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US Admits China ‘Outpacing’ NASA In Space Race; Could Become The 1st Nation To Establish Lunar Outpost?


Nov 4, 2011
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US Admits China ‘Outpacing’ NASA In Space Race; Could Become The 1st Nation To Establish Lunar Outpost?​

November 18, 2023

US intelligence has publicly expressed apprehensions about China potentially outpacing the United States in the race to send humans back to the moon and establish a lunar outpost, according to reports.

Washington and Beijing are actively competing for an edge in terms of strategic positioning and securing international collaborators in the race to explore and develop a lunar base.

However, US officials are increasingly concerned that Beijing’s rapid pace in advancing its space program could grant it a key advantage over the United States.

US intelligence officials openly acknowledged their surprise at China’s swift advancements in its space program, particularly the rapid construction of an Earth-orbiting space station.

The officials now assert with certainty that China is on track to achieve major lunar milestones, with plans to land humans on the moon and establish a permanent base at the lunar south pole by the end of this decade.

This revelation came when NASA delayed meeting its milestones for similar endeavors. In June 2023, NASA raised worries about the readiness of SpaceX’s Starship lunar lander for the Artemis 3 mission, which is set to be the first mission to land Americans back on the moon by late 2025.

At the time, the US Space Agency indicated that the mission’s timeline might be pushed from December 2025 to a later point in 2026. As a result, the United States’ ambitions to establish a permanent human outpost on the moon by around 2030 may encounter delays.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson was quoted saying, “It wasn’t too long ago that China said they intended to land by 2035. So that date keeps getting closer and closer. I take it very seriously that China is in a headlong race to get to the moon.”

A US intelligence official emphasized that China views space as a critical arena to counter US influence. The official stressed that China is not aiming to be the predominant space power only in the 2020s but aspires to establish dominance throughout the 21st century, similar to the US position in the 20th century.

Key Determinants For The Success of US And China’s Space Objectives

The ongoing space race marks the first major global competition among world powers since the conclusion of the Cold War, ushering in a new era of exploration that has the potential to propel humans on missions surpassing the achievements of the Apollo program five decades ago.

Speaking to EurAsian Times, Omkar Nikam, Space and Defense Expert, highlighted, “China privatized its space industry in 2015. Since then, the country has recorded several growth opportunities in the commercial sector.”

“Though the capabilities are yet to be matched with great powers like the United States, it is to be noted that China single-handedly built its space station and has been successful in its operations. Not to forget that China is also progressing in developing quantum communication satellites, which will be a breakthrough for the satellite market in the coming years,” Nikam added.

Nikam pointed out that the United States is poised to lead significant advancements in space across military and commercial sectors, but it faces competition from China.

Given the shared lunar exploration goals of the United States and China through the Artemis and ILRS programs, Nikam highlighted a substantial technology gap that both nations must address.

The Launch Vehicle market emerges as a crucial factor influencing the success of space exploration targets, be it for the moon, mars, or beyond. The effectiveness of the Launch segment becomes pivotal in determining success in commercial viability, technological advancement, and capacity building for space assets beyond Earth.

Nikam mentioned, “Currently, SpaceX remains the global commercially successful private player in the Launch market, followed by government agencies like ISRO, which has achieved more than 95% success rate in the launch segment. SpaceX remains the only big private player in the Launch market because Launching spacecraft remains both a risky and financially costly business.”

“If both the United States and China have a strong goal to create a long-term roadmap for space exploration activities, exploring more economically viable technologies and diversity in the number of successful Launch companies is important. This will ensure financial sustainability and help their respective space programs to thrive,” he said.

Overall, Nikam underscored that while the space ecosystems of the United States and China compete, specific gaps exist that both nations must address to enhance the robustness of their ongoing and upcoming space exploration initiatives.

If the US didn’t block Chinas cooperation with NASA, today China wouldn’t be a competitor. It would be a key partner of NASA and probably it’s space program would be dependent on cooperation with NASA.
If the US didn’t block Chinas cooperation with NASA, today China wouldn’t be a competitor. It would be a key partner of NASA and probably it’s space program would be dependent on cooperation with NASA.
First of all, China is a long way to be NASA competitor. Probably a competitor of SpaceX would be more suitable

Second of all, NASA is not a military organisation, they are an exploration agency. they don't really do colonisation of outer space, NASA focus on deep space exploration. Such as discovering new universes that is outside the current solar system.

This is what NASA is doing


On the other hand, any outpost in the moon is more or less pointless without advancement of payload technology, of course you can establish an outpost in the moon, but then the question remain is how and what for? You need to be able to sustain an outpost, even with 2 men in a hut, you still need daily mission to carry supply for it, and for what? You can't launch rocket in space now because of de-linear orbit, Which does question why one would want an outpost on moon to begin with.

Maybe when we can carry more payload and land on moon, maybe if we can solve the gravitation pull issue, yes, we can start thinking about an outpost, but we are decades, if not few decades away

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First of all, China is a long way to be NASA competitor. Probably a competitor of SpaceX would be more suitable

Second of all, NASA is not a military organisation, they are an exploration agency. they don't really do colonisation of outer space, NASA focus on deep space exploration. Such as discovering new universes that is outside the current solar system.

This is what NASA is doing

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China is not that far behind and is picking up space and my opinion is still accurate.
China is not that far behind and is picking up space and my opinion is still accurate.
Well, no, China is VERY far behind, between 30-50 years behind actually in term of space exploration, considering the fact that China has not even had a probe in outer universe beyond mars, bar from some kind of time skipping travel that was invented in the future, you still need to send a physical probe to pin point the location to your telescope in space to know what to look for, and that is a static timeframe, ie you can't speed them up because faster than light travel does not exist.

Which mean unless US told China what to look for in space, what the Chinese scientist at this point can do is to point the telescope randomly and hope to discover anything. Well, considering the width of the universe. Well, good luck doing that.

take Toliman project for example

This is 50 years in the making, and you can't just replicate without all the data that put thru the project, and those you can't get unless NASA give you the data from the probe or you send one out and roam the space
First of all, China is a long way to be NASA competitor. Probably a competitor of SpaceX would be more suitable

Second of all, NASA is not a military organisation, they are an exploration agency. they don't really do colonisation of outer space, NASA focus on deep space exploration. Such as discovering new universes that is outside the current solar system.

This is what NASA is doing

View attachment 1029352

On the other hand, any outpost in the moon is more or less pointless without advancement of payload technology, of course you can establish an outpost in the moon, but then the question remain is how and what for? You need to be able to sustain an outpost, even with 2 men in a hut, you still need daily mission to carry supply for it, and for what? You can't launch rocket in space now because of de-linear orbit, Which does question why one would want an outpost on moon to begin with.

Maybe when we can carry more payload and land on moon, maybe if we can solve the gravitation pull issue, yes, we can start thinking about an outpost, but we are decades, if not decades away

That game looks fking foul. It almost makes you wonder if it's deliberate.
US doesn't even have it's own space station.

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You can bet USA is secretly working on shit. Best to keep ahead of the hype. SpaceX reentry and low orbit satellite already embarassed russia, china who haven't done anything there etc

USA probably steals all the stuff with Israel from Europe already via their ownership of the internet.
That game looks fking foul. It almost makes you wonder if it's deliberate.
The game is not the issue, the issue is what the guy saying.

This is about space exploration, and fact remain, you need to be able to go over certain threshold to do something. And China is decades behind these threshold.

US doesn't even have it's own space station.

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View attachment 1029366
This is factually false

The game is not the issue, the issue is what the guy saying.

This is about space exploration, and fact remain, you need to be able to go over certain threshold to do something. And China is decades behind these threshold.

This is factually false
Then don't post a stupid game made by bad people.

Europeans can't point at China. Not one European has made a mission to the moon. Only Anglo-Saxons did so. It's a disgrace.
Then don't post a stupid game made by bad people.

Europeans can't point at China. Not one European has made a mission to the moon. Only Anglo-Saxons did so. It's a disgrace.
I did not post because of the game, I post that because of the SCIENTIST who talk about how similar Starfield to actual space exploration.
China also used to have a "space lab", but we don't call it a Space Station.
It's the same thing, or else what do you think space station is for?? in fact, Skylab is similar size to Tiangong with similar payload

Sky Lab




Ok, but I want the game boycott.
I don't care what you think about the game, this is not why I post it. Play it, don't play it, is up to you. YOu can play Chinese Space simulation games if you want, oh, I forgot, no such thing actually existed

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