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What is PDF really for, Defence, politics or for (post ur type of girl)

This is a request to mods to kindly issue some kind of posting rules, people are uploading pics of po*nstars and lord knows what kinda of sh*t here. This is a defence related forum and it should remain that way.
Have I misread the assignment? Im keeping it fully halal and posting my type of girl.

What is your obsession with war-making, man ? Are you a dog to fight with other dogs, tear apart humans and cats and create chaos all the time ? Talk about bringing civilization to humanity by abolishing the concept of Nation State and abolishing militaries and money and contributing to bringing a single progressive political and social system to all human wherever they might be in Nature's universe now or in 500 years. Think of how serene and evolved humanity will become, even now on Earth. Let that thread be because it is more useful and natural than this obsession with killing you have.
my obsession is not war making just don't pollute the pdf
Taimur and Nadir must not be held as ideals. It should be Tipu Sultan who was a progressive administrator was an admirer of the French Revolution, established a Jacobin's Club in Mysore and had he lived 55 more years would have introduced modern Communism into India.
French model is an utter hypocrisy, the are the most confused pieces of shit i have ever met. There was time when these frenchies banned bikini's for showing more and now they banned burqa's for showing less. They are out right extremists who want everyone to follow their f*cked up way of life.
Tipu did things like confiscate land from upper caste Hindus and distribute them to the oppressed lower castes Hindus. This was in the late 1700s but now in India upper caste Hindus in the government are again oppressing the lower castes and others and these governments hate the progressive Tipu to the core.

Tableeghi, expected of you to use crude, casteist, snearing words like "Oye kanjar". Kanjars are better than you misogynist mullahs.

No. Please read my reasoning above and below in this post.

For Islam ? Which Tableeghi group brainwashed you ?
Care to explain then what they use to fight for, the period of ottoman history that i mentioned is 1340 to 1565, read history u will understand.
You are very right. :tup: :) Munafiqat aka Hypocrisy.
Real munafiqat is mentioning that incident, which has nothing to do with this thread
No, don't feel bad because some mama's boys fools declared your thread haraam.

Absolutely ! If there are fanboi threads by @Zarvan, @F-22Raptor and co. about the latesht means of killing humans just to propagate the cause of money and priesthood then why should it be a problem to be men admiring women ? Threads like 'What's in your gun locker' are cringe.
Do u know what was the cause behind the fall of baghdad, constantinople, damascus, delhi, it was the sultans and caliphs admiring women in their palaces while, invaders were at their doorsteps, my point is simple pdf is not for this kinda shit, there some great threads about, defence and the way people present info, especially about defence is way better than the rest out their.
my obsession is not war making just don't pollute the pdf

My chap, I am a member here since 2014 and I am well known as a Communist / progressive / rational. Be respectful to members not because they are older to you here but because internet dialogue as is offline dialogue should be decent and rational.

French model is an utter hypocrisy, the are the most confused pieces of shit i have ever met. There was time when these frenchies banned bikini's for showing more and now they banned burqa's for showing less. They are out right extremists who want everyone to follow their f*cked up way of life.

1.I speak of the French Revolution of the late 1700s. Does Tipu Sultan live now ? The French model you speak of has nothing to do with the various intellectual streams of the French Revolution.

2. While there is no need to wear bikinis in public everyone must be extremists in banning the ugly, pre-Islamic, non-Islamic, Jewish origin, anti-Islamic burqa. The Afghan women burn the burqa while being under the terror rule of the Taliban. The irani women now agitate against the hijab-imposing Irani mullahs. When the women don't want it who are you to impose it on them ?

But you can always come to South India and marry this college girl who wants to impose burqa in Indian schools and colleges :

Care to explain then what they use to fight for, the period of ottoman history that i mentioned is 1340 to 1565, read history u will understand.

They fought for their monarch lord. Simple.

Real munafiqat is mentioning that incident, which has nothing to do with this thread

How is it not munafiqat in context of you and is munafiqat in context of this thread ?

Do u know what was the cause behind the fall of baghdad, constantinople, damascus, delhi, it was the sultans and caliphs admiring women in their palaces while, invaders were at their doorsteps, my point is simple pdf is not for this kinda shit, there some great threads about, defence and the way people present info, especially about defence is way better than the rest out their.

Herr Mullah, the destruction of the Islamic Golden Age was because of the mullahs. That filth Al Ghazali and his persecution of the philosophers, the other filths called Hashisheen and other such mullahs :

Al Ghazali and the Golden Age of Islam​

Zafar Aziz Chaudhry
FEBRUARY 9, 2022

Al Ghazali has been acknowledged by Encyclopedia Britannica as well as by Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy as the greatest Muslim philosopher whose influence was not limited to Islam only but most of his ideas were widely followed and circulated among Christian and Hebrew scholars and philosophers. His 11th-century book titled “The Incoherence of the Philosophers” marks a major turn in Islamic epistemology. Al-Ghazali came to believe in a form of theological occasionalism, which meant that all causal events and interactions are not the product of material conjunctions but rather the immediate and present will of God.

Al-Ghaz?l?’s greatest work is I?y?? ?ul?m al-d?n, which in 40 “books,” he explained the doctrines and practices of Islam and showed how these can be made the basis of a profound devotional life, leading to the higher stages of Sufism, or mysticism. The Islamic Golden Age-from the 8th to the mid-13th century-was one of the greatest periods of human flourishment in knowledge and progress, with Baghdad as its focal point. Despite Al Ghazali’s great contribution to the corpus of Muslim practices, its theology and the development of its mysticism, he remained to the end a controversial figure as his crusade against Greek philosophy and western knowledge were concerned. Most critics also blame him for being a cause of the fall or decadence of the Golden age of Islam, which was finally liquidated by the Mongol invasion of 1258.

Ghazali had started as a sceptic during his early phases when he came to read Greek philosophical treatises written by prominent Muslim scholars like Al-Farabi (d.951) and Ibn Sina (d.980). Going with the stream, he wrote his first philosophical treatise, Maqasid al Falasifa.

Al Ghazali, in his religious philosophy, had argued that God was the centre point of all human life that played a direct role in all world affairs.
From the year 1095, a crisis turned him around, and he felt that the Greek philosophy lacked intellectual sincerity as a rebuttal, he wrote his monumental book, “Tahaful al Falasifa,” “The Incoherence of the philosophers.” At that time, Muslims in their attitudes towards Greek philosophy and western influences were divided into two classes: Asha’rites who were opposed to any innovation to Islamic theology. The other school of thought was called Mut’azillites, who believed in liberal thought and also liked to capitalize on Greek philosophy. Al Ghazali bitterly criticized the thinkers who supported the Muta’zillites school of thought which led most historians and critics to say that Al Ghazali was responsible for the fall of the Golden Islamic age. Ghazali crusaded against Greek thought and considered it too heretical and damaging to Islamic thought. I cannot understand why al-Ghazali felt that Greek philosophy would damage the Islamic faith. Historically speaking Greek philosophy came several centuries before the birth of Islam. Thus Islam being a modern creed could with better logic and reason correct and refurbish the ideology coming earlier. If Ghazali was a great master of religious and mystical erudition to write over 40 books in their defence why did he fear the impending Greek influences and new trends in knowledge, because as a philosopher he must have known how new ideas are born and old ones are discarded? His fear and frustration over new knowledge were so severe that towards his later life, he resigned from his honourable position as Professor and left his country to wander in Arab lands as a mystic.

Thus his critics say that despite his magnum opus enumerating the ‘incoherence of philosophers’ he had in fact been responsible for blocking new knowledge and influences in the Islamic religion, which ultimately caused the fall of the Islamic Golden age. If Ghazali had not so fiercely opposed the new trends in Islam and had not given his implied approval for the persecution of Islamic philosophers, today we would have evolved a multi-ethnic culture based on Islamic religion embracing universal feelings of common brotherhood and understanding, of justice and equality as against narrow parochial divided and bigoted society ridden with sect and class frictions.

A study of the Golden Islamic age ( from the middle of the 8th century to the 14th century) is so thrilling and exciting that it makes all Muslims feel proud of the great achievements of Muslim Scientists and philosophers which remains unparalleled to this date. The period of the Abbasid Caliphate resulted in an astonishing growth of philosophers and scientists such as Ibne Rushd (translated Aristotle, and wrote books on Islamic jurisprudence ) Al-Kindi (discovered rules of astronomy and optics ) Khawarzmi ( Father of Algebra and mathematics ) Ibne Sina (Father of Medicine, astronomy and Logic ) who ushered in a golden era of knowledge.

But these achievements (in the first few centuries of Islamic history) took place in the Islamic Empire when all great scientists and thinkers belonging to Greek, Christian, Hebrew and Indian civilizations sat together in the spirit of inter-faith harmony and cooperation and jointly found solutions to their common afflictions. Prof. Akbar S Ahmed, a very eminent Pakistani Muslim scholar in the West who holds Ibne Khaldoon Chair of Islamic studies in American University, Washington, D.C. has recently written a book ‘The Flying Man’ in which he has stressed the need for the same inter-faith harmony and co-operation between the great scientists belonging to the Abrahamic religions to sit together and jointly fight against the present-day common afflictions of pandemics, decay and death, by rejuvenating the same spirit of harmony. The greatest scholars in Islamic history, such as Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd, were very anxious to know about the culture of other civilizations, and for this reason, the Imam-Ulema community condemned them as heretics. Al-Haysam’s writings were burned by the Imam community for their astronomy, and Ibn Rushd was exiled for his unorthodox philosophy. Were these persecutions not sufficient enough to stall the progress of this age of Enlightenment?

There were scores of Muslim philosophers who tremendously benefited from the translated works of Greek which also led to many inventions and discoveries. Ibn al-Haythm invented the first camera and was able to form an explanation of how the eye sees. Doctor and philosopher Avicenna wrote the Canon of Medicine, which helped physicians diagnose dangerous diseases such as cancer. And Al-Khwarizmi, a Persian mathematician, invented algebra, Besides new ideas found currency in philosophy, astronomy, medicine, and many other disciplines. In addition to preserving information, these scholars contributed new insights in their fields and ultimately passed their discoveries along to Europe.

After Ghazali wrote Tahafut al-Falasifah (The Incoherence of Philosophers), his critics argued that he challenged philosophers on the grounds that they could not lay down rational explanations for metaphysical arguments. And this challenge, in a way, stopped critical thinking in the Islamic world.

However, recent research on Islamic Science done by various scholars, more particularly by George Saliba, a Professor of Arabic and Islamic Science at Columbia University who specializes in the development of astronomy within Islamic civilization, has called these arguments into question. His research has established that Al Ghazali alone could not have been responsible, for causing setbacks to the Muslim Golden age. His research shows that If Ghazali had blocked Greek influences then Al-Shatir’s work in the 14th century and that of Copernicus in the 16th century would not have evolved.

Al Ghazali in his religious philosophy had argued that God was the centre point of all human life that played a direct role in all world affairs. Al-Ghazali’s influence was not limited to Islam, but his works were widely circulated among Christian and Hebrew scholars and philosophers who were his great admirers.

The Muslim philosophers gave new insights in all branches like philosophy, astronomy, medicine, and many other disciplines, and ultimately passed their discoveries along to Europe.

The Muslim civilization after a glorious period of enlightenment had to suffer first and the last shock with the invasion of Mongols who sacked Baghdad and ransacked all remnants of civilizations and treasures of knowledge including 600,000 books in Baghdad’s Dar ul Hikmat. But the real damage to Islamic society started to appear in the early 13th to 15 centuries for which Muslims themselves were responsible for their ignominy by causing violent disunity among the Ummah, moral decadence, a decline in intellectual and scientific activity, and loss of dynamism in Islam. The height of their insensitivity to the acquisition of knowledge can be seen from the fact that An Ottoman king Bayazid ii on discovering a few clerical errors in the printing of the Holy Qur’an, issued an edict in 1485 banning the printing of books in the Ottoman empire, which remained in operation for 350 years, during which Islamic age was virtually thrown in a dungeon of darkness. During those 350 years, the European countries progressed by leaps and bounds, and reached a new era of European Renaissance, while the same precious time was lost forever by Muslim forces due to their religious bigotry and intransigence.

The writer is a former member of the Provincial Civil Service, and an author of Moments in Silence.
@Suriya @Cheepek @lightoftruth @-=virus=-, read above
and learn.

@KedarT, for your interest.

This is a request to mods to kindly issue some kind of posting rules, people are uploading pics of po*nstars and lord knows what kinda of sh*t here. This is a defence related forum and it should remain that way.
I do see your point, but we do do have a social section to this forum, may be it should be moved into that section.
Im surprised at how many postings we had for the thread about "Post your favourite type of girls",
It not like we have a load of sexually repressed readers and posters...

It just goes to show the popularity of this forum,
Never forget the ISI got a gold mine of information from honey traps.

Maybe this is some sort of deep undercover ISI mission going on.
Or may be too many people who never get to see any action.
Take your pick.
Tableeghi, expected of you to use crude, casteist, snearing words like "Oye kanjar". Kanjars are better than you misogynist mullahs.
dear Libturd, kindly share some pics of your sister, daughter, mother, wife as well.
My chap, I am a member here since 2014 and I am well known as a Communist / progressive / rational. Be respectful to members not because they are older to you here but because internet dialogue as is offline dialogue should be decent and rational.

1.I speak of the French Revolution of the late 1700s. Does Tipu Sultan live now ? The French model you speak of has nothing to do with the various intellectual streams of the French Revolution.
My love read history u will get what i am trying to say i would suggest to read (the old regime and the revolution) and not some article from net this is the biggest problem of u indians, this will open up ur horizons

2. While there is no need to wear bikinis in public everyone must be extremists in banning the ugly, pre-Islamic, non-Islamic, Jewish origin, anti-Islamic burqa. The Afghan women burn the burqa while being under the terror rule of the Taliban. The irani women now agitate against the hijab-imposing Irani mullahs. When the women don't want it who are you to impose it on them ?

But you can always come to South India and marry this college girl who wants to impose burqa in Indian schools and colleges :
Who told u burqa is anti islamic, Allah has explicitly said in quran to woman to cover themselves, while we have the hadith also explaining how woman should cover themselves. i don't know ur muslim or not but if u are get ur act straight or if ur not the shut ur goddamn mouth about this matter
They fought for their monarch lord. Simple.

How is it not munafiqat in context of you and is munafiqat in context of this thread ?
Really than u mention what the indians did in gujrat all that raping and pillaging, that is befitting example of u should mention, the rape capital of the world delhi. That is a befitting example not the one when ur mentioning, hypocrite!!
Herr Mullah, the destruction of the Islamic Golden Age was because of the mullahs. That filth Al Ghazali and his persecution of the philosophers, the other filths called Hashisheen and other such mullahs :
My friend it was not because of mullahs, read history, i don't have time here to write a lengthy post but read history especially the events leading upto to the mongol invasion, u will figure out was it was mullahs or the whore mongering wine drinking caliph.
My point when u start indulging in such topics, that thing loses its focus simple, here the focus is on defence, politics not hot babes.
all right take the janissaries for example they were the wildcards of the ottomans that led them to victory from kosovo to Mohacs, they donimated the europeans for centuries and guess what they were not even allowed to get married and as the ottomans relaxed restrictions on the janissaries especially about woman their prowess declined. Woman is like a corrosion for a soldier. and the people u mentioned were looters, what makes armies great is their discipline and the leadership they have, not how horny they are

This is what I was explaining to @SecularNationalist

Mutt marna decreases your life force. That’s why when you look at these call center nerd bhartis, they look like they are on the verge of death.

Even in combat sports, athletes abstain from sex/masturbation.
dear Libturd, kindly share some pics of your sister, daughter, mother, wife as well.

Dear toy-boy of the local madarsa chief, I would have shared their pictures if they consented but like I said in the 'Post your type of girls' thread your priest types would have made their life hell offline and online.

So many actresses, models and politicians pose for photos which appear on the internet, papers and magazines. Many of them are wives of someone, sisters and mothers. When they don't have problem why are you outraging on their behalf ? :lol:

My love read history u will get what i am trying to say i would suggest to read (the old regime and the revolution) and not some article from net this is the biggest problem of u indians, this will open up ur horizons

My chandu lal, I live in the Deccan where lived and administrated Tipu Sultan. And like I said I am a Communist which means Nature has gifted me more sensitivity, subtlety, thoughtfulness, far-sightedness, broad-picture-sense, empathy etc than you so I under history and current better.

Who told u burqa is anti islamic, Allah has explicitly said in quran to woman to cover themselves, while we have the hadith also explaining how woman should cover themselves. i don't know ur muslim or not but if u are get ur act straight or if ur not the shut ur goddamn mouth about this matter

I am Muslim, an old-style Muslim, one of the types who 102 years ago participated in the establishment of the Communist Party of India in Tashkent in the Uzbek SSR in the USSR. I am one of the types who with other Muslim and Sikh Communists in pre-Partition Kashmir renamed a prominent landmark as Lal Chowk in inspiration from Red Square in Communist Moscow in our agitation against the raja Hari Singh whose dynasty had been imposed on Kashmir in the 1800s. Knew these, my dear student of history ?

A drop of sweat on my forehead is more Islamic than you and your family have been till now and I tell you again that burqa is a pre-Islamic Jewish garment and is anti-Islamic because it hides away the female human from participating in society as is her due human right. Do not take her rights away. Hazrat Muhammad was the world's first feminist. Below are some Jews in burqas :


Do not associate Islam with this filthy garment.

An Egyptian female academic and politician Amna Nosseir has researched on this now in the modern times and called for ban on the burqa :
The Egyptian Parliament is drafting a new law preventing women wearing the niqab (full-face veil) in government institutions and public places, according to a statement released by MP Amna Nosseir, professor of comparative jurisprudence at Al-Azhar University.

In explaining the reasons for the law, Nosseir said that the niqab is not requried by Islamic Sharia, and that it has non-Islamic origins. She described it as a “Jewish” tradition that appeared in the Arabian Peninsula before Islam.

In a telephone interview with the satallite channel ONtv, Nosseir explained that certain passages from the Quran would not make sense if the niqab were considered proper garb for a women. For example, she asked, why should men avoid looking at women if they are already completely covered?

“How did Islam impose the niqab if Muslims are asked in the Quran to lower their gaze?” asked Nosair.

She cited the following verse from the Quran, “Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.”

Nosseir previously declared her hopes of banning the niqab during an interview on Al-Hayat television channel, saying that in the past Jewish tribes lived close to the Arab tribes and the cultures and customs of the two became intertwined. "In the Talmud, if a woman leaves her house without her head and face covered, she is breaking Jewish religious law," she said.

I have posted about her research earlier on PDF too :
An Egyptian lawmaker has said members of parliament are drafting a law that would ban women from wearing the burqa in government institutions after alleging the Islamic full-face veil was a "Jewish tradition".

Amna Nosseir said on Sunday that the proposed ban would be in the best interest of Egyptian society and that she has been battling against the burqa over the past 40 years.
Nosseir, who wears the hijab, said on Wednesday that the burqa - known in Arabic as the niqab - had its origins in Jewish religious law.

"In the Old Testament, you find in chapter 38 that the Jewish religious authorities tell you that if Jewish women leave the house without covering the face and head then they are breaking Jewish religious law," the lawmaker said during an interview with local media.
"I have gathered around 20 texts by Jewish religious authorities that completely forbid women from showing their faces and heads," Nosseir said while discussing also banning female university students from wearing "ripped jeans" in lectures.

She added that this part of Jewish law became entrenched in pre-Islamic Arab tribes of the Arabian Peninsula and then spread throughout the Middle East with the Muslim conquests.
The verse the lawmaker could be referring to is Genesis 38, where a biblical figure encounters his daughter-in-law in the street and mistakes her for a prostitute because she had covered her face with a veil.
When I was in school and two years of college here in India no girl Muslim wore a burqa, hijab whatever nor did anyone among my relatives in my childhood but in the mid-2000s the filthy Tableegh Jamaatis originating in India many years ago but not getting a foothold here because of progressives like me, brainwashed Indian Muslims or coerced them other than having spread their poison in other parts of the world earlier. Burqa and beardoness spread and my neighborhood looks like Talib land except that in Afghanistan the women don't want to wear burqa but are being forced to by the Taliban.

Many Muslims will grandly shake their heads in agreement that in pre-Islamic Makkah the jaahil misogynists there used to bury newly born females alive in sand because they didn't want females. Anyone who promotes the burqa in the modern world is doing the same - burying alive the female in the burqa, denying her the right to be free and interacting in the world, among humanity.

As for the hadiths, I reject most of them but there are good things one gets to know from them like the love that Hazrat Muhammad had for cats including his cat Muezza which saved him from a snake once and for whom when he had to go to the mosque and the cat was sleeping on his robe he tore away the part where the cat was sleeping to not disturb her and only then he left for the mosque. Very unlike the white above-ankle kurta pyjama'ed, bearded, white topi'ed fools who hurry along in my neighborhood for the 5th prayer of the day even though it is not Friday, hurrying along with their brainwashed sons or riding triple on noisy motorcycles at 40 kmph on the narrow road not carrying if kill someone or there is a cat screaming because he or she is being attacked by five dogs from the 60+ million street dogs of India. So accept words from the hadiths as long as they stand to the test of natural reason and sensibility else reject. Don't listen to your family or teachers if they impose nonsense on you.

The women of Afghanistan and Iran reject the burqa and burn it and in Iran the women and their assisting real men agitate against the mullahs, the anti-Islamic priests who impose the hijab on them. They knock off the turbans of mullahs walking in the street, set fire to the terrorist police cars and to the madarsas and chant "Death to dictator Khamenei".

Muammar Gaddafi was one of the founders of the Communist-Socialist Libyan Jamahiriya and was the last imam of all Muslims if there should be such a title and here is a girl supporting him in 2011 during NATO's bombing, the same NATO which had begun to invade her country after having gotten the murtad burqa-imposing Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood to do bombings and shootings. Watch and listen to the girl, she doesn't wear burqa and listen to her message :

Here are Muammar's female bodyguards. Do they wear burqa ? Did Muammar impose burqa on them ? This is among why NATO hated Muammar to the core and instituted the largest military invasion in history aided by thousands of Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood :


If you think burqa is Islamic then you should also take the Western Crusader governments and their leaders Obomba, B'liar and Sarkozy as your imams. So you now agree that burqa is anti-Islamic ?

Really than u mention what the indians did in gujrat all that raping and pillaging, that is befitting example of u should mention, the rape capital of the world delhi. That is a befitting example not the one when ur mentioning, hypocrite!!

India is no different from Pakistan. Didn't @SQ8 write this in this post on page 2 ?

And on Indian situation in detail is in this post from yesterday.

My friend it was not because of mullahs, read history, i don't have time here to write a lengthy post but read history especially the events leading upto to the mongol invasion, u will figure out was it was mullahs or the whore mongering wine drinking caliph.
My point when u start indulging in such topics, that thing loses its focus simple, here the focus is on defence, politics not hot babes.

Just read the article please. It is written by a Pakistani. The boy-loving mullahs destroyed the Islamic Golden Age. They will rather look for Allahu Akbar written on brinjals than work on establishing research stations on Mars. Here are some mullahs in Karachi from a few months ago trying to put out a fire in a mall by chanting azaan. No surprise they did not succeed. They should have next day tried to stand in the afternoon Sun and tried to chant azaan and put out the fires in the Sun burning for billions of years and see for themselves if Nature cares for their irrationality.

And what is this defense, defense, defense again ? Read my first post to you again.

View attachment 898792

"Saaaaaaaar, l aften try to pretend I am fanny and handsam".

Yes, Mr. @-=virus=- thinks he is an acclaimed Casanova who can charm every woman on Earth and insults me with "You virgin" at every opportunity. But if you look at the photos of his conquests ( done via Tinder and nightclubs ) the girls are all flat and silly-looking. I have long asked him to charm the lovely, intelligent, brave, former leftist activist, student leader and relevant-to-politics Shehla Rashid but he declined because he knew she would never come near him :



So Virus mian aka @Sharma Ji is left with his dog-loving silly female conquests.

Even in combat sports, athletes abstain from sex/masturbation.

Combat sports ? Those barbaric activities like wrestling, boxing, MMA-shem-mem-a that unmanly males indulge in to make up for their cowardlyness in not being philosophers, rebels and revolutionaries ? These "combat sports" which are the modern variations of the Roman gladiatorial arenas should be abolished and will be.

Now here is a real man, Carlos the Jackal, a transnational Communist revolutionary from earlier decades who was supported by USSR, East Germany and Libyan Jamahiriya. He worked for various revolutionary causes including Palestine. He was kidnapped by French government from Sudan in 1994 and since then is illegally in French jail :


Look at Carlos' intelligent, charming manliness and then look at the ugliness of the MMA-doing Tableeghi thug filth from London, Mohammed "Hijab". He is a creation of NATO :

Last edited:
My chap, I am a member here since 2014 and I am well known as a Communist / progressive / rational. Be respectful to members not because they are older to you here but because internet dialogue as is offline dialogue should be decent and rational.

1.I speak of the French Revolution of the late 1700s. Does Tipu Sultan live now ? The French model you speak of has nothing to do with the various intellectual streams of the French Revolution.

2. While there is no need to wear bikinis in public everyone must be extremists in banning the ugly, pre-Islamic, non-Islamic, Jewish origin, anti-Islamic burqa. The Afghan women burn the burqa while being under the terror rule of the Taliban. The irani women now agitate against the hijab-imposing Irani mullahs. When the women don't want it who are you to impose it on them ?

But you can always come to South India and marry this college girl who wants to impose burqa in Indian schools and colleges :

They fought for their monarch lord. Simple.

How is it not munafiqat in context of you and is munafiqat in context of this thread ?

Herr Mullah, the destruction of the Islamic Golden Age was because of the mullahs. That filth Al Ghazali and his persecution of the philosophers, the other filths called Hashisheen and other such mullahs :

@Suriya @Cheepek @lightoftruth @-=virus=-, read above
and learn.

@KedarT, for your interest.

@jamahir i have been reading your posts and with each one I am thinking you are becoming a bigger asshole. Is that a requirement to be Indian? You dont know when you are pushing the boundaries.

Dear boy-toy of the local madarsa chief, I would have shared their pictures if they consented but like I said in the 'Post your type of girls' thread your priest types would have made their life hell offline and online.

So many actresses, models and politicians pose for photos which appear on the internet, papers and magazines. Many of them are wives of someone, sisters and mothers. When they don't have problem why are you outraging on their behalf ? :lol:

My chandu lal, I live in the Deccan where lived and administrated Tipu Sultan. And like I said I am a Communist which means Nature has gifted me more sensitivity, subtlety, thoughtfulness, far-sightedness, broad-picture-sense, empathy etc than you so I under history and current better.

I am Muslim, an old-style Muslim, one of the types who 102 years ago participated in the establishment of the Communist Party of India in Tashkent in the Uzbek SSR in the USSR. I am one of the types who with other Muslim and Sikh Communists in pre-Partition Kashmir renamed a prominent landmark as Lal Chowk in inspiration from Red Square in Communist Moscow in our agitation against the raja Hari Singh whose dynasty had been imposed on Kashmir in the 1800s. Knew these, my dear student of history ?

A drop of sweat on my forehead is more Islamic than you and your family have been till now and I tell you again that burqa is a pre-Islamic Jewish garment and is anti-Islamic because it hides away the female human from participating in society as is her due human right. Do not take her rights away. Hazrat Muhammad was the world's first feminist. Below are some Jews in burqas :


Do not associate Islam with this filthy garment.

An Egyptian female academic and politician Amna Nosseir has researched on this now in the modern times and called for ban on the burqa :

I have posted about her research earlier on PDF too :

When I was in school and two years of college here in India no girl Muslim wore a burqa, hijab whatever nor did anyone among my relatives in my childhood but in the mid-2000s the filthy Tableegh Jamaatis originating in India many years ago but not getting a foothold here because of progressives like me, brainwashed Indian Muslims or coerced them other than having spread their poison in other parts of the world earlier. Burqa and beardoness spread and my neighborhood looks like Talib land except that in Afghanistan the women don't want to wear burqa but are being forced to by the Taliban.

Many Muslims will grandly shake their heads in agreement that in pre-Islamic Makkah the jaahil misogynists there used to bury newly born females alive in sand because they didn't want females. Anyone who promotes the burqa in the modern world is doing the same - burying alive the female in the burqa, denying her the right to be free and interacting in the world, among humanity.

As for the hadiths, I reject most of them but there are good things one gets to know from them like the love that Hazrat Muhammad had for cats including his cat Muezza which saved him from a snake once and for whom when he had to go to the mosque and the cat was sleeping on his robe he tore away the part where the cat was sleeping to not disturb her and only then he left for the mosque. Very unlike the white above-ankle kurta pyjama'ed, bearded, white topi'ed fools who hurry along in my neighborhood for the 5th prayer of the day even though it is not Friday, hurrying along with their brainwashed sons or riding triple on noisy motorcycles at 40 kmph on the narrow road not carrying if kill someone or there is a cat screaming because he or she is being attacked by five dogs from the 60+ million street dogs of India. So accept words from the hadiths as long as they stand to the test of natural reason and sensibility else reject. Don't listen to your family or teachers if they impose nonsense on you.

The women of Afghanistan and Iran reject the burqa and burn it and in Iran the women and their assisting real men agitate against the mullahs, the anti-Islamic priests who impose the hijab on them. They knock off the turbans of mullahs walking in the street, set fire to the terrorist police cars and to the madarsas and chant "Death to dictator Khamenei".

Muammar Gaddafi was one of the founders of the Communist-Socialist Libyan Jamahiriya and was the last imam of all Muslims if there should be such a title and here is a girl supporting him in 2011 during NATO's bombing, the same NATO which had begun to invade her country after having gotten the murtad burqa-imposing Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood to do bombings and shootings. Watch and listen to the girl, she doesn't wear burqa and listen to her message :

Here are Muammar's female bodyguards. Do they wear burqa ? Did Muammar impose burqa on them ? This is among why NATO hated Muammar to the core and instituted the largest military invasion in history aided by thousands of Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood :


If you think burqa is Islamic then you should also take the Western Crusader governments and their leaders Obomba, B'liar and Sarkozy as your imams. So you now agree that burqa is anti-Islamic ?

India is no different from Pakistan. Didn't @SQ8 write this in this post on page 2 ?

And on Indian situation in detail is in this post from yesterday.

Just read the article please. It is written by a Pakistani. The boy-loving mullahs destroyed the Islamic Golden Age. They will rather look for Allahu Akbar written on brinjals than work on establishing research stations on Mars. Here are some mullahs in Karachi from a few months ago trying to put out a fire in a mall by chanting azaan. No surprise they did not succeed. They should have next day tried to stand in the afternoon Sun and tried to chant azaan and put out the fires in the Sun burning for billions of years and see for themselves if Nature cares for their irrationality.

And what is this defense, defense, defense again ? Read my first post to you again.

Yes, Mr. @-=virus=- thinks he is an acclaimed Casanova who can charm every woman on Earth and insults me with "You virgin" at every opportunity. But if you look at the photos of his conquests ( done via Tinder and nightclubs ) the girls are all flat and silly-looking. I have long asked him to charm the lovely, intelligent, brave, former leftist activist, student leader and relevant-to-politics Shehla Rashid but he declined because he knew she would never come near him :



So Virus mian aka @Sharma Ji is left with his dog-loving silly female conquests.

Combat sports ? Those barbaric activities like wrestling, boxing, MMA-shem-mem-a that unmanly males indulge in to make up for their cowardlyness in not being philosophers, rebels and revolutionaries ? These "combat sports" which are the modern variations of the Roman gladiatorial arenas should be abolished and will be.

Now here is a real man, Carlos the Jackal, a transnational Communist revolutionary from earlier decades who was supported by USSR, East Germany and Libyan Jamahiriya. He worked for various revolutionary causes including Palestine. He was kidnapped by French government from Sudan in 1994 and since then is illegally in French jail :


Look at Carlos' intelligent, charming manliness and then look at the ugliness of the MMA-doing Tableeghi thug filth from London, Mohammed "Hijab". He is a creation of NATO :


If jahils like you read the scripture. Ie the quran then you would know that the seal of the prophets is merely to confirm the message. Everything the Jews Christians and Sabaeans were given is part of Islam. The fact Jewish women in the above pictures cover themselves entirely is exactly stating the truth about the monotheistic religions. Mary the mother of Jesus dressed in coverings as did all ritious women. Read sura Al bakara. Its very clear in there.
You are a fool and should refrain from talking about religions
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Shehla Rashid
as usual, you have no idea what you're talking about and contradict yourself again..


looks flatter than a runway, skinny as a skeleton to me.. is say itna pyar kaisay ho gya tujhe ?

and would you quit obsessing over some... what is it now.. 15 odd year old pics you saw once ? man, you really are some creep.. even your random postings here have this perv vibe to it, no wonder you're still a virgin so damn late into your adulthood.

such a bitter little man, you.. why ?

so full of hate for people, hate for religion.. leave your dirty living quarter and go out and see and explore the world, meet real people.. kya ye gaddafi ki fotu dekh ke daily hilata rehta hai ? tsk
@jamahir i have been reading your posts and with each one I am thinking you are becoming a bigger asshole. Is that a requirement to be Indian? You dont know when you are pushing the boundaries.

I only present the realities of the world which you escape from using jobs, college degrees, family, mosque, kirket, phutball etc. I am as much a boundary pusher as has been every philosopher in history including the man whose religion you claim to follow. If boundaries were not pushed then wrongs will not be righted, technologies will not be created, progressive systems not set up and humanity not advanced. Am I being wrong ?

If jahils like you read the scripture. Ie the quran then you would know that the seal of the prophets is merely to confirm the message. Everything the Jews Christians and Sabaeans were given is part of Islam. The fact Jewish women in the above pictures cover themselves entirely is exactly stating the truth about the monotheistic religions. Mary the mother of Jesus dressed in coverings as did all ritious women. Read sura Al bakara. Its very clear in there.
You are a fool and should refrain from talking about religions

Most Jewish women have given up the burqa, as don't any Christian women so why are you carrying it still ?

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