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The mass graves of Kashmir

British made a minority of the forces.
It was hardly even, Pathan tribesmen spring to mind. We could have handled the Mirpuris, this is hardly a reputable source.

No they didn't and you can't prove it. You didn't handle the Mirpuris they literally wiped you out.... The source? Now are know you are not serious. The guy is Hindu, from India and against joining Pakistan. I'm not sure how much more neutral you can get, and in this case he is pro Indian.

I also find it incredible you doubt British help for the Dogra army, they installed Gulab Singh as the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir with the use of force.
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British made a minority of the forces.
It was hardly even, Pathan tribesmen spring to mind. We could have handled the Mirpuris, this is hardly a reputable source.

Wikipedia lol, anyone can edit that. Look at maps from the time. By the time the British came, Marathas and Sikhs were ruling most of India and Pakistan. Your imam has been teaching you wrong stuff in your madrasah.
after 1000 years of Muslims rule and 66 years of independence , for first time India emerges with power, money and Hindu supremacy ...so they are out of their minds now...guror sa sar neecha
after 1000 years of Muslims rule and 66 years of independence , for first time India emerges with power, money and Hindu supremacy ...so they are out of their minds now...guror sa sar neecha
:omghaha: :omghaha::omghaha:

He states the British never helped the Dogra army put down their revolts when Gulab Singh himself was put on his Kursi by them.....:rolleyes:
Because he was sitting in the lap of a pandit in the basement of the mandir while learning history, thats y he wasn't paying attention :sarcastic:
No they didn't and you can't prove it. You didn't handle the Mirpuris they literally wiped you out.... The source? Now are know you are not serious. The guy is Hindu, from India and against joining Pakistan. I'm not sure how much more neutral you can get, and in this case he is pro Indian.

I also find it incredible you doubt British help for the Dogra army, they installed Gulab Singh as the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir with the use of force.
Il get back to you, let me deal with your disrespectful countrymen first.

LOL, @waz you seem like a neutral guy. Please explain to this idiot that by the time the British came, the Marathas and Sikhs ruled the majority of the subcontinent. His denial is most amusing.
after 1000 years of Muslims rule and 66 years of independence , for first time India emerges with power, money and Hindu supremacy ...so they are out of their minds now...guror sa sar neecha
1000 years ? learn counting its 260 years !there were empires spaning before mughals raj too !!
after 1000 years of Muslims rule and 66 years of independence , for first time India emerges with power, money and Hindu supremacy ...so they are out of their minds now...guror sa sar neecha
Why are you acting like you ruled. Mughals were Turkic, they looked down on your kind. At least we had the balls to resist them. You people just submitted. And also, Muslim rule was never for 1000 years. Please, stop reading the textbooks in your madrasah.

:omghaha: :omghaha::omghaha:

Because he was sitting in the lap of a pandit in the basement of the mandir while learning history, thats y he wasn't paying attention :sarcastic:
Says the guy that thinks Mughals were a dominant force in Indian when the British came LOL. Madrasah knowledge,
Il get back to you, let me deal with your disrespectful countrymen first.

LOL, @waz you seem like a neutral guy. Please explain to this idiot that by the time the British came, the Marathas and Sikhs ruled the majority of the subcontinent. His denial is most amusing.
wow I feel the same for u, ironic :P

1000 years ? learn counting its 260 years !there were empires spaning before mughals raj too !!
ok the mughal raj was that long but what about other Muslim rulers before that?
LOL, @waz you seem like a neutral guy. Please explain to this idiot that by the time the British came, the Marathas and Sikhs ruled the majority of the subcontinent. His denial is most amusing.

It's true the Marathas and the Sikhs caused significant damage to the Mughal empire.

By the way are you from Dogra roots? Do you speak Dogri?
It's true the Marathas and the Sikhs caused significant damage to the Mughal empire.

By the way are you from Dogra roots? Do you speak Dogri?
Yes, I am a Dogri speaker from Jammu.
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