapon Systems for French and overseas Armed Forces.

With its powerful antiaircraft gun, high performance 3D radar and versatile C2 module, RAPIDFire is optimized to defeat all types of air threats including Fighter Ground Attack (FGA), helicopters or Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) and cruise missiles or precision guided munitions.

The RAPIDFire system has also been designed to enable firing of the STARStreak missile system, a Very Short Range Air Defence missile system with a speed in excess of Mach 3 and a range of around 7km. The combination of six STARStreak missiles and the latest generation 40mm cased telescope ammunition ensure both precision attack and high firepower. Optronic sensors have been integrated directly into the turret thereby ensuring that the RAPIDFire can operate autonomously if required. Using various types of ammunitions,RAPIDFire can also be used against ground targets, including armoured platforms, to ensure the self protection of the system.

Key Missions

  • Multi-weapons: missiles & guns : The Starstreak missiles efficiency combined with the power of a 40mm gun calibre
  • Multi-role : 40 mm gun has both air and ground defence capabilities
  • Fast into action
  • Precision and high firepower
  • Full autonomy
  • Improved Survivability
  • The Starstreak missiles efficiency combined with the power of a 40mm gun caliber
Link of above article.
RAPIDFire | Thales Group

Link to Star streak missile system which above gun system can carry and use.

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Crotale SAM

Serving Pakistan Air Space Protection Since 1980's (100 + Units)


HQ-2B (Reference)
Kapila, Viney (2002). The Indian Air Force, a Balanced Strategic and Tactical Application. Prabhat Prakashan. ISBN 9788187100997. Zaloga, Steven (2007). Red SAM: The SA-2 Guideline Anti-Aircraft Missile. Osprey Publishing. p. 40. ISBN 9781846030628.


Sky Guard + Swiss Anti Aircraft puppies
Serial Production with Europe

FIM-92 Stinger- Stinger Missile

AnZA - Made in Pakistan (Serial Production)
Anza Mk-I
Anza Mk-II
Anza Mk-III


Sweedish Gift


PG99 (CS/SA1) , Mounted Chinese Gift



Chinese SAM(???)
HMMM, what do you think brave pilots
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How about getting LD-2000 air defence system from China. The LD-2000 features a seven-barrelled cannon, which appears to be similar to the Dutch Golkeeper CIWS. The weapon system can be used stand along to provide point air defence for high-value strategic targets against aircraft and cruise missiles, or deployed as a part of a multi-layer air defence system comprising surface-to-air missiles (SAM) and anti-aircraft artillery weapons.

It has a thermal imaging sight to supplement the radar system. Its maximum rate of fire is 5800 RPM, and the effective range is up to three kilometers.

A Type 347G tracking radar is mounted on the roof of the cannon turret, along with a day/thermal sighting system, which also incorporates a laser rangefinder. The cannon is operated by a gunner in the fully enclosed module to the behind the cab. The AAA/SAM version of the system also features a low-altitude target search radar mounted on top of a mast located near the driving cab. If necessary, the weapon system could also work with a stand along target acquisition radar with longer detection range.
the naval Phlanx CIWS now has a land-based version which would be very effective against incoming missiles from the sea. i'm sure it could also be used in AA role.
Air Defense of Pakistan is duty of Pakistan Army Air defense and Pakistan Air force.FM-90 was acquired after events of Ops Neptune.Pakistan was satisfied with quality and performance of FM-90 system as an close range air defense SAM.The duty assigned to this SAM in Pakistani service is defense of Air fields,command nodes,moving mechanized columns,vital civilian infrastructure against cruise missiles,choppers and Fighters.The version delivered to Pakistan has been developed with close help of Pakistani Defense organizations, It is being operated by Air Defense Units of PA,it is configured according to Pakistani needs.Here is technical Database of FM-90



FM-90 at 2015 Pakistan Day Parade....
CPMIEC HQ-7/FM-80/FM-90 / CSA-4/CSA-5 Sino-Crotale SelfPropelled Air Defence System
Pakistani system is designed to work in intense and very hostile EW.It has new and more powerful AESA radar and more secure datalink.Missiles are likely to have more range and kill capacity then original cortala and FM-90
HQ-7/FM-90 / Sino-Crotale Technical Analysis

The HQ-7/HHQ-7 SAM systems are often described as “based on” and “derived from” the Crotale. Close inspection of the wealth of detailed HQ-7/HHQ-7 imagery suggests that the first generation of the HQ-7/HHQ-7 system are almost exact clones of the French originals, with differences which at best qualify as cosmetic, such as the headlight arrangement on the P4R, or the shape of the frangible launch tube covers. The changes observed in newer FM-90 system appear to be primarily in the replacement of the acquisition radar, replacement of the P4R vehicle, and internal enhancements to the system electronics. The Chinese have published very little of substance on the Crotale, in comparison with other indigenous weapons systems.

Accordingly, this technical analysis will be based on the original baseline French Crotale, with the caveat that the PLA may have made numerous incremental detail improvements to the internal design of the system, as has been observed with reverse engineered Russian weapons.

The best single discussion of the design rationale behind the original Crotale is the excellent 1970 Interavia/International Defense Review analysis “Design Philosophy of the Crotale AA System”, authored by le Sueur, who was a design engineer at Thomson CSF involved in the definition and development of the Crotale[2].

The imperative for the development of the Crotale was the emergence of terrain avoidance and terrain following radar as penetration aids for tactical aircraft, permitting them to penetrate especially hilly terrain, abundant in Europe, by using terrain masking to conceal their approach. The combination of transonic or supersonic speed and altitudes between 150 and 330 ft AGL typically results in targets which pop-up above the radar horizon a mere 15 to 25 seconds away from the target. Such short reaction times are a genuine challenge for most SAM systems, and typically beyond the capabilities of 1950s and early 1960s SAM designs which dominated NATO air defences during that period. The then new Soviet MiG-23BN/27 Flogger, Su-7/17/22 Fitter and Su-24 Fencer would this be capable of bypassing most NATO IADS components no differently than USAF F-105D Thunderchiefs and F-111 Aardvarks sliced through North Vietnamese defences.


Figure 1 Low level penetration envelope [2].


Figure 2 Crotale threat engagement requirement [2].
Design requirements for the Crotale were detailed by le Sueur thus [cited][2]:

Design principles

A multi-capability solution to the low altitude problem should therefore provide the following:

1. Radar detection in all weathers of a 1 m2 fluctuating target flying at speeds up to Mach 1.2, amongst ground clutter and fixed echoes of 105 m2 equivalent area (corresponding to a collection of large buildings seen against a rock face 1,500 metres taller).

2.Tracking of the target accurately in this environment, even if it flies at ground level, hugs the side of a hill or valley, or passes through a nodal point close by. Guidance of the missile accurately under whatever conditions the target imposes.

3.Fast reaction, so that the following operations can take place whilst the aircraft in question (flying at Mach 1.2) travels no more than 4 km, allowing an intervention time of just under 10 seconds:
  • detection of the target as soon as it appears,
  • determination of its type (single or multiple),
  • identification friend or foe (with the possibility of interrupting the acquisition/firing sequence at any time in case of a belated 'friendly' response),
  • determination of its course parameters,
  • automatic tracking lock-on,
  • firing of one or several missiles,
  • interception.
Should the attack be of large proportions, this sequence must still take no longer than for a single attacking aircraft. In addition to the above requirements, the weapon system should:

  • classify targets by the urgency of the threat which each represents whenever a fresh attack is detected,
  • engage targets in this order of priority classification,
  • be capable of co-ordinated engagement of several targets on different bearings simultaneously.
4. Firepower sufficient to ensure a kill probability of 90%. This involves:

  • highly accurate missile guidance,
  • a high-acceleration, high-speed missile,
  • missile manoeuvrability, even at maximum range,
  • controlled detonation of the warhead for maximum effect in a position relative to the target's leading-edge and engine infrared sources,
  • a proximity warhead, the destructive range of which is considerably greater than the missile's miss-distance,
  • the possibility of firing several missiles at the same target if needs be, without starting the acquisition sequence again; immediate, automatic realization of the need for this without human intervention; the automatic firing of such a salvo.
5. Mobility comparable to that of the combat formations which the system will protect, particularly cross-country, without degradation of its detection capability; self-propulsion; self-contained operation and air-portability.

6. Maximum reliability in spite of enemy electronic countermeasures. Detection of faults the moment they occur and not when the approach of an enemy aircraft sets off the full operating sequence.

7. Simplified training of operating and maintenance crews.

These design requirements are not dissimilar to such a requirement were it drafted today, indeed the principal differences would be in more challenging specific requirements for ECCM capability and detection performance against low signature targets in clutter.
The design strategy defined for the Crotale was detailed by le Sueur thus [cited][2]:

The following are the solutions which have been adopted to fulfil the stated requirements:

1.A fully coherent [Mirador IV] pulse Doppler surveillance radar. This will detect aircraft of an area equivalent to a 1 m2 fluctuating target flying at radial speeds of 35 to 440 m/s (156 to 890 mph) at altitudes from 0 to 3,000 m (0 to 10,000 ft) and ranges up to 18.5 km (11.5 miles). At maximum range the probability of detection is 90% with each antenna revolution. The chances of a false alarm are low and radar visibility through the fixed echoes is so good that even when Crotale was tested in the most difficult conditions, no ground shadow whatever appeared on the screen. A computer logic circuit correlates the data gathered on each antenna revolution, rapidly extracting all but the useful information and allowing automatic tracking of any aircraft within detection range. So as not to lose the benefits of the fast reaction time, information is renewed at the very high rate of one antenna revolution per second. Using a pulse Doppler radar, this antenna revolution speed is incompatible with precise target definition and suppression of ambiguities and 'blind speeds' within the range limits imposed by the terrain, unless the S-band is used for the surveillance role. The radar coverage is so designed that it immediately provides not only the bearing of the target. but also a first indication of its range and elevation (high, medium or low).

2.Tracking of the target is carried out by a Ku band [Castor 2] monopulse radar, the narrow beam and short pulse of which give very high definition; the use of multiple frequencies gives good protection against jamming as well as very smooth tracking. The tracking radar antenna has been separated from the co-axially mounted missile launchers, in order to reduce its inertia to a minimum. Missile guidance is accurate to within 0.1 milliradians, this unequalled performance being the result of using the beam-riding guidance technique in direct combination with the target tracking technique described above. This process eliminates the mechanical and electronic errors common to systems with separate target tracking and missile guidance equipment.

3. The very fast reaction time required of the system necessitates total automation. Crotale is the first example of a weapon system to be so designed. A computer mounted in the surveillance/target designation vehicle determines whether the target is approaching or receding and its nature (one or several aircraft); it processes the data provided by radar, initiates tracking of each aircraft, and classifies it in terms of immediacy of the threat in relation to other targets already being tracked. After identification of the aircraft as hostile, the computer communicates with its counterparts in the firing unit vehicles, before assigning the target to whichever of the latter is best placed to deal with it. This causes all the uncommitted tracking radar/missile launcher mountings to turn towards the target. The designated fire unit then receives an accurate bearing on the target, together with its approximate elevation and height. The fire unit computer then guides the tracking radar within these limits, by continually updating target elevation and height data (Fig. 3), until the automatic tracking mode locks on. During this period of search, the fire unit computer remains under the overall control of the computer in the surveillance/target designation vehicle. It calculates the interception possibilities and decides when target engagement becomes possible. Once the order to fire is given, several irreversible missile launching procedures take place: internal power is switched on, the autopilot is activated, the missile container is opened, and the missile is fired. At any time between tracking lock-on and interception of the aircraft, a 'friendly' IFF response, however belated, will automatically interrupt the intercept sequence; if this occurs during missile flight, the latter will destroy itself.

On the standard version of the Crotale system, the intervention of human operators has been kept to two levels:
  • In the surveillance/target designation vehicle, an operator assigns the target classified as top priority to the fire unit indicated to him by the computer as being that best capable of dealing with it.
  • In the fire unit, an operator presses the firing button when it illuminates.
These two functions - as we have seen - are not essential, and when the computer calculates that the available reaction time offered by a priority target is incompatible with the real time constants of the human operator, it deprives him of his authority to intervene in the operational sequence.

The attachment of several fire units to the same surveillance unit allows the most flexible and economic defense of various types of point targets. One surveillance unit will therefore be under-utilised in many cases if it is linked with only one firing unit. But more important still, if the fire of the various units co-operating to protect the same target is not co-ordinated, then there is nothing to prevent those fire units whose operating envelopes overlap engaging the most urgent target simultaneously, leaving the field wide open for following aircraft. By ensuring the co-ordination of several firing units against a large-scale attack therefore, the Crotale organisation optimizes their performance.

4.The firepower of Crotale results from the combined effect of several devices which have been incorporated in the system. An advanced operational research study showed that, faced with the threat posed in the next decade and taking account of the restricted range of fire compatible with terrain limitations, the beamriding guidance technique with continuous deviation correction offers a cost-effectiveness ratio superior to any other. Designed and produced by Engins Matra with the assistance of several divisions in the Thomson Brandt group for in particular, the propulsion unit,, the warhead and the transponder, the Crotale missile is gathered by the radar in under 500 metres. Its single-stage motor propels it to Mach 2.3 in 2.3 seconds. and at the limit of its range its speed is still supersonic.

The missile is roll-stabilized in order to allow a high degree of guidance precision and to provide the ability to absorb the high load factors imposed by crossing targets. Canard-type surfaces provide the required manoeuvrability with a minimum of drag, and at the limit of combat range, the missile still has a manoeuvrability of 7 g which allows it to cope with fluctuations and evasive manoeuvres of the target.

The 15 kg warhead was specially designed for high efficiency: its detonation produces a burst of fragments moving at over 2,000 m/sec localised in space and time, the fragments retaining the same lethality to a distance of 8 metres. The warhead is detonated by an infra-red proximity fuze in the standard version (an electromagnetic fuze is optional) at a point determined by the ground-based computer as a function of the relative positions of the missile and its target.

The flexibility of the digital computer allows full simulation of the firing and intercept sequence before it takes place. This permits, for example, the avoidance of a situation in which a missile could be fired at an aircraft which would be masked by terrain at the theoretical point of interception: a firing lock avoids waste of this missile. In the same way, if it appears that an airborne target will present itself in conditions which would make interception difficult (very high speed, very brief appearance within the limits of action of the missile) so degrading the hit probability, the computer will give authority to launch a salvo of two missiles the moment the operator presses the firing button.

All these provisions have allowed verification during the firing trials that the 90% destruction probability indicated by the design calculations can, in fact, be achieved in reality.

5.To conform to the requirement to support mobile combat forces, it was necessary that the surveillance radar be capable of giving the alarm whilst on the move, so as not to lose the advantage of the very short reaction time by a long detection period. Without this capability, it would be necessary to resort to the classic “leapfrogging” technique with the slowness of movement and the doubling of surveillance equipment which it involves.

The stable oscillator of a pulse Doppler radar is sensitive, in certain frequency ranges, to the mechanical vibrations of vehicles. These generate false alarms which the computer confuses with the actual signal of an airborne target. To eliminate these vibrations, mechanical transmission has been dispensed with and a very flexible suspension adopted for the thermal [internal combustion engine in P4R] motor. The power supplied by this motor, converted into electrical energy, is fed via cables to electric motors on each wheel. The missile launch vehicle uses the same system.

The first military application of a principle already proven commercially, combined with a very elaborate hydropneumatic suspension system, ensures a smooth ride for the Crotale vehicles on varied terrain, and a high initial starting torque [characteristic of DC electric motors], well above the usual norms for a four wheeled air transportable vehicle of 13 tonnes powered by the 230 SHP motor.

The ACU S-band pulse Doppler Mirador IV acquisition radar is designed to reject 60 dB of ground clutter, and performs a single scan per second. Two stacked beams for heightfinding are produced by a pair of feeds on a boom, with a third feed for the IFF channel. The digital data processor can concurrently track up to 12 targets on different bearings.

The HQ-7/FM-80 ACU antenna is of a similar configuration to the Mirador IV, with a feed boom and rear V-shaped structural frame which appear identical. The sculpted Mirador IV reflector is replaced by a truncated concave mesh and frame reflector, which permits a HQ-7 ACU to be easily recognised when compared to the Thomson-CSF original product.

The digital data processing system communicates with the Fire Units through a datalink interface, which employs either cable or radio link channels. The cable allows communication between the ACU and a fire unit up to distances of 400 metres. The alternate VHF-band radio datalink permits communication over distances of 50 to 5,000 metres.

The Fire Unit Thomson-CSF Castor 2J/C pulse Doppler engagement radar employs a circular parabolic reflector with splayed monopulse feeds on a characteristic four spoked strut frame, which appears identical on both HQ-7 Type 345 systems and French built Crotales. The radar operates in the Ku band producing a 1.1° circular pencil beam for target tracking. Three channels are used to permit tracking of a single target and one or two outbound missile round Ku-band transponders, the arrangement intended to minimise the relative angle errors between target and missile tracks. An X-band missile uplink is employed. Frequency agility is employed to minimise susceptibility to jamming. For a more detailed discussion refer HQ-7/FM-80FS/FM-90FS/Type 345 Crotale Engagement Radar.

An infrared tracker with a ±5° FOV is employed to ensure that the antenna boresight is aligned with the missile flightpath vector immediately after launch, before the missile is captured by the guidance command link 500 metres after launch.

Most Crotale systems, including the HQ-7, employ a TV telescope to provide ECCM capability, and redundancy in the event of radar failure.

The Fire Unit digital mission computer is employed to calculate the parallax offset relative to the ACU, acquisition and tracking algorithms, speculative intercept parameters against possible targets, command uplink instructions for missile capture and command link guidance to intercept, fusing control calculations, and missile self destruct commands.

Crotale engagement envelope [1].
Conceptually the HQ-7/Crotale radar suite most closely resembles its Soviet/Russian analogues, the Land Roll system in the 9K33 Osa / Romb / SA-8 Gecko, and the later 9K331 Tor / Tor M/M1 / SA-15 Gauntlet. The French design is cleaner and more compact, and shares the antenna across multiple functions, whereas the Soviet/Russian designs employ additional function specific antennas.

Figure 3, reproduced from le Sueur's paper, shows the transfer of the target track from the ACU to the Fire Unit. The Mirador IV localises the target into an angular box cited at 4 milliradians, which falls well inside the 20 milliradian mainlobe angular coverage of the engagement radar. This permits the Castor 2 to acquire and lock very rapidly, as the acquisition and lock process primarily involves driving the antenna boresight to null the initial angular error, and establishing range and velocity tracks. There is no need for the Castor to perform a search to place the target into the mainlobe.
What specific changes the Chinese may have made to the Mirador IV and Castor 2 in the process of reverse engineering the Crotale has never been disclosed. Given the good quality of the original Thomson-CSF design, there would be few useful optimisations possible to improve upon the basic functions of these radars.

Unvalidated Chinese Internet claims are that the FM-90 is fully digital, and the engagement radar operates in two bands to improve ECCM capabilities - the Russians employed a dual band engagement radar in this class in developmental variants of the 96K6 Pantsir S - and that the FM-90 is intended to engage cruise missiles, ASMs, anti-radiation missiles and aircraft.
[Continued below ...]

Figure.3 [cited] “Diagram showing the interface between the two radars, and automatic tracking lock-on. Key: A - designated tracking envelope; the volume of this envelope depends on the elevation bracket, range bracket and the bearing, which is always given by the surveillance radar to within 4 milliradians. The accuracy of the given bearing obviates the need for a three-dimensional target search by the tracking radar, B - target; C - radar echo on the PPI; D - bearing vector, E - tracking radar beam.”[2]

Figure 4, 5, 6 Crotale engagement sequences[2].
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