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Terrorists from inside Afghanistan across international border.

This is all handy work of our great Satanic GHQ Generals.
TTP is functioning in Afghanistan and they know it, if TTP is not in Afghanistan then why Afghanistan is offering talks with TTP,.
Eagle Eye

- Based on reliable sources, there are unverified reports of an attack on Mufti Noor Wali Mehsud, the chief of TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan), near Jalalabad, Afghanistan.

- The attack is said to have occurred while he was returning from a reconciliation meeting with Jamat Al Ahrar in Kunar.

- As a result of the ambush on Saturday, both Mehsud and his guards sustained injuries.

- Notably, the TTP recently issued a letter to all its ranks, prohibiting any meetings with Noor Wali Mehsud.

Jul 16, 2023



The funeral ceremony of an Afghan suicide bomber who blew himself up at a Pakistan military camp was held in Afghanistan​

Aamaj News
July 16, 2023

The funeral ceremony of a Taliban member who carried out a suicide attack on a military base of the Pakistan army in Balochistan province on Wednesday last week was held in Wardak, Afghanistan.

The sources named him Hojatullah Raihan and stated that he was one of the perpetrators of the suicide attack on the Pakistan military base in Balochistan.

The Taliban, who call the perpetrators of suicide attacks “martyrdom”, said in the invitation to the funeral ceremony of this member of this group, “Hojatullah Raihan was recently martyred in a heroic martyrdom attack.”

The funeral ceremony of this suicide bomber was held on Saturday in Maidan Wardak province. Meanwhile, the Pakistan Army noted that five armed attackers attacked a military base on Wednesday of last week in the Zhob of Balochistan, as a result of which 12 soldiers of the country were killed and five others were injured. The Pakistani military said the clean-up operation took 10 hours.

On the other hand, a day after this attack, the Pakistan army underlined that it has “serious concerns” about the existence of safe havens and the liberty of action of the Pakistani Taliban in Afghanistan.

Pakistan is paying for the shameful surrender to militants with the blood of its people

It is our disastrous appeasement policy in the past that is now coming back to haunt us.

The cross-border challenge

Zahid Hussain
July 19, 2023

The writer is an author and journalist.

The writer is an author and journalist.

LAST week’s coordinated assault on an army garrison in Zhob was yet another grim reminder of the growing terrorist threat emanating from cross-border sanctuaries.
The highest single-day casualties suffered by the security forces in a long time shows that the militants are now well equipped and better trained. The high-profile attack was claimed by a faction of the outlawed TTP that seems to have now extended its operation from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to Balochistan.

There has been a marked escalation in militant attacks targeting the security forces in the troubled region. Balochistan’s Zhob division that borders South Waziristan has become the main centre of militant activities. This was the second attack on security forces in the area this month.

Earlier in the month, on July 2, militants raided three security check-posts on the main highway linking the region to KP. In another incident on the same day, security personnel were martyred in a gun battle with militants in Sui district.

It is evident that the return of Taliban rule in Afghanistan has given a huge impetus to militant groups operating from their sanctuaries across the border. There is little doubt that the current wave of militancy has its roots across the border. But it is also our disastrous appeasement policy in the past that is now coming back to haunt us.

Thousands of armed militants returned to their home in the former tribal districts as part of the so-called peace deal that the state made under pressure from the Taliban regime in Afghanistan last year.

The deal allowed the TTP to regroup and revive their activities in the region from where they had been driven out by military operations in 2016.

The country is now paying for surrendering to the militants with the blood of its people.

Most of the fighters are now back in their areas but their leadership is still operating from safe havens inside Afghanistan under the protection of the conservative regime. The country is now paying for the shameful surrender to the militants with the blood of its people.

Scores of Pakistani soldiers have been martyred in terrorist attacks in the last one year since the dubious peace deal struck with some factions of the TTP. After a wave of attacks in KP, the militants have now made Balochistan their new battleground.

It is certainly a matter of serious concern for the security agencies already confronting Baloch separatist militant groups in the province. Although TTP activities are largely confined to northern Balochistan areas in the predominantly Pakhtun belt, the group seems to have also made some inroads into Baloch areas.

What is most alarming is the reported tactical alliance between some Baloch separatist groups and the TTP. Some recent militant attacks in predominantly Baloch areas claimed by Islamic groups having close links with the TTP is disturbing. The region has also been the centre of Baloch militancy.

The unholy alliance has worsened the predicament of the security agencies in a mostly ungoverned region.

Recent militant attacks showed that both the groups are now equipped with the most modern weapons left by the American forces in Afghanistan. The long porous borders with Afghanistan as well as with Iran have allowed militants of both kinds to move freely. The border region has become a safe haven also for transnational militant groups.

Notwithstanding the Afghan Taliban administration’s denial, it is evident that the TTP militants are still being sheltered by the conservative Islamic regime. The easy availability of modern weaponry to these militant groups has made the situation extremely precarious.

Understandably, there has been a tangible toughening in Islamabad’s stance towards the Afghan Taliban administration after the latest wave of militant attacks claimed by the outlawed TTP.

In a strongly worded statement, the military leadership warned the Afghan regime against providing shelter to the terrorist groups involved in attacks on Pakistani security agencies. “It is expected that the interim Afghan government would not allow the use of its soil to perpetrate terror against any country, in the real sense and in line with commitments made in the Doha agreement,” the ISPR said in a statement. “Such attacks are intolerable and would elicit an effective response from the security forces of Pakistan,” it asserted.

It is not for the first time that Pakistan has called upon the Afghan Taliban regime to act against militant sanctuaries, but to no avail. Instead, Afghan Taliban officials have strongly reacted to Pakistan’s warning. A Taliban spokesman said that it was mainly Pakistan’s responsibility to deal with the problem at home.

The war of words highlights that the simmering tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan’s Taliban regime are fast spilling over into an open conflict. It is evident that Pakistan is losing its patience with the Afghan Taliban’s inaction. Pakistan now appears to be threatening to take its war against militancy across the border if the Afghan Taliban administration continues to provide sanctuary to the TTP and other outlawed groups that are involved in terrorist activities inside Pakistan.

Last year, Pakistan reportedly carried out some cross-border operations to take out militant leaders based in Afghanistan’s Kunar and Nangarhar provinces. But such actions are quite risky and could have serious consequences for regional peace. It will put to the test Pakistan’s resolve to fight terrorism in all its manifestations.

Pakistan needs to act to contain the rising militancy emanating from Afghanistan, but it also requires caution in undertaking any action that could lead to wider conflagration. Retaliatory cross-border raids could also result in the toughening of the Afghan Taliban administration.

The presence of the TTP and other transnational militant groups in Afghanistan has been a cause of serious concern for the international community as well. It is apparent that the Taliban regime has reneged on its pledge that it would not allow Afghan soil to be used by militant groups for action against other countries.

The regime’s continued linkages with some of the groups have alarmed the world, particularly regional countries.

In this situation, there is a need to develop a regional consensus in order to force the Taliban administration to abandon its patronage of a group that also presents a serious threat to Afghanistan’s own security.

The writer is an author and journalist.

Twitter: @hidhussain

𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐔𝐒 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞

Taliban has transformed into arms dealers, capitalizing on the weapons left behind by the United States in Afghanistan.

Emerging arms markets in the south and east have become hubs for Taliban-approved arms dealers, who engage in trading abandoned #American automatic weapons as well as hardware from countries such as Russia, China and Austria.

The profits generated from these illicit weapon sales are being channeled into funding terrorist activities.

These makeshift arms markets have become highly lucrative, offering rocket launchers, ammunition, night vision goggles, and sniper rifles.

The transactions occur in Afghan currency and US dollars, and the supply and pricing of these weapons are controlled by international arms dealers.

The M-4 rifle, which has become a status symbol for local and regional buyers, sells for approximately $2,400.

Conversely, the AK-47, commonly used in Pakistan and Afghanistan, is priced at around $130.

This new arms race poses a significant challenge to global peace, with Taliban and Al-Qaeda allies playing a central role in the illicit arms smuggling market.

In their fight against the state of Pakistan, the banned terrorist organization Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) fearlessly employs these weapons against the Pakistan Army and other law enforcement agencies in tribal districts.

The TTP showcases their use of these weapons, along with night vision goggles and thermal sights, in dramatic videos targeting Pakistani security forces.

According to Afghan Peace Watch, the supply of these weapons and equipment to special forces has fueled a sharp increase in demand.

The report indicates that Night Vision Sights can fetch prices ranging from $500 to $1,000, as reported by a Taliban member from the neighboring Nangarhar province.

The availability of these #weapons and night vision goggles has created significant challenges in combating terrorism in troubled areas of #Pakistan.

According to former #Afghan Army General Yasin Zia, as part of a deal between Pakistan and Afghanistan, the Taliban were relocated to northern regions of Afghanistan.

Despite being armed with these weapons, they still face resistance from local freedom fighters.

Research conducted by Afghan Peace Watch and the Small Arms Survey reveals that these arms markets are primarily located in the southern and eastern regions of Afghanistan, facilitating the acquisition of weapons from the Afghan battlefield.

In Ghani Khel, Nangarhar, Afghanistan, Safdar, a highly sought-after TTP commander from Dara-e Adam Khel sustained gunshot wounds inflicted by unidentified kill team.

Following the attack, he was promptly taken to Aryana Hospital in Jalalabad city, and his condition is currently described as critical.

On the night of 29-30 July, the illegal movement of 2 people across the #Pakistan-#Afghanistan International border was being monitored by #PakistanArmy troops

Immediate action was taken by Security Forces for the illegal crossing of the border fence, as a result the person who was facilitating the armed smugglers was killed, while the other person managed to escape back towards Afghanistan by taking advantage of the bad weather conditions & darkness of the night

The slain miscreant was identified as Rehmatullah son of Lal Mir, resident of Wara Gorega, Kunar.

44 magazines, 800 bullets M-4, 12 packets of drugs, 1 mobile with 3 SIM cards, memory card and knife were recovered from his possession.

Later, on the request of the Afghan government, the body of the dead criminal was handed over to the Afghan authorities through the Kham border.



Afghan supreme leader Akhundzada warns fighters against attacks abroad

August 7, 2023

KABUL: Afghanistan’s supreme leader has warned Taliban members against carrying out attacks abroad, the defence minister said, days after Islamabad hinted at involvement of “Afghan citizens” in suicide attacks inside Pakistan.

Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid said in a speech to members of Afghanistan’s security forces, broadcast by state television on Saturday, that fighting outside Afghanistan is not religiously sanctioned jihad but rather war, which had been barred by Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada.

“If anyone goes outside of Afghanistan for the goal of jihad, it won’t be called jihad,” Mr Akhundzada said, according to Mr Mujahid.
Counter Terrorism Update:
Khost, Afghanistan
23 August, 2025 Hrs

- An unidentified covert team has successfully eliminated a highly sought-after and ruthless Ts Jamat wazir, belonging to a banned organization TTP.

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