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Another terrorattack in Belgium

Troubling times for Muslims in Europe.
Just 2 days ago in Illinois, USA, a fundamentalist psychopath brutally murdered a 6 year old Muslim child. If it is not hypocrisy for people who cannot write a single word about this to try to isolate the terrorist act in Brussels over 'islamic terrorism', it is no longer possible to define hypocrisy.
Just 2 days ago in Illinois, USA, a fundamentalist psychopath brutally murdered a 6 year old Muslim child. If it is not hypocrisy for people who cannot write a single word about this to try to isolate the terrorist act in Brussels over 'islamic terrorism', it is no longer possible to define hypocrisy.
Jewish Mossad ISIS wants to trigger race and religious wars if it means saving Israel. They'll go to any extent. Lots of Europeans have no lives and are severely mentally ill so they'll look for things like this to happen to push agenda.

If all the immigrants left Europe, they'll make casus belli to come after them in their countries. They're sick with a Jewish and satanic disease that keeps them in never ending circle of misery. As they hate themselves and their miserable social lives which is is as result of Jewish pop culture but are too weak to own up to the truth and respond with Boogeyman coping.
Isis is a cia asset. They only show up when the cia needs work done. That’s why they were most active in the fight against Assad. This is probably a false flag meant to control public opinion which was rightfully turning on Israel.
Instead of killing two zionist pigs that lunatic killed two football fans. What an idiot...
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