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Bigger Threat to the World?



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Oct 23, 2006
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which one is a bigger threat?
a simple question
why US is more anxious about Iran's 3,5 % uranium enrichment study than north Korea's nuclear capable rockets?
Iran poses a direct threat to Israel which Americans will defend at all cost! ;)
is US the defender or guard or baby-sitter of Israel?
why do they need to defend Israel more than their own existence?
N.Korea threats directly US,on the contrary Iran threats Israel...
is US the defender or guard or baby-sitter of Israel?
why do they need to defend Israel more than their own existence?
N.Korea threats directly US,on the contrary Iran threats Israel...

The prophecy in the bible must come true, they must defend Israel at any cost
The prophecy in the bible must come true, they must defend Israel at any cost

I am not really sure if the western goverments are religous, but iam sure that they need isreal to keep arabia under control and they need isreal to do their dirty work. (Remember iraqi nuclear facilites being bombed by the isreali AF in the 80's) :)
I am not really sure if the western goverments are religous, but iam sure that they need isreal to keep arabia under control and they need isreal to do their dirty work. (Remember iraqi nuclear facilites being bombed by the isreali AF in the 80's) :)

Bush is an evangelist Christain
Bush is an evangelist Christain

Iam aware of that, but there is a huge difference between being muslim, and following islam, being christen, and following christiny. If bush was religous then why do issues like same-sex and other things are still around??
Iam aware of that, but there is a huge difference between being muslim, and following islam, being christen, and following christiny. If bush was religous then why do issues like same-sex and other things are still around??

Its banned, they are still debating about it. only 9 states recocgnise some type of same-sex union
I am not really sure if the western goverments are religous, but iam sure that they need isreal to keep arabia under control and they need isreal to do their dirty work. (Remember iraqi nuclear facilites being bombed by the isreali AF in the 80's) :)
Its all about controlling the oilfields and as long as there's oil in the Arabia peninsula, US will have to protect its only true ally: Israel.
Its all about controlling the oilfields and as long as there's oil in the Arabia peninsula, US will have to protect its only true ally: Israel.

And after oil is ben fully drained?Will they leave Israel at the mercy of Arabs.
And after oil is ben fully drained?Will they leave Israel at the mercy of Arabs.

i dont think so:disagree:
but we must define and remember that Europeans and US Gov. have different reasons for defending Israel.
i can say ,some Europeans r against Israeli vandalism towards innocents but pressure of US Gov. is too big to endure ,also there is a big amount of social pressure just because of the past Jews had in Europe.but they need to remember that Israel is not under control of Jews anymore.Israel is controlled by racist ateists Israelis.
to be more precise when we look from side of current Gov., the problem is far important than oil crap.
anyway,A.Rahman mentioned what Bush is.nevertheless,it is difficult to say US politicians r not self-seeker.:coffee:
Threat is what is percieved by one. Facts are immaterial. At present, there is only one super power. US will do all it can to maintain this status and would use whatever pretex she needs to attack the country US percieves as counter to her interests.

You are our friend as long as we need you. You are our enemy if you dont do what we desire. More the danger of defiance, bigger the threat. This is 'real politik'. All the think tanks and monies spent on weapons research are towards one and only one purpose; to keep US more powerful than any other country. If Iran has nuclear weapons, it becomes more difficult to control, hence bigger threat. US would go to war if China attacks Taiwan, because it would remove a pin prick from China's backyard and thus against US designs.

Israel's benefit to US is now nearing it end. You would see that once Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan are pacified, US would no longer back Israel. Remember the Suez Crisis 1n 1956, Israel was an ally of France and UK and was forced to give up all of its gains because John Foster Dulles didnot think Egypt as a threat. It was only after Nasser started flirting with USSR that Israel became US blue eyed boy.
is US the defender or guard or baby-sitter of Israel?
why do they need to defend Israel more than their own existence?
N.Korea threats directly US,on the contrary Iran threats Israel...

N.Korea does not have any ICBMs which can reach american mainland as yet(correct me if i'm wrong). What the americans are more worried about is a war between North and South Korea .Seoul is within range of the North korean artilery forget their missiles.
Evangelical Christains believe that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will descend at Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem when the world nears Judgement day. So, according to Bible, Jerusalem should belong to Jews. So, US President Bush, who is an evangelical christain, is supporting Israel, and will go at any lengths to defend it...

Remember, USA is not a secular country like India, but its constitution has approved "Christainity" as state religion...

Israelis are taking advantage of USA, and the people of US are so ignorant, they hardly vote...

So the world's strongest and richest nation is run by Zionists. So much so that no politician in the US can hope to win elections if it displeases Israel...

Please visit www.antiwar.com for more analysis...
Iran's nuclear threat is of more concern than Nth Korea because it is more credible. Nth Korea can't even manage a 'pop' as big as the original bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Also it is rightly perceived as Chinas problem and is well contained by China to the north and Sth Korea/America to the South.
Iran however is a much more credible regime in a critically important strategic area, hence Iran is regarded as much more capable of causing disruption.
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