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US Armed Forces Multimedia









RP FLIP (Floating Instrument Platform) is an open ocean research vessel owned by the Office of Naval Research and operated by the Marine Physical Laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The ship is a 355 feet (108 meters) long vessel designed to partially flood and pitch backward 90 degrees, resulting in only the front 55 feet (17 meters) of the vessel pointing up out of the water, with bulkheads becoming decks. When flipped, most of the buoyancy for the platform is provided by water at depths below the influence of surface waves, hence FLIP is a stable platform mostly immune to wave action, like a spar buoy. At the end of a mission, compressed air is pumped into the ballast tanks in the flooded section and the vessel returns to its horizontal position so it can be towed to a new location.The ship is frequently mistaken for a capsized ocean transport ship



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US Situation in Afghanistan - Where is Our & International Media? No NEWS
about such photos and conditions of US & Nato forces - Why?

US Situation in Afghanistan - Where is Our & International Media? No NEWS
about such photos and conditions of US & Nato forces - Why?

Because its inappropriate to post such photos. It be like people posting dead Pakistani soldiers or civilians. Get my drift?
Are the Mods asleep? Why is this Tehmasib not banned yet?
US Situation in Afghanistan - Where is Our & International Media? No NEWS about such photos and conditions of US & Nato forces - Why?

VERY VERY INAPPROPRIATE PICTURES!!! These guys died for their country. They could be Pakistani or Chinese or Russians if you specifically don't like the Americans. A soldier is a soldier, he or she'll die for their country. Posting such pictures is wrong at all counts.

Mods - could we delete pictures of dead soldiers? And I am not JUST speaking for these pictures of US soldiers, if there are other pictures with dead soldiers in it, belonging to other countries, please delete them as well. Any soldier who died serving his or her country, deserves some respect.
THey are soldiers.
they sacrified ther lives for their beloved country

i salute them.whatever country they are from

plzz refraine from posting such pictures
Nice post buddy...totally agree with you....Even if you hate a country, don't hate the soldiers, they are doing there duties and these men didn't do anything wrong. You can say if they are indulged in serious war crimes otherwise, respect those who fight for their country.

Again, good post farhan.

VERY VERY INAPPROPRIATE PICTURES!!! These guys died for their country. They could be Pakistani or Chinese or Russians if you specifically don't like the Americans. A soldier is a soldier, he or she'll die for their country. Posting such pictures is wrong at all counts.

Mods - could we delete pictures of dead soldiers? And I am not JUST speaking for these pictures of US soldiers, if there are other pictures with dead soldiers in it, belonging to other countries, please delete them as well. Any soldier who died serving his or her country, deserves some respect.
Count my support too.....

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