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Terrorists from inside Afghanistan across international border.

04 Sept, 2023

- In Waziristan, an attempted infiltration across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border has been thwarted.

- Four Khawarij's were eliminated, and several others were wounded.

- Security forces stationed along the Pak-Afghan border near Dere Nishtar detected the Khawarij movement in a timely manner and engaged them as they attempted to breach the border fence.

- During the intense firefight that ensued, four Khawarij militants eliminated, while more than seven managed to escape back into Afghanistan with injuries.

- According to intelligence reports, the Khawarij individuals were affiliated with the TTP Khalid group, which has been operating from Afghanistan since the conclusion of Operation Zarb Azab.

- The security agencies in the region are displaying remarkable vigilance, and their improved strategies are effectively thwarting the sinister intentions of the Khawarij.
On 6 September 2023, a large group of terrorists equipped with latest weapons, attacked two Pakistani military posts located closer to Pakistan Afghanistan border in Kalash, District Chitral.

Terrorists’ movement and concentration in Gawardesh, Pitigal, Barg-e-Matel and Batash areas of Nuristan and Kunar provinces of Afghanistan had already been picked up and were timely shared with Interim Afghan Government.

Owing to heightened threat environment, own posts were already on high alert. The valiant soldiers fought bravely and repulsed the attacks inflicting heavy casualties to the terrorists. During the fire exchange, twelve terrorists were killed, while a large number has been critically injured.

However, during the intense exchange of fire, four brave soldiers, having fought gallantly, embraced Shahadat.

Terrorist threat on Pakistan’s borders must be handled proactively

The mistake of allowing malevolent actors to establish fiefdoms on Pakistani territory must never be repeated.

THE Chitral region of KP has been in the headlines of late due to the Sept 6 deadly cross-border incursion in which a large band of TTP militants reportedly crossed over and attacked Pakistani positions before being pushed back into Afghanistan.

Though the authorities have not given any numbers, the raiders were reported to be in the ‘hundreds’. The interim foreign minister insists this was an “isolated incident” and that the Afghan Taliban rulers did not sanction the attack, while the Foreign Office has repeated the mantra that Pakistan’s concerns have been communicated to the relevant quarters in Kabul.

State functionaries may be giving the impression that all is well in the region, but more information is needed on the exact details of the attack, while the local people need to be reassured that their lives and properties will be protected by the state.

Chitral lies in a strategically sensitive area, bordering Afghanistan and with only the Wakhan Corridor separating it from Tajikistan. China’s Xinjiang region is also in the vicinity.

This makes it an attractive location for transnational jihadists looking to expand their operations, even though Chitral itself has largely been shielded from terrorist activity.

Moreover, the region is culturally, linguistically and ethnically distinct from the rest of KP. While Swat and erstwhile Fata suffered the most during earlier waves of terrorism, Chitral managed to weather the storm. The area where the incursion took place is close to the traditional lands of the Kalash people, and Chitral also has a significant Ismaili population.

Therefore, the state needs to beef up security in the area, as the banned TTP and sectarian militants thrive on targeting minority communities. While there have been reports of small-scale infiltration from Afghanistan, the last major incursion occurred in 2011 when reportedly a very large number of terrorists staged attacks, leading to several fatalities among security men.

Simply expecting the Afghan Taliban to ‘do more’ may not be enough, especially when there is speculation that some Taliban factions may actually be encouraging attacks within Pakistan.

The best option is for the military to provide iron-clad security to all vulnerable border regions, and ensure that no groups are again able to violate Pakistan’s territory.

A jirga in Chitral has asked the army chief to visit the area, and called upon the authorities to fence the border with Afghanistan.

Reports indicate that the Afghan Taliban had started relocating TTP fighters from the border area; the process must be sped up so that this ever-present threat on the country’s frontiers is neutralised.

The terrorist threat on the borders must be handled proactively. In the past, the country has suffered immensely by allowing malevolent actors to establish fiefdoms on Pakistani territory. This mistake must never be repeated.
10 Sept 23 - 0650 Hours

Unidentifiable kill-team engaged covert movement of a convoy transporting High Value Target (HVT) Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) terrorist commander namely, BADSHAH MEHSUD, including his bodyguards.

All intended targets were engaged via an improvised explosives device. The HVT was injured, but managed to escape the scene.

The HVT terrorist commander served as operational leadership-level terrorist commanders of the TTP, vital to the terror group’s operations.

There was no collateral damage.

The unidentifiable operation was conducted to severely degrade the TTP’s ability to conduct terrorist operations in the region.


The Intel Consortium

Afghan Taliban's Support to TTP Terrorists:
A Threat to regional Security
- In recent developments, it has become increasingly apparent that the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) terrorists have been receiving substantial logistical assistance from the Afghan Taliban.
- This collaboration has enabled these nefarious elements to infiltrate into Pakistan with a notable degree of support and backup from the Afghan Taliban.
- For those who may harbor any doubts regarding the extent to which these terrorists are aided by the Afghan Taliban, concrete evidence is readily available.
- This compelling evidence serves as a stark reminder of the dangerous alliance forming between these extremist groups.
- In response to this concerning situation, the State of Pakistan firmly asserts its prerogative to take stringent action against not only the TTP terrorists themselves but also their orchestrators and facilitators.

Nangarhar, Afghanistan:

- Reports of a highly sought-after Ts commander from the banned organization Lashkar-e-Islam, Fazal Amin, son of Matin, hailing from the Malakdinkhel tribe, was ass_assinated by unidentified armed individuals in the Nangarhar Province of #Afghanistan.

- Commander Fazal Amin was a resident of the Khyber Bara district, Malik Deen Khel.

- He had been implicated in numerous acts of terrorism within the Khyber district.

Pakistan cannot win this war. The COAS have no desire to irradicate the curse of terrorism from the land. Just look at the Mianwali base attack. Dozens of PAF personal martyerd and aircrafts destroyed.
Every country previously effected by terrorism seems to be controlling security much better today including war torn Afghanistan. Yet Pakistan is further sliding into chaos. 20 years have gone by and still we havent witnessed peace, only death destruction, bombs and shootings.
Whats with TTP and AT not cutting their hair ? we are not sikhs, nor there is any rule for not cutting hair in Islam, maybe Allah has cursed them to look as filthy as they are ?
Crush the TTP and their handlers. Deport the illegals and their handlers.

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