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What is PDF really for, Defence, politics or for (post ur type of girl)

She can knock someone unconscious with those hard breasts. She jumps, comes down on the head, other party thumps to the ground.

Strong and independent will be a woman who stubbornly rejects the Capitalism, fake-feminism and gay'ism imposed and branded image of the human female to be a thin, muscular artifact and instead she prefers being the chubby self that Nature gives her for her to be feminine. Please check for pics and vids of Russian "plus size" model Viktoria Manas who was made known to me by @SecularNationalist who's also a lover of the voluptuous female.

I live in India, desi land, where when I was pre-teen my mother wore the saree just like many Pakistani women wore it before the Tableeghi dictator Zia ul Haq and now some wear it. Fatima Jinnah too wore the saree. Now my mother wears shalwar kameez. I don't have sisters and am not married so no daughters. If my family lived in pre-NATO-installed-Khomenei Iran or in 1980s Afghanistan my mother and my female relatives could have been well wearing a skirt. So would they in non-Gulfie-Arab-majority lands. Here is a picture of Jamal Abdul Nasser's wife and daughter, wearing skirts and he hated by NATO and its mullah agents the so-called Muslim Brotherhood which tried to assassinate him and for which its so-called spiritual leader, the British-supported mullah terrorist Sayyid Qutb was hanged. So, see the great Muslim Socialist hero Nasser and his wife and daughters :
View attachment 901423

Although Macron is a NATO leader who is continuing Sarkozy's illegal wars in Libya and Syria and I being a Communist, a rational, a progressive and rejecter of imperialism oppose him vehemently I still ask what is this nonsense word "Grooming" ? If 15-year-old Macron was attractive to an older lady and he liked her too - a consensual arrangement - and if this wasn't seen as shock, shame and crime only 15 years ago what is your objection now ? Why are you obeying the diktats of Capitalists, fake-feminist females and gays who impose an environment of shock, shame and crime into male-female relationships just because one party is below the "magical voting age" of 18 which some idiot decided to arbitrarily call as adult age and which derives from the anti-democratic Anglo political system followed in Britain, USA, India, Pakistan etc that has the drama of multiple political parties and five-yearly elections ?

In the current season of the Indian Idol singing competition, one guest was the actress Sharmila Tagore who was the heroine in the film 'Kashmir Ki Kali' when she was 16 and the hero, Shammi Kapoor was 31 in 1964 when the film was released. Did the film's director "groom" her ? Did Shammi ? Or the film's technicians ? But Sharmila was happy about that film's memory and she guided one of the contestants, the pretty 17-year-old Bidipta Chakraborty ( a "minor" according to idiots, a 17-year-old girl whom the idiots call a child despite the supreme Nature having declared her adult at 13 or 14 ),. Sharmila guided Bidipta about how she should replicated there and then the gestures and poses that Sharmila did in the film. Here is Bidipta :


There is the song "Main sola baras ki, tu satara baras ka" from the 1980 Hindi film Karz.

2300 years ago when Alexander started return to his birth land from India he left governors in the lands conquered. One of them was Seleucus Nikator who was actually Alexander's successor. In time, Helena, the 16-year-old daughter of Seleucus from his Irani wife married the 39-year-old Chandragupta Maurya, the ruler of the Maurya empire of India. Did Helena undergo this thing called "grooming" by anyone ?

With me I find women from 15 to 50 admiring me and flirting with me at times, whether in bringing their cycles towards me deliberately when I am walking or staring at me openly or crossing to my side of the road and then pass me and change to the other side ( this when I am masked ) or be the bold and extra nice shopping assistants in clothing shops or take my picture in a cinema's lounge while she is in company of a male or sit touching my arm when seated side by side in an internet parlor or other things. These are natural happenings. I like them, they like me. They are female and I am male. What is anybody else's business in imposing shock, shame and crime into this natural transaction ?

You must recognize your own contradictions. Modern Communism seeks to abolish the thousands of years old system of money but you will abhor Communism for this even though it is a humane, rational, simple and brilliant idea and its enabling will remove most of the problems of humanity. You also transpose recent Capitalist, fake-moralist, fake-feminist and gay dictatorial ideas about male-female relationships and ignore that 2300 years ago the 16-year-old Helena ( a social upper class ) willing had sex with 39-year-old Chandragupta Maurya. You bring to me the thundering words of fake-moral people who see 15-year-old Macron as having been a victim of a so-called pedophile female teacher who later married him and you justify the words of these fake-moralists but you will be greatly offended and angry if these same fake-moralists whom you justify then start telling you about how ( supposedly ) scandalous was the difference in the marital ages of Hazrat Muhammad and Hazrat Aisha. I don't find scandal and crime and injustice and advantage-taking in any of this, do you ? Also, these same fake-moralist fake-feminist Capitalist people who generate these fake scandals about difference in male-female ages will also be the ones to legitimize males kissing each other passionately in public. So who will you support ? A natural acting me and my female admirers whether they be 15 or 50, or those muscled gays going on pride parades and showing themselves half-naked and kissing other half-naked muscular males ?

I said French Revolution, of the late 1800s, which abolished feudalism and monarchy in France and whose admirer was the great Tipu Sultan of India who set up a Jacobin Club in Mysore. I did not legitimize the French government of the modern times which is part of NATO and was part of the 30+ government military alliance of NATO and GCC in addition to thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood who all invaded the Libyan Jamahiriya, the biggest invasion ever ! French air force planes bombed Muammar Gaddafi's escaping convoy with gas and forced them to hide in pipes in the desert and gave the location to Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood who took Muammar to Tripoli and there was a French intelligence agent on the scene where Muammar was assassinated. I carry the member name Jamahir, my understanding of someone who propagates the Jamahiriya idea. Would I support the current French government and its nuclear-armed military and that hyped up French Foreign Legion ?

I don't hate the entire French people because there are many progressives there too including leftists who have recently been active in protesting against the government for spending resources to support Ukraine's Nazi government against Russia while in France itself prices of food are rising as of other things. This protest is from October 16th, last month, in Paris against inflation and climate inaction and the organizers said 140,000 people attended. I won't quote from the article and post pictures because the article is copy-righted so you must open the link for that.

Please read my reply to your question on my opinion about Macron.

Hazrat Muhammad was the world's first feminist and he brought social and socio-economic rights to the female including her right to choose who she wants to be and to marry him or consent or reject any suitor that her family brings to her and she can do this also during the wedding if she doesn't agree to the terms of the Mahr which is a compulsory pledge to give money or estate to the wife in case of divorce, and the wife has the right to divorce and get the Mahr. There is no concept of assimilation in Islam of the Jewish burqa. Now this among other things I can tell you is what came 1400 years ago. Do you follow and speak for all of this ? Do you stop your sisters and female cousins from living without burqa and being with whichever male they want to be and marry him ? Or do you believe in the Islam-given right to them that their have their own freedom, agency, dignity and you support them and defend them from your misogynist and female-freedom-hating family members and so-called community elders ?

Well, as you read above, the females like me and I like them. Again about 1400 years ago please read and answer the section just above.

Good that you mentioned "Indian" because this is my thread from 2015 about Waseem Raja, a Muslim professor in Aligarh Muslim University who called for shutting down of the madarsas because they are a den of gays and maulanas are involved. :) And speaking of maulanas do you know this Pakistani maulana, Mufti Azizur Rehman, who was arrested last June for raping a male student and threatening ?

So it is your mullahs who love to slam behinds of males with or without consent. What do you say about the pressure tactic of Mufti Azizur Rehman that he put on the boy to get the boy to pleasure him ? What do you say about the madarsa's administration which refused to act on the complaint by the boy against the maulana and instead participated in the boy's rape, with surely many other boys having gone through this ordeal there before ?

And compare the debonair look of Socialist hero Jamal Abdul Nasser to that of the stupid-looking Mufti Azizur Rehman.

And 300-400 women are not enough for you ? What if I told you that revolutionary progressive ideas germinate in the minds of singular people or two or three and then spread ? You claim to be a follower of one such revolutionary set of ideas.

Now if instead of Aurat March of 300-400 women and their male supporters there would have been a Haya March by a Jamia Hafsa group of just 100 all-burqa'ed females you would have crowed about this march, calling them "Defenders of the Faith" and what not. Well, in 2020 there was actually a Haya March by some mullahs and burqis during the Aurat March to counter Aurat March and the mullahs and burqis threw stones on the Aurat March. But I speak of a situation where only Haya March was carried out yesterday in Islamabad or Lahore, you would have propagandized it vociferously on PDF.

From Wikipedia page "Aurat March" :

You surely must adore Shaan Shahid the hypocrite who uses women as disposable props in his films whose couple of photos I have seen as being those stupid fake-manly Gujjar films but about women demanding to exist as the female that Nature created them along with their rights, he declares that their demands and agitation is against Pakistani culture ?

Ironically, Shaah Shahid who made this anti Aurat March statement in 2019 acted 12 years prior in the 2007-released film Khuda Kay Liye which was against irrationalism, misogyny and treating-the-female-as-chattel thinking that goes on in South Asia, including in Pakistan, under the guise of Islam.

No, you are just not acknowledging the scale of the Iran protests. Iran's illegimate mullah government is bombarding Kurd bases in Iraq with missiles because they think these bases provide support to the protesters. You watch those "dawah" beardo thugs in Hyde Park in London like Mohammed "Hijab" who harass people to listen and obey their irrationality and super-cringeyness and convert to what they claim is Islam but is anything but. These beardos have no clue about the iran protests nor is BBC and the Western governments supporting the Irani people in their anti-hijab anti-mullah protests because obviously, Khomenei came to power through help by NATO and NATO will never want any mullah government to fall. There is no emergency gathering of NATO leaders in the United Nation Terrorist Council with statements that they have a "Right 2 Protect" the Irani protesters and therefore the Irani regime should be removed by force, like NATO sent a 30+ militaries NATO+GCC alliance to invade Libyan Jamahiriya in 2011, the largest grouped invasion ever, along with thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood. When are these invasionary parties being sent to Iran especially given that the Gulfie governments are supposed to be great enemies of Iran and the Western governments are supposed to have put great sanctions on Iran and the Irani mullahs used to put out banners calling USA as "The Great Satan" ? In the Libyan Jamahiriya in early 2011 NATO arranged for AQ and "M"B to terrorize Libyan cities and when Libyan security forces acted, NATO declared that Libyan forces was "killing civilians including women and children". No such thing happened there but Libyan Jamahiriya was invaded. Well, the Irani mullah forces have been actually killing civilians including women and children ( there was a two-year-old boy shot two days ago ). So when the invasion then ?

And "protests in a few cities" also means protests in Irani cities, not Martian cities, and the mullah government is doing everything to suppress it. @Parsipride posted a tweet about new IRGC commander brought in to control Tehran because it may fall to the protesters. Now, I am sure you will vociferously condemn Indian military for shooting pellet guns into protesting Kashmiris. Are you going to say that the Indian military is not shooting pellet guns into people elsewhere in India so it shouldn't matter about Kashmir because that pellet gun shooting is confined to only Kashmir ? Now I don't support the pellet gun shootings in Kashmir, I call it great crime. But I want you to talk about you, Kashmir and Iran.

The slogan of the Iranis "Zan, Zindagi, Azaadi" ( Woman, Life, Freedom" is now famous worldwide. You too should chant it, write it on PDF in every suitable place.

How ?

Then you and me should make the world a Communist society. Simples. :)

Males should also not be "defense" enthusiasts. Please read my previous posts asking the OPer, Falcon34, why is he obsessed with war mongering and killing when he should be propagating the idea of abolition of the concept of Nation and thus militaries and thus war itself and adoption of a single progressive political, social and socio-economic systems for all of Earth.

Instead of a male being a nationalist soldier he should be a philosopher, rejecter of irrationality, questioner, spender of time in enabling change of his local society and of the world. This of course should also be what a female should do. Every human a politician, thinker and revolutionary.

Why ? And there has been a female mod, @Moonlight. Though I disagree with some of the forum management including with Webmaster because they banned me 10 days ago for supposedly Islam ( whereas it is they who misunderstand Islam and participated in the mullah lynch mob which called me murtad and all ) I must make the point here that it is the forum management which made Moonlight as a mod.

Secondly, female members @Spring Onion, Moonlight, @Squashh ( all three Pakistani or Pakistan-origin ) and @Hello It's me and @Levina ( both Indian ) have all participated with calmness, humanity and wisdom in political and social and cultural matters including in the music thread, fashion threads and actresses and models threads, something that many male members have not, especially mullah and Hindutvadi filth like Zarvan, Areesh, Sayfullah, Mujahid Memon, Suriya, Sr. Nair, lightoftruth etc. Levina though who was a very good friend of mine here abandoned this forum and very sadly for me, went over to the Hindutvad side maybe two years ago.

Female members, of the intelligent variety as above, should have been lot more on PDF, to temper the paindu'ness, misogyny and general stupidity of most of the male population of PDF.

The words I have underlined contradict those before. Please explain.

I am not "Liberal", I am Communist. Liberal Westerners are the ones to enable you gay mullahs to do so-called dawah in Hyde Park in London because you readily become their gun arm in killing and subverting progressive Muslim-majority countries and movements. Systems like Nasser's Egypt, Muammar's Libya and Bashar's Syria weren't or aren't liberal to you priests. :)You exist because of liberal Westerners.

Secondly, I won't "hit the road". I am on my bed and intend to stay there.

Ha ha, but you just have to employ a mouse for your laptop. Relieve thus your scrollpad of the misery beause my posts will be long when they need to be long. Those "1000-word essays" that Areesh so hates. :D

@Vapnope wrote this on my profile on November 21st :

And I today replied with :
Your the most delusional communist piece of shit i have ever seen, who will die a virgin. You know nothing ,zero research of your own, our just following a construct of a by gone era, to look different or cool. I say it again u know nothing, ur entire point of view is biased towards finding faults against the true teachings of islam, whatever allah has commanded it is for our own good and will be valid till the end of times, no change required. There is still time to return to the right path, u said about gay westerns boy the way u talk about woman u sound like a ultra level cuck and a western simp, And u said ladies like u in ur dreams, they cry on shoulders of cucks like u while they dangle with real men.
Ur a cuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your the most delusional communist piece of shit i have ever seen, who will die a virgin. You know nothing ,zero research of your own, our just following a construct of a by gone era, to look different or cool. I say it again u know nothing, ur entire point of view is biased towards finding faults against the true teachings of islam, whatever allah has commanded it is for our own good and will be valid till the end of times, no change required. There is still time to return to the right path, u said about gay westerns boy the way u talk about woman u sound like a ultra level cuck and a western simp, And u said ladies like u in ur dreams, they cry on shoulders of cucks like u while they dangle with real men.
Ur a cuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He has just come off a ban and writing essays again.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was NOT a Feminist but the messenger of Allah Almighty. He pushed for societal makeover in line with divine Islamic teachings.

Feminism is a modern-age philosophy aimed to promote "the equality of the sexes" in a society but it has led to creation of a societal system that has placed much burden on women to support themselves and their families (jobs + household work + child-rearing responsibilities). Islam does not subject women to this level of stress in comparison. Islam encourage men to work and support their families but have made these considerations optional for women.

Pagan Arabs were found to be mistreating women and orphans and stealing from them. To address this problem, Allah Almighty granted FAIR rights to women and orphans (Surah Al-Nisa), which should be adopted in an Islamic system.

Anybody who assumes that Islam is a Feminist movement, does NOT understand either theme. Islam grants FAIR rights to women in line with its "moralistic principles" but Feminism espouse Freedom to do anything in line with acceptable societal practices (moral or immoral).

Understand the difference.
She can knock someone unconscious with those hard breasts. She jumps, comes down on the head, other party thumps to the ground.

Strong and independent will be a woman who stubbornly rejects the Capitalism, fake-feminism and gay'ism imposed and branded image of the human female to be a thin, muscular artifact and instead she prefers being the chubby self that Nature gives her for her to be feminine. Please check for pics and vids of Russian "plus size" model Viktoria Manas who was made known to me by @SecularNationalist who's also a lover of the voluptuous female.

I live in India, desi land, where when I was pre-teen my mother wore the saree just like many Pakistani women wore it before the Tableeghi dictator Zia ul Haq and now some wear it. Fatima Jinnah too wore the saree. Now my mother wears shalwar kameez. I don't have sisters and am not married so no daughters. If my family lived in pre-NATO-installed-Khomenei Iran or in 1980s Afghanistan my mother and my female relatives could have been well wearing a skirt. So would they in non-Gulfie-Arab-majority lands. Here is a picture of Jamal Abdul Nasser's wife and daughter, wearing skirts and he hated by NATO and its mullah agents the so-called Muslim Brotherhood which tried to assassinate him and for which its so-called spiritual leader, the British-supported mullah terrorist Sayyid Qutb was hanged. So, see the great Muslim Socialist hero Nasser and his wife and daughters :
View attachment 901423

Although Macron is a NATO leader who is continuing Sarkozy's illegal wars in Libya and Syria and I being a Communist, a rational, a progressive and rejecter of imperialism oppose him vehemently I still ask what is this nonsense word "Grooming" ? If 15-year-old Macron was attractive to an older lady and he liked her too - a consensual arrangement - and if this wasn't seen as shock, shame and crime only 15 years ago what is your objection now ? Why are you obeying the diktats of Capitalists, fake-feminist females and gays who impose an environment of shock, shame and crime into male-female relationships just because one party is below the "magical voting age" of 18 which some idiot decided to arbitrarily call as adult age and which derives from the anti-democratic Anglo political system followed in Britain, USA, India, Pakistan etc that has the drama of multiple political parties and five-yearly elections ?

In the current season of the Indian Idol singing competition, one guest was the actress Sharmila Tagore who was the heroine in the film 'Kashmir Ki Kali' when she was 16 and the hero, Shammi Kapoor was 31 in 1964 when the film was released. Did the film's director "groom" her ? Did Shammi ? Or the film's technicians ? But Sharmila was happy about that film's memory and she guided one of the contestants, the pretty 17-year-old Bidipta Chakraborty ( a "minor" according to idiots, a 17-year-old girl whom the idiots call a child despite the supreme Nature having declared her adult at 13 or 14 ),. Sharmila guided Bidipta about how she should replicated there and then the gestures and poses that Sharmila did in the film. Here is Bidipta :


There is the song "Main sola baras ki, tu satara baras ka" from the 1980 Hindi film Karz.

2300 years ago when Alexander started return to his birth land from India he left governors in the lands conquered. One of them was Seleucus Nikator who was actually Alexander's successor. In time, Helena, the 16-year-old daughter of Seleucus from his Irani wife married the 39-year-old Chandragupta Maurya, the ruler of the Maurya empire of India. Did Helena undergo this thing called "grooming" by anyone ?

With me I find women from 15 to 50 admiring me and flirting with me at times, whether in bringing their cycles towards me deliberately when I am walking or staring at me openly or crossing to my side of the road and then pass me and change to the other side ( this when I am masked ) or be the bold and extra nice shopping assistants in clothing shops or take my picture in a cinema's lounge while she is in company of a male or sit touching my arm when seated side by side in an internet parlor or other things. These are natural happenings. I like them, they like me. They are female and I am male. What is anybody else's business in imposing shock, shame and crime into this natural transaction ?

You must recognize your own contradictions. Modern Communism seeks to abolish the thousands of years old system of money but you will abhor Communism for this even though it is a humane, rational, simple and brilliant idea and its enabling will remove most of the problems of humanity. You also transpose recent Capitalist, fake-moralist, fake-feminist and gay dictatorial ideas about male-female relationships and ignore that 2300 years ago the 16-year-old Helena ( a social upper class ) willing had sex with 39-year-old Chandragupta Maurya. You bring to me the thundering words of fake-moral people who see 15-year-old Macron as having been a victim of a so-called pedophile female teacher who later married him and you justify the words of these fake-moralists but you will be greatly offended and angry if these same fake-moralists whom you justify then start telling you about how ( supposedly ) scandalous was the difference in the marital ages of Hazrat Muhammad and Hazrat Aisha. I don't find scandal and crime and injustice and advantage-taking in any of this, do you ? Also, these same fake-moralist fake-feminist Capitalist people who generate these fake scandals about difference in male-female ages will also be the ones to legitimize males kissing each other passionately in public. So who will you support ? A natural acting me and my female admirers whether they be 15 or 50, or those muscled gays going on pride parades and showing themselves half-naked and kissing other half-naked muscular males ?

I said French Revolution, of the late 1800s, which abolished feudalism and monarchy in France and whose admirer was the great Tipu Sultan of India who set up a Jacobin Club in Mysore. I did not legitimize the French government of the modern times which is part of NATO and was part of the 30+ government military alliance of NATO and GCC in addition to thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood who all invaded the Libyan Jamahiriya, the biggest invasion ever ! French air force planes bombed Muammar Gaddafi's escaping convoy with gas and forced them to hide in pipes in the desert and gave the location to Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood who took Muammar to Tripoli and there was a French intelligence agent on the scene where Muammar was assassinated. I carry the member name Jamahir, my understanding of someone who propagates the Jamahiriya idea. Would I support the current French government and its nuclear-armed military and that hyped up French Foreign Legion ?

I don't hate the entire French people because there are many progressives there too including leftists who have recently been active in protesting against the government for spending resources to support Ukraine's Nazi government against Russia while in France itself prices of food are rising as of other things. This protest is from October 16th, last month, in Paris against inflation and climate inaction and the organizers said 140,000 people attended. I won't quote from the article and post pictures because the article is copy-righted so you must open the link for that.

Please read my reply to your question on my opinion about Macron.

Hazrat Muhammad was the world's first feminist and he brought social and socio-economic rights to the female including her right to choose who she wants to be and to marry him or consent or reject any suitor that her family brings to her and she can do this also during the wedding if she doesn't agree to the terms of the Mahr which is a compulsory pledge to give money or estate to the wife in case of divorce, and the wife has the right to divorce and get the Mahr. There is no concept of assimilation in Islam of the Jewish burqa. Now this among other things I can tell you is what came 1400 years ago. Do you follow and speak for all of this ? Do you stop your sisters and female cousins from living without burqa and being with whichever male they want to be and marry him ? Or do you believe in the Islam-given right to them that their have their own freedom, agency, dignity and you support them and defend them from your misogynist and female-freedom-hating family members and so-called community elders ?

Well, as you read above, the females like me and I like them. Again about 1400 years ago please read and answer the section just above.

Good that you mentioned "Indian" because this is my thread from 2015 about Waseem Raja, a Muslim professor in Aligarh Muslim University who called for shutting down of the madarsas because they are a den of gays and maulanas are involved. :) And speaking of maulanas do you know this Pakistani maulana, Mufti Azizur Rehman, who was arrested last June for raping a male student and threatening ?

So it is your mullahs who love to slam behinds of males with or without consent. What do you say about the pressure tactic of Mufti Azizur Rehman that he put on the boy to get the boy to pleasure him ? What do you say about the madarsa's administration which refused to act on the complaint by the boy against the maulana and instead participated in the boy's rape, with surely many other boys having gone through this ordeal there before ?

And compare the debonair look of Socialist hero Jamal Abdul Nasser to that of the stupid-looking Mufti Azizur Rehman.

And 300-400 women are not enough for you ? What if I told you that revolutionary progressive ideas germinate in the minds of singular people or two or three and then spread ? You claim to be a follower of one such revolutionary set of ideas.

Now if instead of Aurat March of 300-400 women and their male supporters there would have been a Haya March by a Jamia Hafsa group of just 100 all-burqa'ed females you would have crowed about this march, calling them "Defenders of the Faith" and what not. Well, in 2020 there was actually a Haya March by some mullahs and burqis during the Aurat March to counter Aurat March and the mullahs and burqis threw stones on the Aurat March. But I speak of a situation where only Haya March was carried out yesterday in Islamabad or Lahore, you would have propagandized it vociferously on PDF.

From Wikipedia page "Aurat March" :

You surely must adore Shaan Shahid the hypocrite who uses women as disposable props in his films whose couple of photos I have seen as being those stupid fake-manly Gujjar films but about women demanding to exist as the female that Nature created them along with their rights, he declares that their demands and agitation is against Pakistani culture ?

Ironically, Shaah Shahid who made this anti Aurat March statement in 2019 acted 12 years prior in the 2007-released film Khuda Kay Liye which was against irrationalism, misogyny and treating-the-female-as-chattel thinking that goes on in South Asia, including in Pakistan, under the guise of Islam.

No, you are just not acknowledging the scale of the Iran protests. Iran's illegimate mullah government is bombarding Kurd bases in Iraq with missiles because they think these bases provide support to the protesters. You watch those "dawah" beardo thugs in Hyde Park in London like Mohammed "Hijab" who harass people to listen and obey their irrationality and super-cringeyness and convert to what they claim is Islam but is anything but. These beardos have no clue about the iran protests nor is BBC and the Western governments supporting the Irani people in their anti-hijab anti-mullah protests because obviously, Khomenei came to power through help by NATO and NATO will never want any mullah government to fall. There is no emergency gathering of NATO leaders in the United Nation Terrorist Council with statements that they have a "Right 2 Protect" the Irani protesters and therefore the Irani regime should be removed by force, like NATO sent a 30+ militaries NATO+GCC alliance to invade Libyan Jamahiriya in 2011, the largest grouped invasion ever, along with thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood. When are these invasionary parties being sent to Iran especially given that the Gulfie governments are supposed to be great enemies of Iran and the Western governments are supposed to have put great sanctions on Iran and the Irani mullahs used to put out banners calling USA as "The Great Satan" ? In the Libyan Jamahiriya in early 2011 NATO arranged for AQ and "M"B to terrorize Libyan cities and when Libyan security forces acted, NATO declared that Libyan forces was "killing civilians including women and children". No such thing happened there but Libyan Jamahiriya was invaded. Well, the Irani mullah forces have been actually killing civilians including women and children ( there was a two-year-old boy shot two days ago ). So when the invasion then ?

And "protests in a few cities" also means protests in Irani cities, not Martian cities, and the mullah government is doing everything to suppress it. @Parsipride posted a tweet about new IRGC commander brought in to control Tehran because it may fall to the protesters. Now, I am sure you will vociferously condemn Indian military for shooting pellet guns into protesting Kashmiris. Are you going to say that the Indian military is not shooting pellet guns into people elsewhere in India so it shouldn't matter about Kashmir because that pellet gun shooting is confined to only Kashmir ? Now I don't support the pellet gun shootings in Kashmir, I call it great crime. But I want you to talk about you, Kashmir and Iran.

The slogan of the Iranis "Zan, Zindagi, Azaadi" ( Woman, Life, Freedom" is now famous worldwide. You too should chant it, write it on PDF in every suitable place.

How ?

Then you and me should make the world a Communist society. Simples. :)

Males should also not be "defense" enthusiasts. Please read my previous posts asking the OPer, Falcon34, why is he obsessed with war mongering and killing when he should be propagating the idea of abolition of the concept of Nation and thus militaries and thus war itself and adoption of a single progressive political, social and socio-economic systems for all of Earth.

Instead of a male being a nationalist soldier he should be a philosopher, rejecter of irrationality, questioner, spender of time in enabling change of his local society and of the world. This of course should also be what a female should do. Every human a politician, thinker and revolutionary.

Why ? And there has been a female mod, @Moonlight. Though I disagree with some of the forum management including with Webmaster because they banned me 10 days ago for supposedly Islam ( whereas it is they who misunderstand Islam and participated in the mullah lynch mob which called me murtad and all ) I must make the point here that it is the forum management which made Moonlight as a mod.

Secondly, female members @Spring Onion, Moonlight, @Squashh ( all three Pakistani or Pakistan-origin ) and @Hello It's me and @Levina ( both Indian ) have all participated with calmness, humanity and wisdom in political and social and cultural matters including in the music thread, fashion threads and actresses and models threads, something that many male members have not, especially mullah and Hindutvadi filth like Zarvan, Areesh, Sayfullah, Mujahid Memon, Suriya, Sr. Nair, lightoftruth etc. Levina though who was a very good friend of mine here abandoned this forum and very sadly for me, went over to the Hindutvad side maybe two years ago.

Female members, of the intelligent variety as above, should have been lot more on PDF, to temper the paindu'ness, misogyny and general stupidity of most of the male population of PDF.

The words I have underlined contradict those before. Please explain.

I am not "Liberal", I am Communist. Liberal Westerners are the ones to enable you gay mullahs to do so-called dawah in Hyde Park in London because you readily become their gun arm in killing and subverting progressive Muslim-majority countries and movements. Systems like Nasser's Egypt, Muammar's Libya and Bashar's Syria weren't or aren't liberal to you priests. :)You exist because of liberal Westerners.

Secondly, I won't "hit the road". I am on my bed and intend to stay there.

Ha ha, but you just have to employ a mouse for your laptop. Relieve thus your scrollpad of the misery beause my posts will be long when they need to be long. Those "1000-word essays" that Areesh so hates. :D

@Vapnope wrote this on my profile on November 21st :

And I today replied with :
Abey saaalee undertaker ki aulad
Tu ban hota, phri wapis aata hai, phir ban hota hai phir waapis aata hai
undertaker-coffin (1).gif

Rinse and repeat and same long a** essays

Watch this and seethe

04cbcdfd-de09-45ce-8935-66e7170d91c6-4b2caa3e-fcef-43e0-a9d2-44765dbc877f_compressed_thumb (1).jpeg
Last edited:

Too lazy to read or insert your wall of quotes

You do a pretty good job of twisting arguments to make your own case.

I maintain that ladies are not military enthusiasts. The ratio of men to women on PDF is the first clear indicator followed by surveys and studies etc.

Yes female presence here or else where is not required (not to be confused with preferred) for the forum or other activities to function. Stop worshipping them.

I largely skipped over you simping for all the females you listed and couldn’t care less but carry on if that’s all you have going on in life.

Judging from your post, you are among those stupid on PDF…

Dear God..this guy..
Your the most delusional communist piece of shit i have ever seen, who will die a virgin. You know nothing ,zero research of your own, our just following a construct of a by gone era, to look different or cool. I say it again u know nothing, ur entire point of view is biased towards finding faults against the true teachings of islam, whatever allah has commanded it is for our own good and will be valid till the end of times, no change required. There is still time to return to the right path, u said about gay westerns boy the way u talk about woman u sound like a ultra level cuck and a western simp, And u said ladies like u in ur dreams, they cry on shoulders of cucks like u while they dangle with real men.
Ur a cuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ye mahashay apna hi mazhab bana-nay ki chakkar me hai... inka upar waala is a certain dead arab ba'athist who got a beer bottle shoved up his youknowhere as a farewell :P

Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was NOT a Feminist but the messenger of Allah Almighty. He pushed for societal makeover in line with divine Islamic teachings.

Feminism is a modern-age philosophy aimed to promote "the equality of the sexes" in a society but it has led to creation of a societal system that has placed much burden on women to support themselves and their families (jobs + household work + child-rearing responsibilities). Islam does not subject women to this level of stress in comparison. Islam encourage men to work and support their families but have made these considerations optional for women.

Pagan Arabs were found to be mistreating women and orphans and stealing from them. To address this problem, Allah Almighty granted FAIR rights to women and orphans (Surah Al-Nisa), which should be adopted in an Islamic system.

Anybody who assumes that Islam is a Feminist movement, does NOT understand either theme. Islam grants FAIR rights to women in line with its "moralistic principles" but Feminism espouse Freedom to do anything in line with acceptable societal practices (moral or immoral).

Understand the difference.
Bro you just tried to explain to the deaf dumb and blind.
A valiant effort though. Respect
She can knock someone unconscious with those hard breasts. She jumps, comes down on the head, other party thumps to the ground.

Strong and independent will be a woman who stubbornly rejects the Capitalism, fake-feminism and gay'ism imposed and branded image of the human female to be a thin, muscular artifact and instead she prefers being the chubby self that Nature gives her for her to be feminine. Please check for pics and vids of Russian "plus size" model Viktoria Manas who was made known to me by @SecularNationalist who's also a lover of the voluptuous female.

I live in India, desi land, where when I was pre-teen my mother wore the saree just like many Pakistani women wore it before the Tableeghi dictator Zia ul Haq and now some wear it. Fatima Jinnah too wore the saree. Now my mother wears shalwar kameez. I don't have sisters and am not married so no daughters. If my family lived in pre-NATO-installed-Khomenei Iran or in 1980s Afghanistan my mother and my female relatives could have been well wearing a skirt. So would they in non-Gulfie-Arab-majority lands. Here is a picture of Jamal Abdul Nasser's wife and daughter, wearing skirts and he hated by NATO and its mullah agents the so-called Muslim Brotherhood which tried to assassinate him and for which its so-called spiritual leader, the British-supported mullah terrorist Sayyid Qutb was hanged. So, see the great Muslim Socialist hero Nasser and his wife and daughters :
View attachment 901423

Although Macron is a NATO leader who is continuing Sarkozy's illegal wars in Libya and Syria and I being a Communist, a rational, a progressive and rejecter of imperialism oppose him vehemently I still ask what is this nonsense word "Grooming" ? If 15-year-old Macron was attractive to an older lady and he liked her too - a consensual arrangement - and if this wasn't seen as shock, shame and crime only 15 years ago what is your objection now ? Why are you obeying the diktats of Capitalists, fake-feminist females and gays who impose an environment of shock, shame and crime into male-female relationships just because one party is below the "magical voting age" of 18 which some idiot decided to arbitrarily call as adult age and which derives from the anti-democratic Anglo political system followed in Britain, USA, India, Pakistan etc that has the drama of multiple political parties and five-yearly elections ?

In the current season of the Indian Idol singing competition, one guest was the actress Sharmila Tagore who was the heroine in the film 'Kashmir Ki Kali' when she was 16 and the hero, Shammi Kapoor was 31 in 1964 when the film was released. Did the film's director "groom" her ? Did Shammi ? Or the film's technicians ? But Sharmila was happy about that film's memory and she guided one of the contestants, the pretty 17-year-old Bidipta Chakraborty ( a "minor" according to idiots, a 17-year-old girl whom the idiots call a child despite the supreme Nature having declared her adult at 13 or 14 ),. Sharmila guided Bidipta about how she should replicated there and then the gestures and poses that Sharmila did in the film. Here is Bidipta :


There is the song "Main sola baras ki, tu satara baras ka" from the 1980 Hindi film Karz.

2300 years ago when Alexander started return to his birth land from India he left governors in the lands conquered. One of them was Seleucus Nikator who was actually Alexander's successor. In time, Helena, the 16-year-old daughter of Seleucus from his Irani wife married the 39-year-old Chandragupta Maurya, the ruler of the Maurya empire of India. Did Helena undergo this thing called "grooming" by anyone ?

With me I find women from 15 to 50 admiring me and flirting with me at times, whether in bringing their cycles towards me deliberately when I am walking or staring at me openly or crossing to my side of the road and then pass me and change to the other side ( this when I am masked ) or be the bold and extra nice shopping assistants in clothing shops or take my picture in a cinema's lounge while she is in company of a male or sit touching my arm when seated side by side in an internet parlor or other things. These are natural happenings. I like them, they like me. They are female and I am male. What is anybody else's business in imposing shock, shame and crime into this natural transaction ?

You must recognize your own contradictions. Modern Communism seeks to abolish the thousands of years old system of money but you will abhor Communism for this even though it is a humane, rational, simple and brilliant idea and its enabling will remove most of the problems of humanity. You also transpose recent Capitalist, fake-moralist, fake-feminist and gay dictatorial ideas about male-female relationships and ignore that 2300 years ago the 16-year-old Helena ( a social upper class ) willing had sex with 39-year-old Chandragupta Maurya. You bring to me the thundering words of fake-moral people who see 15-year-old Macron as having been a victim of a so-called pedophile female teacher who later married him and you justify the words of these fake-moralists but you will be greatly offended and angry if these same fake-moralists whom you justify then start telling you about how ( supposedly ) scandalous was the difference in the marital ages of Hazrat Muhammad and Hazrat Aisha. I don't find scandal and crime and injustice and advantage-taking in any of this, do you ? Also, these same fake-moralist fake-feminist Capitalist people who generate these fake scandals about difference in male-female ages will also be the ones to legitimize males kissing each other passionately in public. So who will you support ? A natural acting me and my female admirers whether they be 15 or 50, or those muscled gays going on pride parades and showing themselves half-naked and kissing other half-naked muscular males ?

I said French Revolution, of the late 1800s, which abolished feudalism and monarchy in France and whose admirer was the great Tipu Sultan of India who set up a Jacobin Club in Mysore. I did not legitimize the French government of the modern times which is part of NATO and was part of the 30+ government military alliance of NATO and GCC in addition to thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood who all invaded the Libyan Jamahiriya, the biggest invasion ever ! French air force planes bombed Muammar Gaddafi's escaping convoy with gas and forced them to hide in pipes in the desert and gave the location to Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood who took Muammar to Tripoli and there was a French intelligence agent on the scene where Muammar was assassinated. I carry the member name Jamahir, my understanding of someone who propagates the Jamahiriya idea. Would I support the current French government and its nuclear-armed military and that hyped up French Foreign Legion ?

I don't hate the entire French people because there are many progressives there too including leftists who have recently been active in protesting against the government for spending resources to support Ukraine's Nazi government against Russia while in France itself prices of food are rising as of other things. This protest is from October 16th, last month, in Paris against inflation and climate inaction and the organizers said 140,000 people attended. I won't quote from the article and post pictures because the article is copy-righted so you must open the link for that.

Please read my reply to your question on my opinion about Macron.

Hazrat Muhammad was the world's first feminist and he brought social and socio-economic rights to the female including her right to choose who she wants to be and to marry him or consent or reject any suitor that her family brings to her and she can do this also during the wedding if she doesn't agree to the terms of the Mahr which is a compulsory pledge to give money or estate to the wife in case of divorce, and the wife has the right to divorce and get the Mahr. There is no concept of assimilation in Islam of the Jewish burqa. Now this among other things I can tell you is what came 1400 years ago. Do you follow and speak for all of this ? Do you stop your sisters and female cousins from living without burqa and being with whichever male they want to be and marry him ? Or do you believe in the Islam-given right to them that their have their own freedom, agency, dignity and you support them and defend them from your misogynist and female-freedom-hating family members and so-called community elders ?

Well, as you read above, the females like me and I like them. Again about 1400 years ago please read and answer the section just above.

Good that you mentioned "Indian" because this is my thread from 2015 about Waseem Raja, a Muslim professor in Aligarh Muslim University who called for shutting down of the madarsas because they are a den of gays and maulanas are involved. :) And speaking of maulanas do you know this Pakistani maulana, Mufti Azizur Rehman, who was arrested last June for raping a male student and threatening ?

So it is your mullahs who love to slam behinds of males with or without consent. What do you say about the pressure tactic of Mufti Azizur Rehman that he put on the boy to get the boy to pleasure him ? What do you say about the madarsa's administration which refused to act on the complaint by the boy against the maulana and instead participated in the boy's rape, with surely many other boys having gone through this ordeal there before ?

And compare the debonair look of Socialist hero Jamal Abdul Nasser to that of the stupid-looking Mufti Azizur Rehman.

And 300-400 women are not enough for you ? What if I told you that revolutionary progressive ideas germinate in the minds of singular people or two or three and then spread ? You claim to be a follower of one such revolutionary set of ideas.

Now if instead of Aurat March of 300-400 women and their male supporters there would have been a Haya March by a Jamia Hafsa group of just 100 all-burqa'ed females you would have crowed about this march, calling them "Defenders of the Faith" and what not. Well, in 2020 there was actually a Haya March by some mullahs and burqis during the Aurat March to counter Aurat March and the mullahs and burqis threw stones on the Aurat March. But I speak of a situation where only Haya March was carried out yesterday in Islamabad or Lahore, you would have propagandized it vociferously on PDF.

From Wikipedia page "Aurat March" :

You surely must adore Shaan Shahid the hypocrite who uses women as disposable props in his films whose couple of photos I have seen as being those stupid fake-manly Gujjar films but about women demanding to exist as the female that Nature created them along with their rights, he declares that their demands and agitation is against Pakistani culture ?

Ironically, Shaah Shahid who made this anti Aurat March statement in 2019 acted 12 years prior in the 2007-released film Khuda Kay Liye which was against irrationalism, misogyny and treating-the-female-as-chattel thinking that goes on in South Asia, including in Pakistan, under the guise of Islam.

No, you are just not acknowledging the scale of the Iran protests. Iran's illegimate mullah government is bombarding Kurd bases in Iraq with missiles because they think these bases provide support to the protesters. You watch those "dawah" beardo thugs in Hyde Park in London like Mohammed "Hijab" who harass people to listen and obey their irrationality and super-cringeyness and convert to what they claim is Islam but is anything but. These beardos have no clue about the iran protests nor is BBC and the Western governments supporting the Irani people in their anti-hijab anti-mullah protests because obviously, Khomenei came to power through help by NATO and NATO will never want any mullah government to fall. There is no emergency gathering of NATO leaders in the United Nation Terrorist Council with statements that they have a "Right 2 Protect" the Irani protesters and therefore the Irani regime should be removed by force, like NATO sent a 30+ militaries NATO+GCC alliance to invade Libyan Jamahiriya in 2011, the largest grouped invasion ever, along with thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood. When are these invasionary parties being sent to Iran especially given that the Gulfie governments are supposed to be great enemies of Iran and the Western governments are supposed to have put great sanctions on Iran and the Irani mullahs used to put out banners calling USA as "The Great Satan" ? In the Libyan Jamahiriya in early 2011 NATO arranged for AQ and "M"B to terrorize Libyan cities and when Libyan security forces acted, NATO declared that Libyan forces was "killing civilians including women and children". No such thing happened there but Libyan Jamahiriya was invaded. Well, the Irani mullah forces have been actually killing civilians including women and children ( there was a two-year-old boy shot two days ago ). So when the invasion then ?

And "protests in a few cities" also means protests in Irani cities, not Martian cities, and the mullah government is doing everything to suppress it. @Parsipride posted a tweet about new IRGC commander brought in to control Tehran because it may fall to the protesters. Now, I am sure you will vociferously condemn Indian military for shooting pellet guns into protesting Kashmiris. Are you going to say that the Indian military is not shooting pellet guns into people elsewhere in India so it shouldn't matter about Kashmir because that pellet gun shooting is confined to only Kashmir ? Now I don't support the pellet gun shootings in Kashmir, I call it great crime. But I want you to talk about you, Kashmir and Iran.

The slogan of the Iranis "Zan, Zindagi, Azaadi" ( Woman, Life, Freedom" is now famous worldwide. You too should chant it, write it on PDF in every suitable place.

How ?

Then you and me should make the world a Communist society. Simples. :)

Males should also not be "defense" enthusiasts. Please read my previous posts asking the OPer, Falcon34, why is he obsessed with war mongering and killing when he should be propagating the idea of abolition of the concept of Nation and thus militaries and thus war itself and adoption of a single progressive political, social and socio-economic systems for all of Earth.

Instead of a male being a nationalist soldier he should be a philosopher, rejecter of irrationality, questioner, spender of time in enabling change of his local society and of the world. This of course should also be what a female should do. Every human a politician, thinker and revolutionary.

Why ? And there has been a female mod, @Moonlight. Though I disagree with some of the forum management including with Webmaster because they banned me 10 days ago for supposedly Islam ( whereas it is they who misunderstand Islam and participated in the mullah lynch mob which called me murtad and all ) I must make the point here that it is the forum management which made Moonlight as a mod.

Secondly, female members @Spring Onion, Moonlight, @Squashh ( all three Pakistani or Pakistan-origin ) and @Hello It's me and @Levina ( both Indian ) have all participated with calmness, humanity and wisdom in political and social and cultural matters including in the music thread, fashion threads and actresses and models threads, something that many male members have not, especially mullah and Hindutvadi filth like Zarvan, Areesh, Sayfullah, Mujahid Memon, Suriya, Sr. Nair, lightoftruth etc. Levina though who was a very good friend of mine here abandoned this forum and very sadly for me, went over to the Hindutvad side maybe two years ago.

Female members, of the intelligent variety as above, should have been lot more on PDF, to temper the paindu'ness, misogyny and general stupidity of most of the male population of PDF.

The words I have underlined contradict those before. Please explain.

I am not "Liberal", I am Communist. Liberal Westerners are the ones to enable you gay mullahs to do so-called dawah in Hyde Park in London because you readily become their gun arm in killing and subverting progressive Muslim-majority countries and movements. Systems like Nasser's Egypt, Muammar's Libya and Bashar's Syria weren't or aren't liberal to you priests. :)You exist because of liberal Westerners.

Secondly, I won't "hit the road". I am on my bed and intend to stay there.

Ha ha, but you just have to employ a mouse for your laptop. Relieve thus your scrollpad of the misery beause my posts will be long when they need to be long. Those "1000-word essays" that Areesh so hates. :D

@Vapnope wrote this on my profile on November 21st :

And I today replied with :
dear middle finger seeker floozy the keera up ur a** will never let you
She can knock someone unconscious with those hard breasts. She jumps, comes down on the head, other party thumps to the ground.

Strong and independent will be a woman who stubbornly rejects the Capitalism, fake-feminism and gay'ism imposed and branded image of the human female to be a thin, muscular artifact and instead she prefers being the chubby self that Nature gives her for her to be feminine. Please check for pics and vids of Russian "plus size" model Viktoria Manas who was made known to me by @SecularNationalist who's also a lover of the voluptuous female.

I live in India, desi land, where when I was pre-teen my mother wore the saree just like many Pakistani women wore it before the Tableeghi dictator Zia ul Haq and now some wear it. Fatima Jinnah too wore the saree. Now my mother wears shalwar kameez. I don't have sisters and am not married so no daughters. If my family lived in pre-NATO-installed-Khomenei Iran or in 1980s Afghanistan my mother and my female relatives could have been well wearing a skirt. So would they in non-Gulfie-Arab-majority lands. Here is a picture of Jamal Abdul Nasser's wife and daughter, wearing skirts and he hated by NATO and its mullah agents the so-called Muslim Brotherhood which tried to assassinate him and for which its so-called spiritual leader, the British-supported mullah terrorist Sayyid Qutb was hanged. So, see the great Muslim Socialist hero Nasser and his wife and daughters :
View attachment 901423

Although Macron is a NATO leader who is continuing Sarkozy's illegal wars in Libya and Syria and I being a Communist, a rational, a progressive and rejecter of imperialism oppose him vehemently I still ask what is this nonsense word "Grooming" ? If 15-year-old Macron was attractive to an older lady and he liked her too - a consensual arrangement - and if this wasn't seen as shock, shame and crime only 15 years ago what is your objection now ? Why are you obeying the diktats of Capitalists, fake-feminist females and gays who impose an environment of shock, shame and crime into male-female relationships just because one party is below the "magical voting age" of 18 which some idiot decided to arbitrarily call as adult age and which derives from the anti-democratic Anglo political system followed in Britain, USA, India, Pakistan etc that has the drama of multiple political parties and five-yearly elections ?

In the current season of the Indian Idol singing competition, one guest was the actress Sharmila Tagore who was the heroine in the film 'Kashmir Ki Kali' when she was 16 and the hero, Shammi Kapoor was 31 in 1964 when the film was released. Did the film's director "groom" her ? Did Shammi ? Or the film's technicians ? But Sharmila was happy about that film's memory and she guided one of the contestants, the pretty 17-year-old Bidipta Chakraborty ( a "minor" according to idiots, a 17-year-old girl whom the idiots call a child despite the supreme Nature having declared her adult at 13 or 14 ),. Sharmila guided Bidipta about how she should replicated there and then the gestures and poses that Sharmila did in the film. Here is Bidipta :


There is the song "Main sola baras ki, tu satara baras ka" from the 1980 Hindi film Karz.

2300 years ago when Alexander started return to his birth land from India he left governors in the lands conquered. One of them was Seleucus Nikator who was actually Alexander's successor. In time, Helena, the 16-year-old daughter of Seleucus from his Irani wife married the 39-year-old Chandragupta Maurya, the ruler of the Maurya empire of India. Did Helena undergo this thing called "grooming" by anyone ?

With me I find women from 15 to 50 admiring me and flirting with me at times, whether in bringing their cycles towards me deliberately when I am walking or staring at me openly or crossing to my side of the road and then pass me and change to the other side ( this when I am masked ) or be the bold and extra nice shopping assistants in clothing shops or take my picture in a cinema's lounge while she is in company of a male or sit touching my arm when seated side by side in an internet parlor or other things. These are natural happenings. I like them, they like me. They are female and I am male. What is anybody else's business in imposing shock, shame and crime into this natural transaction ?

You must recognize your own contradictions. Modern Communism seeks to abolish the thousands of years old system of money but you will abhor Communism for this even though it is a humane, rational, simple and brilliant idea and its enabling will remove most of the problems of humanity. You also transpose recent Capitalist, fake-moralist, fake-feminist and gay dictatorial ideas about male-female relationships and ignore that 2300 years ago the 16-year-old Helena ( a social upper class ) willing had sex with 39-year-old Chandragupta Maurya. You bring to me the thundering words of fake-moral people who see 15-year-old Macron as having been a victim of a so-called pedophile female teacher who later married him and you justify the words of these fake-moralists but you will be greatly offended and angry if these same fake-moralists whom you justify then start telling you about how ( supposedly ) scandalous was the difference in the marital ages of Hazrat Muhammad and Hazrat Aisha. I don't find scandal and crime and injustice and advantage-taking in any of this, do you ? Also, these same fake-moralist fake-feminist Capitalist people who generate these fake scandals about difference in male-female ages will also be the ones to legitimize males kissing each other passionately in public. So who will you support ? A natural acting me and my female admirers whether they be 15 or 50, or those muscled gays going on pride parades and showing themselves half-naked and kissing other half-naked muscular males ?

I said French Revolution, of the late 1800s, which abolished feudalism and monarchy in France and whose admirer was the great Tipu Sultan of India who set up a Jacobin Club in Mysore. I did not legitimize the French government of the modern times which is part of NATO and was part of the 30+ government military alliance of NATO and GCC in addition to thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood who all invaded the Libyan Jamahiriya, the biggest invasion ever ! French air force planes bombed Muammar Gaddafi's escaping convoy with gas and forced them to hide in pipes in the desert and gave the location to Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood who took Muammar to Tripoli and there was a French intelligence agent on the scene where Muammar was assassinated. I carry the member name Jamahir, my understanding of someone who propagates the Jamahiriya idea. Would I support the current French government and its nuclear-armed military and that hyped up French Foreign Legion ?

I don't hate the entire French people because there are many progressives there too including leftists who have recently been active in protesting against the government for spending resources to support Ukraine's Nazi government against Russia while in France itself prices of food are rising as of other things. This protest is from October 16th, last month, in Paris against inflation and climate inaction and the organizers said 140,000 people attended. I won't quote from the article and post pictures because the article is copy-righted so you must open the link for that.

Please read my reply to your question on my opinion about Macron.

Hazrat Muhammad was the world's first feminist and he brought social and socio-economic rights to the female including her right to choose who she wants to be and to marry him or consent or reject any suitor that her family brings to her and she can do this also during the wedding if she doesn't agree to the terms of the Mahr which is a compulsory pledge to give money or estate to the wife in case of divorce, and the wife has the right to divorce and get the Mahr. There is no concept of assimilation in Islam of the Jewish burqa. Now this among other things I can tell you is what came 1400 years ago. Do you follow and speak for all of this ? Do you stop your sisters and female cousins from living without burqa and being with whichever male they want to be and marry him ? Or do you believe in the Islam-given right to them that their have their own freedom, agency, dignity and you support them and defend them from your misogynist and female-freedom-hating family members and so-called community elders ?

Well, as you read above, the females like me and I like them. Again about 1400 years ago please read and answer the section just above.

Good that you mentioned "Indian" because this is my thread from 2015 about Waseem Raja, a Muslim professor in Aligarh Muslim University who called for shutting down of the madarsas because they are a den of gays and maulanas are involved. :) And speaking of maulanas do you know this Pakistani maulana, Mufti Azizur Rehman, who was arrested last June for raping a male student and threatening ?

So it is your mullahs who love to slam behinds of males with or without consent. What do you say about the pressure tactic of Mufti Azizur Rehman that he put on the boy to get the boy to pleasure him ? What do you say about the madarsa's administration which refused to act on the complaint by the boy against the maulana and instead participated in the boy's rape, with surely many other boys having gone through this ordeal there before ?

And compare the debonair look of Socialist hero Jamal Abdul Nasser to that of the stupid-looking Mufti Azizur Rehman.

And 300-400 women are not enough for you ? What if I told you that revolutionary progressive ideas germinate in the minds of singular people or two or three and then spread ? You claim to be a follower of one such revolutionary set of ideas.

Now if instead of Aurat March of 300-400 women and their male supporters there would have been a Haya March by a Jamia Hafsa group of just 100 all-burqa'ed females you would have crowed about this march, calling them "Defenders of the Faith" and what not. Well, in 2020 there was actually a Haya March by some mullahs and burqis during the Aurat March to counter Aurat March and the mullahs and burqis threw stones on the Aurat March. But I speak of a situation where only Haya March was carried out yesterday in Islamabad or Lahore, you would have propagandized it vociferously on PDF.

From Wikipedia page "Aurat March" :

You surely must adore Shaan Shahid the hypocrite who uses women as disposable props in his films whose couple of photos I have seen as being those stupid fake-manly Gujjar films but about women demanding to exist as the female that Nature created them along with their rights, he declares that their demands and agitation is against Pakistani culture ?

Ironically, Shaah Shahid who made this anti Aurat March statement in 2019 acted 12 years prior in the 2007-released film Khuda Kay Liye which was against irrationalism, misogyny and treating-the-female-as-chattel thinking that goes on in South Asia, including in Pakistan, under the guise of Islam.

No, you are just not acknowledging the scale of the Iran protests. Iran's illegimate mullah government is bombarding Kurd bases in Iraq with missiles because they think these bases provide support to the protesters. You watch those "dawah" beardo thugs in Hyde Park in London like Mohammed "Hijab" who harass people to listen and obey their irrationality and super-cringeyness and convert to what they claim is Islam but is anything but. These beardos have no clue about the iran protests nor is BBC and the Western governments supporting the Irani people in their anti-hijab anti-mullah protests because obviously, Khomenei came to power through help by NATO and NATO will never want any mullah government to fall. There is no emergency gathering of NATO leaders in the United Nation Terrorist Council with statements that they have a "Right 2 Protect" the Irani protesters and therefore the Irani regime should be removed by force, like NATO sent a 30+ militaries NATO+GCC alliance to invade Libyan Jamahiriya in 2011, the largest grouped invasion ever, along with thousands of Al Qaeda and so-called Muslim Brotherhood. When are these invasionary parties being sent to Iran especially given that the Gulfie governments are supposed to be great enemies of Iran and the Western governments are supposed to have put great sanctions on Iran and the Irani mullahs used to put out banners calling USA as "The Great Satan" ? In the Libyan Jamahiriya in early 2011 NATO arranged for AQ and "M"B to terrorize Libyan cities and when Libyan security forces acted, NATO declared that Libyan forces was "killing civilians including women and children". No such thing happened there but Libyan Jamahiriya was invaded. Well, the Irani mullah forces have been actually killing civilians including women and children ( there was a two-year-old boy shot two days ago ). So when the invasion then ?

And "protests in a few cities" also means protests in Irani cities, not Martian cities, and the mullah government is doing everything to suppress it. @Parsipride posted a tweet about new IRGC commander brought in to control Tehran because it may fall to the protesters. Now, I am sure you will vociferously condemn Indian military for shooting pellet guns into protesting Kashmiris. Are you going to say that the Indian military is not shooting pellet guns into people elsewhere in India so it shouldn't matter about Kashmir because that pellet gun shooting is confined to only Kashmir ? Now I don't support the pellet gun shootings in Kashmir, I call it great crime. But I want you to talk about you, Kashmir and Iran.

The slogan of the Iranis "Zan, Zindagi, Azaadi" ( Woman, Life, Freedom" is now famous worldwide. You too should chant it, write it on PDF in every suitable place.

How ?

Then you and me should make the world a Communist society. Simples. :)

Males should also not be "defense" enthusiasts. Please read my previous posts asking the OPer, Falcon34, why is he obsessed with war mongering and killing when he should be propagating the idea of abolition of the concept of Nation and thus militaries and thus war itself and adoption of a single progressive political, social and socio-economic systems for all of Earth.

Instead of a male being a nationalist soldier he should be a philosopher, rejecter of irrationality, questioner, spender of time in enabling change of his local society and of the world. This of course should also be what a female should do. Every human a politician, thinker and revolutionary.

Why ? And there has been a female mod, @Moonlight. Though I disagree with some of the forum management including with Webmaster because they banned me 10 days ago for supposedly Islam ( whereas it is they who misunderstand Islam and participated in the mullah lynch mob which called me murtad and all ) I must make the point here that it is the forum management which made Moonlight as a mod.

Secondly, female members @Spring Onion, Moonlight, @Squashh ( all three Pakistani or Pakistan-origin ) and @Hello It's me and @Levina ( both Indian ) have all participated with calmness, humanity and wisdom in political and social and cultural matters including in the music thread, fashion threads and actresses and models threads, something that many male members have not, especially mullah and Hindutvadi filth like Zarvan, Areesh, Sayfullah, Mujahid Memon, Suriya, Sr. Nair, lightoftruth etc. Levina though who was a very good friend of mine here abandoned this forum and very sadly for me, went over to the Hindutvad side maybe two years ago.

Female members, of the intelligent variety as above, should have been lot more on PDF, to temper the paindu'ness, misogyny and general stupidity of most of the male population of PDF.

The words I have underlined contradict those before. Please explain.

I am not "Liberal", I am Communist. Liberal Westerners are the ones to enable you gay mullahs to do so-called dawah in Hyde Park in London because you readily become their gun arm in killing and subverting progressive Muslim-majority countries and movements. Systems like Nasser's Egypt, Muammar's Libya and Bashar's Syria weren't or aren't liberal to you priests. :)You exist because of liberal Westerners.

Secondly, I won't "hit the road". I am on my bed and intend to stay there.

Ha ha, but you just have to employ a mouse for your laptop. Relieve thus your scrollpad of the misery beause my posts will be long when they need to be long. Those "1000-word essays" that Areesh so hates. :D

@Vapnope wrote this on my profile on November 21st :

And I today replied with :
so u do your business while laying on bed lol. keep it up floooozy. i hope u get paid in $$$:enjoy:

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