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Indonesia General Election (President and Parliament) 2024 news and update

Government Estimates 205 Million Voters for 2024 Elections​

DECEMBER 14, 2022


Home Affairs Minister Deputy John Wempi Wetipo, second right, symbolically hands documents of voters to General Election Commission (KPU) Chairman Hasyim Asyari at the KPU building in Jakarta on December 14, 2022. (B-Universe Photo/Ichsan Ali)

Jakarta. The government on Wednesday handed the list of more than 205 million potential voters to the General Election Commission, of KPU, for Indonesia’s historic elections in 2024 when eligible citizens for the first time ever will elect leaders from mayors to the president and legislative members from the district level to the national legislature in the same year.

The figures include 1.8 million voters living in foreign countries.

The number of voters countrywide is estimated at 204 million distributed in all 38 provinces, according to John Wempi Wetipo, a deputy for the home affairs minister.
"Why 38 provinces? Because there are four new provinces in Papua, including South Papua, Papua Mountains, Central Papua, and Southwest Papua," John told reporters at the KPU headquarters in Jakarta.

"Our colleagues from the dukcapil [Citizenship and Civil Registration Office] have collected data on the estimate of 204 million voters across Indonesia by the time the election processions begin on February 14, 2024," John added.

On the same occasion, the Foreign Affairs Ministry also handed the data of 1.8 million voters living overseas, comprising of 1.06 million female citizens and around 740,000 male citizens.

Siti Nugraha Maulidia, an expert staff of the ministry, said representative offices will continue updating the data in accordance with the mobility of Indonesian citizens living in other countries.

"We have 133 representative offices across the globe,” she said.

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Cadres Come Out a Lot, Culture at PSI Is Called Unhealthy​


Deputy Chairman of DPW PSI DKI Rian Ernest at the Presidential Palace Jakarta, Thursday, July 18, 2019. Tempo/Friski Riana

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review, Ujang Komarudin, assessed the resignation of a number of PSI members as a form of disappointment of the former cadres with the direction of the party. This was in response to the retreat of a number of PSI cadres who came out, such as Rian Ernest.

"They are already uncomfortable because the culture in PSI is no longer healthy. Instead of fighting for the values of idealism, they tend to be part of power," Ujang said on Saturday, December 17, 2022.

The Al Azhar University lecturer added that one of the shifts in PSI's ideals can be seen from the political steps that have been taken. Ujang said the PSI, which has been carrying out the concept of a critical party since the beginning, now seems to be a shield for the government to attack opposing parties.

"It should have been intended from the beginning that PSI was intended to be an objective party. May be a supporter of Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin, but there must also be an effort to criticize performance. If you look at it now, it becomes pragmatic like other parties," he said.

In addition, according to Ujang, the exodus of senior PSI cadres could have a serious impact on the contestation of the upcoming 2024 elections. He said the departure of many cadres who were already known to the public could have caused PSI's vote share to drop.
"An example is the former DPW PSI Jakarta who in yesterday's regional elections managed to produce six or eight seats in the DPRD. This means that they have lost potential cadres," Ujang said.

In line with Ujang, Political Researcher of the State Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Wasisto Raharho Jati, also assessed that the exodus of PSI cadres showed internal party dissatisfaction. This means that, he said, there is conflict management within the party that has not been properly organized.

"It is possible that the current direction of the party does not match what the former cadres have believed so far," he said when contacted by Tempo.

Poltracking is a respected survey company


Latest survey on Java island by Poltracking



Party popularity in Jakarta

West Java


Central Java

Ganjar dominant

East Java

Ganjar most popular but Anies in second position has good number as well. (Competitive)

Anies Baswedan interview in English

His likely VP candidate is Ridwan Kamil, West Java Governor

Or Sandiaga Uno


From left: General Election Commission (KPU) Chairman Hasyim Asyari, B-Universe Executive Chairman Enggartiasto Lukita, and B-Universe CEO Rio Abdurachman symbolically launch the election channel at BTV studio in Jakarta on December 15, 2022. (David Gita Roza)

Election Chief Allows Parties to Make Early Media Appearance​

DECEMBER 15, 2022

Jakarta. General Election Commission (KPU) Chairman Hasyim Asyari on Thursday indicated that he won’t be so rigid about political parties seeking publicity before the campaign season for the 2024 general elections begins.
He said allegations of jumping the start of the campaign have always invited unnecessary and prolonged debates because of multi-interpretations about the matter.

His remarks came a day after the KPU announced that 17 political parties are eligible to compete in the elections. They include nine parties that have seats in the House of Representatives and eight challengers.

Participating parties were given numerical sequences by choice and drawing to allow easier identification among voters.

Hasyim said the KPU will maintain a flexible stance on potential campaign violations.

“Are they allowed to appear on TV or speak to the media just to say hello and introduce their party and numerical sequence?” Hasyim asked rhetorically at BTV studio in Jakarta.

“One definition of a campaign is image-building – either by making mentions of the party’s name, numerical order, or symbol. In our opinion, such statements merely carry introductory purposes, so it’s not a violation as long as there is no ‘vote for us’ call,” he added.

“We need to say this to prevent protracted debates because political parties need to publicly announce that they have officially become participants of the 2024 general elections.”

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Hasyim called on eligible voters to check on the KPU website if they were already registered with the KPU. The website provides online application forms but voters can also register themselves at the nearest KPU’s district and provincial offices.

“This is very important because only registered voters can cast their ballots,” he said.

Indonesian voters for the first time in history will elect leaders from mayors to the president and legislative members from the district level to the national legislatures all in the same year.

I hope who ever become next President, Sri Mulyani, will still become our Finance Minister.


Ridwan Kamil Joins Golkar Party, Observer: The Right Move​

Story from JPNN.COM • 53 minutes ago


jabar.jpnn.com, BANDUNG - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil officially became a cadre of the Golkar Party. The move of the number one person in West Java was considered appropriate and strategic.

Anies Baswedan and Agus Yudhoyono is likely becoming President and VP candidate from Nasional Democrat, Democrat, and PKS (Justice and Welfare Party) Coalition. After Ridwan Kamil goes to Golkar Party and is likely targeting Jakarta Governor in 2024, it is very likely this scenario becomes reality.


Presidential Threshold Met, Anies Enters into Presidential Election Competition​

Story from Teguh Firmansyah • Yesterday 21.51

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Former DKI Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan is taking steps to run as a potential presidential candidate. The assurance came after the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) officially endorsed Anies.


Deputy Speaker of the PKS Shura Assembly, Mohamad Sohibul Iman (third from left), Spokesperson for the Small Team of the Coalition for Change Sudirman Said (fourth from left), Democratic Secretary General Tengku Riefky Harsya (second from left), and PKS ranks in a press conference about Anies Baswedan's support as a 2024 Presidential candidate in the Soekarno-Hatta Airport area, Tangerang, Monday (30/1/2023).© Republika/Eva Rianti

With the support of the PKS, it means that there are already three parties that support the former rector of Paramadina. Previously, Nasdem and Democrats had formally expressed support. If the three join forces, then in total it has met the threshold of presidential treshold.

In accordance with the rules, the presidential threshold (PT) in the 2024 Presidential Election is 20 percent of parliamentary seats or 25 percent of the national valid vote

Meanwhile, based on the counting of seats in the DPR, Nasdem already has 59 or 10.26 percent of the total 575 members of the DPR RI. Then the PKS with 50 seats (8.7 percent) and the Democrats 54 seats (9.4 percent). In total, the three parties have 28.36 percent of the seats in the DPR.

"As shown in the small team of coalitions of parties supporting Anies Rasyid Baswedan, the PKS has consistently been part of the parties carrying Anies Rasyid Baswedan in the 2024 Presidential Election. So that this coalition meets the presidential threshold of 20 percent," said Deputy Speaker of the Shura Assembly of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Mohamad Sohibul Iman in the Soekarno-Hatta Airport area, Tangerang, Monday (30/1).

PKS, he said, will formally submit a declaration of support to Anies at the PKS national working meeting (Rakernas) on February 24, 2023. The national meeting will be held in conjunction with the PKS Shura Assembly Meeting.

"It is possible that there will be an acceleration according to the evolving political dynamics, especially after the Chairman of the PKS Shura Assembly and the PKS President return to the country on February 3, 2023," said Sohibul.

Anies himself has met three criteria produced by the PKS Shura Assembly in August 2022. First, Anies is seen as a symbol of change that can bring a better future for Indonesia.

Second, Anies is a religious figure. But on the other hand, the former governor of DKI Jakarta is a nationalist figure who has proven his track record and commitment to the nation.

"Third, of course is that he has electability that allows him to win. We do not have the term of having the highest survey electability, because today's dynamics are certainly different from the dynamics on February 14, 2024," said Sohibul.

The head of the Anies Baswedan team, Sudirman Said, was grateful that the PKS officially stated its attitude. The coalition consisting of the Nasdem Party, the Democratic Party, and the PKS is said to be ready to carry Anies as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

"Because today Mr. Anies is the first presidential candidate to get a sufficient amount of official support. This means that the ark of the Coalition of Change struggle is immediately preparing to sail to various challenges," sudirman said.

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Jokowi answered journalist about his meeting with Surya Paloh (Anies Baswedan Camp) Yesterday.

Golkar met with Surya Paloh (Nasdem Party Chairman) Today

The meeting between NASDEM and Golkar party is really big thing for Indonesian politics. These parties have their own coalition parties for 2024 election. If these power is united, it can give bigger possibility to win election in 2024. As Ridwan Kamil has already been in Golkar, so why dont make Anies-Ridwan as President/VP candidate ?

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Ridwan Kamil is the most popular for Vice President position (Indikator latest Survey-The most trusted survey company in Indonesia under Burhanudin Muhtadi)

‘A great loss’: Hanura regrets Wiranto departure to PAN


Wiranto (left) talks with Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati (center) and head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa at the Bogor Palace, West Java, in November 2020. (Antara/Sigid Kurniawan)

Yerica Lai (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta
● Sat, February 18, 2023

Hanura Party executive has expressed his sorrow at the news that the party founder Wiranto will join the National Mandate Party (PAN) after a years-long rift between the party’s patron and the current leadership.

Inas Nasrullah Zubir, chairman of Hanura’s central executive board, said that Wiranto’s choice to depart the party and join PAN was “a choice that must be respected by everyone” and that every Indonesian, including Wiranto, had the right to make their political choice. “It was extraordinary luck for the National Mandate Party that Pak Wiranto would drop his anchor in the party led by Zulkifli Hasan. [Wiranto’s presence] will add to the party’s political strength,” Inas said on Thursday.

Inas, who had blamed Wiranto for the party’s poor showing in the last election, recalled Wiranto as a huge figure who had contributed greatly to the party. “As a member of the Hanura Party who was nurtured by Pak Wiranto, one certainly would feel the loss of a major figure who has contributed to the founding of the Hanura Party and gave birth to many councilors across the districts, cities and provinces and at a national level,” Inas said. “If it wasn’t because of him, maybe I myself would never have sat in the legislature back then,” he added.

Wiranto, a former Indonesian Military (TNI) commander, formed Hanura with several retired Army generals after he failed to win the 2004 presidential election. The party secured House of Representatives seats during both the 2009 and 2014 legislative elections but fell short in the 2019 elections.

Hanura’s loss at the time led to finger-pointing between Wiranto and Hanura chairman Oesman Sapta Odang. Political analysts have cited the rift as one of the reasons behind Hanura’s failure in the 2019 election since the party’s leaders had been more focused on settling the internal conflict instead of focusing on securing more support from the public.

After the 2019 elections, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo appointed Wiranto to lead the presidential advisory board (Wantimpres) after Oesman declined the position when he was offered it and said that the role would require him to give up his chairmanship and he would rather continue to manage his party.

PAN, which joined the ruling coalition in 2021, is set to hold a national working meeting on Feb. 26 in Semarang, Central Java, to discuss its electoral strategy to contest the 2024 general elections. The event, senior PAN member Yandri Susanto said, would be opened by Jokowi.


Official! PKS Declares Anies Baswedan as 2024 Presidential Candidate​

The story of Anggi Tondi Martaon • 1 hour ago


A billboard with the words Anies Baswedan for the President of the Republic of Indonesia 2024 at the DPP PKS Office. Photo: Medcom.id/Anggi Tondi Martaon

Jakarta: The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has officially declared Anies Baswedan as a candidate for the presidency (capres) which will be carried in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). Anies' name was officially announced in the Shura Assembly Deliberations.

Anies' declaration was marked by the opening of a billboard with an image of Anies reading Anies Baswedan for the President of the Republic of Indonesia 2024. The big billboard is in front of the DPP PKS Office, Jakarta.

Anies Baswedan appears to be present directly in this declaration. Also gathered were all PKS officials and functionaries.

"Togetherness with PKS is not something new," said Anies in his remarks at the PKS DPP Office, Jakarta, Thursday, February 23, 2023.

Anies did not forget the process and role of the PKS when fighting in the DKI Governorate. Anies also felt the same process in the process of carrying it out as a candidate for the capres on this day. Anies also said he accepted the nomination.

"Allow it with humility and hope for the blessings and help of Allah SWT, we are very honored to officially accept the candidacy as the 2024 presidential candidate of the Republic of Indonesia from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS)," said Anies.

Through this declaration, Anies has officially bagged the support of three parties. Previously, the NasDem Party had declared Anies as a candidate for the presidential election in October 2022. Then, the Democratic Party has also expressed its support for the former Governor of DKI Jakarta. The PKS party fulfilled the provisions for the threshold requirements for the suspension of presidential decrees for Anies.


Other new development

Jokowi and AHY met Yesterday. AHY party, Democrat, is opposition party under current administration. Both Jokowi and AHY will compete in 2024 next election as AHY party join 3 parties coalition to support Anies Baswedan as next President while Jokowi is known to support Ganjar Pranowo, Central Java Governor, who is a member of PDI-P.


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