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Indonesia General Election (President and Parliament) 2024 news and update

Indonesia parliament won't allow power vacuum over election ruling - deputy speaker​


March 14, 2023 — 12:40 am EDT
Written by Stefanno Sulaiman for Reuters ->

JAKARTA, March 14 (Reuters) - Indonesia's parliament will ensure there is no vacuum of power in the country despite a controversial court ruling to delay the 2024 presidential and general elections, its deputy speaker said on Tuesday.

The surprise March 2 decision by a Jakarta district court, which law experts say it had no authority to make, has added fuel to a lingering debate on whether President Joko Widodo should be allowed to stay in power longer, despite him next year reaching the two-term limit set by the constitution.

Deputy house speaker Lodewijk F. Paulus on Tuesday told parliament the constitution makes clear that elections must be held every five years.

"The Indonesian parliament will give extra attention to the resolution of these legal issues, so that there will not be a vacuum of executive or legislative powers," he said.

He did not elaborate on steps parliament could take.

The election commission appealed the ruling last week and has said it would proceed with poll preparations as normal, despite the court ordering those be stopped for more than two years.

It is not clear when a decision on the appeal will be made.

The case was brought by a little-known party that was formed in 2021 and has no election history, which said its application to register had been unfairly denied by the poll body.

Jokowi, as the president is known, backs the appeal against the ruling and has said he is against the idea of extending his tenure.

The prospect of allowing a third term for the leader of the world's third-largest democracy has been floated by some of his political allies, but opinion polls so far indicate many Indonesians would be against it.

(Reporting by Stefanno Sulaiman; Writing by Stanley Widianto; Editing by Martin Petty)


Anies Talks about Coalitions Making Announcements, Debauchery, but Not Making any Impact​

News from Tempo.co • 5 hours ago


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Prospective presidential candidate Anies Baswedan appreciates the three political parties that are serious about echoing the message of change with him. The parties are the NasDem Party, Democrats, and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) which plans to form a Coalition for Change.

Thanks to the seriousness of the three political parties, Anies hopes that soon there will be a fourth political party. However, he said the announcement of the new personnel candidates of the Coalition for Change will not be rushed to be announced, given that the culture that is upheld is a complete work, not just an announcement.

"We see that the seriousness of these three political parties, hopefully soon there will be a fourth. We used to work done, just announcements. It's not an announcement, it's debauchery, it's not the goods," said Anies in the Ancol area, North Jakarta, Thursday, March 16, 2023.

Anies Baswedan reminded that the important point is not the number of coalition personnel. According to him, the message of change and improvement will be able to reach more audiences when the number of political parties supporting it is greater.

He said he intended to restore the values and spirit of the nation's founders. Therefore, Anies, who often touts the jargon of change and improvement, is reluctant to be affiliated with the question of continuing or not continuing the previous leadership.

"If you use the language, NasDem is restoration. Because restoration means returning to the original. This should be a message for all," he said.

Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election, the coalition map has begun to show. The Golkar Party, the National Mandate Party (PAN), and the United Development Party (PPP) partnered in the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB).

Meanwhile, the Gerindra Party and the National Awakening Party (PKB) are working together in the Great Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KIB). The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) has not yet determined a coalition.

Despite declaring a coalition, KIB and KIR have not announced the presidential election in 2024. So far, only Anies is the only presidential candidate who has a ticket to contest the 2024 Presidential Election.

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Nasdem party held Break Fasting gathering in Nasdem Tower. All Coalition parties, Anies Baswedan, and PPP and Golkar Parties leaders are invited. Pakistan Ambassador is also invited.

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Survey Indicators: Erick Thohir's Electability as Vice President Skyrocketing​

News from Erik Purnama Putra • 2 hours ago


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Executive Director of the Indonesian Political Indicator (IPI), Burhanuddin Muhtadi said that the vice presidential candidate (vice president) will be the decisive figure for the victory of presidential candidates (candidates) in the 2024 presidential election. From the results of the IPI survey entitled 'Electoral Dynamics of Presidential Candidates and Public Choice Vice Presidents in the Two Latest Surnas', Burhanuddin said, the top three presidential candidates, namely Anies Rasyid Baswedan, Ganjar Pranowo, and Prabowo Subianto tend to be balanced.


Executive director of Indikator Politik Indonesia, Burhanuddin Muhtadi.© Republika/ Wihdan

"Because no one is dominant at the candidate level, it is important to see who will be the vice president who is able to cover the electoral weaknesses of the top three names, because no one is dominant, the vice president will be crucial," Burhanuddin said during an IPI survey presentation entitled 'Electoral Dynamics of Presidential Candidates and Public Choice Vice Presidents in the Two Latest Surnas' in Jakarta, Sunday (26/3/2023).

Burhanuddin said that the survey results through a number of simulations of vice presidents of 18 names, nine names, and five names showed changes in electability. In the simulation of 18 vice president names, names such as M Ridwan Kamil, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, and Erick Thohir competed quite fiercely.

But in trend, he said, support for the vice president has not changed much, except for Erick who has increased. "While in the simulation of nine mamas, Ridwan Kamil dropped quite sharply. Support for Erick Thohir is strong and greatest. Erick rose quite sharply from 10 percent to 14.5 percent. Of the four names that experienced a very positive increase, it was Erick," said Burhanuddin.

He said that in the simulation of seven names, Sandiaga and Ridwan Kamil were thrown out of the competition. Practically only AHY and ET compete fiercely with a difference of only three percent. Even with the simulation of five vice president names that again put Erick in the top position.

"Among the five names of vice presidents, changes mainly occurred between RK and ET that showed the best pattern. At a time when RK's electability was significant, ET's favorability actually increased sharply," Burhanuddin said.

According to Burhanuddin, the survey population is all Indonesian citizens who have the right to vote with the age of more than 17 years or are married. Self-sampling using the multistage random sampling method. Burhanuddin said the survey was carried out twice, namely on February 9-16, 2023 with a total sample of 1,220 people.
The sample comes from all provinces proportionally distributed. Assuming a simple random sampling method, Burhanuddin said, the sample size of 1,200 respondents has an error tolerance or margin of error of about 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

While the second survey was conducted to 800 people on March 12-18, 2023 with a fault tolerance of about 3.5 percent at a 95 percent confidence level. "Selected respondents were interviewed face-to-face by trained interviewers," Burhanuddin said.

Quality control of the interview results was carried out randomly by 20 percent of the total sample by supervisors by returning to selected respondents. In quality control no significant errors were found.


Indos assessment : Indikator is the most trusted political survey company in Indonesia.
Here are the electability of 34 presidential candidates with a simulation of 34 semi-open names according to the Indonesian Political Indicator:

1. Ganjar Pranowo: 30.8 percent

2. Prabowo Subianto: 21.7 percent

3. Anies Baswedan: 21.7 percent

4. Ridwan Kamil: 6.3 percent

5. Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono: 1.6 percent

6. Sandiaga Uno: 1.1 percent

7. Khofifah Indar Parawansa: 1 percent

8. Erick Thohir: 0.9 percent

9. Mrs. Maharani: 0.6 percent

10. Habib Rizieq: 0.6 percent

11. Abdul Somad: 0.6 percent

12. Muhaimin Iskandar: 0.5 percent

13. Hary Tanoesoedibjo: 0.4 percent

14. Susi Pudjiastuti: 0.4 percent

15. Ma'ruf Amin: 0.4 percent

16. Bahlil Lahadalia: 0.4 percent

17. Mahfud MD: 0.3 percent

18. Andika Perkasa: 0.2 percent

19. Tri Rismaharini: 0.2 percent

20. Airlangga Hartarto: 0.2 percent

21. Surya Paloh: 0.1 percent

22. Gatot Nurmantyo: 0.1 percent

Rating 23-34: 0 percent.

The Indonesian Political Indicators survey itself was conducted with face-to-face interviews on February 9-16, 2023 and March 12-18, 2023.

The total sample of respondents validly interviewed in the February 2023 survey totaled 1,200 people, with a margin of error of about 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level

Meanwhile, in March 2023, there are 800 respondents interviewed with a margin of error of 3.5 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

Sampling in this survey uses a multistage random sampling method. (***)

This article was published on Kompas.com with the title Political Indicator Survey: Ganjar Electability 30 Percent, Anies and Prabowo Balanced 21.7 Percent

Here are the electability of 34 presidential candidates with a simulation of 34 semi-open names according to the Indonesian Political Indicator:

1. Ganjar Pranowo: 30.8 percent

2. Prabowo Subianto: 21.7 percent

3. Anies Baswedan: 21.7 percent

4. Ridwan Kamil: 6.3 percent

5. Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono: 1.6 percent

6. Sandiaga Uno: 1.1 percent

7. Khofifah Indar Parawansa: 1 percent

8. Erick Thohir: 0.9 percent

9. Mrs. Maharani: 0.6 percent

10. Habib Rizieq: 0.6 percent

11. Abdul Somad: 0.6 percent

12. Muhaimin Iskandar: 0.5 percent

13. Hary Tanoesoedibjo: 0.4 percent

14. Susi Pudjiastuti: 0.4 percent

15. Ma'ruf Amin: 0.4 percent

16. Bahlil Lahadalia: 0.4 percent

17. Mahfud MD: 0.3 percent

18. Andika Perkasa: 0.2 percent

19. Tri Rismaharini: 0.2 percent

20. Airlangga Hartarto: 0.2 percent

21. Surya Paloh: 0.1 percent

22. Gatot Nurmantyo: 0.1 percent

Rating 23-34: 0 percent.

The Indonesian Political Indicators survey itself was conducted with face-to-face interviews on February 9-16, 2023 and March 12-18, 2023.

The total sample of respondents validly interviewed in the February 2023 survey totaled 1,200 people, with a margin of error of about 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level

Meanwhile, in March 2023, there are 800 respondents interviewed with a margin of error of 3.5 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

Sampling in this survey uses a multistage random sampling method. (***)

This article was published on Kompas.com with the title Political Indicator Survey: Ganjar Electability 30 Percent, Anies and Prabowo Balanced 21.7 Percent

Who are you supporting bro? Which candidate do you think is the best for Indonesia?
Who are you supporting bro? Which candidate do you think is the best for Indonesia?
Anies Baswedan is my first choice
Second choice is Ganjar Pranowo
Parties Survey February-March 2023 (Indikator)


Ganjar is interviewed by Indonesian most famous female journalist, Najwa Shihab.

PDI-P hasnt announced its 2024 President candidate until now.

Megawati Soekarnoputri and her daughter, Puan Maharini, stand in the center


Sandiaga Uno still has chance to be partner with Anies Baswedan as Vice President. One of Anies coalition party, PKS, urge the coalition to choose Sandi as their VP for 2024 election. Sandiaga Uno based on recent news will leave Gerindra party and join PPP (Islamist party). There is possibility PPP will join Anies Baswedan coalition that currently has 3 parties support.

If that is the case, I think it will likely add more vote to Anies Baswedan, secure more Jokowi programs if Anies wins the election. AHY on the other hand should be satisfied if he is offered as Defense Minister. With the KF21 and N 219 progress which are initiated by his father, I would say these programs can potentially propel Democrat Party and also Anies coalition into higher support. More support on local defense industry should become priority under possible AHY as VP or Defense Minister if Anies become Indonesia next President

AHY visited Australia several months ago




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The Race Getting Tight​

LSI is pretty reliable survey company


LSI Survey: Ganjar Pranowo Still Outperforms Prabowo and Anies​

News from Hendry Priyatmoko • Yesterday 22:30

PROKALTENG.CO-Lembaga Survey Indonesia (LSI) released that if the presidential election is held now, then Ganjar Pranowo ranks first out of 19 names.

After Ganjar, the second place was occupied by Prabowo Subianto. Then, third place by Anies Baswedan.

"Ganjar was chosen at 19.8 percent, then Prabowo at 19.3 percent, and Anies at 18.4 percent," said LSI Executive Director, Djayadi Hanan, Sunday (9/4/2023).

Djayadi explained that besides being superior to Prabowo and Anies, Ganjar was also superior to the names of other presidential candidates. Such as Ridwan Kamil, Sandiaga Salahudin Uno, Gibran Rakabuming, M Mahfud MD, Erick Thohir.

Then, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, Puan Maharani, Airlangga Hartarto, Gatot Nurmantyo, Tri Rismaharini, KH Ma'ruf Amin, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Muhaimin Iskandar, Budi Gunawan, Bambang Soesatyo, and Tito Karnavian.

"However, there are 19.8 respondents who have not shown their choice to the 19 names simulated, if the presidential election is held now," he said.

Djayadi added that the survey was conducted at the end of March to early April 2023. While the target population is Indonesian citizens aged 17 years and over, around 83 percent of the total national population.

"The survey was conducted to find out public opinion on various issues and how they have implications for the electoral political map towards 2024. So the survey will be held at the end of March to early April 2023," he explained.

The sample selection is carried out through the random digit dialing (RDD) method, which is a technique of selecting samples through the process of generating telephone numbers randomly.

There were 1,229 respondents selected through a process of random phone number generation, validation, and screening.

Then, the survey's margin of error is estimated at ±2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level, assuming simple random sampling. (adhie/cornersatu/hnd)


The Race Getting Tight​

LSI is pretty reliable survey company


LSI Survey: Ganjar Pranowo Still Outperforms Prabowo and Anies​

News from Hendry Priyatmoko • Yesterday 22:30

PROKALTENG.CO-Lembaga Survey Indonesia (LSI) released that if the presidential election is held now, then Ganjar Pranowo ranks first out of 19 names.

After Ganjar, the second place was occupied by Prabowo Subianto. Then, third place by Anies Baswedan.

"Ganjar was chosen at 19.8 percent, then Prabowo at 19.3 percent, and Anies at 18.4 percent," said LSI Executive Director, Djayadi Hanan, Sunday (9/4/2023).

Djayadi explained that besides being superior to Prabowo and Anies, Ganjar was also superior to the names of other presidential candidates. Such as Ridwan Kamil, Sandiaga Salahudin Uno, Gibran Rakabuming, M Mahfud MD, Erick Thohir.

Then, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, Puan Maharani, Airlangga Hartarto, Gatot Nurmantyo, Tri Rismaharini, KH Ma'ruf Amin, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Muhaimin Iskandar, Budi Gunawan, Bambang Soesatyo, and Tito Karnavian.

"However, there are 19.8 respondents who have not shown their choice to the 19 names simulated, if the presidential election is held now," he said.

Djayadi added that the survey was conducted at the end of March to early April 2023. While the target population is Indonesian citizens aged 17 years and over, around 83 percent of the total national population.

"The survey was conducted to find out public opinion on various issues and how they have implications for the electoral political map towards 2024. So the survey will be held at the end of March to early April 2023," he explained.

The sample selection is carried out through the random digit dialing (RDD) method, which is a technique of selecting samples through the process of generating telephone numbers randomly.

There were 1,229 respondents selected through a process of random phone number generation, validation, and screening.

Then, the survey's margin of error is estimated at ±2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level, assuming simple random sampling. (adhie/cornersatu/hnd)

The break down of latest LSI survey


Three name only Competition (mimicking the possible real election that there will only be three candidate)

1. Prabowo Subianto 30.3 %
2. Ganjar Pranowo 26.9 %
3. Anies Baswedan 25.3 %

Still we can see large chunk of Indonesians who havent decided yet on their 2024 Presidential Election candidate.
Three name only Competition (mimicking the possible real election that there will only be three candidate)

1. Prabowo Subianto 30.3 %
2. Ganjar Pranowo 26.9 %
3. Anies Baswedan 25.3 %

Still we can see large chunk of Indonesians who havent decided yet on their 2024 Presidential Election candidate.

With this survey, if those 3 candidate do appear in 2024 February ballot box, then there will likely be second Presidential Election in June with only 2 candidates.

Indonesia court overturns order to delay 2024 elections​



JAKARTA, April 11 (Reuters) - An Indonesian court on Tuesday overturned a lower court's controversial order to delay the 2024 presidential and general elections by two years, arguing it had overstepped its jurisdiction and had no authority to make the decision.

The Jakarta High Court's decision, after an appeal by Indonesia's election commission, will ease political uncertainty in the world's third-largest democracy, and means the February 2024 elections should be able to go ahead as scheduled.

Deciding chief judge Sugeng Riyono said the Central Jakarta district court in its ruling last month had no authority or competence to deliberate on the matter.

The March 2 ruling stunned many politicians and members of the public in Indonesia, after it ordered all election activities be stopped because of a complaint by an obscure party whose application to run was denied.

Responding to the decision, the election commission's chief, Hasyim Asy'ari, in a text message to reporters said "Alhamdulillah (Thank God) the 2024 election is going ahead."

(Reporting by Stanley Widianto and Ananda Teresia; Editing by Martin Petty)

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