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Towards a new & Improved Fauj


Oct 26, 2006
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We have offered criticism of the Fauj, based primarily on the handling of the RD affair, it has been offered that there is building pressure in which new paradigms, must be respected and accommodated - is the thinking of the Fauj prepared for these desired changes? What are ythese changes anyways??:

Retooling militaries — changing paradigms
Shahzad Chaudhry

Retooling militaries is costly if undertaken en masse; it must be a gradual process beginning with reorienting planned force development strategies. An improving political environment, like the re-initiation of the India-Pakistan talks, will greatly help, but where security and polity easily drive each other, as has been the case in both countries, reshaping priorities can become a challenge. A security dynamic stunts political growth rather than politics dictating military disposition, and militaries define the space within which politicians can exercise their freedom. This is rooted in the military’s entrenched structures that produce dogmatic mindsets. Simply stated, these two militaries, especially the armies, are structured on the 1960s model — the post-WW II military design — and exhibit a war-fighting capacity and intellectual orientation in exactly the same tradition. Their comfort zones are in their traditional methods of deployment and employment, sustaining the old order of both structure and thought.

While a fundamental doctrinal shift is absolutely essential to underpin a reoriented military, it must begin by understanding three basic determinants. One, the new 21st century threat is the non-state actor who thrives in intra-state strife and is centred on challenging the state and its formal traditional structures to gain operating space and introduce non-formal administrative and judicial structures aimed at instituting ideological or alternate socio-political paradigms. This amounts to challenging the way that a society lives and imposing a way of life that may not be popular. Al Qaeda seeks such operating space to apply its own structures and find an assured base in pursuance of its trans-national agenda. Its affiliate the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan seeks the same in induced internalisation of the ideological frame as a convenient expedient. Their foray into Swat tested the capability of the state to withstand such a challenge; that it was strongly neutralised and confronted drew the limits of Taliban adventurism. They now remain in a struggle to incrementally whittle away at state power, disarming sensitivities sufficiently to overlook a foreboding doom. It is for no other reason that such a war is termed a long war.

Two, inter-state conflict will persist, especially when competition for resources, be it mineral or commodity, will peak in this century. Where weak political structures, absence of governance, fractured societies and impoverished economies accompany or complicate the dynamics in varying degrees, the likelihood of a state falling into conflict, whether intra-state or inter-state, increases manifold.

Three, the nature of war has changed; acquisition of space or destruction of force are no more valid as strategic objectives, since each needs prolonged application of force and is anti-status quo — a contravention of a globalised, interconnected, inter-dependent world. The US remains the only power that flouts this principle in a strange formulation of a political vision that is more skewed than misplaced and confounds international sensibilities. Coercion remains the more applicable strategic objective in application of the levers of power in inter-state conflict. It forces a target nation to comply to a set of policy objectives in line with universal acceptability. Multilateralism, even in wars, now is the prevalent currency. The UN endorses political or military action, including economic sanctions as an interim measure, in pursuit of seeking a more conformist disposition of an erring member state. Think Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya now, as an expose of the neo-modern conflict dynamics.

Translated in the Indo-Pakistani context, it means the following
: changing borders, i.e. Kashmir, is now patently out of the question, especially on the basis of the archaic UN resolutions; if a change comes it shall be through a consensual tripartite agreement between India, Pakistan and the Kashmiris who are now an inalienable part of any potential solution. War has no role now or in the future to solve the Kashmir problem. This fundamental doctrinal change in the military’s calculus will be the most significant game-changer, making it easier to think restructuring and shifting emphasis to the newer paradigms of war.

It next would mean that a significant portion of the army would undergo a role change. I have suggested some time back a division each in the Peshawar and Quetta corps, to be retrained and re-equipped for counter-insurgency/counter-terrorism roles more akin to special forces and the Rangers concept in the US. Their specialised roles would mean a composite capability in heli-lift, quick insertion and extrication, with highly mobile, digitally integrated, night-capable troop composition — Robocops, if you will. Pakistan’s pervasive war will be against non-state actors for the foreseeable future and there is absolutely no harm in calling it Pakistan’s long war. Give it a couple of decades before the signs of it can be eliminated from our midst. It will need many other accompaniments — political, social, educational, legal, policing, intelligence and judicial — but that is the matter for another set of articles. That will define counter-terrorism which has not yet begun; the US’s semi-annual report on the war in Afghanistan is at least right on this one count.

Since there is little appetite for acquiring physical space or for counter-force operations across frontiers, any offensive potential should be to reinforce a defensive capability and should therefore form an integral component of the defensive formation. Deep penetrations either side of the borders are improbable hence heavy dependence on armour should now give way instead to lethality and nimble-footedness — modernised infantry with significantly improved mobility through smart aviation for both logistic support and combat.

Money to re-equip must emerge from restructuring; which really means the army will have to go smaller — and significantly smaller at that. Perhaps, with a more modernised and more mobile army, its application flexibility will also improve exponentially, opening up doctrinal possibilities to apply against varying shades of threat with effective speed and assured chances of success. The army must be ready to sacrifice numbers for greater effect. There are political manifestations of it on the domestic front, but will that not be salubrious to the overall health of the country in the long run?

Will this change the Indian mindset? It should. India seemingly should have little to gain in initiating war with Pakistan. In fact, it shall be suicidal to think so, given the nuclear umbrella under which South Asia breathes. But If Pakistan’s offensive-defensive orientation is changed to a defensive-offensive one, manifested in the Pakistan Army’s revised structures, China as the growing threat for India by Indian claims may just beckon Indian attention far more than Pakistan. With that will come the compulsion of equipping the Indian military to fight an enemy across the Himalayas. India may then just begin moving troops out from the Pakistani orientation towards their northern borders for the more probable threat. With militaries restructured and existentially free to apply across the entire threat spectrum, Indian- and Pakistani-centrism and their resulting threat status in each other’s country may just give way. With each no more a threat for the other, the politician may just gain his lost freedom to exercise his political liberty to forge a changed paradigm of cooperation in the interest of the two peoples.

Let us try Liddlehart for a change and use the indirect route to changing paradigms. Liddlehart more than Clausewitz may just help the region.

This article completes the series revisiting conflict in the modern, neo-modern and the post-modern eras
Lets put this out there as well.
There are those in the senior leadership in the army.. who now consider very seriously the US military a threat.
And feel, that a proxy war with the US.. or one that involves small skirmishes(read misunderstandings) is a scenario deemed possible.
Our procurement has now taken that factor into account as well.
Lets put this out there as well.
There are those in the senior leadership in the army.. who now consider very seriously the US military a threat.
And feel, that a proxy war with the US.. or one that involves small skirmishes(read misunderstandings) is a scenario deemed possible.
Our procurement has now taken that factor into account as well.

Damn straight! Finally it is beginning to dawn on Pakistanis that while the US wants to help Pakistan, Pakistan may not want to avail herself of this US help, because with the US as a friend Pakistan needs no enemies.

All these idiot US weaponry - to be used against whom?? You think for a minute that Pakistan will be able to make an independent decision of when and where it can use these??

The AVM makes a great point, the Indian wants the Chinese as the Enemy, lets give the Indian just that, after all, we have different fish to fry in the meanwhile - as the AVM points out, there is a "long war" to fight, but perhaps we may do better and bring this long war to a very early conclusion by making a vast over arching effort -- but this effort must if it is to be successful, see the early evacuation of the US from central Asia and the Persian Gulf.

The the AVM provides no mechanism for the New and improved political role for the Fauj -- it does not need such a role. The Fauj had to assume such a role because as the AVM suggests "
A security dynamic stunts political growth rather than politics dictating military disposition, and militaries define the space within which politicians can exercise their freedom"
. The only external security threat we will then have to prepare for is the US and her "coalitions", which will be a threat so long as the internal security dynamic is not effectively eliminated.

Effectively eliminating the internal security threat will need structural changes
It will need many other accompaniments — political, social, educational, legal, policing, intelligence and judicial
-- allowing the US to be a part of any of these elements without apprehending a fundamental shift in US policy will be suicide for Pakistan.
still doing make up after releasing Raymond Davis !!:usflag::pakistan:
Lets put this out there as well.
There are those in the senior leadership in the army.. who now consider very seriously the US military a threat.
And feel, that a proxy war with the US.. or one that involves small skirmishes(read misunderstandings) is a scenario deemed possible.
Our procurement has now taken that factor into account as well.

its about time... thank God someone thinks and thus must exist also...
Damn straight! Finally it is beginning to dawn on Pakistanis that while the US wants to help Pakistan, Pakistan may not want to avail herself of this US help, because with the US as a friend Pakistan needs no enemies.

All these idiot US weaponry - to be used against whom?? You think for a minute that Pakistan will be able to make an independent decision of when and where it can use these??

The AVM makes a great point, the Indian wants the Chinese as the Enemy, lets give the Indian just that, after all, we have different fish to fry in the meanwhile - as the AVM points out, there is a "long war" to fight, but perhaps we may do better and bring this long war to a very early conclusion by making a vast over arching effort -- but this effort must if it is to be successful, see the early evacuation of the US from central Asia and the Persian Gulf.

The the AVM provides no mechanism for the New and improved political role for the Fauj -- it does not need such a role. The Fauj had to assume such a role because as the AVM suggests ". The only external security threat we will then have to prepare for is the US and her "coalitions", which will be a threat so long as the internal security dynamic is not effectively eliminated.

Effectively eliminating the internal security threat will need structural changes -- allowing the US to be a part of any of these elements without apprehending a fundamental shift in US policy will be suicide for Pakistan.

Perhaps we need a structure like this...


From posting the above images I want to draw attention to the fact that our police is not very effective and we need to improve that institution also if we want law and order in our land to improve...
change of names of positions wont do......eeeerrr..... change of character is required !!!
I agree... thus change of faces unless these faces change their characters...

today it was in news that since the condemnation by Kiyani, its been 3 week no drone attack has taken place

two days ago a news said that CIA-ISI operations put on halt

and further back news came that PAKistan is shifting towards China for its military requirements *(something like that...)

it makes perfect sense where the above stated information is coming from...

these attempts of make up would do for many, but not for me !! :no:
From posting the above images I want to draw attention to the fact that our police is not very effective and we need to improve that institution also if we want law and order in our land to improve...

the police can take a very good example from the motorways police.....the best civil institution are 1122 and the motorway police....
A good thought process indeed, but how many buyers??

Pessimism this is no doubt but, does the benefactor turned aggressor turned machinist or plotter or whatever is enough to move the tectonic plates immovable till now ??
the police can take a very good example from the motorways police.....the best civil institution are 1122 and the motorway police....

it is compulsory for the upcoming police officers to have training with the military, :police:
Perhaps we need a structure like this...


There is no doubt in my mind that at least the second rung of that organisational chart has been drawn by an ignorant, ignorant, ignorant keyboard wannabe. I so strongly object to the words ameer-ul-jihad that I would strangle that person with my bare hands if it weren't 7araam to do so. Who the f will use the term jihaad for war and claim to have even slight knowledge of Islaam? ven Osaamah bin Laadin does not use this word in his speach (I'll admit I've only heard one), since he is Arab and knows the proper word in this place is 7H A R B or at a more sort of micro level, Q I T A A L.
We have offered criticism of the Fauj, based primarily on the handling of the RD affair, it has been offered that there is building pressure in which new paradigms, must be respected and accommodated - is the thinking of the Fauj prepared for these desired changes? What are ythese changes anyways??:
When you say fauj, I hope you're referring to a funeral procession.

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