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TTP releases statement positioning itself as an Afghan nationalist organisation aimed at dismantling Pakistan

It doesn't take into consideration multiple factors

The U.S and it's intentions in the region, especially against China, Iran, Pakistan and Russia to the north

Also U.S intentions to keep China out and to facilitate India our main enemy as a counter to China regardless of Pakistani protests

Indian plotting and planning and investments to target Pakistan that the U.S either was facilitating or at least turning a blind eye to

A afghan Republic, with I'll intentions towards Pakistan openly increasing its cooperation with India and reaching out to pashtun nationalists

And we can keep going

We could have played ball and helped got rid of Taliban but for purpose?

To have a permanent U.S presence and intelligence infrastructure next door, threatening Pakistani strategic interests and planning with India to counter China?

A gradual increase in Indian planning and sites to counter Pakistan

A hostile Afghan Republic, with no concerns for Pakistani strategic interests?

Atleast this way , all those problems go and we are left with the Taliban who we can arm twist to some extent, who are reliant on Pakistan to some extent and we have Afghan Yahoo's who we can target
The countries that you mentioned can take care of themselves and focus on their interests.

Pakistan needs to focus on its interests, which it fails to do on a consistent basis due to too many communist apologists and proponents of bloc politics.

Pakistan and US could find a mutually acceptable solution for Afghanistan but Pakistan wasted precious time.

The country is in a mess consequently. This isn't temporary because extremism is increasing and this menace will continue to give rise to mentally insane individuals and terrorism.

How Pakistan benefits from China getting contracts in other countries? Think about how Pakistan can grow and get contracts in other countries instead of other countries. Priorities, bro.

India is a big country. Sooner or later, it will grow. The Establishment thought that India and Pakistan will have parity till Qiyamah? Like seriously.

Pakistan shall do everything to protect its borders but strive for peaceful co-existence with its neighbors. Choose your battles wisely and one at a time.

Focus should be on economics. This is the need. Defenses can be improved when you have money.
Pakistan and US could find a mutually acceptable solution for Afghanistan but Pakistan wasted precious time.

And this was the crux of the matter

When the WOT started Pakistan was COMPLETELY on board, it gave space and support and hoped it's sacrifices won't go in vain we went through a brutal period of terrorism, everyone can go back and see the numbers

Then the Afghan Republic which needed all the support it could get started to act against Pakistan, from statement's, to support and space for terrorists and TtP type organisation

The same Republic then gave space to India, beyond normal trade relations and specially thumbed its nose at Pakistan

Our security services picked up on a number of issues that effected Pakistans strategic security and interests


We want to the afghans repeatedly to try and get them to understand and have a common neighbourly consensus,, not only did that not occur they went full blast on the planning against us alongside India


We went to the U.S without whom the afghans couldn't scratch their asses, and what we got was complete unconcern.
No concern for our strategic interests, our problems, the attacks upon us

It was ONLY THEN was Pakistan forced to act to secure it's strategic and national interests

Because no one else would

As harami as the afghans are, they have attacked us for decades and they won't stop

But better backwards isolated dumb fcuk afghans then a base for the U.S in the region, a hostile afghan republic and entrenched India
And this was the crux of the matter

When the WOT started Pakistan was COMPLETELY on board, it gave space and support and hoped it's sacrifices won't go in vain we went through a brutal period of terrorism, everyone can go back and see the numbers

Then the Afghan Republic which needed all the support it could get started to act against Pakistan, from statement's, to support and space for terrorists and TtP type organisation

The same Republic then gave space to India, beyond normal trade relations and specially thumbed its nose at Pakistan

Our security services picked up on a number of issues that effected Pakistans strategic security and interests


We want to the afghans repeatedly to try and get them to understand and have a common neighbourly consensus,, not only did that not occur they went full blast on the planning against us alongside India


We went to the U.S without whom the afghans couldn't scratch their asses, and what we got was complete unconcern.
No concern for our strategic interests, our problems, the attacks upon us

It was ONLY THEN was Pakistan forced to act to secure it's strategic and national interests

Because no one else would

As harami as the afghans are, they have attacked us for decades and they won't stop

But better backwards isolated dumb fcuk afghans then a base for the U.S in the region, a hostile afghan republic and entrenched India

This was our big mistake that we took part in cold war of US and Russia. We should have been impartial in this game. We should have never been involve in Afghan-Russia war.
The matter should have been shifted to UNO peace keeping forces. This way lost two friends Russia and US. We annoyed Russia, Afghans and now US suspects us even after thousands of sacrifices. Our economy collapsed because of US alliance.
This was our big mistake that we took part in cold war of US and Russia. We should have been impartial in this game. We should have never been involve in Afghan-Russia war.
The matter should have been shifted to UNO peace keeping forces. This way lost two friends Russia and US. We annoyed Russia, Afghans and now US suspects us even after thousands of sacrifices. Our economy collapsed because of US alliance.

Afghans were attacking Pakistan before the cold war.

The big mistake was not full committing to the Nato invasion and dismantling the haqqani network and Taliban elements in Pakistan. Pakistan should have sealed the border and joined the invasion and routed Kabul together with NATO. Blame the Al Qaeda brainwashed Pakistani public at the time for not supporting this as the army were ready to rumble under Musharraf.

Not only did they lose key western allies in the process and drive them closer to India, they have had to go through a 20 year and counting of insurgency on the western front. This will be in the history books as one of the greatest f**k ups Pakistan has ever done, and its done many.
Afghans were attacking Pakistan before the cold war.

The big mistake was not full committing to the Nato invasion and dismantling the haqqani network and Taliban elements in Pakistan. Pakistan should have sealed the border and joined the invasion and routed Kabul together with NATO. Blame the Al Qaeda brainwashed Pakistani public at the time for not supporting this as the army were ready to rumble under Musharraf.

Not only did they lose key western allies in the process and drive them closer to India, they have had to go through a 20 year and counting of insurgency on the western front. This will be in the history books as one of the greatest f**k ups Pakistan has ever done, and its done many.
Let's say we did this, the Ghani administration still wasn't our friend. It supported the TTP too. It had a huge military and global support.

We may have even been even more fucked in that case.

Afghanistan ideally should just be nuked to oblivion, especially Kandahar, Nangahar and Jalalabad where the most extremist terror elements exist.
Let's say we did this, the Ghani administration still wasn't our friend. It supported the TTP too. It had a huge military and global support.

We may have even been even more fucked in that case.

Afghanistan ideally should just be nuked to oblivion, especially Kandahar, Nangahar and Jalalabad where the most extremist terror elements exist.
As soon as the yanks realised Pakistan were not fully on board and were playing a double game they did not take their position into consideration when selecting Afghan leadership otherwise a more Pakistani friendly government would have been taken over. They were leaning on India when they picked Ghani.

The mistake was made when Al Qaeda and Bin Laden had support in Pakistan and were able to move around Afghanistan and Pakistan and garner funding for their attacks. That shouldn't have happened. Pakistan shouldn't have supported Taliban into power in the 90s. Bin Laden and Talibs should have been killed off as soon as the Soviet invasion was over as they had served their usefulness, not support them into power. Many mistakes were made.

I am pretty sure some Pakistanis revere Bin Laden and made him a cult religious figure and some probably worhship him. The extent of the brainwashing and psyops and how easy some people are to dupe. Its pathetic.

The fact remains Taliban is a joint problem of US and Pakistan, US did their bit, Pakistan did not.

Now we are left with the last resort which was completely avoidable which is to tactical nuke them to make a statement. They need a hiroshima and nagasaki moment. Long overdue.
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As soon as the yanks realised Pakistan were not fully on board and were playing a double game they did not take their position into consideration when selecting Afghan leadership otherwise a more Pakistani friendly government would have been taken over. They were leaning on India when they picked Ghani.

The mistake was made when Al Qaeda and Bin Laden had support in Pakistan and were able to move around Afghanistan and Pakistan and garner funding for their attacks. That shouldn't have happened. Pakistan shouldn't have supported Taliban into power in the 90s. Bin Laden and Talibs should have been killed off as soon as the Soviet invasion was over as they had served their usefulness, not support them into power. Many mistakes were made.

I am pretty sure some Pakistanis revere Bin Laden and made him a cult religious figure and some probably worhship him. The extent of the brainwashing and psyops and how easy some people are to dupe. Its pathetic.

The fact remains Taliban is a joint problem of US and Pakistan, US did their bit, Pakistan did not.

Now we are left with the last resort which was completely avoidable which is to tactical nuke them to make a statement. They need a hiroshima and nagasaki moment. Long overdue.

we lost 200,000 peoples in war against terror and we lost more then 150 billion dollars in war and they said what if we reliable or not????…...wtf

And ..What a Excuse..when America and His Allies failed in Afghanistan because of their Foolishness,, they start blaming Pakistan And ISI while on other side Pakistan carried successful military operation in most difficult Areas like North WazireStan and Swat...So Just to hide their failures , they are blaming on ISI..Pakistani state , Quetta shura rubbish … blah blah only excuses ., from the west nowadays
As soon as the yanks realised Pakistan were not fully on board and were playing a double game they did not take their position into consideration when selecting Afghan leadership otherwise a more Pakistani friendly government would have been taken over. They were leaning on India when they picked Ghani.

The mistake was made when Al Qaeda and Bin Laden had support in Pakistan and were able to move around Afghanistan and Pakistan and garner funding for their attacks. That shouldn't have happened. Pakistan shouldn't have supported Taliban into power in the 90s. Bin Laden and Talibs should have been killed off as soon as the Soviet invasion was over as they had served their usefulness, not support them into power. Many mistakes were made.

I am pretty sure some Pakistanis revere Bin Laden and made him a cult religious figure and some probably worhship him. The extent of the brainwashing and psyops and how easy some people are to dupe. Its pathetic.

The fact remains Taliban is a joint problem of US and Pakistan, US did their bit, Pakistan did not.

Now we are left with the last resort which was completely avoidable which is to tactical nuke them to make a statement. They need a hiroshima and nagasaki moment. Long overdue.
There is no such thing as a Pakistan-friendly Afghan leadership though, that's the issue.

Also the government would be Amerixan controlled and used as a blackmailing tool against Pakistan. They'd give it weapons and then use it to pressure Pakistan whenever they wanted.

America should have nuked Afghanistan.
US came to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network in the region. Due to this effort, Pakistan has one less terrorist organization to worry about and TTA seems to realize that it cannot support multi-national terrorist organizations.

US also attempted to convince Pakistan to dismantle Taliban groups but Pakistan refused to:


Pakistan was too focused on Hamid Gul policy to understand that snakes cannot be tamed.

You will find details in following posts:

American handpicked Afghan leaders were willing to work with Pakistan but Pakistan was supporting Taliban groups and this was the root cause of tensions between Afghanistan and Pakistan throughout. It was easy for India to exploit this situation and launch its projects in Afghanistan.

Pakistan was too confused to make a decision.
Lack of consensus on what to do about Afghanistan.

US managed to convince Taliban to not support multi-national terrorist organizations and call it a day.

Trump administration pitched Intra-Afghan Dialogue to reshape Afghan political landscape but Biden administration scrapped this plan. Joe Biden understands Pakistan well enough.

This is not how it works.

When ISIL emerged in Iraq in 2014, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has to make a decision. He chose to not negotiate with terrorists and wipe them out. He convinced US to support Iraq in this matter. Operation Inherent Resolve is a COIN masterstroke. Iraq has rid itself from the menace of terrorism to large extent.

USA didn't come to Afghanistan because of AQ. That's just an excuse. They were even supporting AQ affiliates in Syria. 9/11 was an obvious false flag & anyone who still believes otherwise is delusional.

Read Project for a New American Century if you want to know the real reason they invaded.

If they had been sincere they would have instead come up with another method to bring the so-called perpetrators to justice e.g. IBOs or working with the TTA & religious scholars from the outset. This would have accomplished better results without a 20 yr war. The taliban even offered to give up OBL (albeit after initially refusing) but USA refused the offer.

As it stands, there's now more terrorism than before. Instead of dealing with just 1 group, we now have to deal with multiple. Thanks America!

They then invaded & pushed AQ fighters into Pakistan, installed a highly corrupt, pro-indian govt and since we not only allowed kafirs to invade & kill Muslims but went after them openly, all these org turned against us when they had ignored us beforehand.

There was no 'Hamid gul policy'. Hamid gul didn't agree with allowing the Americans to invade in the 1st place. Musharraf had removed religious officers anyway.

The so-called 'double game' was the Pakistani state's attempt at salvaging some influence in Afghanistan & to force USA to the negotiating table instead of waging an endless war & making a mess in the region.
USA didn't come to Afghanistan because of AQ. That's just an excuse. They were even supporting AQ affiliates in Syria. 9/11 was an obvious false flag & anyone who still believes otherwise is delusional.

Read Project for a New American Century if you want to know the real reason they invaded.

If they had been sincere they would have instead come up with another method to bring the so-called perpetrators to justice e.g. IBOs or working with the TTA & religious scholars from the outset. This would have accomplished better results without a 20 yr war. The taliban even offered to give up OBL (albeit after initially refusing) but USA refused the offer.

As it stands, there's now more terrorism than before. Instead of dealing with just 1 group, we now have to deal with multiple. Thanks America!

They then invaded & pushed AQ fighters into Pakistan, installed a highly corrupt, pro-indian govt and since we not only allowed kafirs to invade & kill Muslims but went after them openly, all these org turned against us when they had ignored us beforehand.

There was no 'Hamid gul policy'. Hamid gul didn't agree with allowing the Americans to invade in the 1st place. Musharraf had removed religious officers anyway.

The so-called 'double game' was the Pakistani state's attempt at salvaging some influence in Afghanistan & to force USA to the negotiating table instead of waging an endless war & making a mess in the region.
I am not interested in conspiracy theories. Thanks.
As soon as the yanks realised Pakistan were not fully on board and were playing a double game they did not take their position into consideration when selecting Afghan leadership otherwise a more Pakistani friendly government would have been taken over. They were leaning on India when they picked Ghani.

The mistake was made when Al Qaeda and Bin Laden had support in Pakistan and were able to move around Afghanistan and Pakistan and garner funding for their attacks. That shouldn't have happened. Pakistan shouldn't have supported Taliban into power in the 90s. Bin Laden and Talibs should have been killed off as soon as the Soviet invasion was over as they had served their usefulness, not support them into power. Many mistakes were made.

I am pretty sure some Pakistanis revere Bin Laden and made him a cult religious figure and some probably worhship him. The extent of the brainwashing and psyops and how easy some people are to dupe. Its pathetic.

The fact remains Taliban is a joint problem of US and Pakistan, US did their bit, Pakistan did not.

Now we are left with the last resort which was completely avoidable which is to tactical nuke them to make a statement. They need a hiroshima and nagasaki moment. Long overdue.
It's literally the other way around. The reason Pakistan wasn't on board is because of the US. They were the ones who pushed AQ into Pakistan & they installed pro-indian NA govt.

The "double game" was started in response to that.

I am not interested in conspiracy theories. Thanks.
Conspiracy theory is just a lame pejorative invented by American intelligence to shut down debate. Using it to refuse discussion is intellectual dishonesty. The evidence speaks for itself. Educate yourself if you have the courage to do so.

After all I can say that Pakistan supporting TTA is also a "conspiracy theory". The claim that AQ did 9/11 is also a "conspiracy theory".
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It's literally the other way around. The reason Pakistan wasn't on board is because of the US. They were the ones who pushed AQ into Pakistan & they installed pro-indian NA govt.

The "double game" was started in response to that.

Conspiracy theory is just a lame pejorative invented by American intelligence to shut down debate. Using it to refuse discussion is intellectual dishonesty. The evidence speaks for itself. Educate yourself if you have the courage to do so.

After all I can say that Pakistan supporting TTA is also a "conspiracy theory". The claim that AQ did 9/11 is also a "conspiracy theory".
You did not pay heed to information and links in my post. From where shall I begin?

US chose Hamid Karzai to establish Afghan government in 2002. Hamid Karzai wasn't pro-Indian, he lived in Pakistan and the Establishment understood him well enough. Karzai welcomed Intra-Afghan Dialogue but Pakistan did not offer much to him.

India found it easy to exploit Afghan-Pak tensions. This wasn't rocket science.

The so-called Mujahideen were composed of multiple groups. These groups began to fight each other after Soviet withdrawal. One of these became Al-Qaeda Network and was bankrolled by Osama Bin Laden.

Osama Bin Laden founded Al-Qaeda Network in 1988; related information in here. Osama began to criticize Saudi leadership and moved to Sudan in 1992 where he attempted to create a base of operations for Al-Qaeda Network. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) froze Osama's assets in the country and revoked his citizenship in 1994, and Sudan expelled him in 1996.

However, Al-Qaeda Network in Afghanistan had created a base of operations in Tora Bora because of its vast network of caves that offered protection and grew close to TTA in the 1990s.

Al-Qaeda Network is responsible for a large number of attacks around the world:


There was a time when US welcomed immigrants from all over the world and its security environment was relaxed. I know this much from people who have lived in the US. Al-Qaeda Network found it easy to send its agents to the US under these circumstances. These people planted a bomb in WTC in 1993 and got away with it.

WTC bomb blast in 1993 for reference.


Many are not aware of the fact that the US requested TTA to cut ties with Al-Qaeda Network before 9/11. Ahmad Shah Massoud somehow discovered the Al-Qaeda Network's plot to execute a series of terrorist attacks on US mainland and he made a trip to France to warn the world. The Al-Qaeda Network assassinated Massoud on 9/9 - 2 days before 9/11.

This video explains how the twin towers of the WTC collapsed:

Those who were trapped inside the twin towers complained of fire and intense heat while contacting their loved ones or emergency lines. Some were forced to stand on windows decided to jump when heat became unbearable. The video highlights the source of fire and intense heat.

Flight 93 recordings for reference
Flight 93 passenger phone calls for reference

Bush administration decided to eliminate Al-Qaeda Network after 9/11:

Even George W. Bush had pointed out that terrorists do not represent Islam.

American miscalculation is that they created the Department of Homeland Security in 2003. Too late to prevent 9/11.
People often learn the hard way.

What some Americans have to say in individual capacity.... who doesn't want his book to be NYT best seller and make bucks. Its a free society. I did tell one who posts in this forum that conspiracy theories have consequences for your country as well, not only the others.
And since RAW has no interest in dismantling Pakistan (according to Indian members ) so RAW has no hand in this, suddenly TTP budgets has become 10-20 times more miraculously, nah no funding from RAW 😂
Why should RAW not fund them? You have launched a war against India in Afghanistan, so this is an easy deal right? Money is not much of an issue, whether it's BLA or TTP. There are even sub-contracts per my understanding, that get bonus for killing some targets.
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