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"We are unable to pay costly electricity, Open border we are ready to go to India"

I am not going to argue or defend the character of our nation, there is no character but hypocrisy only.

However, your view of very few people paying taxes in Pakistan is wrong. If ever, we conduct a fair and honest audit of FBR, the FBR will end up paying refunds to infants as well. Millions in Pakistan have annual income well below the taxable threshold, but they end up paying tax, which is never recorded nor known publicly that where that money goes.

It is not the people of Pakistan who have failed, it is the people who had the power to make policies and decisions and institutions that have failed to build a law-abiding mature society.

Few families and individuals not only landed us in this situation, but also very successfully destroyed our future. They did not even spare the bait ul mal money.

Even a child in Pakistan now knows there is no justice, there is no law, you can be robbed, raped, killed, harassed, kidnapped, runover, bulldozed, these will all make a good publicity and money making opportunity for vultures.

Just a simple example, PEMRA can impose any ban at any time on the media, but they cannot force media houses to run informative learning programs for youth and children?
My friend, that is the tragedy in all of this. The ones paying taxes are paying far more than what they are suppose to, yet these same people are taxed more and more and they still number less than 5-7 million of the 240 million useless souls. It's the rest of the freeloaders that are getting off for free. The ones who are salaried are the only ones that get their taxes deducted and also increased with regularity.

The landed and industrialists find loopholes which are massive.

With everything, it takes two hands to clap. There are other parts of the world where the government intervention is minimal yet people pay what they owe on time and mostly all of what is owed by them.

Our people push back on paying with the oft-repeated refrain: "we don't know if our taxes will go to the right place". Well, it's not our job to ask this question. We need to get the money into the kitty first and then ask about accountability with money. Here, the government is falling WAY short of its tax recovery rates. It is horrendous even compared to other functioning 3rd world countries.

I agree with the last part that maybe like the communists, the awaam needs to be programmed through propaganda to pay their taxes.
It's all relative. There are things bubbling right now which you won't see till 5-10 years out.
The current bubbles, have their origins in two to three decades back time period. Its all cyclical.. comes and goes.

Politicians from both sides should someday sit down for a candid conversation. We have reached a time where Govt should stop using people from respective nations from each other.

Whoever silly guy from Pakistan is saying to come to India for some domestic issues, i would request such kind filmy sentiment should stop. Let us be honest with our respective countries and build a peaceful and happy South Asia where each culture treats others with respect and equality.
taxes are paid by all one way or another

usually done through inflation where 99% of the people suffer the most
The world over, inflation is a fact of life. Not a single country gives its citizenry a pass on taxes just because inflation is high.

You can make all the excuses in the world for Pakistan's dishonest population, nothing will save them from the financial reckoning that is staring the nation in the face.

The salaried class is getting swindled with taxes (way above and beyond their means) while the rest of the nation gets by on haram-khori and then complains about lack of resources and the so-called beggar mentality of the government.

No wonder Hillary Clinton had to remind us of our beghairaty in Islamabad when she told the entire shameless Pakistani nation that American taxpayers had no reason to bail us out when we ourselves were not paying our taxes. How much more of this self-inflicted ignominy are we willing to tolerate?
The world over, inflation is a fact of life. Not a single country gives its citizenry a pass on taxes just because inflation is high.

You can make all the excuses in the world for Pakistan's dishonest population, nothing will save them from the financial reckoning that is staring the nation in the face.

The salaried class is getting swindled with taxes (way above and beyond their means) while the rest of the nation gets by on haram-khori and then complains about lack of resources and the so-called beggar mentality of the government.

No wonder Hillary Clinton had to remind us of our beghairaty in Islamabad when she told the entire shameless Pakistani nation that American taxpayers had no reason to bail us out when we ourselves were not paying our taxes. How much more of this self-inflicted ignominy are we willing to tolerate?
gotta think outside the box

the solution is never more taxes and enforcement

the only solution to a better country/society is less government and less taxes.
The salaried class is getting swindled with taxes (way above and beyond their means) while the rest of the nation gets by on haram-khori and then complains about lack of resources and the so-called beggar mentality of the government.

This times 100.

Every time it is the salaried middle class that bears the brunt of things. They are right on the edge of their lifestyle choices.

All those traders, thekedar, real estate, agriculturists, transporters, no one wants to pay tax.

Shabbar Zaidi, I don't like the guy, but what he has said about different mafias coming to him in his office and threatening him if he imposes tax, it just shows you the stranglehold these mafias have.

Probably some Muhajir neo-liberal living on the wrong side of the border.

So, India is a flophouse when things get expensive in Pakistan? Why not Iran or China? Aren't they better/friendlier neighbors?

No Pakistani wants to immigrate to India or Bangladesh. Not even the Muhajir neo-liberals who praise them.
My friend, that is the tragedy in all of this. The ones paying taxes are paying far more than what they are suppose to, yet these same people are taxed more and more and they still number less than 5-7 million of the 240 million useless souls. It's the rest of the freeloaders that are getting off for free. The ones who are salaried are the only ones that get their taxes deducted and also increased with regularity.

The landed and industrialists find loopholes which are massive.

With everything, it takes two hands to clap. There are other parts of the world where the government intervention is minimal yet people pay what they owe on time and mostly all of what is owed by them.

Our people push back on paying with the oft-repeated refrain: "we don't know if our taxes will go to the right place". Well, it's not our job to ask this question. We need to get the money into the kitty first and then ask about accountability with money. Here, the government is falling WAY short of its tax recovery rates. It is horrendous even compared to other functioning 3rd world countries.

I agree with the last part that maybe like the communists, the awaam needs to be programmed through propaganda to pay their taxes.
You are thinking of income tax. Sales tax is paid by everyone who can afford to buy toothpaste.
It's all relative. There are things bubbling right now which you won't see till 5-10 years out.
Eventually, Pakistan has to move toward digital currency to control massive money laundering.
For this, you need to go back to years of discussions on this forum. This reckoning was facing us for the past 20 plus years. Anyone who thinks this happened overnight is delusional.

We, as a nation, need to take ownership of our destiny. It won't be IK, NS, or any other Tom, Dick or Harry that will make us pay our taxes owed. It's not your place or mine to ask where our tax dues will go. Ours is to pay. This is where this nation has failed. We have the most dismal tax recovery rates in ALL of South Asia, let alone the world.

Shame on us and then we cry about the misery of those who cannot put food on the table. Do we not have similar people in BD and India? How are they being helped? They are helped by their governments who have money available to help. The reality is that what is siphoned in corruption still accounts for less than 30% of the overall. In India, there is corruption that is leaps and bounds greater in absolute value than what we see in Pakistan, yet the country runs. So put the siphoned money aside, the rest can still benefit the people yet we, as a nation, have to pay up for the government to be able to spend. Since we don't pay, successive governments are forced to take out loans and thus the situation we find ourselves in.

I don't know how much simpler this can be made. The emotional blackmail has run its course and does not work anymore so stop peddling this mantra. There is no civic responsibility felt in Pakistan. The result of this apathy is in front of everyone.

Where in the world military gets a quota in civil service? Where in the world does military does business let alone be proud of it? Where in the world military does the politics and select politicans to be prime ministers, let alone be again proud of the fact might is right? In every country military might have the largest real estate but they don't make housing schemes let alone hosting the most corrupt people.

India might have corruption that is more than pak, but it is progressing in every field and as a country. The answer might be their military is professional. Their tax and institutions are strong, in that they tax high earners more than lower class and every institution know their limits. Whereas pak don't.

Where are emotions in all of this? Your top khaki creature sold a dream to bring arabs of arabs, yet the reality is you sold ammo to get a billion from IMF. No?
Most educated people are moving out of the country. No?
The khaki creatures are selling bodies to salvage anything from a country that is economically, politically, and socially on a vent.

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